I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 938: Invest in ancient towns?

"Baby, do you have a suspicion, right? Now that the baby is going to lead the snake out of the cave, then we can't wait any longer. Baby, are you tired today?

Do you want to take a bath and relax?

As for the annoying things, we don't worry, they will naturally surface slowly. Baby, I may not come back to send you to the university to report, will I be angry? "

Huo Jiling was one step earlier than Li Muyao from Huang Yuying, knowing about Li Muyao's dream come true men's beauty shop, and even earlier, using his own relationship to check the person behind Lin Hong and Xiao.

As a result, he took another turn and reached the United States again.

Upon arriving at this familiar place, Huo Jiling subconsciously analyzed how likely it was that Li Yahua would do it?

In the end, Huo Jiling still respected and affirmed his understanding of Li Yahua’s opponent. Li Yahua would never want to steal the business from his baby, and would only blindly give his baby the opportunity to invest in the future as before. And enterprise projects with a high chance of making money.

Therefore, people abroad who can be very interested in Li Muyao's career narrowed the scope almost instantly. Kanasan Meisha and Chu Ranran are more likely to be Chu Ranran.

Of course, in the absence of any evidence, neither Huo Jiling nor Li Muyao would say that person's name lightly. In short, as Huo Jiling said, Li Muyao planned to leave this snake out of the cave, so I don't mind waiting for a while.

But it's just a beauty shop that has only been open for a few months; besides, you can no longer use the name of Li Muyao's dream come true, even if it is a good prospect for men's beauty.

But Li Muyao believes that a person who does not know true beauty can hardly make a beauty shop more professional and better.

Li Muyao listened to Huo Jiling's words and laughed: "I am not a three-year-old kid, and I need someone to report it? It's okay, Aling, don't worry, I won't get lost, okay?

Are you okay over there? How long will it take to come back? I miss you a bit! "I said that I don't need Huo Jiling to send himself to Huaqing University to report, but if he can have his handsome boyfriend send it to report, it will be a very beautiful experience.

Besides, Li Muyao was thinking that if Huo Jiling sent her away, at least it would reduce a lot of trouble in the future. At the time of a report, Li Muyao can let everyone know that she Li Muyao has a boyfriend; those boys who are thinking about Li Muyao will not come to her.

It's not Li Muyao's arrogance, it's just that Li Muyao is becoming more and more confident in her looks.

"I want baby too..."

As soon as Huo Jiling answered Li Muyao's words, Lu Sicheng behind him hurried in and rushed in: "A Ling, the network is under attack and you need to take action."

"Baby, I'll be busy for a while, call you later, take a good rest, don't wait for me."

"Okay, pay attention to safety!"

After Li Muyao and Huo Jiling hung up the phone, Li Muyao was a little bit disappointed by Huo Jiling's hurrying to hang up his cell phone, but she knew that Huo Jiling's current country was a war-torn country.

And Lu Sicheng seemed to go there to mine, but he later applied to the government for Fu Zhiyun and Huo Jiling and one to go there. Until now, Li Muyao didn't know what Huo Jiling's specific type of work was, but knew that his work was busy, and it might even be dangerous.

This caused Li Muyao to add this sentence every time he finished calling or texting with Huo Jiling, to remind Huo Jiling that he always remembered that there was a girlfriend in his home who loved him waiting for him to return home.

After rolling a few laps in the bed, Li Muyao got up to take a bath, soaking away all the exhaustion.

I went to the company the next day and spent a day in the company for a meeting with Huang Yuying and several managers. On the third day, Li Muyao returned to Jincheng with his two younger brothers and some special products from his hometown.

Li Muyao didn't take time off when he arrived in Jincheng. First he went to Huo's house to send some special products, and then several teachers, Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao also shared some of them.

The entrance banquet in Jincheng was easier than that in Yangcheng and his hometown.

Mainly, the directors like film and television investment have no time. And Huo Jiling is also here, and Huo Jifeng and his wife went abroad again.

Other Li Muyao knew not many people in Jincheng. As for the classmates...everyone was admitted to the university, and I also had to invite a college entrance banquet, so I couldn't be too busy.

