I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 122 Am I brainwashed? (First update)

Zhang Sheng hung up the phone.

The midday sun shone on his face.

He was sitting on a chair in a temporary office in [Starlight Future], overlooking the busy crowd below.

He didn't chat directly with Zhang Panpan, but he also knew how Zhang Panpan looked when chatting with Lin Xia.

Probably gritting one's teeth, or...

Do you want to kill yourself?

A smile inevitably appeared on Zhang Sheng's face. While he found it interesting, he also had a bit of regret in his heart.

Zhang Panpan probably didn't know that that day, he once told her that among the people he knew, she was among the top five hundred...

That is not a disparagement, but a compliment from the heart.


She didn't understand.

But it doesn't matter to Zhang Sheng.

On the nature of mind, on the pattern, on the upper limit of the future...

Now Zhang Panpan is no longer ranked fifth hundred in Zhang Sheng's heart.

Barely ranking more than a thousand, it is nothing more than the appearance, family, and voice that were carried at birth...

That's all.

However, these external things are not absolute in this magnificent era.

"It's seventh place, it's going to be sixth place soon!"

In the temporary office.

Du Hui stared nervously at the rankings on the Internet, as if his soul had been taken away.

It's early November now, and the weather is no longer as hot as October. Sitting in the temporary office on the twelfth floor, the gust of wind blows, and it's even a little cool.

But Du Hui was sweating profusely and panting, without even blinking his eyes.

Every increase in clicks and every decrease in playback volume in each time period affected Du Hui's heart, making him full of hope but also frightened.

Zhang Sheng didn't need to look at the data. Just by looking at Du Hui's face, he knew what the overall sales volume of the album "In the Rain" was!

"Our album, under the huge popularity of [Sparkling Girls], tore a hole in it!"

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Du Hui breathed heavier.

The assistant kindly brought dinner, but Du Hui didn't eat a bite. His eyes were bloodshot, and his mood was alternately high and lonely.

"Brother Sheng...Ah K..."

The assistant's name is Shen Xiaoxi, a graduate of Yanshihua. After Du Hui signed [NC Studio], Shen Xiaoxi was sent by Chen Mengting to be his temporary life assistant.

The current job is quite simple, which is to help him buy breakfast, prepare some changes of clothes, and do things like babysitting.

Shen Xiaoxi saw that Du Hui was staring at the computer screen in a daze since noon today. Not only had he not eaten lunch, but he had not even eaten dinner, and a look of worry inevitably appeared on his face.

"He has been drifting in Yanjing for so many years... he has suffered too many hardships. Now he has finally found a chance to stand out. Naturally, he pays special attention to it. When the data stabilizes in a few days, his mood will also stabilize. Of course... if you want him to recover soon, you can just slap him." Zhang Sheng looked at Du Hui's appearance and didn't find it strange at all, but said with a smile.


Shen Xiaoxi hesitated for a moment, looked at his hands, then at Du Hui, and was instantly startled by his own thoughts.

She almost believed Zhang Sheng's lies.

"You stay here with him. It's almost time for Director Ke to finish his work."


[Starlight Future] There has been a big change in personnel, and accordingly there are a lot of vacant offices.

After a little fighting, Xu Shengnan secured half of the spot on the twelfth floor of the Starlight Building.

This half of the space is divided into two project teams, the project team for the movie "That Summer" and the project team for the album music of "In the Rain".

Zhang Sheng walked out of the office and saw the staff coming and going...

Among these staff, there is the data analysis department of "In the Rain", the external publicity and marketing department, the brand docking department...

Everyone among these people stayed during the big changes in [Starlight Future].

Zhang Sheng took a simple glance and knew that these people were the core team of [Starlight Future], and they were all elites screened and eliminated.

The album "In the Rain" was able to reach the top ten of major new music charts with lightning speed. In addition to its own musical attributes that can resonate with some people, this group of people definitely contributed a lot.


After the millennium, China is actually changing rapidly every day.

High-rise buildings are rising from the ground, technology, medical care, and overseas trade are gradually improving, more and more cars, more and more people...

Under the torrent of the times...

There are many people who are being dragged forward.

Pedestrians can be seen everywhere on the street. Their footsteps are hurried and they are in a hurry. They are overwhelmed by the turbulent torrent of the times, but they have no way to tell...

They're struggling, they're exhausted, they're in pain, they're depressed...

From a literary and artistic point of view, music is a kind of spiritual sustenance that can allow some people to find resonance.

