I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 229: .Sirius Eats the Sun

Martial artists such as Zheng Tianfeng and Yan Xishi all got the coveted Mountain God Rock and Xuan Yuan Fruit.

Although the number is limited, each house only has enough for one person, but for them, it is enough.

Both Zheng Tianfeng and Yan Xian in the eighth stage had the possibility to advance to the ninth stage by virtue of these two treasures.

The Patriarch of the Hu family, Hu Yinghua in the seventh realm, and Chen Jiezhi, the current helm of the Chen family, can steadily enter the eighth realm of martial arts.

Xuan Yuan Guo is based on training, and the influence is not visible in a short time.

Mountain God Rock is an immediate effect, once used, there will be one effect.

The masters of the Western Zhou dynasty felt most deeply about this.

The Chang'an warrior on the opposite side changed almost every day.

Although they have not yet broken through their current realms, everyone's evil aura and murderous aura have grown at a rate that ordinary people can see.

And this kind of growth is abnormal in itself.

The practitioners of the Western Zhou Dynasty were miserable, so they had to report to King Zhou and ask for support, while secretly cursing whether the Chang'an people on the opposite side were all taking drugs.

Xuan Yuan Guo is the same as the Mountain God Rock, which is only beneficial to martial arts practitioners.

The Taoist practitioners and Gu Hechuan who practiced Taoism, as well as the old Ziri Demon who practiced the Taoism, could not benefit from this.

However, the Taoist priest and the old demon Ziri did not have any dissatisfaction with this.

Because they also get the most useful reward for themselves.

The two jade slips were handed over to the two of them, and they contained the secrets of their respective cultivation methods.

The Purple Sun finally got his wish and stood on the same starting line as the Blood Shadow Old Demon.

He originally practiced the "Purple Sun Magic Book", which was already a very good magic skill, but it was not a bit worse than the "Phoenix Blood Book" of the old blood shadow.

So when the old blood shadow demon was in the seventh stage, he could barely fight the purple sun old demon who had formed a demon soul in the eighth stage.

And when the two people are in the same realm, the old blood shadow demon can even rub the old demon on the ground repeatedly.

This makes "Purple Sun Old Demon" Yuan Shuang always worry about it.

He worked desperately for Chang'an City, just to one day be able to overwhelm the old blood shadow demon again.

Now, it's finally time for all suffering.

The "Purple Dragon Gold Medal" bestowed by Chang'an is far better than his "Purple Sun".

After only a few days of training, the old devil Ziri felt reborn.

Although it was not enough for him to immediately jump to the ninth realm of the Demon Dao, the realm of the demon soul's disintegration clone, but it has already made him greatly improved.

Confronting the practitioners of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the eighth realm has few rivals.

The old Ziri demon's madness was full, laughing, and the sky full of purple flames turned into a sea of ​​terror, sweeping the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty, forcing the Western Zhou Dynasty to retreat again and again.

Daoists who hold the dust are equally beneficial.

He led the Wangzhen View to destroy the Qingyun View, and at the same time wiped out the other's secret collections, absorbing useful essence from it, improving and upgrading his own classics.

The inheritance of the view of forgetting the truth has already reached half a level because of this, and the cultivator's own strength has also improved.

Now that they have the guidance of Chang'an City on their Taoism, they will undoubtedly go further.

The old devil Ziri eats enough and the whole family is not hungry.

But on the side of the Taoist cultivator, not only is he personally benefiting, but the whole view of forgetting the truth may be improved as a result.

They successfully stepped up half a step, and compared to the past, they were able to faintly surpass Qingyun.

As long as they are given some more time, their strengths will inevitably increase substantially.

Like a Taoist clinging to the dust, with continuous progress, at this moment, I feel that the bottleneck has been loosened.

The Ninth Realm, which once seemed out of reach, was already beckoning to him.

It is only a matter of time before he takes the last step and becomes a real person.

The ninth stage of the distance between the old demon of Ziri and the Taoist priest is already in sight.

The other person was on the front line of the battle with the practitioners of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and he really succeeded in taking it to the next level.

On this day, in Chang'an Camp, only thunder was heard.

The cyan thunder light soared into the sky, and many electric snakes circled a camp, constantly circulating.

The next moment, Lei Guang suddenly soared into the sky, directly tore the camp tent apart.

The thunder that rushed into the sky, there was already a blue thundercloud in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan thunder in the thundercloud formed a huge dragon head and protruded under the clouds.

Thunder Dragon is composed of Thunder, and the arc keeps pulsing.

There is no emotion in his eyes, as if Tianwei.

In the camp, the Taoist master smiled slightly: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist Gu, for forming a Buddhist image."

At this moment, Thunder Dragon uttered: "Xie Zhichen Dao brother."

Once a traitor to Qingyun Taoism, now Gu Hechuan, a Taoist master in Chang'an, successfully broke through the realm today, achieved Dhamma, and set foot in the eighth realm of Taoism.

In the distance, in the West Zhou camp facing the Chang'an army, the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty looked at the Thunder Dragon in the opposite mid-air with serious expressions.

On the other side, there was another eighth-level master.

Although they can withstand it for the time being, they can't stand the endless stream of Chang'an.

Once, Yun Mo, the owner of Qingxia Villa in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, was rumored to have only the eighth level of martial arts cultivation.

But after the First World War in the Western Chu Dynasty, and now that Chang'an and the Western Zhou Dynasty confronted each other, everyone in the world knew that the eighth realm of the Eastern Tang Dynasty Ghost Xiong Yunmo was over.

