I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 132: A Good Thing (Xie Zixuan, Immortal Emperor Alliance Leader)

Falling in love with you Kanshu.com, I have six hacks

I have devoted myself to web writing for several years, with tears in my eyes, and finally I am looking forward to the first alliance leader. I would like to thank Immortal Emperor Zixuan!


the next day.

Dian Wei woke up a little later, and slept until mid-morning before getting up.

Push the door out and go to the old place to wash up.

When he came back, he happened to see Qiu Guangcheng yawning and stretching out from the bamboo house.


Qiu Guangcheng turned his head slowly, and saw a man with broad shoulders, a burly figure, and a face as firm as steel, giving off a resolute and steady temperament.

He hadn't seen Dian Wei for a while, and he didn't seem to recognize him for a while, but he just thought it looked familiar.

Senior Brother Qiu, good morning. Dian Wei greeted.

Junior Brother Dian, is that you? Qiu Guangcheng trotted over and looked at Dian Wei in surprise.

It's really you! Didn't you go to Neigu, why did you come back?

Dian Wei spread his hands and said, I made a mistake and was kicked out of Neigu.

What, was kicked out?

Qiu Guangcheng's face changed, Tell me, are you unable to bear the loneliness and peek at some senior sister taking a bath?

Without waiting for Dian Wei to answer.

Qiu Guangcheng suddenly thought of something, grabbed Dian Wei's hand, and asked anxiously: Have you seen my Mengdie? How is she, is she doing well?

Dian Wei didn't want to get involved in his affairs: Senior Sister Hua Mengdie, I have met a few times, but we haven't talked much.

Qiu Guangcheng: Has she mentioned me to you or asked about me?

Dian Wei shook his head.

Qiu Guangcheng was silent for a while, and sighed: I know, although Mengdie doesn't say it, she must never forget me in her heart.

Dian Wei rolled his eyes, stopped chatting with him, and turned to see Hua Fen.

When I saw Hua Fen, she was making tea and reading under the eaves, still so calm and comfortable.

Hua Fen raised her head and saw Dian Wei who gave her a stern look and gave her a salute, she smiled lightly and said, What big mistake did you make that angered the owner of the valley and kicked you out?

Upon hearing this, Dian Wei knew that Hua Fen was ignorant, it seemed that Hua Pan kept his promise and did not tell about him.

Then, in Hua Fen's eyes, Dian Wei is still at the fifth level of blood power.

Dian Wei sighed slightly, My disciple is stupid and has done some things that shouldn't be done.

Hua Fen couldn't help laughing: I believe you are not a bad boy, don't be discouraged, when Gu Zhu's anger subsides, he will definitely take you back to Nei Gu.

As soon as the voice fell, someone took over.

Guzhu's anger is not so easy to dissipate. Hua Muyun came, with a gloating expression on his face.

Dian Wei looked at Hua Muyun's hand, but didn't take anything, and said calmly, The disciple is already extremely frightened, aunt, don't scare the disciple any more.

Hua Muyun smiled and said: Don't panic, I have something good to see you.

Dian Wei: What good thing?

Hua Muyun beckoned: Come with me, I will take you to a good place.

At first Dian Wei thought that Hua Muyun was going to take him back to Neigu, but he found that the direction was wrong.

The two turned around, crossed the outer valley obliquely, walked through a wilderness without any paths, and suddenly made a rumbling sound.

Dian Wei raised his head and saw a waterfall not far away. The raging river rushed along the steep rock wall, and when it reached the bottom, thousands of silver flowers exploded, which was as spectacular as a fish and dragon dancing.

Wu Que, follow closely.

Hua Muyun tapped her toes, and rushed out in an instant, stepping on the water waves, and plunged into the waterfall.

Dian Wei focused his gaze, and vaguely saw a narrow crack in the rock wall behind the waterfall.

This distance is a bit far...

Dian Wei took a deep breath, and the strength in his body quickly completed the transformation, all of which turned into Chi Mu Jin. In an instant, his strength reached the third-level Buddha late stage, and then he jumped, passed the waterfall without any difficulty, and broke into the road. in the crevice.

The gap is only as wide as one person.

Hua Muyun has narrow shoulders, so he can walk straight without any problem, but Dian Wei can only walk sideways.

Fortunately, the further you go, the greater the width, and at the same time the dimmer the light.

After a while, Dian Wei was able to walk upright, but the front also became dark.

Listening to Hua Muyun's footsteps, Dian Wei followed, and after a while, it seemed to be the end, and a bright light came in suddenly.

Dian Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes quickly adapted to the light.

Looking around, he came to an ancient forest at this moment. The sun above his head was just right, but the forest was filled with turbid mist, and the tree canopy was huge, covering the sky and the sun, so the sun could not shine in.

Don't speak loudly, don't make any unnecessary noises. Hua Muyun spoke in a very low voice, as if afraid of disturbing someone.

Dian Wei nodded in understanding.

The two walked into the forest, and there was muddy grass under their feet, with moss everywhere, and no one had paved the road, so they walked slowly.

Almost a stick of incense has passed, suddenly!

Dian Wei's heart tightened, feeling inexplicably being followed by a line of sight.

He immediately looked around, looked left and right, there was a thick fog and silence, where was there a living creature?

But next!

That line of sight followed like a shadow, lingering.

Dian Wei glanced at Dazzling Mu Yun, then lowered his voice and said, Auntie, it seems that someone is watching me.

Hua Muyun also replied in a low voice: It's okay, that's not human.

Dian Wei was startled, what do you mean, what do you mean by not being human?

Not long after, Hua Muyun finally stopped in her tracks, and a thicker and turbid mist appeared in front of her, and...

