Chapter 537

The card Despicable Fusion Monster, activate!

Evolution direction, lava monster, windfury, poisonous!

With the activation of the card, a layer of khaki cuticle instantly appeared on the surface of Gu Fan's skin.

And it was this kind of cuticle that just blocked the red light from the outside, so Gu Fan also took a breath of relief.

Seeing that Gu Fan jumped back twice in a row, he distanced himself from the skeleton and escaped from the attack range of the red light.

When he stood still and looked at the skeleton again, he happened to see the red light emitted from the skeleton's body just now, and it was mutating.

Those red lights, like running water, seem to be stirred by a big hand, spinning in the air constantly.

And its color is getting brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, a human head emerged from the swirling red light.

But immediately, he disappeared into it again.

Gu Fan blinked his eyes, as if he was confirming whether the head he saw just now was real.

And immediately, the facts told him that he was not mistaken just now.

Because, another human head emerged from the red light.

And this time, the head lasted for a full three seconds, enough for Gu Fan to see clearly.

And during the three seconds that the head lasted, his expression was one of pain.

Fortunately, there was no sound. If there was a sound, he must be howling.

What the hell is this? Ability card maker, can you scan what is that red light?

Soon, the familiar mechanical sound of the ability card maker came.

A large amount of unknown energy has been detected directly in front of it, and an attempt has been made to absorb it.

Sorry, the absorption failed. This energy is too strong and has exceeded the absorption range of this product.

After accurate calculation, if these energies can be reduced by 20%, the absorption standard can be met.

Hearing the voice from the ability card maker, Gu Fan cursed secretly.

I also know that it is some kind of energy, what I want to know is what it is!

Obviously, it is useless to simply rely on the ability card maker at this time.

However, the Ability Card Maker raises a key point.

It only needs to reduce this energy by 20%, and the ability card maker can absorb this energy.

This is undoubtedly good news.

At the same time, this is also the key for Gu Fan to defeat the skeleton and enter the back of the passage.

Thinking of this, Gu Fan flipped his hand.

The card Empty Gun, activated.

In an instant, Gu Fan pulled the trigger towards the skeleton with a gun in each hand.

A large number of bullets poured desperately towards the bones.

As a result, exactly as Gu Fan thought, all the bullets were completely blocked by the red light just now, and they couldn't hurt the bones at all.

However, this is also the result Gu Fan wanted.

According to Gu Fan's observation, the most important purpose of this unknown energy is to protect the skeleton itself.

Its aggressiveness is actually not high.

Then, Gu Fan can consume this energy through continuous attacks with empty guns.

Anyway, using empty guns to attack from a long distance is not dangerous.

And that energy will eventually be consumed by 20% for a while, reaching the range that the ability card maker can absorb.

Bang bang bang...

The bullets were still pouring, and the red light was still flashing.

If this state can continue, it should be a certainty for Gu Fan to get rid of the skeleton.

However, in this battle, there are always people who want to break this state.

And that person, of course, is the skeleton itself.

For a long time, the attack method of the skeleton itself seemed to be only a wobbly pounce.

It's slow and doesn't do much damage.

It seems logical that Gu Fan has been suppressed by empty guns.

However, no matter what happens, accidents will happen.

Just a minute after the skeleton was suppressed by the empty gun and could not approach Gu Fan at all, the red light that had been blocking the front of the skeleton suddenly changed.

It finally stopped spinning, but slowly returned to the skeleton.

And that skeleton, under the shroud of red light, slowly changed.

The original dark brown skeleton was gradually replaced by dark red.

The eye sockets of the skeleton's head also began to emit red flames.

In the end, all the red light disappeared, and the skeleton in front of Gu Fan completely turned into a dark red skeleton.

And that dark red color is exactly the same as the color of blood.

This image, it has to be said, is a bit scary.

Of course, Gu Fan is not an ordinary person, so it is impossible for him to be frightened by this change.

What really scared him was that the skeleton in front of him actually spoke, Who are you?

Although it was just three simple words, it was astonishing to say it from the mouth of a skeleton.

Gu Fan put away the empty gun, took a few deep breaths, and then carefully looked at the dark red skeleton.

It's very simple, since he can ask the question Who are you, doesn't it mean that he is at least self-aware now.

Since it is self-aware, it can be discussed.

Based on this central idea, Gu Fan smiled at the skeleton.

My name is Gu Fan, who are you?

Hearing this question, Bones tilted its head, as if thinking.

Then, he slowly turned his head and looked at Gu Fan.

My surname seems to be Bai, but I forgot the exact name. Do you know who I am?

Surname Bai?

Like the skeleton just now, Gu Fan tilted his head and thought for a while.

Of course, he wasn't thinking about the real identity of the skeleton.

After all, only one surname is known, who can know who he is?

What Gu Fan thought about was how to avoid the bones and walk into the depths of the passage now.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Fan only remembered one sentence.

From the road to simplicity!

Therefore, Gu Fan asked directly.

I want to go deep into the passage, can you let me go?

The skeleton tilted its head again, thinking for a moment.

In the end, he turned sideways and made way.

Of course, why should I stop you?

Just, if you know who I am in the future, can you tell me?

Hearing this answer, Gu Fan froze for a moment.

Good guy, this is really the best way to simplicity!

It's that simple?

Although Gu Fan still maintains a skeptical attitude, he will never pass because of doubts.

Therefore, Gu Fan took a step forward and walked forward.

It's just that when passing by the skeleton, he was extremely cautious.

Gu Fan wanted to make sure that even if the skeleton made a sudden attack, he still had the power to fight back.

In this way, Gu Fan carefully walked past the bones, and then walked forward a few steps.

From the beginning to the end, the skeleton didn't do anything.

Even after Gu Fan passed by, he leaned against the wall and squatted on the ground alone.

That appearance is really a bit bleak.

And Gu Fan, looking at the depth of the passage ahead, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

It's not right! You can't just leave like this...

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