I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 125 What Pheasant Film Festival!

Night falls.

The bustling and colorful city tempts those who come to this city all the time.


When you truly step into this city and become a part of this city, you suddenly realize that this charming city does not belong to you.

"In the Rain" and "Yanjing Night" seemed to have become popular in just a few days.

The street singers on the bridge began to sing this song hysterically.

The heartbreaking sound made passers-by stop and watch...

Zhou Guoping also stopped.

The midnight wind blew against his face.

He was even more exhausted.

The scoldings of the leaders echoed in my ears.

He is one of the project team members of [Shengshi Entertainment] "Sparkling Girls Original Soundtrack" album...

Mainly responsible for content layout, online data operation, fan ranking control...

[Shengshi Entertainment] Sharpened the knife and wanted all the songs in the "Sparkling Girls Original Album" to be on the big charts, but a song "In the Rain" came out in the middle.

That was an extremely offensive thing, and the leaders were furious.

The leaders were happy with the scolding, but the people under them suffered. Zhou Guoping worked overtime with the team day and night. They, who were already exhausted, began to suffer even more...

But after working hard for a long time, the song "In the Rain" could not be pushed out of the top ten. In the end, it could only be stable at seventh place!

The leaders are even more angry...

After finally taking half a day off, Zhou Guoping, who was ready to take a good rest, was called into the office again. While being scolded, he suppressed his anger and continued to do some work that made him vomit.

Several times, he wanted to slam the table, throw the data in the leader's face, and tell the leader that it was not that they didn't work hard, but that [Starlight Future] had prepared everything a long time ago, and it was the song "In the Rain" The song is indeed good, it’s not normal that it doesn’t rank on the charts!


How could he do this?

What the leader says is always right!


He ridiculously worked overtime until midnight again!

The wind blew Zhou Guoping's face...

Zhou Guoping sighed.

Sometimes, staying in this big city feels like an ant that works hard but gets nothing.

He had no sense of identity at work, his ideals were wiped out, and he didn't even dare to resign.

When I reach middle age, I have to pay for my hometown’s mortgage, car loan, and my children’s tutoring fees…

These invisible things were like a mountain, pressing heavily on him, making him breathless.

What was once a high-spirited and ambitious person has long since been smoothed away. Not only is the dream out of reach, but now it has become a joke...

He becomes more and more cowardly and timid. He gives in first when he meets someone and apologizes when something happens. He doesn't even dare to get sick. Every money he spends is spent wisely. There is really no money for medical treatment. .

The prison of life...

Trapped him.

He was trapped and unable to move even an inch.

So, when he heard "In the Rain", he felt that this song would definitely become a hit!

Therefore, when he saw the MV for "In the Rain", he felt that it was his young self, another self who wanted to live but was too timid to live!

There are many people like him in this world!

Zhou Guoping listened to the songs sung by wandering singers...

After singing, he hesitated and finally threw dozens of dollars in the guitar case.

Just as he was about to leave, not far away, several wandering singers suddenly started a fight, fighting and cursing at the same time.

He walked over and had a look.

It turned out that two wandering singers were competing for position...

The position that was snatched was the position where "Ah K" stood and sang a month ago.

It seems that "Mozi" and "Ah K" once stood at that location. Then, somehow, that location gradually became superstitious and turned into a good place with excellent Feng Shui.

Wandering singers are still competing for position, in the entertainment industry where the jungle is strong and the strong preys on...

Zhou Guoping sighed.

Just as he was about to go home, his cell phone rang.

"Brother Zhou, are you busy?"

"No, get ready to sleep. Who are you?"

"My name is Zhang Sheng. We met at the video store..."

"Oh, oh, you got the "In the Rain" album?"

"I think I got it. I'll give you a signed copy. Where are you?"

"That's so embarrassing. The signed version is quite expensive, isn't it?"

"It's not too expensive. Where are you?"

"I'm at the footbridge, well, it's the footbridge where Ah K once sang..."


After hanging up the phone, more than ten minutes later, Zhou Guoping saw the young man walking towards him with an album.

Zhou Guoping looked at the signature on the album but did not accept it. Instead, he looked around and stared at the young man with caution: "You must be more than just a college student, right?"

"Brother Zhou, your reaction made me suddenly realize that I did something stupid. I should have guessed it..." The young man was stunned for a moment, and then sighed.

"What stupid thing?"

"You are probably from the music department of [Shengshi Entertainment], right?" The young man looked towards the lake in the distance.

"Well, that's right."

"Forget it." The young man put the album away, then apologized on his face: "I hope I won't have any impact on your work."

"Probably not. It's impossible for [Shengshi Entertainment] to really send people to follow me. It's just a professional habit... It's impossible for me to betray any secrets, and it's impossible for me to know any secrets..." Zhou Guoping smiled bitterly.

