I Have Nine Systems

Chapter 147 Come out and fight with me! (Please order all! Please customize!)

After walking for a while, Li Yun was still thinking about how to delay the time.

Wang Chen suddenly smiled lightly, and said casually: "Take me into the ancient tomb of the immortal, enough to stroll around, there is nothing scary here."

Now... let's go!?

When Li Yun heard Wang Chen's words, his legs went soft and his face turned pale.

This is too fast!

He wanted to delay for a while.

"Master Young Master, there are still many places in our ancient immortal mausoleum, haven't you..."

Li Yun tried to persuade Wang Chen to visit the ancient fairy mausoleum for a while.

How could I know that Wang Chen suddenly shouted coldly: "This young master said to let you go, so let you go. Do you want to die now!

Wang Chen glanced at Liyun, a cold light flashed in his eyes, before his folding fan moved, Liyun immediately knelt on the ground.

"Young Master, forgiving your life is a small transgression. 35

Li Yun was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, sobbing on his face, and kowtowed several times.

Seeing the descendants of the Supreme Beings turned their heads one after another, they felt extremely ashamed.

But they couldn't really despise Li Yun, because they all knew that once they got to the ancient immortal tomb, Wang Chen would kill them.

The young master of the human race does not need evidence at all!

As long as he insists that the tomb of the ancient immortals is related to the person behind the scenes who murdered him, the tomb of the ancient immortals will have a major event!

But to be honest, they are not even a fart in front of Wang Chen.

"lead the way.""

Wang Chen ordered coldly.

Li Yun was like being granted amnesty, and hurriedly got up and led the way.

"It's 35


Although Li Yun was reluctant in his heart, he was even more afraid that Wang Chen would kill someone if he disagreed.

This man seems to get along well with the nine women, but his words and deeds are moody, and he will not play cards according to common sense at all.

Not long after, Wang Chen was taken by Li Yun to the door of the ancient immortal mausoleum.

Wang Chen glanced inside, and although the auras of several ancient supreme beings were hidden, they were undoubtedly the ancient supreme beings of the ancient immortal mausoleum.

There is death in the air, and there is a great terror hidden in it.

"Young Master, this is the place where my clan is supreme."

Li Yun said respectfully.

Several Supreme Beings in the tomb of ancient immortals felt that Wang Chen came to the tomb of ancient immortals, and their hearts immediately felt cold.

It seems that Wang Chen is really going to come to find them to settle accounts after the autumn.

It was over, the Empress left, and the Young Master of the Human Race came again.

What evil did my ancient immortal mausoleum do!

"Leaving the Supreme, get out for this young master. Nian

Sure enough, after Wang Chen stood still, he coldly shouted at the ancient immortal mausoleum.

Immediately behind him spread a tyrannical and powerful aura of strength.

Behind him, there was another tyrannical and huge phantom.

That is, Overlord!

Wang Chen shows the Dao rhyme of the bell map of Bawang Town, and the huge phantom of Bawang appears in front of the tomb of ancient immortals.

That majestic aura of power made all the cultivators in the contest shaken by the souls that were being oppressed.

They looked pale at the huge phantom that could only see the tip of the iceberg, and fear flashed in their eyes.

Young Master of the Nine Heavens Realm, have you really gone to trouble the supreme beings of the ancient immortal tombs!?

Wang Chen's eyes were slightly cold, and the overlord phantom behind him began to call out like a bell: "Leave the supreme, shrink your head turtle, get out, and fight against this overlord!"

Overlord's phantom's loud voice resounded, resounding through the heavens and the earth, the voice that shook the soul with supreme power, caused many monks in the ancient immortal tomb to vomit blood, their breath was sluggish, and their faces were like golden paper. On the ground, listening to the bell-like sound, he called out the Li Supreme, and the tortoise shrank.

This voice spread throughout the entire ancient immortal tomb in a short period of time.

There are alien monks affected everywhere.

It seems that the Overlord has really been resurrected, and he has come to the forbidden area of ​​life in the ancient immortal mausoleum again!

Even the ancient supreme beings in the ancient immortal tombs were extremely annoyed when their hearts trembled when they heard this voice.

"Master Young Master, what do you mean by this. 35

In the ancient immortal mausoleum, although the Supreme Li did not appear, he couldn't help but responded angrily.

I am a dignified ancient supreme, but today I am called a tortoise with a shrinking head!

Even if he made a mistake first, he was very angry!

"Since you dare to plot against this young master, don't you dare to come out? That's good! Every time a stick of incense takes me, I will kill a supreme descendant!

