I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 109 Do you know Portuguese? (Third update, four thousand words!)

Tom began to smoke his cigar.

Zhang Sheng did not ask for it, but he felt that it was a required course for nobles.

At first, he smoked Chinese cigars worth tens of yuan. While smoking, he looked in the mirror and watched the smoke rings rising slowly. He imagined that he was in a luxurious dance and looked at the gentlemen coming and going. and ladies, wandering among the accompaniment of classical music and dancing people...

That feeling is really good.


Cigars worth dozens of yuan are gradually not enough.

As a result, the price of cigars ranged from dozens to hundreds of dollars. Even today, he opened a gold-gilded box and smoked a [Bezos cigar] from Europe.

He repeatedly practiced holding the cigar with his hand, making those two fingers look particularly noble.

He looked at the burning cigar butt, and every spark was burning money, but he didn't feel distressed in his heart. Instead, an indescribable "addiction" gradually took over his body.

After smoking, he began to subconsciously call his family...

He asked his mother, his parents, his grandfather, and the identity of his grandfather...

Once in Brazil, he was so poor that he could hardly survive. He never considered the identity of his ancestors.

But after coming to China, enjoying the short-term luxury, and watching many videos, my whole mind seemed to be crazily brainwashed by something.

He began to look for traces of his ancestors.

He repeatedly asked his mother...

My mother is very honest and extremely sincere.

"We don't have aristocratic blood. Your grandfather's grandfather was once a slave. Later, times changed and he finally had the status of an ordinary person..."


"We have Indian Dalit blood, African blood, and a small amount of white blood, but my grandfather's father was abandoned by the white people..."


"Further up, we are also ordinary civilians. That happened thousands of years ago..."


His mother's serious words were like a thorn piercing deep into his heart.

He was starting to get a little disappointed.

This feeling of disappointment made him want to escape, especially when his mother called him "Dawa", his whole body convulsed as if reflexively, and then he immediately corrected the name.

The mother on the other end of the phone was silent, then asked him how he was doing in China, asked when he would return to Brazil, and occasionally chatted with him about his alcoholic father...

After Tom listened patiently for a while, he hung up the phone.

Putting the phone on the table, he glanced at the sky outside the window, then looked down at the cigar box on the ground.

He closed his eyes.


"Wow, I thought China was just like us in Brazil..."

"I didn't expect China to have such tall buildings!"

"How come there are no slums in China?"

"Wow, is this a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz? There are so many cars in China...I heard my grandpa say before that all cars in China are pulled by oxen!"

"Is this a traffic light?"

“This mall is so big!”


Tom's friend was particularly noisy.

They were wearing the cheapest clothes and were extremely curious about everything in China. They jumped up and down everywhere, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Tom wore a mask, stood upright, and tried to keep a certain distance from his friends.

"Lacey! Clete! When you meet the boss, don't show such an expression that you have never been to a big city. The boss doesn't like particularly poor people..."

After picking out a few clothes that were pleasing to the eye, he felt inexplicably more irritated when he looked at these two friends with disheveled hair and who looked out of place with everything around them. However, in the end he still looked at the two friends and felt deeply. The ground exhaled a breath and reminded.

"Dawa, since your boss is willing to spend money to invite us, it means that we are worthy of being invited! Why do you have to make yourself hypocritical?" A short man wearing a T-shirt with skin as dark as wheat heard Tom's words After that, it was very uncomfortable.

"Lacey, my name is not Dawa in China, my name is Tom Smith!"

"I remember your Chinese name isn't Jayden Smith?"

"That's not a Chinese name, that's the name I got when I came to study in China..."

"Why not Dawa? Dawa, I feel that you have changed a bit since you went to high school. After you came to China to go to college, I think you have become even more powerful!"

"This is the real me. I am different from you. If you dare to call me Dawa in front of the boss, I will let you go back now!"

"No, we finally came to China to play for free, don't do this..."


