I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 805: Chunky man incident

"Hey, there's a good show to watch next!"

"I don't know the mentality of these guys, if they offend the organizer, they will be suspended!"

"Forget it, let's just watch the show honestly and it's over!"

Seeing the immortal old man standing in front of Suning and the others, everyone around seemed to take a step back, fearing that this matter would involve him, his expression was wonderful, and he looked at Suning and the others with interest.

The white-haired old man had his hands behind his back, and there seemed to be a trace of vigorous spirit source fluctuations all over his body, and his majesty was revealed as he scanned his eyes. It seemed that this year's hairpin conference was held by his family.

When the white-clothed old man's deep eyes swept over Suning, a trace of surprise flashed in his plain eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face. It was strange, is there any hidden power treasure on this little baby? Unable to see his strength, the old man in white was puzzled.

"Elder Wang, why are you here?"

The short and fat man's expression was slightly taken aback, and then he returned to normal. He looked at Wang Senhan, Wang's patriarch, with a flattering expression. After everyone inadvertently left Suning and Jiang Bailin, a chill flashed in his eyes.


"What's going on here?"

Wang Senhan's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the corners of his eyes curled into the short chubby man. A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and it was fleeting without being noticed.

The short chubby man looked at Wan'er standing next to Jiang Bailin with a wretched look. The expression on his face gradually became wretched. After a fierce look at Jiang Bailin, he turned his head and whispered in Wang Senhan's ear.


"I also hope that Elder Wang will deal with it impartially and let them get out of this conference!"

The short and fat man's voice gradually rose, falling in the ears of Jiang Bailin and everyone around him.

"Let me go, who is this person, such a big face?"

"Hush, I'm afraid it's an important person in a certain family in Shanglin City. Don't let him hear it, otherwise we might suffer too."

Everyone listened to the words of the short and fat man, their expressions gradually changed, and they whispered softly.

After listening to the short and fat man, Wang Senhan's expression gradually became more solemn. He looked at the group of Suning and Jiang Bailin who were standing not far in front of him, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

If it was just Jiang Bailin, Wang Senhan might have given the command to make Jiang Bailin go away, but right now there is an unknown Suning standing aside, making Wang Senhan feel a little nervous, looking at the appearance of the two, they should be compared. If a brother or a brother of the same race accidentally offends them, his future life will be difficult.

The story of the Mo Family in Taikun City has spread throughout Shanglin Province, and the major families in Shanglin Province now dare not act rashly against people of unknown origin, and are afraid that their family will be like the end of the Mo Family.

"It's a big deal, and I can make a decision just listening to your words."

"Well, let the two little friends also talk about it and see what the consequences are."

Wang Senhan thought for a moment, stroked his gray beard, his expression was indifferent.

The people around were a little surprised when they saw Wang Senhan's way of dealing with things, and then softly praised Wang Senhan, as if he was fighting injustices for Suning and others.

In the distance, Pang Jiu'er, Pang Hongya, and Da Dawei looked at the lively situation of Suning and the others. They were all a little curious. After they got closer, they heard the voices of Suning and Jiang Bailin.


Hearing the faint Suning's voice from the center of the crowd, Pang Jiu'er beamed her eyebrows, pulled Pang Hongya and squeezed into the crowd, shouting Suning's name.

"Mr. Wang, this is what happened."

As soon as the voice fell, two familiar voices came into the ears of Suning and others from the crowd.

"Suning! Why are you here too!"

Pang Jiu'er dragged Pang Hongya to trot next to Suning, smiled and said to Suning, and then ignored Feng Lingyue who was standing next to Suning. Looking at her exquisite face, Pang Jiu'er felt a trace of loneliness in her heart.

"Patriarch Pang, I didn't expect you to come to this conference too!"

When Suning saw Pang Jiu'er and Pang Hongya, his expression was a little surprised. After all, Pang Jiu'er was already the head of the family, and there was no need to attend this hairpin conference. Suning smiled and said to Pang Jiu'er.

"Mr. Su, Patriarch and Brother David want to use this hairpin conference to select people with better foundations for the family."

Pang Hongya noticed the change in Pang Jiu'er's expression, and then stepped forward and explained to Suning.

Feng Lingyue, who was standing next to Suning, naturally noticed Pang Jiu'er's different eyes when looking at Suning. There was a little anger in her heart, and she rolled her eyes at Suning.

"Right, Mr. Su, what are you guys?"

Appearing to notice the situation facing Suning, Jiang Bailin and others, Pang Hongya stared at the pudgy man, Elder Wang and others, with a look of confusion.

"Boy, do you think we don't exist?"

Seeing Pang Jiu'er and Pang Hongya who appeared beside Suning and Jiang Bailin and his group, the short and fat man's heart was happy. As long as Suning and Jiang Bailin were expelled from the conference, he had a way to deal with Jiang Bailin.

The short and fat man uttered a shout towards Suning and others.


Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the whole body exuded a trace of terrifying energy, and the short and fat man backed back again and again in shock.

"Mr. Wang, the kid is rude."

"But this gentleman provoked this matter alone, and I hope that the old gentleman can handle it impartially!"

Afterwards, Suning slightly bowed his hand towards Wang Senhan and said lightly.

Wang Senhan looked at Pang Jiu'er next to Suning, then stared at the pudgy man who retreated behind him. He already had a decision in his heart. From the energy fluctuation that Suning just emitted, Wang Senhan already knew that Suning’s strength was already Reaching the holy rank, such a grade will have a holy rank cultivation base, must be a descendant of a powerful family, can not offend, Wang Senhan thought in his heart.

"Haha, that's natural."

"Since he provoked this matter, let him apologize. That's it!"

Wang Senhan stroked his gray beard, said with a big smile, and then glared at the chunky man hiding behind him.

Suning knew in her heart that there were so many practitioners who came to the Hairpin Conference today, and Wang Senhan couldn't do anything that would damage the family's reputation because of this small matter. He could only mediate and let both of them handle it by themselves.

"Apology... Apology?"

"Elder Wang! This..."

Hearing Wang Senhan's words, the short and fat man was slightly taken aback, his eyes filled with surprise.

"Why, do you still want me to invite you!"

Wang Senhan looked a little angry at the short and fat man's reaction.

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