"If the people are killed and you don't come out again, this young master will kick your tombstones and destroy your ancient immortal mausoleum!

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he heard Li Zhizun's words, he sneered again and again.

Wang Chen's voice fell, and a scream rang out immediately.

Although Wang Chen killed a supreme descendant within a stick of incense!

But if he changed hands, he killed a supreme descendant to vent his anger!

Such actions made the Supreme Beings in the ancient immortal mausoleum anxious and angry.

Previously, Wang Chen killed the descendants of the ancient supreme clones in front of the ancient clones, and also smashed their clones, causing them to be seriously injured.

Now, Wang Chen wants to kill the descendants of the Supreme Being and force them to come out in front of their deity!

How dare a human race be so arrogant!

Do you really think I am an alien?

Inside the ancient tomb

When Li Zhizun and a group of ancient emperors heard the figures outside, their faces turned ashen.

"Li Supreme, what should we do now.

An ancient Supreme asked Chaoli Supreme, his voice full of bitterness.

The dignified forbidden area of ​​life, a terrifying place that makes all races in the endless starry sky change their color, today actually let a mortal block the door!

Although he was impatient, they were not carried away by reason.

In addition to the nine queens behind Wang Chen, Wang Chen also has the trump card to completely obliterate him and other supreme avatars!

It is not rational to confront a few ancient Supremes of them head-on.

But the dignified ancient supreme, was blocked by a mortal at the door, and watched his descendants get killed!

Not only did he not dare to go out, he also did not dare to confront others head-on!

This is too frustrating!

Several Supremes felt humiliated in their hearts.

Venerable Li is the strongest. If he is willing to agree to fight, he may have some confidence in meeting Wang Chen after waiting for a few Supremes to add a piece.

"Wang Chen, we can't fight. We can cultivate a descendant at any time, but if we do something to Wang Chen, the empress will arrive in an instant! Once we fall, there will be no second life to live. 39

Li Supreme took a deep breath and shook his head deeply.

Many Supremes looked at Li Supreme, and they didn't understand the meaning of Li Supreme.

But right now, even if they stay inside and don't go out, won't Wang Chen break in?

"""If that's the case, then I'll kill these descendants, then break in and kick your tombstones! Let the world see that the supreme beings of the dignified ancient immortal mausoleums are all cowards who dare not respond to the enemy!

After beheading a descendant of the Supreme Being, Wang Chen saw that there was no movement inside, and he spoke again, his voice was indifferent, so unrestrained.

Under the onlookers of countless cultivators, they were truly envious.

Great man, my monks, should be so invincible!

When his voice fell, he finally scolded an ancient supreme.

"Master Young Master, I respect you as the Young Master of the Nine Heavens Realm, and I have tolerated it again and again. Until now, you came to my ancient immortal mausoleum without any basis or evidence, and killed my descendants. Have you ever thought that the supreme being is not a good thing? disgrace!"

An ancient supreme exudes a majestic power like a sea, and he is forced by the supreme coercion, rises from the tomb of the ancient immortal, and oppresses Wang Chen.

His voice was sad and angry, like a poor victim.

This Supreme is called Yuan Zhizun, and the one who just killed Wang Chen was his descendant.

"Supreme? Supreme are all defeated men of this young master! If you dare to participate in the murder of this young master, you should pay the price!"

Wang Chen glanced at (Wang Wang's) Yuan Zhizun, swept the folding fan on his right hand at will, and a tyrannical force burst out.

The invisible force that was like a knife rolled away and cut most of the mountains of the ancient immortal tomb.

"You, damn it!"

When Wang Chen's voice fell, the overlord's figure moved, and his giant hands moved directly towards Yuan Zhizun.

The vast power emanating from the giant hand directly slapped Yuan Zhizun from mid-air to the ground.

Immediately after, he directly crushed Yuan Zhizun and fell on the spot.

When Li Zhizun saw Yuan Zhizun leave, he thought he could delay for a while.

But who would have thought that Dao Yun, the overlord in Wang Chen's hands, would be so strong.


Raise your hand to kill the ancient supreme!

This does not match the information!

Some time ago, this kid was only able to kill the ancient supreme clone!

How do they know that after Wang Chen and Empress Qingli merged, the power of Dao Yun has grown wildly, and it has long been different from what it used to be.

All the ancient Supremes were also dumbfounded.

Zilong Zhensheng, Liyun and other supreme descendants were dumbfounded.

The monks of the ancient immortal mausoleum and the blood-eating monks were all dumbfounded.

How could a mortal be so strong!

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