A huge fruit forest!

All in all, huge fruit trees rose from the ground, three people hugging each other, five people hugging each other, everywhere.

The trees are thick, but not tall.

The short one is only about three meters high, and the tallest one is no more than five meters.

Dian Wei looked up at the crown of the tree, and saw that the fruit was round and round, with yellow skin and red inside, it was the human face fruit he had eaten.

This is the orchard!

Dian Wei approached one of the big trees for a closer look, and was suddenly startled when he saw it, so he backed away.

He saw a human face emerging from the rough bark, the facial features clearly visible and lifelike.

Strangely, that human face was wriggling slightly, as if breathing, and with every breath, there was a trace of mist emanating from the mouth.

The eyes on the human face are open, and the glass-like eyeballs are turned upwards, as if they are rolling their eyes, and they seem to be looking up at the distant sky above the fog.

At first glance, it seemed that a human face had been forced under the bark of a tree.

Dian Wei took a breath, turned to Hua Muyun, and said in a deep voice, What's going on?

As soon as he opened his mouth, the eyeballs of the human face on the bark rolled instantly, staring straight at him.

Dian Wei didn't even think about it, Chi Mujin quickly transformed.

Hua Muyun waved his hands and said: Don't be nervous, you have Chi Mu Jin, they won't hurt you.

As soon as this remark came out, Dian Wei couldn't help being shocked: Could it be that these fruit trees are?

Hua Muyun pointed to those fruit trees in advance: Practice Chi Mu Kung Fu, and once you get out of control, you will turn into a 'Tree Demon'.

Dian Wei was stunned and said, Didn't you say that you won't lose control if you practice Chi Mu Gong?

Hua Muyun: It's like this now, but it wasn't before.

In fact, Chimu Kungfu was not created directly, it was obtained after several improvements of another Kungfu.

That exercise is called Huamu Shengong. Although it also starts from refining the essence of the tree essence, the result of the practice is completely different. It has both offense and defense, and is very powerful.

But this skill has a huge disadvantage. It is very easy for the practitioner to lose control and become a human-eating tree demon.

However, dryads move slowly, stay largely in place, prey on those passing by, are easily exposed, and are often quickly eradicated.

As a result, many out-of-control people had to go to live in deep mountains and old forests. After not eating people for a long time, their ferocity gradually degenerated, and finally turned into this kind of fruit trees.

The patriarch of this school also practiced Wood Transforming Divine Art at the beginning, and so did her husband. However, after witnessing her husband lose control and turn into a tree demon and was burned in flames, she learned from the pain and spent countless efforts to improve the cultivation method. Formed the current Chi Mu Gong and created the Hanxiang School.

After many, many years, the patriarch continued to take in those out-of-control people, and placed tree demons in this hidden place one by one.

Hearing this, Dian Wei suddenly realized, and couldn't help asking: Is it true that nothing will happen if we eat the fruit of the tree demon? I heard that if we eat the meat of the demon, we will definitely lose control!

Hua Muyun: From our point of view, there is no difference between a non-violent tree demon and a real tree.

However, the dryads still have blood vessels in their bodies, and they will bleed when their skin is broken. They are integrated with the earth, absorb nutrients from the soil, and the fruits they produce are natural and very strange, which have a great nourishing effect on us.

Judging from these hundreds of years of experience, no one in this faction has ever lost control, which is enough to prove that the fruit of the tree demon is safe.

Dian Wei understood it, and pondered for a while: This place should be the biggest secret of the Hanxiang Sect. Why did Auntie bring me here?

Hua Muyun: You know that there are different levels of human face fruit. The longer it matures, the better the nourishing effect. Fruits that ripen once a season are not as good as those that ripen once a year. Then you know how many years the highest level of human face fruit is. Familiar?

Dian Wei: I heard it mentioned by the senior sisters, it seems that they are born once every twelve years.

Hua Muyun nodded: The human face fruit that only grows in twelve years has tremendous nourishing effect, but after picking this kind of high-level fruit, you must eat it as soon as possible within the time of a stick of incense, otherwise it will be eaten soon. It will rot and cannot be preserved for a long time. Only when you come here can you eat the best fruit!

Dian Wei was immediately overjoyed: The owner of the valley allows me to eat human noodles that are ripe every twenty years?

Hua Muyun nodded with a smile: The owner of the valley actually admires you very much. If you are willing to stay in Hanxiang Valley, she even wants to pass on the position of owner of the valley to you.

Dian Wei said emotionally, Master Gu loves me too much.

Hua Muyun: Let's go, I'll take it to pick the human face fruit that ripens once every twelve years.

Go deep into the fruit forest.

Not long after, Dian Wei saw a few tree demons with a height of more than four meters and an unusually lush crown. The human faces on the bark had their eyes closed, with a peaceful expression, as if they were in a permanent deep sleep.

Dian Wei looked up at the canopy of the tree.

Among the branches, the fruit is only the size of a fist, and the peel is as bright red as blood, like a red apple.

Hua Muyun walked to a tree demon: The fruit on this tree has been fruiting for twelve years this year, and it has produced a total of 321 human face fruits, which is enough for you to refine.

Dian Wei Lian said: Auntie, please thank Gu Master on my behalf, I will never forget the care of Hanxiang Sect.

Hua Muyun smiled in satisfaction, turned around and left, took two steps, then stopped suddenly, tilted his head and said: By the way, that kid Huazhi likes to come and play here, so it might disturb you.

Dian Wei: It's okay.

Watching Hua Muyun's figure disappear into the mist, Dian Wei immediately climbed up the tree and plucked a bloody human face fruit.

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