I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 114 Awesome international advertising!

"Okay, okay, what is the nature of this award internationally?"


"Oh, it's a professional international film award. God, is this award aimed at Berlin, Germany?"


"Oh my God, this is amazing!"


"What do we need to prepare if we sign up?"


"A thousand dollars of film overseas screening fee, a public jury will comment on the quality of the film, and if it is good, it can be nominated for an award?"


"Is three thousand dollars enough?"


"Is three thousand dollars enough?"


After the financial crisis, Chinese movies were somewhat influenced by movies, and capital investment generally became conservative. Everyone knew that the entire market needed a shot in the arm.

The combined commercial value of box office, word-of-mouth, and influence is undoubtedly the core factor in measuring the success of a movie.

And the film festival awards…

Naturally, it is also a very important part of the criteria for elaborating the value of a movie.

The Chinese film awards even make filmmakers beat their heads to pieces, while the overseas awards definitely make most filmmakers crazy!

Based on this, in the original world in 2017, when the traffic era was booming, many pheasant awards sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Countless young people flocked to these awards, scrambling for them. Winning even a marginal award would be as crazy as heaven. Propaganda, earning enough eyeballs...

There are also many filmmakers who don't know the truth and are so shocked by this "grand scene" that they shout "Chinese cinema has risen."

Although many authoritative directors and industry insiders always have doubts about the authoritative letter of these awards. They know some truths, but there are still a large group of people in the Chinese film market who need such packaging.

So, gradually, some Pheasant Award film festivals gradually became more reasonable.

After all, the three major international film festivals, the Academy Awards...

There are only a few well-known awards, and to be nominated for even one is like smoke rising from the graves of ancestors. This is really too much for the large number of filmmakers who emerge every year.

Who would break some unspoken rules?

This was still the case in the 17th year of the original world, an era when network information was highly developed, let alone 2009 in this world!


This is a very special year.

Some actors and directors are very keen to participate in various international film awards!

There are not many international Pheasant Film Festival awards. The film festival awards that can be found on the Internet are basically awards that have been certified by relevant units and then officially held.

Bi Feiyu is a senior at Yanying this year.

Directing students of this age group, even if they have some family background and some financial support, still feel depressed about not being able to recognize their talents.

In his sophomore year, he gathered a few friends and made a country-themed literary film "The Dog Over the Mountain" using various elements.

This film took him two winter and summer vacations, and it was not until the second semester of his junior year that it was officially shot and edited.

After the photo shoot...

Thanks to family connections, it was screened a few times in cinemas, but unfortunately the market was not optimistic and no one saw the posters.

The box office was 10,000 yuan during the four days of its release, 8,000 of which were contributed by relatives and friends.

Probably, this "The Dog Over the Mountain" is a film about the entrepreneurship of the second generation of rich people. It's just a fun film to enrich your resume and experience...

My classmates and teachers think so, my relatives think so, and even my parents who are doing business outside think so.

In the whole world, Bi Feiyu was the only one who didn't think so.

He thinks he is a talented person!

He feels that the reason why the movie is not popular is because it is not well promoted, and it is not a problem of quality. More importantly, he feels that his movie is extremely artistic.

For more than half a year, he has been working hard for his works.

Golden Horse Award, Academy Award, Golden Bell Award...

As long as it was a slightly prestigious film festival award, he would do everything possible to sign up, and even went to the scene himself and pulled up a banner to promote his movie.

However...all of them failed without exception!

But hard work pays off after all!

At least his classmates would think he was stupid, his parents would think he was crazy or possessed by a demon, and his relatives and friends would subconsciously look at him with sympathy and then stay away from him...

He feels like a warrior!

Even if he falls ten thousand times, he will get up ten thousand times.

Everyone who should apply for domestic authoritative awards has applied for it, but not a single one has succeeded.

So, he finally set his sights officially on international awards.

Berlin, Venice, Cannes...

Almost every day, he inquires about award registrations through various channels...

It's a pity that you spend a lot of money unjustly, but the other party often doesn't even answer the phone, or even tells you whether you succeeded or failed.

Too lazy to spoil you...

On the afternoon of October 23rd.

Bi Feiyu still seemed like a fighter. Somehow, he saw the [Southern California International Film Awards] while searching, and then subconsciously opened the [Southern California International Film Awards].


Clicking into a blank space, he found that he needed to register an overseas domain name to enter this website.

He refused to miss any opportunity, so he registered an overseas domain name and finally entered the [Southern California International Film Awards].

After entering this website, he was instantly in awe.

