I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 601: Assassin Xiang Chunniang

  Chapter 601 Assassin's Xiang Chunniang

   [Chapter head serial · Pirates of the Red Heart 9 · "baby5, hurry up, let's go find Monet and sugar"]

[The humanoid propeller plane Buffalo found the little black-haired girl crying alone on the reef on the shore. He landed in a hurry, still terrified of the scene where Qiao Luno and Xu Lun killed the young master before he saw it. Urging baby5 to escape from this place with emotion... But this time, baby5 was not as eagerly responsive to anyone's needs as before, as if not hearing him talking next to him, crying helplessly at the sea. I can’t even see the human...]——

   "Haha, your excellency just laughed."

  The landlord of the flower country was dumb, raised his sleeves to cover his long beard, and said, "I am not a handsome young man like you, I am a bit older, but I can hide my ugliness by these two beards, ha ha ha..."

  The deputy minister said: "How can you say that you are old?"

  The country lord laughed but did not say anything, Qiao Luno seemed to just say so smoothly, and did not continue to entangle. The lord of the country turned his sleeves and said: "Please."

   Lynch and Robin followed into the palace, walked all the way, and sat down in a palace with a few trees and flowers in front of the courtyard.

  Divided into seats, the lord of the country sat down at the top, the deputy minister sat beside them, and Lynch and Robin sat at the opposite tables.

  Obviously, the Lord knew some information about Lynch and Robin, and what was placed on Lynch’s table was full of high-energy meat. In front of Robin, it is a bit lighter, with specialties from the country of flowers, as well as meals from the sea, black tea cakes and the like.

   "I just saw in the newspaper a few days ago that the two of them were doing great things in Beihai..."

  The lord raised a glass, but Lynch ate his own food over there and ignored him. The country owner didn’t feel embarrassed either. He poured his own drink and started talking, “Hehe, the Don Quixote family has harmed Beihai for many years, and the two assisted the navy to remove them.

  Robin tasted lipstick tea, which was slightly sweeter. She doesn't like sweets, even if she eats cakes, she likes cakes that are not so sweet.

  She has a graceful and calm posture while drinking slow food.

  While listening to the Lord of the Kingdom of Flowers chatting a little bit with a smile, while looking at the beautiful scenery of the flowers and trees in the garden...the plain white flowers are flying in the breeze, and they are stuck on the embroidered dress.

  The maids walked in and out with low eyebrows, taking away the all-eaten dinner plates, and bringing one plate after another. The court ladies in front of Lynch are in an endless stream. From the beginning to the present, they have basically never stopped...

  The deputy minister drank alcohol and shook his head. The rough pirates are really edible.

  Robin is responsible for dealing with the babbled conversations of the country's lord, she is not in a hurry, she listens more and talks less. And sure enough, the Lord slowly said what he really wanted to ask.

   "...The two suddenly arrived. Are there anything wrong with coming here, or," the lord of the country said with a smile, "just passing by?"

After all, the two of them were in the North Sea a while ago, they turned their heads and ran to the West Sea. Counting the days, this **** thing is basically the front and back foot work. Just after killing Don Quixote, they went straight to their country of flowers. No delay at all!

  Said you two didn’t come here specifically, who believes it?

  "It was a temporary intention," Robin smiled, "but it's not just passing by."

  "Oh?" The lord listened, "I would like to hear the details."

  Robin smiled without saying a word, and looked at Lynch to the side. A court lady was bowing her head, preparing the table for Lynch and removing the empty plate.

   Lynch did not look at the lord, nor Robin, let alone the court lady in front of him.

  He pinched a fleshy leg and chewed, muttering to himself: "Don't just look at me..."

Robin’s gaze has already been directed towards the lady of Lynch’s face. She lowered her face, but it happened to be from such an angle that only Robin could see her eyes clearly—it was the one who had faced a dozen dragons before. Masked black woman in the flag army.

   Lynch just talked to herself, and didn't go to see the palace lady.

From the angle of the Lord, Robin’s eyes were invisible. He and the deputy minister were wondering that the court lady in front of Lynch, that is, Xiangchun, lost consciousness because of Qiao Luno’s words. Crushed it.


  At the moment when the dinner plate was broken, Lynch raised his eyes, Robin remained calm, the deputy minister was shocked, and the lord was slightly surprised. The eyes of the yellow armor guards on both sides of him tightened.

  The fragments of the dinner plate separated, slowly falling onto the carpet...

Xiangchun's rough hands grasped one of the narrow and sharp pieces, twisted his feet, and the carpet was slightly wrinkled. Lynch glanced at the broken porcelain pieces in Xiangchun's hands. Robin looked at Lynch, the deputy minister's face was flustered, and the face of the country lord The look of surprise was even worse, and the yellow guard guards behind him were panicked.


Xiangchun, dressed as a palace dress, swooped down to attack the lord. Lynch lowered his head and continued to eat. Robin looked back at the attacked lord. The deputy minister opened his mouth and roared. The lord’s face became cold, and the Huang Jia guard gritted his teeth and held the knife at his waist. handle.

   "There are assassins!! Escorts!!!"

  The deputy minister roared out loudly, as if the illusion of slowing time was smashed to pieces, and the scene of Xiangchun assassinating the lord was restored to normal lightning and flint-like swiftness.

  Several feet away, she dashed forward and knocked over the dining table in front of the lord.

The two yellow armored guards behind the Lord of the Kingdom had just pulled out the long knives from their waists just now.

  Wow, the lord was stabbed over, and the dining table was dumped in a mess.

   "Guardian! Escort!!" The deputy minister screamed and deformed, and more and more guards poured in. The chaotic scene, only Lynch and Robin were as okay.