Tom took a deep breath.

Looking at the country bumpkin Lacey, I felt an indescribable grudge in my heart.

Especially after getting into the taxi, when he saw Lacey and Clete looking around, he immediately shook his head.

He closed his eyes.

The taxi arrived at Yanshihua soon. Under the strange look in the driver's eyes, he gave the driver a tip.

The two companions felt very puzzled. They got out of the car and asked Tom why...

The driver didn’t ask for a tip from them, so why did Tom have to tip?

Tom just pulled up his mask and buttoned down the brim of his hat, but didn't answer anything.

He took them into the academy and walked to the [NC Studio] next to the training base.

He saw Zhang Sheng sitting on the main seat in the office.

He introduced their names to Zhang Sheng.

"This is my friend, Lacey, this is Clete, Clete is mute and can't hear..."


Tom introduced his friend in English.

Lacey couldn't understand English or Chinese. When he saw Zhang Sheng for the first time, he felt that Zhang Sheng's eyes were very deep. After briefly glancing at him, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable, but this kind of discomfort It only lasted for a moment, even less than a second, and I felt that this Chinese smile made me very comfortable, with an indescribable affinity.

He was somewhat infected without realizing it.

The mute Clete next to him looked at Zhang Sheng and Tom in confusion, and then sat down.

He couldn't understand what the Chinese and Tom were communicating...

Halfway through the conversation, Tom translated to him in Portuguese carefully...

It seems that this Chinese boss wants to hire them to do something in Brazil, and it seems to be providing him with a job as a carpenter.

He glanced at Zhang Sheng and Tom suspiciously, always feeling that this Chinese man was talking to his friend about more than just these things, but because he couldn't understand, he could only nod along with Tom's translation, and then shook his head.

The mute Bucklett next to him looked around in confusion the whole time.

He only knew that he came to China with Lacey to play, but he didn't know what kind of projects there were.

Time passed by just like that.

Lacey watched Tom nod while exchanging something with Zhang Sheng. At first, the chat seemed quite pleasant, but then as they chatted, he found that the smile on the Chinese man's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at him and Zhang Sheng in silence. Tom.

The office suddenly became depressed.

Then, he saw the Chinese man's eyes were extremely sharp, like a sword, staring at Tom.

At first, Tom wanted to fight something, but it seemed that he couldn't stand Zhang Sheng's sharp gaze, so he gradually lowered his head.

"What's the matter, Tom?"

Lacey felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, then looked at Tom blankly and asked this question.

Tom did not respond to his words, but said a few words in English to the Chinese in front of him, but the Chinese in front of him remained silent.

The Chinese narrowed their eyes.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a huge pressure, which suddenly made Ryan breathless.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Ryan knew that Tom seemed to have some estrangement or conflict with this Chinese man. He even vaguely had a hunch that Tom seemed to have deceived this Chinese man into something.

He continued to look at Tom.

Tom's eyes became less and less daring to meet Zhang Sheng's, and he just dodged subconsciously. At first, he could still defend something while dodging, but then the voice of his defense became softer and softer.


The deathly silence lasted for about a minute.

He saw the Chinese sighing slightly.

The overwhelming momentum disappeared in an instant.


"Tom, tell me why you lied to me!"

In the office.

Zhang Sheng asked Tom's two friends to rest nearby, and then he narrowed his eyes and stared at Tom.

"I didn't lie to you. I told my friends what you told me!" Tom lowered his head.

"Do you think I don't know what you are communicating in Portuguese?" Zhang Sheng still stared at Tom with squinted eyes.


When Zhang Sheng said these words, Tom suddenly broke into a cold sweat on his back.

He raised his head and looked at Zhang Sheng in horror: "Boss, you, do you understand Portuguese?"

Zhang Sheng looked at Tom: "I don't understand Portuguese!"

"Then, you..." Tom felt that his heart was beating very fast, and his whole body was almost suffocated.

