I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 232 Run Fast

Chapter 236 Run Fast

Let down the lady's hair.

Dian Wei turned to pick up poisonous mushrooms and malacock grass, one is intestinal poison, and the other is heat-clearing and detoxifying.

I just don't know if peacock grass is the nemesis of poisonous mushrooms, and whether it can cure the poison of poisonous mushrooms.

We have to find a living creature to experiment.

Experimental toxicity, this process is a must.

But the poisonous mushroom came from an abnormal area, so it can be regarded as some kind of abnormality, but I don't know if other living things can see it.

If you can't see the exception, you can't touch it.

This is an iron rule!


This mushroom is different from the real anomaly. It should have grown in the Zhou Mansion from the very beginning. Later, the Zhou Mansion became an abnormal area, distorting this mushroom.

Thinking of this, Dian Wei immediately walked out of the secret room, summoned the four beauties from Hanqiao, and showed them the mushrooms.

Tell me, can you see this thing in my hand? Dian Wei spread his palms.

Han Qiao: This is, a red... cherry?

Taotao: It looks like a fig to me.

Hongying: What nonsense are you talking about, it's clearly peanuts.

Sherman: What cherry and fig, I didn't see anything.

After listening, Dian Wei said in his heart that it was true.

This mushroom can only be regarded as a half abnormality, many people can see it, and some people can't see it.

And, in everyone's eyes, it is something different.

Dian Wei cheered up: You four go to the kitchen and catch some live poultry.


The four beauties did what they said, and immediately ran to the kitchen to fetch two big roosters, two ducks, and two sheep.

Dian Wei took the mushroom and shook it in front of the live birds. The ducks and sheep didn't respond, but the big rooster stretched its neck.

Chickens can see!

Dian Wei was overjoyed, and immediately cut off a small piece of mushroom, a very small piece, and fed it to a big rooster.

As a result, the big rooster died suddenly after eating it, without even giving Dian Wei any time to rescue it.


Dian Wei was speechless for a while, and expressed his silent condolences to the chicken.

He had to cut off a smaller piece, about the size of a sesame seed, and stick it on a grain of rice to feed the second big rooster.

As a result, the second big rooster was also killed on the spot.

No, it's so poisonous?!

Seeing this, Dian Wei was completely shocked. At first he thought that poisonous mushrooms would not be very poisonous.

In fact, many people have eaten poisonous mushrooms, and generally have stomach discomfort and hallucinations.

There are also those who poison people to death, but after all, there are not many.

As expected of a special poisonous mushroom in an abnormal region, it's so poisonous! Dian Wei was deeply amazed, feeling that he had picked up a treasure.

If he quietly put this poisonous mushroom in the kitchen of a certain enemy, such as the hateful Zhu family, would he be able to poison the other family to death?

No, it's not for fun.

This poisonous mushroom is a poisonous mushroom in Dian Wei's eyes, but in the eyes of others, it may be other things, such as strawberries, cherries and so on.

Strawberries and cherries can't possibly be poisonous.

In other words, this substance is highly poisonous to Dian Wei, but not necessarily to other people.

Thinking about it this way, it was like pouring a basin of cold water.

After a long time of trouble, this poisonous mushroom may be completely useless to me. The corner of Dian Wei's mouth twitched.

Of course, this poisonous mushroom may be a great tonic for other people, and it can also be sold to make a lot of money.

Dian Wei quickly concluded:

Any item obtained in anomalous terrain can be divided into two categories:

First, the use of the item varies from person to person, such as poisonous mushrooms;

Second, the purpose of the item is inherent, such as colorful cobblestones, which are bound to explode after impact.

In addition, dandelion powder, which can make people itchy, and peacock grass, which can clear away heat and detoxify, also belong to the second category.

Because they are all grown in nature.

Only the poisonous mushroom, which grew on a maid's tongue, was significantly more abnormal.

After sorting out the eight trophies...

In fact, Dian Wei was full of joy. He went to an abnormal area this time, and he dare not say that he came back with a rewarding experience. He definitely made a profit.

But he quickly calmed down and started sorting out another matter.

His experience of entering the Zhou Mansion this time was full of twists and turns, beyond imagination, and what he gained was not only rich spoils of war, but also valuable experience.

What kind of place is the abnormal area?

Before entering the Zhou Mansion, no matter how Dian Wei imagined how terrifying it was, it was only after he actually entered the Zhou Mansion that he realized that he had made a big mistake.

The imagined horror is not even one ten-thousandth of the real horror.

Dian Wei has been able to determine a few points:

First, there is a real place in reality that can become an anomalous area.

Second, the abnormal region breaks the time and space constraints, and everything is extremely distorted.

Therefore, you can see the resentful spirits who have been dead for many years in the Zhou Mansion, and you can also open a door to enter another place, and you can even get in touch with the predecessors in the past and get the scroll inheritance from him;

Thirdly, there are indeed treasures in the abnormal area. Under the influence of abnormal breath or abnormal power, many things have transformed into treasures, such as goose warm stones.

Fourth, and most bizarrely.

Through a certain door in the abnormal area, you can reach outside the sky, where there are heavenly soldiers and imprisoned monks.

What kind of world is the Outer World? Are there really gods and Buddhas?

Dian Wei couldn't help taking a deep breath, thinking about it for a while.

It was noon in a blink of an eye.

A distinguished guest came to visit Dian Wei.

It was none other than Su Wanqing!

It's not hard to guess why she came.

Congratulations, you finally solved that anomaly.

As soon as Su Wanqing arrived, she gave her sincere congratulations.

Dian Wei smiled and said, The information Miss Su provided me is very useful. In exchange, I will also provide you with some valuable information.

Su Wanqing nodded: Have you heard about Xi Fengshan's death? The Xi Fengshan who entered the house on the same day as you should be a fake. Have you had any contact with him?

Dian Wei: Yes, not only that, I actually realized that Xi Fengshan is fake.

Su Wanqing's eyes flashed: Who is that counterfeit?

Dian Wei: There are not many people who can walk out of that house alive, and one of them is.

Is it convenient to say?

Su Wanqing realized something, and immediately changed the subject and asked, Have you harvested any treasures?

Dianwei Lomer, take out that poisonous mushroom.

Is this a strawberry?

Su Wanqing glanced at it, with a look of surprise on her face, I've never seen a blue strawberry before.

Dian Wei: I want to sell this item.

Su Wanqing cheered up: Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely sell you a good price.

Dian Wei smiled slightly: We get rich together.

After sending Su Wanqing away, Dian Wei took out the golden dice and threw it out.

It turned out to be five o'clock...

Plug-in No. 5: A real man in five seconds!

It's a pity it's not number four.

Dian Wei is waiting for the foodie to appear.

He has two tonics in his hand, the bride's first night and the teahouse maid's honey, and he needs to cheat to test the tonic effect.

Not in a hurry……

Dian Wei took out the scroll of Golden Light Ba Gong, slowly opened it, and read it word by word.


The gate of the house opened in vain, and two figures rushed out.

Then they fell to the ground, unable to stand up due to exhaustion.

Several guards saw that they knew these two people, they were Mu Kunshan and Mu Sanya's uncle and nephew.

The guard hurried to help the two men.

How could I think of it!

Grandma is here, run!

Mu Sanya raised her hand, pointed at the door tremblingly, and let out a terrified scream.

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