I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 39 Supporting

Old man Zheng began to teach the exercises.

The third level of the Mountain-Moving Kung Fu is based on the second level and perfected the more complicated method of blood energy operation. It is profound and obscure, and the difficulty of understanding is doubled, and the cultivation is even more difficult.

But this third level has to be cultivated.

Because after Dian Wei broke through the third level of blood energy, the blood energy in his body has accumulated to a certain extent, even if he continues to practice the second level of exercises, it will not bring new blood energy growth, so he has to master the more subtle and deeper method of natural momentum It must be done.

Therefore, if the third level cannot be trained, Dian Wei will not be able to refine more exotic animal meat.

Fortunately, Dian Wei has a solid foundation. First, he turned on the unparalleled mode, and then he was lucky to cast six points on the second day, and became a super academic master again. He understood thoroughly in two days and learned it!

He didn't hide this matter and let old man Zheng know about it. After all, his previous performances had already established the image of the pride of heaven.

Sure enough, old man Zheng was not too surprised by this, but instead seriously told Dian Wei to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and not to be complacent.



The dice bounced on the ground, spun, and finally stopped.

On the side facing the sky, four red ● dots are revealed.

You rolled the Destiny dice and it came out to be 4...

Activate plug-in No. 4: Gospel for foodies.

The corners of Dian Wei's mouth curled up slightly.

This is the first time he has turned on the food cheat since he learned the third layer of the mountain moving skill.

After breaking through the third level of blood strength, my appetite has increased greatly, and I can eat a catty of exotic animal meat every day.

Dian Wei speculates that after turning on the Chihuo plug-in, he can eat at least four to five catties of exotic animal meat, which means that the nourishment of a day can last for four or five days.

Of course, that's not how it works out.

The exotic animal meat eaten in the stomach still needs to be refined and absorbed. This process requires a lot of time to practice hard skills and persist every day.

But many people simply can't hold on.

Dianwei is different, open the foodie plug-in, you can digest and absorb it immediately after eating, it is not too easy.

With such a fast nourishment, it takes five to ten years for others to break through the fourth level of blood energy, and I may soon be able to accumulate enough blood energy.

Dian Wei took the money, went out of the Qin Mansion, and went to a supplier to buy exotic animal meat. He planned to buy more.

After buying it so many times, he already knew where the source of the exotic meat was. It was in an alley next to the market. There were no middlemen, and it was cheaper to buy it directly.

Dian Wei went there and bought five kinds of different animal meat at five stalls. More or less, he made up about ten catties.

After buying it back.

Taking advantage of the cook's break, Dian Wei cooked all the meat of the different beasts by himself in the kitchen of the Qin residence.

Get to the room and close the door.

Then, eat!

The meat of different animals is actually very delicious, some are soft and glutinous, some are sweet, some are delicious, some are slightly spicy, all kinds of wonderful flavors explode on the tip of the tongue, bringing people indescribable happiness.

Nourishing +12.5

Nourishing +12.5


Nourishing +11

Nourishing +11


Nourishing +14

Nourishing +14


Dian Wei ate non-stop, and before he knew it, he ate five catties of exotic animal meat.

I touched my belly!

Hey, I can still eat! Dian Wei was overjoyed, and continued to eat, eating another catty, only then did he feel his stomach bulging and full.

Six catties, this is the limit. Dian Wei was very satisfied, satisfied with the delicious food, satisfied with becoming stronger again.

He put the remaining cooked meat in the ice cellar and saved it for tomorrow.

the next day.

Dian Wei rolled the dice and the result was 2 points.

In the evening, under his hard work, Old Man Zheng finally agreed to teach him a new martial art Whip Kick!

As the name suggests,

After practicing whip legs, the legs are like iron whips, attacking the enemy like wind, unstoppable.

The leg must be fast, and the foot must be stable.

Old man Zheng pointed out Dianwei's mistake, You kicked out with great force, but your upper body is wobbly, and it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of it.

Dian Wei humbly improved, and he was able to do well in just a few strokes. With the help of blood strength, he kicked sideways and sideways, and he was steady. He trained one leg to sweep freely like an iron whip, with fierce and powerful power.

But Dian Wei also noticed a problem.

The old man Zheng taught him the martial arts skills, such as combo punch, footwork, self-defense, and whip kick, all of which are popular martial arts. To put it bluntly, it is an enhanced version of the basic skills.

Compared with the snake-shaped tricky hand of Donglong and others, it is obviously a grade worse.

After learning to whip his legs, Dian Wei couldn't help expressing his doubts.

You're not wrong, the martial arts I taught you are actually very basic, and anyone who has broken through the blood force can practice them.

However, great strength produces miracles. I practiced great strength in Moving Mountain Kungfu, and I can exert these basic martial arts with unimaginable power. This unique advantage is not comparable to other martial arts.

As for the snake-shaped tricky hand, it is a martial skill that matches the Snake Skill, the two complement each other, and the power is naturally not bad.

Dian Wei raised his eyebrows, Supporting it? Does Moving Mountain Kungfu also have matching martial arts?

Of course there is.

Old man Zheng couldn't help showing a look of arrogance, My Moving Mountain Art is good at melee combat. In order to expand the attack range, all the supporting martial arts created need to use weapons, such as broadswords, long sticks, meteor hammers and so on.

Speaking of this, old man Zheng thought of something, and said in a deep voice: It is rumored outside that my Mountain Movement is not as good as Diao Snake Art. Hmph, it's just farting, and it will blind their dog's eyes. If you become a weapon , one can beat him with three tricks.

Dian Wei's spirit was greatly lifted, and he couldn't help but want to learn weapons.

But old man Zheng quickly interrupted with a wave of his hand: Don't worry, if you want to practice martial arts well, you have to do it step by step, first practice your fists and feet and then weapons. If you haven't trained your fists and feet well, can you use weapons well?

Dian Wei nodded.

In a few more days.



The golden dice stopped and the result was 3 points!

Start charging!

Store power 0.01%, 0.02%...

Dian Wei pondered for a while, his eyes turned cold.

In the evening, he changed into old clothes, put on a bamboo hat, and wandered around Shengpingfang.

He found Donglong's residence.

However, after Dian Wei inquired, he found that Donglong had long since lived here.

It turned out that since Nanhu's death, Donglong, Xifeng, Beibao, the three of them must have been terrified and frightened, and they all moved to live in Hai Huanguang's big mansion.


Hai Huanguang is young and strong, and his strength is still higher than that of old man Zheng.

Dian Wei was not sure whether his 100% charged punch could kill Dead Sea Huanguang.

It's even a question of whether you can hit the target.

In this way, to get rid of Donglong, Xifeng and Beibao, they can only take a long-term plan and find another opportunity.

At least, Donglong couldn't be killed today.

At this time, Dian Wei sensed that someone was praying, and Yunyan appeared in front of his eyes. He took a breath and felt refreshed.

The villain prays to the god of the land, the poisonous snake gang 'Thirteen Taibao' bully the market, do all kinds of evil, ask the god of the land to eradicate them...

Some people are talking about it, in Badenville.

The Thirteen Taibao...

Dian Wei had also heard of this group of people.

When the four of Donglong formed the Viper Gang, they recruited a group of villains as subordinates, and selected thirteen of them to act as small leaders.

These thirteen bastards, relying on the power of Donglong and the others, have done all kinds of bad things and are not sons of men.

These thirteen people are just the first level and the second level of blood strength. Dian Wei became murderous.

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