I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 173 Abnormal

Chapter 177 Abnormal

The young woman was faintly excited: What did they talk about, did they tell you their names?

The coachman: Hey, they were sitting in the carriage. They must have chatted, but the voice was very quiet. I was outside, and the street was so noisy. How could I hear it?

The young woman also thought about it: Did you send them to Daningfang? Where did you send them?

The coachman: The people were sent to Daningfang, but to tell you the truth, it was more than half a year ago. I greeted and sent them every day. How could I deliberately remember where they went. Once the people were delivered to the place, I hurried back and went to the street to pick up other guests.

The young woman was speechless.

She thought, however, that the coachman had not lied, and probably had.

After all, they were just two customers who met by chance, and they were not regular customers. The driver stared at him with a full stomach?

Then what?

The coachman said slowly: About two or three months later, I suddenly heard people talking about Mu Shangbai's chaos and abandonment, and then I vaguely remembered that the two customers I picked up that day went to The place seems to be the Mu Mansion, and the time coincides.

And later, that woman entered the gate of the Mu Mansion alone, but never came out. The young man and I waited for her in place for a long time.

That's why I suspected that the little woman killed by Mu Shangbai was most likely the one I picked up that day.

You have been waiting for a long time?

The young woman leaned forward, Didn't you talk to that young man about anything?

We chatted, but I don't remember what we talked about. It's been several months.

The coachman was obviously not the kind of person who liked to brag. He was honest and said what he knew.

The young woman said slightly silently: What about after that?

Coachman: I remember, I sent that young man to another family, but I can't remember exactly which one.

Young woman: Where is that family located? It's also in Daningfang?

The coachman: Well, it must be in Daningfang, but I really can't remember which one. You also know that Daningfang is full of deep houses and compound, and the roads are intricate.

The young woman nodded: The kid was brought by that young man.

Coachman: I do remember that, that young man took the child away.

Young Woman: What are the characteristics of that young man?

Coachman: Sturdy and strong,

In his hand was a long-handled hammer, a very large one.

I gestured with my hand, it's so long and so big.

Anyway, he had never seen such a big hammer in his life.

Seeing this, the young woman rolled her eyes straight away, and went on for a long time. If you didn't remember the two big living people, you just remembered a hammer!

While speaking, the carriage drove into the north of the city.

Then came to Daningfang.

The coachman asked, Miss, where are you going?

Young woman: Just go to Mu Mansion.

The coachman froze for a moment, didn't ask any more questions, looked up to find the way, and drove away.

Arrived outside the gate of Mu Mansion.

The young woman didn't get out of the car, she stretched her head to look at the gate of Mu Mansion, and asked the coachman: Brother, you also parked the carriage here that day, didn't you?

The coachman nodded: It's right here.

Young woman: Then, you saw that woman enter the Mu residence with your own eyes, right?

Driver: Yes.

The young woman was silent, took out a hundred taels of silver bill from her purse, and waved it in front of the coachman:

Brother, think about it carefully. Where did you send that young man that day? Come to think of it, the hundred taels belong to you.

The coachman took a deep breath, excited, looked up and looked around, drove forward, turned two corners, stopped, spread his hands and said: Oh, I really can't remember.

The young woman showed disappointment: Forget it, take me to Fengyuzhai.

On the way back, the coachman couldn't help asking, Miss, why are you asking so carefully?

Young woman: I've always wondered how the news about Mu Shangbai having a child with that woman got out, I searched and checked, and found that it was you coachmen who first got the news.

It was only then that I thought of a possibility, that woman who was looking for her husband from a thousand miles away came to Binghuo City and was unfamiliar with the place, so she must have hired a carriage to find Mufu.

So I searched all the car dealerships and private carriages in the city, and found you after a lot of hard work.

The coachman panicked immediately, and said in horror, You're looking for me, what are you doing?

Young woman: In the beginning, you told the other coachmen about this, and then the other coachmen made up stories based on your real experience, so there was a rumor that Mu Shangbai had a child with that woman, no? ?


The coachman couldn't help but his Adam's apple twitched, he swallowed, his face turned pale.

The young woman smiled and said, Brother, don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions, send me to the Wind and Rain Festival quickly.

Misfortune comes out of your mouth! The coachman didn't dare to talk anymore, and drove all the way to Fengyuzhai.

The young woman got out of the car, handed a large piece of silver to the driver, and said with a smile: You don't need to look for it, it's your reward.

The coachman was overjoyed. He couldn't earn so much money after running for three days, so he took it to his mouth and bit it excitedly.

Confirmed, real money!