The entrance banquet in Jincheng, whether it was Li Muyao himself or the brothers of Li Muyu and Li Muyang, was very relaxing.

One week after he left school, Li Muyao planned to pack his two younger brothers in advance and send them back to school.

"Moon cakes, you are too much! Yang Yang and I can stay at home for three days. You send us to school ahead of time. It's boring for you to be at home alone!

Besides, with our brothers at home, I can help you cook, right? Besides, my homework has already been done. Can't you accompany me and Yangyang out for a stroll?

Otherwise, our three elder brothers and sisters did not have a good time to have fun throughout the summer vacation. Look at you, I'm busy every day..." Li Muyu finished his summer homework, right, he didn't want to go back to school so early.

I also want to go out with Li Muyao and Yang Yang.

Although the previous amusement park in Hong Kong City was also quite interesting, the time for the two brothers and Li Muyao to play with his sister was too short.

"But I don't want to go to play, or I will give you and Yangyang a tour group, you go out to play by yourself?"

Li Muyao really feels that there is no place he wants to go. If he has time to go out to play, it is better to think about it. After Chen Shuzhu handled the men's beauty shop in Yangcheng, he went to Jincheng and compared where his dreams come true. it is good.

Li Muyang looked at Li Muyu disgustingly, and said: "I don't want to go out to play either, brother, let's go back to school soon. She wants to stay with mooncakes, so let her stay. Anyway, she will definitely not stay here. I went abroad to find Brother Ji Ling in just a few days. So you don't have to worry."

As soon as Li Muyang's words were uttered, both Li Muyao and Li Muyu were surprised at the same time.

Li Muyao pointed at Li Muyang and Li Muyu speechlessly: "So you got on me as soon as you returned to Jincheng, to prevent me from going abroad to look for Aling?


You look at me too high, okay?

I am not the kind of love brain, and I would never go to find A Ling casually. Besides, Aling is going to work. No matter how much I miss him, I won't run to drag him. You can go back to school with confidence.

If you go back to school in advance, of course I can also report in advance! Or, will you accompany me to report to Huaqing University before sending you back to school?

Anyway, we are all on the way. I will report in the morning, and you will report back to school in the afternoon. This will always be fine, right? I'm all grown-ups, and you are still worried about me. I really don't know what to say about you. Two little butlers! ! ! "

Li Muyao is really angry and funny, where does she act like a love brain? Obviously no good!

The two younger brothers were actually worried that she would go abroad to find Huo Jiling, a dear boyfriend.

Not to mention that the country Huo Jiling stays in is a war-torn country, even if it is not, Li Muyao will not just run to disturb Huo Jiling's work. Besides, after Huo Jiling entered the official base to work, Li Muyao knew that many of Huo Jiling's current work procedures were classified as confidential, and Li Muyao could believe that he would have no problems.

But what if someone else wants to come to Li Muyao's side to make idiots?

Just in case, Li Muyao decided not to participate in anything in Huo Jiling's work at the beginning.

So the worry of the two younger brothers is really unnecessary.

Li Muyu glanced at it a little bit before repliing: "Okay, as long as you can also report going to school in advance, then Yangyang and I will accompany you. Just as you said, let's decide.

It just so happens that Yangyang and I can still see the environment and accommodation environment of your study at Huaqing University. It would be better to see your roommates and classmates again. "

"Yes." Li Muyang also agreed with the little brother.

The little butler?

Naturally, you have to take care of it, knowing what kind of environment your sister is studying in and what kind of people you get along with.

"Then it's settled."

Li Muyao and his two younger brothers agreed, and the day after tomorrow they would take them to report to Huaqing University first, and then send them back to school, and by the way, take their brothers to visit Huaqing University together.

As a result, Li Muyao received a call from Chen Tao that day, saying that there was a cooperation to talk to Li Muyao.

Suddenly received a call from Chen Tao, Li Muyao who was honestly a bit surprised, after the matter between Chen Tao and Li Meimei, Huo Jiling did not like Li Muyao to pay attention to other people's affairs; Li Muyao did not pay attention anymore, indeed Li Muyao repeats herself. I was too busy with the college entrance examination, and I didn't have time to listen to those gossips.

