Chapter 21

It was Gu Fan who made the hoarse voice.

At this time, Gu Fan happened to be behind the black-faced robber, and rode on his back with a small jump.

Then, he strangled his neck.

The black-faced robber yelled badly for an instant, and then a feeling of suffocation was quickly transmitted to his nervous system.

He instinctively wanted to break Gu Fan's arm that strangled his neck, but at this time Gu Fan's strength was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he remained motionless.

The black-faced robber still doesn't understand how Gu Fan managed to stand up from his throat-breaking beating, and how he suddenly appeared behind him and gave him a standard naked choke.

The reason is of course that Gu Fan used the card full body strengthening. This card not only strengthened Gu Fan's speed and strength, but also strengthened his ability to resist attacks.

And why did Gu Fan appear behind the black-faced robber?

In fact, this is the second step of plan B.

After all, what I have to face is a professionally trained person. Even with the blessing of comprehensive physical strengthening, Gu Fan cannot guarantee that he will be able to deal with him in one blow.

Therefore, the moment Gu Fan threw his fist for the first time, he made a decision that as long as the black-faced robber fights back, he will fall down.

Then, wait for the opportunity to look for opportunities to resist.

And as long as people who often watch programs such as mixed martial arts, they should understand a truth.

In heads-up, the best way to defeat the strong with a sneak attack is the naked choke, commonly known as strangling the neck.

Just like now, even if the black-faced robber fights hard, Gu Fan is riding behind him, preferring to die rather than let go.

In a few seconds at most, he will faint because he can't make offerings.

At this time, the original hostages in the bank hall, seeing the current situation, also started their performance.

The few men who were lying on the ground and didn't dare to move just now roared and charged at the stunned short robber, kicking him to the ground.

Then, several men scrambled to jump on it, performing a standard stacking of arhats.

As for the black-faced robber, maybe he gave others the impression that he was too fierce. Even though Gu Fan had already controlled him, no one dared to step forward.

In the end, it was the security guard of the bank who tremblingly took out his baton and walked tremblingly towards the black-faced robber.

Then, he took several deep breaths in a row.

Judging from the tense look, Gu Fan could imagine that the first time he confessed his love to a girl was probably the same as now.

Finally, under the encouragement of the security guard shouting ah, he raised his baton and swung it towards the head of the black-faced robber.

I don't know whether it was the knowing blow of the baton that made the difference, or Gu Fan's naked choke, the black-faced robber finally fainted to the ground.

Gu Fan finally let go of the black-faced robber, stood up, and jumped a few times.

Let your muscles that were tense due to tension slowly relax.

Gu Fan rubbed his already swollen throat, coughed twice suddenly, and suddenly a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Despite the blessing of all-round body strengthening, the attack by the black-faced robber still caused great damage to Gu Fan.

From the looks of it, the fighting skills learned just by sparring with those punks is still much worse than the real trained killing skills.

In the future, I still need to find opportunities to practice ancient martial arts and other killer moves.

Gu Fan thought to himself and looked around.

The short robber has been dealt with submissively, and the scene in the hall has been brought under control.

Now, only the powerful superhuman inside is left tall and strong.

You guys stay here for a while, don't go out, maybe there are robbers' accomplices outside, the police will come soon, wait until the police arrive. Gu Fan said to the people in the hall.

At this time, the people in the hall, maybe because of Gu Fan's series of performances, or maybe because they were really worried that there were robbers and accomplices outside, they all stayed in the hall temporarily.

After Gu Fan said that, he slowly walked towards the inner room.

Now, there is still one minute and twenty seconds left before the police arrive, which is enough to clean up the powerful supernatural being Gao Dazhuang.

After all, the rammed goods only had a kitchen knife, so the threat to him was not that great.

At this time, in the room inside the bank, Gao Dazhuang was sitting leisurely on a desk, with a bank manager in a suit and leather shoes on his feet.

The door of the vault should be opened in a little time.

At this time, he was tall and strong, with a comfortable expression, without any panic.

He had no idea what was going on in the hall, nor did he know that the police were coming soon.

He only knew that one day he suddenly awakened his supernatural powers, and he swelled up, and he was no longer afraid of anything.

Just wait for the vault door to open and steal the money by yourself, and you will become a rich man.

In this way, Zhang Xiaohua from the next door village will no longer dislike her lack of money and be unwilling to have children with her.

Just when Gao Dazhuang was thinking about the bright future and drooling began to appear at the corner of his mouth, a figure appeared at the door.

Originally, he thought it was the black-faced robber who had returned, but when he took a closer look, it was not the black-faced robber.

It was a boy who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing short-sleeved pants, flip-flops on his feet, and holding half of a brick in his hand.

It was Gu Fan who came.

Originally, Gu Fan also thought about it, took out the B15 double guns, and subdued Gao Dazhuang.

After thinking about it carefully, I have never fired a gun before, the recoil is so strong, how can I ensure the accuracy.

In case of shooting and injuring other people, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, Gu Fan specially took out the card Angry Brick at the bottom of the box, and competed with Gao Dazhuang.

Said it was a contest, but actually Gu Fan knew it very well.

It's not difficult to deal with tall and strong people with low IQ.

When Gao Dazhuang saw that it was Gu Fan, he was also very surprised: Why are you, where are the two of them?

As he spoke, he looked at the brick in Gu Fan's right hand and smiled contemptuously.

You want to be a superhero with a brick, haven't you ever died?

With that said, Gao Dazhuang picked up the kitchen knife and walked towards Gu Fan boldly.

Seeing this, Gu Fan said calmly without any fear.

Haven't you heard such a saying? No matter how skilled you are, you will be afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how high the kitchen knife is, it will fall down with a single brick.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Just as the cold light of a kitchen knife was approaching, Gu Fan avoided the blow with a side step.

Then, another uninspired swipe of a brick hit the back of Gao Da Zhuang's head fiercely.

This time, Gu Fan didn't hold back like he did with his schoolmates, but was as ruthless as possible.

Hearing a muffled bang, Gao Dazhuang fell to the ground unexpectedly.

So what about the power-type superhumans? Under the special effect of angry bricks hitting the back of the head, they will be dizzy, and they will fall down obediently.

At this time, the bank staff in the room saw this situation, as if seeing a savior, they looked at Gu Fan differently.

In addition to the catastrophe and the joy of rebirth, there is also admiration and gratitude to Gu Fan.

However, after a few seconds, their eyes changed.

Become very frightened.

Because, at this time, Gu Fan, after solving Gao Dazhuang.

Facing everyone, he showed a smile, and then used the latest card: B15

Following a flash of light, two pistols appeared in Gu Fan's hands.

Afterwards, Gu Fan raised his gun and pointed it at the bank staff in the room.

Now, watch out, robbery!

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