The coachman drove away cheerfully. After walking for two streets, his lips had already turned purple, his eyes were shaking, and he felt dizzy, and suddenly he fell out of the car.

The carriage continued to drive forward.

The coachman fell on the road and remained motionless.

Passers-by ran over to take a look, and they were all taken aback. The driver opened his eyes and lost his breath!

Under the sunlight, the driver's blue lips turned back to normal color little by little.


Come on.

Dian Wei's face was gloomy, his brows were frowned into a pimple, he tilted his head slightly, and glanced behind him out of the corner of his eyes.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a lingering shadow behind him.

Young master, what are your orders?

The maid trotted over upon hearing the sound, and said obediently.

Dian Wei ordered: Find me a big mirror, preferably a floor-to-ceiling mirror, one that can see the whole body.

Large mirror, floor-to-ceiling mirror?

The maid thought for a while, There are mirrors like this in the mansion, only madam or miss.

Dianwei Lomer: First find out who has it, then borrow it and use it, and will return it when you have used it.

The maid said repeatedly: Well, this servant will look for it now. She turned around and ran away.

Dian Wei was restless and paced back and forth.

After a stick of incense, the maid ran back, sweating profusely, and said, My lord, I found it. The second lady has a floor-to-ceiling mirror. She told me, and I will send it right away.

Dian Wei's spirit lifted.

Not long after, an old woman walked into the other courtyard. She was the concubine of Ning Xingzhi's son.

She was just a maid in the past, but then her stomach suddenly became bigger, and Ning Xingzhi's son admitted that he did it.

Everyone in the family praised him for his job.

So, he married the maid as a concubine and gave Ning a dime!

A mother is more expensive than a child, and the second wife is naturally given preferential treatment in the Ning family, and her status is even more honorable than that of the main family without children.

The second lady was followed by four handymen, who were working together to lift a floor-to-ceiling mirror.

This floor-to-ceiling mirror is very large, over two meters in height, with a ring of pearls and jade inlaid on the edge, which is extremely luxurious.

Dian Wei went up to meet him, bowed his head and saluted, Xiao Wei has seen the second lady, thank you for borrowing the mirror.

The second lady didn't speak for a while.

Dian Wei was puzzled and looked up.

However, at this moment, the second lady froze all over, her face turned pale little by little, her eyes were fixed on Dianwei's back, and her expression was filled with indescribable horror.

Dian Wei was taken aback: Can you see it?

Only then did the second lady come back to her senses, she nodded slightly, and did not dare to go any further, instead she took a few steps back and said in a trembling voice, I, I can also see something abnormal.

Dian Wei couldn't help but gasp!


Defense by day and night, who would have thought that he would still be entangled by anomalies.

In order to avoid abnormalities as much as possible, Dian Wei adopts the strategy of not being offended but not being able to hide, and never going out if he can stay at home.

The results of it?

People sit at home, and disaster comes from heaven!

Inexplicably, he was targeted by the anomaly!

How can this be reasonable?

Dian Wei breathed a sigh of relief, forced himself to calm down, and calmly asked the second lady, What did you see?

The second lady broke out in a cold sweat and said, A monster with a humanoid silhouette, blue skin, pimples all over its body, like toad skin, and a lizard-like face, it, it sticks out a long tongue, wrapping around your neck...

Dian Wei's scalp was numb, and he touched his neck subconsciously.

But he didn't touch anything, only his own skin, and everything was normal.

At this time, the four handymen put the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the yard.

Go down first.

Dian Wei waved away the idlers and others.

After everyone left, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror step by step, turned sideways, and in an instant!

The back is completely exposed in the mirror, under Dian Wei's eyelids.

Dian Wei's eyes were fixed!

He saw a little girl with long hair covering her face, whose height only reached his waist, wearing a tattered gray-white skirt, her skin was as white as bones, as white as a corpse that had been soaked in water for a long time.

The moment he saw this girl, Dian Wei's face suddenly changed.

He knew this weird little girl!

In fact...

Dian Wei saw an anomaly for the first time, and the first anomaly he saw was this little girl!

At that time, he walked through an alley and met a middle-aged woman, and suddenly found a person behind her.

It was a thin little girl with long hair covering her cheeks, wearing a white ripped linen skirt, she followed behind the woman with her head down, only a few inches away.

At that time, Dian Wei didn't know that this weird girl was abnormal, so he stared at her for a few seconds.

Later, I heard from Zeng Yuan that the little girl was an anomaly who liked to stalk people, and they would usually follow a person until they died before turning to another target.

In other words, the middle-aged woman was dead, so the little girl went to Dian Wei.

Is it just because I stared at her for a few seconds? Dian Wei's mouth twitched.

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