This website is extremely authoritative. Whether it is the buttons or some of the film festival scene pictures in the movie, it makes people feel like they are in the scene of the "Oscar Awards" award show. He clicked on the relevant participating movies and found some The movies have foreign language titles. I seem to have seen them, but I seem to have never seen them, but every one of them looks high-end.

He can’t understand the language of the website…

He understands English but not Portuguese, and the text on the website is all in Portuguese.

He used translation software to understand the full name of the website.

[Southern California International Film Awards]!

He searched Sodu Encyclopedia using the translated Chinese name!

After seeing a lot of information on Sodu Encyclopedia, as well as a bunch of famous filmmakers, and even countless comments under the link, he felt confident.

He quickly uploaded his film information and his director's information and clicked on online registration.

After signing up, he felt that he still had to work hard for himself again, so he found the phone number and called it.

Unlike in the past where no one answered, this time the call was connected.

But what the other party said was an incomprehensible language...

That's Portuguese, and it's the most authentic Portuguese.

When the other party heard that he didn't understand, he seemed to immediately hand the phone over to another person, and the other person spoke fluent English!

Bi Feiyu was even more awe-struck!

At the same time, my heart was beating wildly, and I was so excited that stars appeared in my eyes.

He tried his best to communicate with the other party in broken English. Although he couldn't understand the details, he understood some of the information about the film festival!

"Our films are mainly literary and artistic films. We only look at the quality of the film, not the director. The commercialization of Berlin and Oscars is too serious, and it is starting to not be pure enough..."


"We want to create a pure film festival..."


Every word on the other end of the phone made Bi Feiyu excited!

The other party's philosophy is very consistent with my own!


Maybe he’s a liar!

But for three thousand dollars, just cheat it!

In this era, three thousand U.S. dollars, equivalent to nearly 20,000 RMB, is a large expense, but for Bi Feiyu, such unjust money is not a lot of money.

For a person whose family can sponsor four million dollars to make a movie, how much is three thousand dollars?


The other person doesn't seem like a liar.

They did not charge their own money, but hoped that they would send the film samples to them first, and only after they watched it briefly and passed preliminary selection, they would be eligible to enter the screening.

Not just any random movie can be released!

When Bi Feiyu heard this, he became even more convinced and immediately passed on his movie "The Dog Over the Mountain".

He is not afraid that the film will be taken away by them for commercial use.

The copyright is still in his hands, and he has tried so hard to promote his movie for so long without success. Damn, he is not afraid of being cheated at all!


【Training Base】.

Tang Wu conducted the final round of safety tests on his battery in front of relevant departments, technical departments, college officials, and merchants.

The safety testing process is very detailed. The battery was dropped from a high altitude, hit, and tested for charging protection...

A series of safety regulations on the market were tested in the most stringent way by Tang Wu. In the end, apart from appearance damage, the battery did not have any safety hazards.

When the last test is over...

There was a burst of applause in the [Practice Training Base].

Relevant personnel from the Ministry of Commerce and Technology Department nodded in approval, and then officially authorized the battery market sales rights to Tang Wu's [Practical Training Base].

Zhang Sheng was also applauding.

But he was neither surprised nor surprised.

His expression was calm throughout.

Tang Wu is a Ph.D. from Yanjing University, and he studies this area. It is not difficult for him to come up with a cost-effective battery.

"At present, the parameters are relatively complete!"

“We will hold a meeting to seriously consider the project of bringing home appliances to the countryside!”

"However, I hope you can keep up with the production volume. Don't let us approve it. Your production volume cannot keep up..."



In the evening, everyone from the relevant units left.

Xu Linlin from the Ministry of Commerce held a stack of reports and materials and looked at Tang Wu and several merchants seriously.

Nie Xiaoping looked at Xu Linlin's leaving figure, and then looked at his [Hongwei] electric car that had passed the test.

He recalled Xu Linlin's words about yield...

After he chewed it carefully, he suddenly trembled!


There is great hope to follow home appliances to the countryside!

He began to get excited, and he turned his head to look at Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll treat you to a good meal tonight. We won't go home until we get drunk..."

He had a grin on his face, and before he could finish his sentence, he saw Zhang Sheng answering a phone call...

Then he showed an apologetic expression: "Sorry, Mr. Nie, maybe next time, my company has something to do."

"What's up?"

"In the future, you will know. By the way, you design your battery car to be more international, and I will help you push it..."


"Change [Hongwei] into English letters, redesign a tall LOGO, and I will help you promote it and create an international advertisement for you!"


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