To put it bluntly...

They seem to like to listen to songs like this where they sing hysterically in despair and then vent everything.

"In the Rain" was born under such an environment.

"I don't know how long I can last, but I believe I will succeed one day!"

After Ke Zhanyi finished the casting information for "That Summer", he couldn't help but take a look at the MV for "In the Rain".

The MV is partly excerpted from "Graduation Years", but shot from Du Hui's perspective.

There is a personal confession by Du Hui. The confession is not very powerful, and even reveals exhaustion and a forced smile.

Even Ke Zhanyi could feel it through the screen.

A confession begins the prelude of the MV. After the prelude, there is a dark overpass.

It was four o'clock in the morning in Yanjing.

Du Hui sang songs that no one cared about, over and over again...

Pedestrians were in a hurry, and occasionally someone stopped, but they only stopped to take a look and then left.

Ke Zhanyi stared at Du Hui's face.

There was no disappointment on Du Hui's face, only a sense of loneliness and the numbness he had long been accustomed to. Under the light, he looked like a broken body.

That is day after day, year after year with no hope of change.

Although he filmed it himself, after actually staring at the MV, Ke Zhanyi still nodded, and he had some psychological feelings.

He likes the song "In the Rain" very much.

When he heard the demo of this song for the first time, he felt a spiritual resonance.

He has also drifted north, been deceived, exploited, and betrayed...

The dream was out of reach, and I once wanted to give up and change careers. Several times I felt that I couldn't hold on anymore.

That kind of unforgettable pain can only be understood by those who have actually experienced it!

When he saw the MV again and heard the song "In the Rain", he was still very touched...

The MV continues to play. From the middle on, he has not participated in it anymore. It was all taken by some students.

Very surprised……

It is also hard to believe that these are not Yanying majors, but a few college students who have only trained with him for less than a week, can actually continue the feeling at the beginning of the MV.

Du Hui was pulled to the side of the electric car to sing...

The bustling crowd was full of noisy shouts, and he still sang songs that no one cared about...

Then, there were waves of questioning among the crowd, questioning what bird song he was singing, and why the store hired such a living treasure...

Then, amid waves of questioning and a few mutterings from the dealer boss, Du Hui finally sang some vulgar, bad street songs...

Like a singer, an extremely low-level, even somewhat sad little person.

In the close-up in front of the camera, Du Hui was in great pain, without any trace of acting.

Ke Zhanyi understood that it was Du Hui's instinctive emotion.

To live!

In order to survive, it is normal to lower your head many times.

Then, in the second half of the MV, it’s night.

He moved away with the electric car. While moving, his guitar was accidentally knocked to the ground.

He lowered his head and looked at the guitar, just looking at it silently.

The melody gradually deepens.

Then the screen slowly went dark.

There was a vague noise in the darkness again.

The crowd is buzzing...

Mixed with shouts, there was a series of advertisements from the battery car horn.


Gradually it calmed down.

After Ke Zhanyi watched the MV, he was immersed in the emotions the MV brought to him and was silent for a long time.


He closed his eyes.

When he recovered from his immersed emotions, he seemed to think of something, and his whole body froze, as if something was wrong.

Then, I watched the MV carefully.

I didn't find any problems, it seemed that it was all OK with the emotion.

When he played it slowly, he listened carefully to some noise around the MV.

at last……

The more he listened, the less it felt right, and then he took a serious look at the MV again.

He found……

In the MV, although the focus of the shooting is on Ah K, the camera often shows a close-up of the [Bosch] battery inexplicably.

Even after watching the MV twice, in addition to feeling sympathy for "Ah K"'s difficulties, the slogan of "Bosch" battery will echo in your mind for no reason.

[When buying batteries, choose Bosch! When buying batteries, choose Bosch! For a high-quality battery, choose Bosch! 】

[Bosch batteries, one bottle is better than the other! 】

[We all use Bosch batteries! 】

Ke Zhanyi was shocked!

Just then, he heard a knock on the door.

He shook his head violently, throwing some of the brainwashing voices out of his mind.

"Come in!"

"Director Ke, are you done?"

"Busy working."

After Ke Zhanyi watched Zhang Sheng come in, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Sheng with a complicated expression: "Mr. Zhang, I hope you can tell me some truth!"

"Director Ke, what truth do you want to know?"

"This MV, in essence, is a battery advertisement! The brainwashing sound in the background keeps looping. I've been brainwashed to buy Bosch batteries!"

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