I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 289 Exclusion

The latest website: As soon as this remark comes out, it will be instant!

Everyone's eyes were all on Dian Wei, and No. 5 was middle-aged and even showed a hint of killing intent.

No. 9, I didn't kill it.

Dianwei said calmly: First, since it is not a secret that I have the power to control water, will I use this obvious method to kill No. 9? Isn't this telling you directly that I am the murderer? ?

Second, there is a monster hidden among us, and this monster may also be proficient in the power of water control, isn't it?

Third, I have absolutely no motive to kill Number Nine, because as long as I'm given another day, when I'm ready, I can find out who the demon is.

Wholesale No. 5's middle-aged body leaned back: You said you could find out who the monster is, but this is just your one-sided statement. You may be deceiving us and clearing the suspicion for you by killing No. 9.

Dian Wei was speechless, and immediately interrupted: No. 5, what you said doesn't make sense. Since I intend to remove the suspicion for myself, why should I use the power of Yushui to aggravate my suspicion? This is not self-contradictory. ?

Number five was speechless for a moment.

Seeing this, the woman with red lips said, No. 9 is on the side of my concubine and No. 10. We can't kill him. On the contrary, you three are more suspicious than us, aren't you?

Number five, number seven, and number eight looked at each other.

The woman with red lips approached Dian Wei, and stood opposite No. 5 and the three of them, and the two sides were clearly separated.

She looked at the opposite side, and then said: Number 9 died quietly, a black-level bone forging, even if he was seriously injured, it is unlikely that he died so quietly, unless!

Hmph, let me tell you, the murderer was not alone, but the three of you joined forces to make a sudden attack, which made it possible for No. 9 to be killed in an instant.

Afterwards, you arranged the scene, blamed No. 10, separated my concubine and No. 10, intending to break us down one by one...

The red-lipped woman became more and more excited as she spoke, she was holding a sword in her hand, her body was pouring out strength, and she was ready to fight No. 5 and the three of them to the end.

The ugly girl No. 8 shook her head and said: My sister misunderstood, we didn't kill No. 9, at least I can assure you, I stayed in the house last night,

I haven't been out.

Scholar No. 7 pursed his lips and said, It's the same with me. I stayed indoors all night.

Middle-aged No. 5: I can prove this. The place I live is located between No. 7 and No. 8. If they do something, I can't hear it without hearing it. That's why I tend to Doubt you and Number Ten.

The woman with red lips: The three of you wear a pair of trousers and cover each other up. I believe you are a big-headed ghost.


Suddenly, Dian Wei stood up, looked at the other four people, and said unhurriedly: Arguing is useless, let's find out what happened.

Yesterday, I announced to you that I have a way to find out who is the monster. Then, the most nervous thing at that time is the monster.

It stands to reason that the monster should be eyeing me, and even try their best to get rid of me, but it is No. 9 who died. This is very strange. Why must No. 9 die?

Let me ask you a question, where was No. 9 killed?

Ugly girl No. 8 blinked: Isn't it right here?

Dian Wei: No. 9 was reduced to a mummy, but there was not a drop of blood spattered at the scene. Haven't you ever thought that this might not be the scene of the first evil? If the murderer first invited No. 9 to another place, away from us , and then killed him, and then moved his body back here, wouldn’t that be enough?”

Scholar No. 7 nodded and said: In this case, it will explain why we haven't heard anything. But the question is, who can quietly invite No. 9 to another place?

Ugly girl No. 8: Why must No. 9 be asked out? He was injured. While he was recovering, the murderer secretly released some kind of toxin on him, knocked him down, and took him to another place. Isn't that all right?

Dian Wei couldn't help but rolled his eyes: If the murderer can poison No. 9 directly, then he can just kill him here. Why do you have to take him to another place?

Scholar No. 7: Well, I also tend to think that No. 9 was invited out. The murderer took No. 9 away from us. In fact, it is very risky. One mistake may be discovered by others. It is not necessary.

Ugly girl No. 8: Okay, then who is capable of dating No. 9?

The middle-aged No. 5 gave Dian Wei and No. 6 a sideways glance: The three of us are already No. 9's enemies. He can't trust us.

Turned around and returned to the original point.

Instead, Dian Wei and No. 6 are the most suspected.

The woman with red lips said in a deep voice: I've said it all, number nine is on our side, we can't kill him.


The middle-aged woman with disheveled hair on the fifth stared at the red-lipped woman, Number Ten said he has a way to find out who is a monster, but what if you are a monster? You are not sure about killing Number Ten, and you are not sure about killing us either. So you killed the seriously injured No. 9, trying to provoke a bloody fight and destroy No. 10's preparations!

Blood spurting!

The woman with red lips gasped, her body trembling slightly with anger, Brother, don't believe their nonsense, I didn't kill No. 9.

Number five raised his weapon: Number ten, the facts are in front of you, number six is ​​a monster, don't be fooled by her beauty trick.

Scholar No. 7's eyes flickered: No. 10, this is actually the result of your analysis. You found out who the monster is.

Ugly girl No. 8 said silently: No. 10, in fact, I never promised No. 5 and No. 7 that I would unite with them to deal with you. However, the facts are already obvious at this moment. No. 6 kills people like hemp, No. 1 to No. 4 It was all caused by her, and No. 9 died because of her wrong belief, so don't be obsessed with it.

All three looked at Dian Wei.

The woman with red lips also looked at Dian Wei, and said with a tense face, Brother, I'm not a monster, really not!