Now there is only the owner of Qingxia Villa in Chang'an City, the "Qingxia Spear King" Yunmo in the ninth state.

First Yunmo, then Gu Hechuan.

So, what's next?

Will there be others?

Seeing that the old demon Ziri, the Taoist clinging to the dust, Yan Xishi, Zheng Tianfeng and others are becoming stronger and stronger with the naked eye, everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty is feeling heavy.

The facts before them tell them that worry is necessary.

Worries may become reality at any time.

Gu Hechuan's Thunder Dragon's image coldly scanned the people in front of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Suddenly, there was a light flash in Thunder Dragon's eyes.

The dragon head turned to the side.

It was not the direction of the Western Zhou Dynasty Camp.

"What's the matter?" asked the Taoist priest.

"A person with a blue cloud view..." Gu Hechuan slowly said.

He was newly formed, with a keen sense of sensitivity, and the most familiar Qingyun Taoist tradition, so he discovered it earlier than other Changan masters.

Daoist Zhichen's eyes flashed: "When Pan Dao captured Qingyun Guan, there were no fish that slipped through the net, but after interrogation, I learned that some descendants of Qingyun Guan were wandering outside."

"Pan Dao remembers that people in the seventh stage and above should have been taken down, and those who live outside are just young disciples." Gu Hechuan said.

The Taoist practitioner smiled: "The poor Taoist will not cross over on my behalf."

Gu Hechuan said, "Thank you, brother Dao."

After all, the Thunder Dragon method flew towards the distance.

When I arrived, there was no one around.

Thunder Dragon disappeared, and Gu Hechuan himself appeared.

He looked confused and searched around, but found nothing.


Gu Hechuan frowned: "It shouldn't be."

He didn't rest assured, he directly turned into Thunder Dragon and lifted into the air.

In the next moment, the sky was full of blue thunder, and it directly carpeted the surrounding area.

The rocks and trees were all blackened and even cracked by thunder.

If someone is hiding, under such violent and dense lightning strikes, it should be impossible to hide.

All creatures, regardless of animals and plants, were destroyed under the thunder cover.

However, no one was seen in front of Gu Hechuan.

"Is it really wrong?" Gu Hechuan shook himself now, shook his head, and turned to leave.

Seeing him coming back, Daoist Zhichen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Friend Gu doesn't talk about affection at all."

Gu Hechuan made a haha: "A stubborn elm bump, looking at the anger, so he made his shot a little harder, but made brother Dao laugh."

In order to avoid the jokes of Taoist Master and other Changan masters, Gu Hechuan had to follow the other party's words, pretending that there was someone just now, and they had been killed by him.

But he still looked back subconsciously, always feeling something inappropriate in his heart.

In the distance, a young Taoist priest appeared, looked towards Chang'an Daying, and smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, there was a man in the Qingyun View who formed the form, so sensitive at the moment of breakthrough, he was almost noticed...The young Taoist shook his head.

He did not leave, but continued to wait patiently.

Until, he saw his goal appear.

A young man with a scar on his right forehead, riding a Thunder Dragon horse, and with five other horses, left Chang'an Camp and headed east.

It was He Sanyang who was on the road to return to Chang'an after completing the task and sending things to Old Demon Ziri and others.

When he came, he was accompanied by six thunder dragon horses because he had to bring five huge and heavy mountain rocks.

Now that the cargo is unloaded, Lei Longju is free, and He Sanyang wants to drive them back to Chang'an.

On the road, it was going well.

Until the young man suddenly saw a young Taoist priest in front of him.

"you are……"

He Sanyang looked at each other up and down, his eyes narrowed.

After he adopted Ao Kong as his teacher, Ao Kong didn't teach him the introduction to refining demon blood at the first time, but asked him to restore his body to the best condition.

In the idle days, He Sanyang seized the time to learn about Chang'an because of past habits.

During this process, he also opened his eyes to get to know the entire Eastern Tang Dynasty and even the Seven Kingdoms of Eastern Xinjiang.

He Sanyang has a good memory. He looked at the young Taoist priest before him and asked in a deep voice, "Are you a Qingyunguan disciple?"

The other party smiled: "Yes."

He Sanyang nodded, and then suddenly urged Lei Longju to gallop and slam into the opponent!

He leaped in the air himself.

Although the cultivation base of the second stage of the magic road was low, it had already made him much more flexible and flexible than the original.

So in mid-air, He Sanyang changed horses continuously, making those Thunder Dragon horses charge forward even more.

He landed himself on the back of the last Thunder Dragon, and then drove the horse away to the other side.

Although the opponent looked very young, he could not fall in the air, and he was obviously a practitioner of the fifth realm.

He San's masculine sentiment is unrelenting, but this time he also knows not to fight with it.

However, he had carried a special machete in his hand.

Run if you can, but if you can't run, you have to fight hard.

The young Taoist priest smiled undiminished and stood still.

He neither dodges the thunder dragon horse that is coming, nor does he chase He Sanyang who is running away.

Instead, he opened his mouth suddenly.

He Sanyang felt huge suction from behind.

Lei Longju under the crotch was unable to continue forward, but backed away.

He turned his head to look, his eyes widened suddenly.

The young Taoist's body remained unchanged, but his head turned into a wolf's head as large as a hill!

The giant wolf opened its mouth wide, and its mouth was like an abyss, emitting huge suction.

The five thunder dragon horses that rushed over screamed, but couldn't stop, they rushed directly into the giant wolf's mouth together.

He Sanyang and the sixth Thunder Dragon under his seat were also uncontrollable and were sucked into the mouth by the giant wolf.

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