The bright moon is in the sky, the night is dark, and the inside and outside of the inn are extraordinarily quiet.

Dian Wei didn't fall asleep.

The crying ghost may come to him at any time, so he really dare not be careless.

There was no light in the room at the moment, and it was dark.

In front of him was a lantern, a white candle, and an incense burner with a lot of incense ash inside.

White candles can drive away ghosts and keep ghosts from approaching. Incense ash is even more powerful and can directly hurt ghosts.

These two treasures are Dian Wei's sharp weapons against the blue-clothed female ghost, and they are just waiting for her to come.

Of course, Dian Wei very much hoped that the female ghost in blue would not trouble him again.

time passed by...

Suddenly, Dian Wei frowned and opened his eyes.

In the darkness, a vague shadow passed through the room without any sound.

Dian Wei didn't hear footsteps, breathing, or even heartbeat.

His pupils shrank, and he gathered his strength to the eyes, and thick veins immediately appeared around the eye sockets, similar to earthworms.

In an instant, the scene in front of him became clear, as if he had turned on night vision goggles.

See you soon!

A translucent figure walked straight past, the illusory body passed directly through the coffee table, and then ran towards the wall on the right, as if wanting to pass through the wall.

The room on the right belongs to Su Wanqing.

next moment.

Sure enough, a translucent figure passed through the wall.

Dian Wei immediately restrained his breath and got off the bed. The window was open, so he went out directly through the window and moved the window of the next room.

Coincidentally, Su Wanqing didn't close the window either.

Therefore, Dian Wei glanced and saw the scene in the room.


The translucent figure walked to the bed step by step,

Stretching out her head to look at Su Wanqing who was sleeping soundly, there was an expression of amazement on her face.

Beauty, really a beauty...

The translucent figure, stroking his beard, is like a high-ranking emperor admiring the sleeping beauty on the bed, but his expression is a bit wretched and lewd, just like the turtle fairy who saw the beauty.


Seeing this scene, Dian Wei couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

At this moment, the translucent figure seemed to have noticed something, suddenly stopped, turned his head, looked towards the window, and instantly met Dian Wei's eyes.

At this moment, the expressions of the two of them are extremely wonderful!

Then, Dian Wei, with a curved mouth, jumped up, landed from the second floor of the inn, and walked to the gazebo in the backyard in three steps at a time.

The next moment, the translucent body passed through the window, and then flew out of the pavilion.

Well, could it be that you can see the little god?

The translucent figure hesitated, looked and looked at Dian Wei, and finally asked after a while.

Dian Wei smiled, cupped his hands and said: The junior pays homage to the God of Earth.

The translucent figure is an old man with a white beard, wearing a white robe, with a cane in his hand.

Compared with the ugly and half-dead Zhang Wende, this land god can be said to have a good appearance, with a rosy complexion and a free and easy temperament, almost the same as a living person.

Ah, you can really see the little god!!

The white-bearded old man looked shocked, looked at Dian Wei, and was puzzled, Could it be that your excellency is a strong man in the realm of refining gods, no, you are obviously just a heavenly bone forging.

Dian Wei said: The younger generation is born with different eyes, and can see Yinshen.

The white-bearded old man suddenly realized: So that's the case, Your Excellency is a strange person, rare, rare.

Dian Wei: Senior is this land?

The white-bearded old man nodded: The little god is the land of this land with a radius of a hundred miles. His surname is Liu Mingzhang. The three earth temples worshiped by the people here are all little gods.

Dian Wei understood: Senior Kui Ye came to visit, I don't know what to order?

Liu Zhang smiled awkwardly: Oh, you don't know, this place doesn't shit, and there is not a single beautiful woman. No, the little god heard that three beauties came to this town, and couldn't bear it. Come and have a look.

Dian Wei said speechlessly: Yin God doesn't have a body, so does he have that kind of desire?

Liu Zhang waved his hand and said with a laugh: Of course not, but the little god was a real man before he became the land. Hehe, everyone has a love of beauty. How do you say that, a man dies It's a boy!

Hearing this, Dian Wei couldn't help suspecting that Liu Zhang didn't love beauty, but had serious voyeurism.

You don't have a physical body anymore, you are worse than a eunuch, seeing what a beautiful woman is doing is purely lonely.

Dian Wei said without changing his face: Senior was also a warrior before his death, right? May I ask how you became the god of the land?

Liu Zhang: The little god was originally a disciple of Tianyuan Sect. He practiced all the way to the peak of the Yunzang Realm, but failed to hit the God Refining Realm, and his body collapsed. Fortunately, the little god made great contributions to the sect during his lifetime, so he got the Seal of the Land God This is how to keep Yinshen immortal, and make a piece of land here.

Dian Wei's heart was shaken, he didn't expect that Liu Zhang's cultivation base was so powerful during his lifetime, and he was at the peak of the Zang Yun state!

However, think about it.

Only with such a high level of cultivation can the Yin God be so human-like after death, it is true that it is the same as before life.

Dianwei asked, I have a question, what else can you do after you become the land god? I mean, what supernatural powers does the land god possess?

Mentioning this, Liu Zhang suddenly regained his spirit: The magical powers of the land have increased. There is no physical bondage. You can go wherever you want. It's like playing in the sky. In addition, I can breathe the wind and call Rain, for the benefit of the common people.

That's it?

Disappointment flashed in Dian Wei's heart: Moving mountains to fill seas, can it be done?

Liu Zhang stared: That's a supernatural power, a small land can't master that level of power.

Dian Wei asked again, Can you kill someone?

Liu Zhang blinked: Well, the land cannot kill people casually. The source of our land's power is the incense of the people. It must benefit the people so that the people can live and work in peace and prosperity. How can we kill people at will?

Dian Wei: If there is a villain who bullies the people in your territory, you will not kill him?

Liu Zhang pondered for a while: Well, let's put it this way, the little god, unless it is absolutely necessary, the land must not kill people by hand. There are many taboos here. In short, killing people indiscriminately is not without consequences, and the consequences may be very serious.

Taking a step back, even if the little god wanted to kill someone, he wouldn't do it directly. For example, if there is a villain in the town, if the little god wants to kill him, most likely he will slip and fall to his death, or he will fall into the river and drown to death.

Dian Wei: These methods of causing accidental death can't deal with warriors?

Liu Zhang spread his hands helplessly and said: Warrior is an extraordinary person. If your strength reaches a certain level, even if you are a land god, you can't control others.

Dian Wei: In other words, the land god can only deal with ordinary people.

Liu Zhang: It's just a yin god, relying on the incense of mortals to survive, if you don't deal with mortals, who will you deal with?

Dian Wei quickly understood.

No wonder Liu Zhang met him and didn't make any spectacle. Instead, he answered every question, as if he wanted to make a good relationship.

This made Dian Wei feel a lot of emotion, unknowingly, he has become so powerful that even a piece of land has come to be a dog lick.

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