  Robin frowned and looked at the chaos in front of him, while Lynch continued to eat well.

  It’s just that the maidservants had long been shocked by the assassination of the country’s lord in front of them.

  However, it just so happened that the female assassin Xiangchun has also been restrained by the "Ouchi Guards".

  The guards in yellow armor, some trampled the female assassin on the ground to subdue them, and some hurriedly checked the state of the lord.

   "I'm fine..."

  The Lord of the Kingdom sat up, adjusted his clothes, and looked at the "lady" at the feet of several guards coldly, "It seems that the remnants of the previous investigation are you."

   Xiangchun’s head was stepped on, her cheeks pressed against the carpet, and she stared at the lord coldly, her lips squirming hard, and finally she took a sip and flew out and shot at the lord.


  The deputy minister swooped in, his saliva slapped on his face.

"Honest!" Huang Jia's guard stomped Xiangchun hard, followed by another round of punches and kicks. The latter gritted his teeth and stared at the lord behind the deputy minister. ——"

Before the female assassin could finish her words, she was scabbed up by several guards and slammed on her head. She fainted instantly, blood dripping from her black hair, across the bad cheek skin, dripping. Into the carpet...

  The Lord waved his hand in disgust, "Take it away, and detain it in a jail for the time being."

   "Yes." The guards took the order and dragged the female assassin away, leaving a trail of blood on the carpet.

A thrilling assassination-at least thrilling enough for these people in the Kingdom of Flowers-appeared suddenly, disappeared faster, the female assassin suddenly violent, and was soon taken away by the uniform, as if the matter just now was It's like an illusion.

  The deputy minister wiped the saliva from his face and glanced at Lynch and Robin over there with dissatisfaction, "Why didn't the two help each other?"

  Robin groaned, but Lynch said lazily: "You guys didn't call for help either."

   "This is strange," the deputy minister said sarcastically. "The captain hasn't spoken yet. Did the crew speak first?"

  Robin smiled and said: "The Lord has not yet spoken, but the Deputy Minister has arbitrarily committed the evil King Xia Wuhai."

   "..." The lord flicked his dragon robe and glanced at the deputy minister. The deputy minister hurriedly bowed his head and said, "The minister is convicted."

  The country lord put on the kind and humble smile before, as if the incident had not happened before, "Let the two guests see a joke, come here, let's continue to have wine and enjoy the flowers."

  Robin curiously asked: "I don’t know what the Lord’s remnant said, and the assassin’s ‘no way of demon dragon, usurp the throne’, what do they mean?"

   "Well..." The country lord twisted his beard, ashamed, "It's nothing more than some domestic affairs about flowers, it's not worth annoying the two distinguished guests."

   Lynch ate and drank, touched his belly, and suddenly said, "My captain is right. We did come here on a temporary basis, but we didn’t just pass by..."

  Are you really when nothing happened just now? The deputy minister secretly slandered himself.

   "We are here to learn the famous "Eight Punch Boxing" of your country." Lynch got up and left the table. "I wonder if the lord can introduce a few famous teachers?"

"So, it turns out that the two came for eight punches." The country master suddenly thought, and smiled, "The leader of the Erbao Shui Army, Uncle Tan is the master of eight punches in this generation of flowers. , I draw up a decree, and I will naturally try my best to teach the two."

   "Understand!" Lin Qi nodded, turned to ask Robin, "Where is the second treasure navy army?"

  Robin said: "The mountain and sea road in the southwest of the country of flowers..."

   "That's pretty far!" Lynch said, "I have to hurry up."

The   lord was also refreshed. He summoned the pen, ink and inkstone on the spot, and swiped a decree to the leader of the Erbao navy army, and arranged for him to teach two Qiwuhai and eight punches.


   Watching Qiao Lunuo and Xu Lun empty strips go away, the deputy minister immediately shivered and knelt down, and repeatedly said: "The minister is not strong enough to escort, **** damn it!"

  The country lord twisted his long beard and looked cold, and said after a long time: "What the hell? Do you think that a little female assassin can hurt this king?"

  [After the overturned dining table, Xiang Chun held the pitch-black broken porcelain piece tightly, and the tip was pressed against the lord’s throat. Unfortunately, the lord’s throat is also covered with a layer of dark domineering, and the lord’s hand turned into a black scale beast claw, almost breaking Xiangchun’s wrist, and the eyes of the lord behind Xiaoyuan’s sunglasses Turning into dark golden vertical pupils, staring coldly at Xiangchun, who is disgusted, unwilling, and resentful...]

   "How dare the minister!" The deputy minister shook like sifting chaff, and his head was like pounding garlic.

  The Lord’s palm turned into black scale dragon claws, snapped his fingers and sneered: “You must know that this female assassin is not the one, and I am not the emperor!

   "In the past three hundred years, only the woman named Lily who was more than thirty years ago assassinated and wounded the first emperor... Even so, what happened to her?"

  The deputy minister knelt respectfully at the feet of the lord, flattering: "In those days, thanks to the clever plan offered by the lord when he was still the prince, he managed to get rid of the female scourge. Boom!"

  He opened his mouth and corrected, "Even if she is still there? The master Longwei is overwhelmed by the world, even if the demon girl Lily is resurrected, she will also be deterred by the master dragon..."

"Ha ha……"

  The country lord twisted his beard twice, sneered twice, and coughed softly, "Okay, get up."

  The deputy minister thanked him, and bowed his sleeves, "Master, do you want a doctor?"

   "Isn't that dumb missing?" The lord paced his sleeves and said lightly, "No."

  Neither of them noticed that in the corner of the road, the inner ears of the two men and women were quietly scattered into petals...

   600 chapters



  (End of this chapter)

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