Seeing the melee here and the dozens of giant stone worms, they immediately came together with fierce eyes.

After they climbed up to the cliff of the dragon cave, they heard the movement on this side and hurried over.

This time, a total of more than a dozen genius elites came in, and finally dispersed. Seeing that the princes of the four empires and the geniuses of the major guilds were in a mess, they felt that if they did not help, everyone would die in the hands of these monsters. Now they must join forces.

Black Bart sneered and laughed arrogantly:"A few more little guys came, but what's the use? You are not my opponent even if you come together. You'd better stay and be my little brother!"

Many arrogant students were so angry that they shouted angrily:"Brothers, come on, kill this guy hiding in the eggshell!"

For a while, this place fell into a bloody battle again.

Then don't say that this group of people who came out of the four famous colleges on the mainland have extremely powerful magic and fighting skills. In addition, with the cooperation, the offensive is getting more and more rapid.

Even Black Bart was howling, and someone took the opportunity to hit the eggshell behind him, and he immediately felt pain.

It grinned and said,"It's true that a phoenix with feathers plucked is no better than a chicken. I'm so unlucky today. By the way, where is my brother? Why is he nowhere to be seen?"


"Kill this bastard!"

"Oops, this grandson really has two brushes. After being hit by such a powerful magic skill, he still hasn't died yet. He continues to increase the magic attack and pull out all the magic power in your body!"The leading genius of the Magic Guild shouted loudly.


Black Bart was a little irritated by being besieged. Although the beating didn't hurt very much, he was still a little angry at being besieged like this.

"Guys, kill those mages with wooden sticks first. I will kill them today!"Heibat showed a trace of rage in his eyes and hurriedly commanded the stone beetles behind him.

The stone beetles with strong defense and fast attack immediately charged towards the mages hiding in the distance. The one with fifth-level strength, He was the first to bear the brunt. For a time, the fighting here became more and more fierce.

All this had nothing to do with Lin Shu. He had already gone to another cave to consolidate his gold-level strength.

Many powers were still relatively unfamiliar to him, and he needed to get used to them slowly.

He adopted the most radical method, directly exerting all the power he wanted to release, and then slowly controlled it during this period. Terrifying strength.

This is probably the only way to quickly become familiar with one's own strength in the shortest possible time. It can save him a lot of time.

There are gold-level powerhouses from all the major forces outside. Lin Shu wants to have Luo Xiao. To qualify as a dragon, you must become familiar with your own realm as soon as possible

"Ahem, wait until I become familiar with the strength of the ninth level of gold, then I will capture all those idiots and young dragons!"Lin Shu chuckled and had a plan in his mind.

As he spoke, the fighting energy in his body was suddenly released, but it did not leak out. Instead, it was controlled in this cave.

As time went by, Lin Shu slowly I became familiar with and controlled the gold-level power. From this process of control, I gradually became more comfortable in shrinking.

"I didn't expect that the strength of the ninth level of gold was actually stronger than I imagined... I guess even if all the powerful people outside unite, they really are no match for me!"Lin Shu was delighted.

Of course, this was also expected. After all, the four empires who came this time were all strong men within the third level of gold. Naturally, they were no match for him.

In the end, almost an hour later, Lin Shu's skin A strong fighting spirit film appears, which can be used for defense, and its hardness is even more amazing.

"After reaching the gold level, it seems possible to control the shape and hardness of fighting spirit at will, and even turn it into weapons and armor."Lin Shu secretly concluded.

At this moment, his bone marrow was nourished by the pure golden fighting energy in his body, glowing pale gold, and the cells around his body continued to release hidden potential and terrifying energy.

This was not only an improvement in his realm, he His physical and mental strength have become stronger, and Lin Shu feels that if he meets a Dark Gold-level professional now, he should be able to fight them.

After all, he also has three contracted monsters of epic quality. This is the beast taming profession. The advantages and power of a child under 19 years old can be said to be very terrifying. Even those imperial princes who have lived forever, perhaps the strongest students trained by top academies, can also But that's it.

However, Lin Shu had already left these people far behind.

He felt that even if he went out immediately and met the gold-level professionals outside, he would be able to punch them one by one, so there was no need to worry about being defeated..

He was very satisfied, looking at his arms and calves, full of new and terrifying power, with vigorous vitality, and violent fighting spirit. His strength was extraordinary.

"It's been so long, I don't know what's going on outside, I have to go out and take a look. Lin

Shu walked out of the hidden cave and headed towards the cliff. He vaguely heard the noisy sound of fighting outside.

"Oops, is there an infighting among these people? He fought so fiercely!"Lin Shu was suddenly curious.

In doubt, he hurriedly activated Cluster Stealth, entered a state of invisibility, and then rushed towards the location where the sound of fighting came from.

The young dragon was digging a big stone with its two claws. , I felt even more impatient and almost went crazy.

"Damn it, that bastard blocked the entrance to my dragon's nest? And stole all the dragon magma. If that group of bastards suddenly come in, I'll be dead!" The young dragon Black Bart was really scared and extremely annoyed at the same time. Its own nest was tampered with and it couldn't find the entrance for a while.

Originally, it had already gained the upper hand and killed those geniuses and elites in a mess. It was obviously going to fail, but in the end it had to give up because it didn't have much time left. It had to go and see what was going on in its own nest first.

Seeing this, Lin Shu quickly slipped away from the stone pestle on the other side, otherwise he would be hit by the professionals who were fighting in front of him, which would be a loss.

Finally, after a while, he circled back, and at this time Black Bart finally dug the passage.

"Brother Long, what are you doing? Do you want my help?!"Lin Shu emerged from the pile of rocks and shouted softly towards the black dragon.

"I thought it was you, but it turned out to be you, brother!"After the young dragon Black Bart saw the forest trees, he felt a little surprised, but when he thought that someone had blocked the entrance to his dragon's nest, he also felt angry.

(PS: Will continue to update tonight!)

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