"Oh, by the way...Brother Zhou, have you signed the non-competition agreement with [Shengshi Entertainment]?

"I signed it, what happened? Wait, Zhang Sheng, who are you?" Zhou Guoping stared at Zhang Sheng closely as if he thought of something.

"My name is Zhang Sheng. That day, I met Ah K over there, and then..." The young man began to introduce his story, but when he looked in a familiar direction, the young man was stunned. : "Huh? Why are there so many people over there?"

"Over there..." Zhou Guoping was about to explain, but he saw the young man narrowed his eyes as if he understood what was going on, and then took out his mobile phone: "Hey, Sister Shengnan... are you free? There is hot news here. , does the company have a team around? Taking more photos will help with publicity..."


The [46th Golden Horse Awards] has finally come to an end.

"Thunder" is undoubtedly the biggest winner at the Golden Horse Awards. It is not only sought after by countless movie fans, but also received praise from some international circles, achieving a double harvest in box office and word-of-mouth.

this era……

As long as there is a little bit of international criticism, it must be synonymous with high status.

The day after the Golden Horse Awards ended, countless film critics in the film industry praised the movie "Thunder".

At a glance, more than 99% of the comments related to "Thunder" are praising the movie "Thunder".

"Song", which once competed with "Thunder", has gradually been marginalized. There are not many comments about "Song" in the entire film industry. The only ones that can be found are basically a few Film critics are ridiculing "Song" and director Liu Haodong...

[Starlight Future] officials did not respond to these matters.

After the big changes, [Starlight Future] has kept a lot of low profile. Except in the music circle recently, the song "In the Rain" has made a little appearance. After gaining a sense of presence, the movie category has almost been reduced to one. Group.

But even if "In the Rain" was barely a hit, it was only ranked seventh on the new song chart. The music department of [Shengshi Entertainment] was scolded every day because [Shining Girls Original Album] didn't dominate the charts, but the core senior management But he didn't take these things to heart.

This benefit.

Not much.

Originally, when the Golden Horse Awards came to an end, everyone was happy, and [Shengshi Entertainment] also gained fame and fortune, and that was pretty much it.

However, no one could have imagined that "Thunder" would receive an invitation letter from overseas the morning after the Golden Horse Awards.

"What award is this?"

"Thunder" director Gao Yuan drank wine all night at the celebration party and returned home drunk.

When he returned home and was about to close his eyes and have a good sleep, he suddenly received an invitation letter from Brazil in his home mailbox.

When opening the invitation...

He looked at the foreign language characters on the invitation and was suddenly confused.

After looking at it carefully, he realized that it was an invitation letter from the Brazilian Film Festival, which seemed to be called "Southern California International Film Awards"?

He was a little drunk at first, but when he saw the lofty name of the Academy Award, he sobered up in an instant, and then he immediately read the invitation seriously.

Could it be a double happiness?

They just won a Golden Horse Award over there, and here’s another overseas award?

After reading this...

He checked the information with excitement.

Then I was a little confused.

There is something to say...

This film festival...

He has never heard of it!

Just when he was confused, he received a call from another director of "Thunder"...

Another director is named Lu Jiansheng, and the film "Thunder" was co-directed by the two.

"Lao Gao, I just received a phone invitation. The other end of the phone seems to be from Brazil. The general meaning is that we are invited to show "Thunder" in Brazil..."

"Did you get it too?"

"Yes, wait, Lao Gao, has he sent you an invitation too?"

"Yeah, I was still wondering where this Pheasant Film Award came from..."


The morning sun shines so high that it makes it hard to open your eyes.

Gao Yuan felt a little more comfortable after closing the curtains.

Gao Yuan and Lu Jiansheng had a chat. Even though they had registered an overseas IP and found out that the film award actually had an official website, they had been in the entertainment industry for many years and still keenly discovered that this was just a pheasant film festival...

So, they didn't take it to heart and lay down in bed for a good sleep.

Not long after he lay down, he was woken up again by the sound of the phone.

The call was from his nephew, who is an actor and the movie he participated in also won the Golden Horse Award, but unfortunately he didn't get anything...

"Uncle, I received an invitation to be nominated for the Best Supporting Actor in an overseas film award!"

"What prize?"

""Southern California International Film Awards"!" On the other end of the phone, the nephew was so excited that he almost went crazy: "I just said that my movie is suitable for overseas, right?"

"Did you also receive an invitation from the Pheasant Prize?"

"Huh? Pheasant Award? But, he looks very professional!"

"Take a closer look and don't be fooled!"


"How could any fool be fooled by this kind of film festival..."

"Uncle, actually, I have already paid..."


Two updates today. It will wilt a little, but it won’t wilt forever.

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