"When you lie or feel guilty, your other hand will always subconsciously move back to avoid..."


"When you translated my words, you kept repeating this action..."


"We people always have some little moves to protect ourselves. I can even guess what you said to Lacey through your little moves and your expression..."


"You didn't tell Lacey that we wanted to do a [Southern California International Documentary Awards] in Brazil, nor did you tell [South American International Film Festival], let alone the remuneration..."


"What you're talking about is probably asking Lacey to listen to you and do some carpentry or some other work, right?"


Tom's whole body was shaken subconsciously!

His back was instantly covered with cold sweat.

He wanted to explain, but the words stuck in his throat and he couldn't explain.

"Don't think you are smart, and don't look down on Lacey. Mr. Tom, in a sense, your good friend Lacey, if you give him a suitable platform, he will jump very high!"

Zhang Sheng stared at Tom.

The corner of Tom's mouth trembled slightly: "I, boss, I need money...I have no money to buy cigars now..."

"I didn't let you smoke the cigar!"

"But if you teach me how to be a noble, I think I can be a noble. Noble and noble, you need a lot of money!"


Zhang Sheng suddenly became excited when he saw Tom.

Even the voice was shaking.

He seemed to want to say goodbye to the past as quickly as possible!

Zhang Sheng looked at Tom calmly after he said everything, and then looked at him quietly: "Those with low self-esteem use external appearance to modify their shortcomings..."

"I..." Tom's lips moved, trying to defend himself, but in the end he had nothing to defend himself.

"Tom, remember, no matter how rich we are in the future, we must remember who we are!"

"Boss, I...yes, I am also doing it for our career. I don't necessarily want to be a noble. I just think that if I act better and become a real noble, it will be fine..."

"Perhaps you need to return to your normal life during this period..." Zhang Sheng looked at Tom who was excited again and shook his head with a smile.

"No, no, no! Boss, I, don't, I..." After looking at Zhang Sheng's expression, Tom suddenly became uneasy and shook his head quickly: "Boss, I, I can't go back to that kind of life, I can still learn , I...Boss, if I become an ordinary person, everyone will recognize me and know that I am an ordinary Brazilian international student...Boss, this is very detrimental to you, if I am exposed, everyone will know This is a scam, then boss you..."

"There are some things you need to think carefully before speaking." Zhang Sheng looked at Tom with a smile.

"..." Tom suddenly swallowed his words after he had said something that was going to kill him.

Instinct told him that there were some things he couldn't say in front of Zhang Sheng.

When he speaks out, Zhang Sheng and even the companies related to Zhang Sheng will not be affected in any way, but he...

Zhang Sheng seems to have a backup plan.

"Tom, take a good rest, don't think too much... there are some things we can't rush!" Zhang Sheng patted Tom on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Boss, I..."


"Boss, I'm sorry, I said some exaggerated words, but I feel..."

"Go and rest. Next month's endorsement fee will be credited to your card."

"Okay! Thank you boss! I will work hard to learn everything!"

"OK, all right."

When Tom heard this, his original panic and uneasiness suddenly turned into excitement. He nodded quickly and left the office.

In his mind, since Zhang Sheng is willing to continue to pay him the endorsement fee for the next month, he will not abandon him!

He is very important to Zhang Sheng. After all, he controls everything about Zhang Sheng from Lin Xia's autograph signing to endorsements!

After Tom left the office, the smile on Zhang Sheng's lips disappeared instantly.

He looked out the window, his eyes becoming extremely cold.

Then, the coldness was replaced by a burst of peace, and there was a hint of disappointment.

"It's a pity, I'm scared..."

(Please vote for me. The second-place giant toad is feeling the pressure from Daihua. We can’t let him go! We want to stab him!)

Three updates and four thousand words are delivered!

Continue to be the leader

Luciano adds another chapter!

Well, now I’ve almost paid it off with more updates!

Keep coding carefully!

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