Now, school is about to start after the college entrance examination is over. Chen Tao called and congratulated Li Muyao on being admitted to Huaqing University, and then he said that there was a business and he wanted to talk to Li Muyao.

Li Muyao agreed with the two younger brothers, but before going to Huaqing to report, Li Muyao took the two younger brothers and met with Chen Tao in a cafe not far from Huaqing University.

Li Muyao went to the coffee shop and looked for it for a while before he could believe that the man sitting at the far left of the coffee shop would be Chen Tao, who had not seen each other for nearly a year.

"Mu Yao, long time no see. Congratulations on your admission to Huaqing University. This is a gift to you for admission. You are worthless. Accept it. Hello, two brothers. These are...two red envelopes. Follow Yangcheng. Don’t dislike it, sit down and order, let’s talk while eating.

The afternoon tea snacks in this cafe are very good, coffee is also good. "Chen Tao first gave Li Muyao and his third sibling a gift, and then asked them to order.

Li Muyao gave the menu to her two younger brothers, and they all knew her preferences anyway.

"Chen Tao, you...this change is too big, right? Just now, I really didn't dare to recognize you...you are now...er, very healthy!" He was dark and thin, with shaved hair.

If Chen Tao took the initiative to greet Li Muyao and the others, Li Muyao really didn't recognize it.

Chen Tao is a rich second generation!

No, it should be the rich three generations, the result... now looks like a farmer.

Chen Tao was not only not angry but also laughed when Li Muyao said that, his eyes were not as blank as before, but there were more bright things. He laughed like this, since it made Li Muyao feel much better, not as before. Disgusted Chen Tao.

"Right? I think I am so healthy now. A few months after my divorce and Meimei, I went to Jicheng to contract several hilltops to grow fruits, and opened several large farmhouses. Now the business is good. .

Then there is a half-built ancient town in Jicheng where I am located, all of which have been suspended; I want to accept this ancient town, but I don’t have enough funds. I want to ask, Muyao, are you interested in investing in shares?

The future prospects of our ancient town travel industry in China are also very good. Although Jicheng is currently a poor project, as long as it is completed next, and then some celebrities are invited over to do publicity, it can actually be speculated. Live.

Mu Yao, aren't you investing in movies and TV now? By directly using the resources in my hand to make speculation, I think Guzhen will definitely be able to make money. "Chen Tao was a little naive, even too straightforward.

The unfinished anti-ancient town project in Jicheng?

Li Muyao has never thought about it, and feels that this kind of project is basically done by the government. After all, if an ancient town is well done, it is not only the tourism industry that can revitalize the entire local economy!

And listening to Chen Tao's such relaxed description, it made Li Muyao sound very unreliable.

"Uh... Then if I want to invest, how much do I need to invest? What percentage of the shares do I account for? Also, why are you looking for me?"

Chen Tao didn’t answer Li Muyao’s three consecutive questions. Instead, he replied after a few seconds: “Because you are rich and pure! Of course there is one more point, that is, I believe in A Ling’s vision. He said about your investment vision. Very good. And your luck is also very good, I may be a bit mean, but I do want to rub your luck.

Because of Li Meimei's business... Mu Yao, I apologize to you again. Of course, if you reject my suggestion because of a bad impression of me before, I won't be angry.

As for the investment amount of about 100 million yuan, accounting for 40% of the shares. The gains will take a long time, and it may take five or six years before the gains begin..."

Chen Tao's answer once again shocked Li Muyao directly and straightforwardly. It made her invest 100 million yuan in an old town with unfinished buildings, and only 40% of it. Listening to Li Muyao really felt bad.

There is also the point of rubbing one's luck... To be honest, Li Muyao is very disgusted, even if Chen Tao said so bluntly.

The last point is that Li Muyao in her previous life has never heard of an ancient town in Jicheng... Obviously, this project has also failed in her previous life. Is there any need for her to invest in this life?

Chen Tao directly approached Li Muyao to invest in this, isn't it a bit too trivial?

Are you sure you are investing in ancient towns, not taking over unfinished buildings? After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 938 Investing in Ancient Town?) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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