Dian Wei pondered for a while, nodded and said with a faint smile, Of course my sister is not a demon.

No. 10, it seems that you have been blinded by this woman!

The middle-aged No. 5's face sank, and he gritted his teeth and said, Three against two, do you want to die with this woman?

Dian Wei said calmly: Did you forget that No. 6 is very close to where I live, and she was under my surveillance last night. I can be sure that No. 9 was not killed by her.

younger brother……

The woman with red lips breathed a sigh of relief, her clothes were already drenched in cold sweat, the moment just now had almost scared her to death.

No. 5 let out a middle-aged anger and said: It doesn't matter, let's kill this pair of dogs and men first.

Killing intent is fierce, take one step forward!

No. 7 also stared at Dian Wei, swinging the iron fan, while No. 8 rushed towards the red-lipped woman with a tacit understanding.

next moment!


No. 5's eyes blurred, somehow, he had already flown into the air, with a sharp pain in his chest, he coughed up a big mouthful of blood in vain.

Broken lung lobes in the blood!



No. 7 and No. 8 also flew into the air, all spitting blood.

Then, the three of them flew at an extremely fast speed, and their backs slammed into the thatched hut. The broken wall was vulnerable, and they slammed directly through it, and then slammed into the thatched hut behind.

The three of them fell to the ground, rolling and rolling, with smoke and dust billowing all the way.

Finally, the three of them stopped at the foot of the hillside, each coughing up blood, clutching their chests and howling.

Ah, it hurts so much!

My ribs...

The three of them suddenly found that their ribs were all broken, and when they opened their clothes, there were bruises and fist marks on their chests, densely arranged.

I was punched twenty-four times!

A person has 12 pairs of ribs, and under the twenty-four punches, every rib happened to be broken.

In the end what happened?

In the blink of an eye, why did I get hurt like this?

Three people with the same injury! The same bewilderment!

On the other side, the red-lipped woman also blinked, and suddenly saw No. 5 and the three of them flying upside down, a wall collapsed and the house collapsed, while Dian Wei retracted his fists, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Ah this...

The woman with red lips was also confused, with question marks on her face.

Dian Wei turned his head and said calmly: Sister, go and catch the three of them.


The woman with red lips froze for a moment, then rushed out and landed in front of the three of them.

No. 5 looked terrified and coughed up blood, What did you do?

The woman with red lips was speechless, you asked me who I asked, looked at the three of them, all of them were seriously injured and had lost the power to resist.

For a moment, the shock in her heart couldn't be increased, and she couldn't help but look back at Dian Wei.

What a powerful strength this is, to be able to defeat the three of them in an instant!

The scary thing is, she didn't see how Dian Wei made his move at all.


The woman with the red lips didn't know what to say.

However, she was still worried, raised her sword, and stabbed each of the three limbs with a sword, brushed and brushed, and one person sent four swords, and twelve swords were completed in an instant.

On the 5th, the three of them were miserable, with blood flying and howling.

Not long after, the woman with red lips carried the three of them and threw them in front of Dian Wei.

At this moment, Dian Wei was looking down at No. 9's body, with a playful expression on his face.

Who the hell are you?! No. 5 was terrified and looked at Dian Wei in fear.

No. 7 and No. 8 were also pale, showing expressions like seeing a ghost.

Dian Wei turned his head slowly, at this moment, he was in a very happy mood.

Ever since he unintentionally cultivated the three-color bone, Dian Wei has always wanted to compete with the masters and test his own strength.

Unfortunately, there are not many such opportunities until today.

Facing three Xuan-level forging bones of the same rank, Dian Wei first converted all the strength in his body into mountain-moving strength, and then activated time pause.

5 seconds!

Dian Wei punched number five.

This punch was just to test how strong his punch is, how could he think that one punch would directly break the defense!

This wasn't over yet, the punch went on and broke a rib on number five.

No. 5 is the early stage bone forging of the Xuan level, and Dian Wei is a little higher than him. It stands to reason that the hardness of the bones between the two is actually not too different, the difference is only limited to the strength of the bones.

It is almost impossible to break the defense with one punch and break the ribs!

However, Dian Wei is pregnant with three-color bones, and the hardness and strength of the bones are obviously extraordinary, even beyond his own imagination.

Therefore, Dian Wei immediately realized that he didn't need to use a heavy axe, nor did he need to transform himself, to kill the three of No. 5 and the others.

He output twenty-four punches in one breath, hitting No. 5 like raindrops.

Next, it's number seven's turn!

Then, ugly girl No. 8 did not enjoy the special care of Lianxiangxiyu.

4 seconds!

3 seconds!

2.5 seconds!

At this time, Dian Wei squinted at the woman with red lips, and his fist had already reached her chest.

But in the end, Dian Wei didn't do anything to her.

one second!

The world resumed its flow.

Dian Wei looked at No. 5 and the three of them, and said slowly: You rushed to act before I finished speaking, you asked for it.

Scholar No. 7 said with a wry smile, You have such strength that you can solve all of us from the beginning, why didn't you do it until now?

Ugly girl No. 8: Could it be that you are the monster? Please tell me the truth, I don't want to die without knowing why.

Dian Wei pointed to the mummy on the ground and said: I assume that No. 9 died somewhere else, but according to your analysis, the only person who can do this is No. 6, but No. 6 didn't leave the house last night. So this assumption is problematic.

Then, eliminate all the impossibilities, and what remains, however improbable, is a fact.

Number nine really died here!

It's not any of us who have the opportunity and the ability to kill him silently!

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