I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 139 I’ll pay you your hard-earned money! (Third update, additional update for 500 monthly ti

"Mr. Zhang, in accordance with the law, you have completely collected the evidence. As long as you clarify the situation with the tax authorities and apply for cancellation of registration to the market supervision department, you will not have to bear so much debt as [Hongyuan Decoration]. From some kind of In a sense, you are also one of the victims, why do you have to bear this matter?"

"It is precisely because I am a victim that I know how desperate they are deep in their hearts when they learn that they have been deceived. I am not a Virgin, I am just an ordinary person. I just feel that I should do my best. What to order... It’s not about taking it upon yourself, it’s just about solving the problem together with everyone..."

"Can I understand that your behavior is hype?"

"I know what you want to say. Maybe this is a kind of hype, and I don't deny it, but if this kind of hype can make customers and workers trust me, and can make more people pay attention to some low-level workers, I will Willing to hype..."


The bus is on its way to Jincheng.

Passengers turned their heads and looked at a young man in front of the camera in the last row.

The reporter was interviewing this young man with a microphone.

The young man wore glasses, and his eyes revealed fortitude and determination.

After the interview, some passengers subconsciously started chatting with the young people.


Some passengers exclaimed!

"Are you the legal person of [Hongyuan Decoration]? That unlucky guy?"

Following the passengers' exclamations, the passengers in the carriage, including the driver, all turned their heads slightly.

They saw that "Mr. Zhang" smiled bitterly, and then nodded helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, all the passengers in the carriage began to discuss [Hongyuan Decoration]...

Some people pointed fingers at this young man and privately commented that this young man was so stupid!

Obviously this store has no responsibility, so why should it bear this responsibility?

Obviously this store is full of feces and urine, and if you carry it, you will crush people to death, so why do you have to overestimate your own capabilities? Zuo Jian himself is not like this.

Some people looked at this calm young man curiously...

Having so many debts, which have nothing to do with me, not only did I not run away, but I took the initiative to shoulder these debts, this is truly "unprecedented".

【Hongyuan Decoration】!

At the end of 2008 and before the New Year...

Ever been in the news.

And the news was very loud at one time.


【Hongyuan Decoration】

Located in Huayang Street, the center of Jincheng JH District.

In late 2008, this decoration company was established.

Neighbors still remember the grand opening of this decoration company with gongs and drums on the first day.

Firecrackers went off all day long!

The flower baskets were so large that they couldn't be placed on the opposite side of the road, and the "guests" coming and going were asking questions until late at night. It felt like [Hongyuan Decoration] was planning something big!


That was true at first!

On the second day after its opening, the company advertised everywhere with gimmicks such as "down payment for decoration and free home appliances", posters, flyers distributed by part-time college students, and decoration lectures. As long as it can be promoted, [Hongyuan Decoration] is doing it!

If you do this, the effect will naturally be very significant!

In just a few months, they have attracted a large number of customers in JH District, with a turnover of well over one million.

In addition, countless decoration workers have switched jobs to this company...

It looks like it is getting bigger and stronger, when everyone thinks that this decoration company will become more and more powerful in the future...

But at the end of 2008...

A group of customers suddenly discovered that something was not right about this decoration company, but they couldn't explain why it was wrong.

In short, after signing the contract, the "vice president" Yang Ge who was responsible for liaison between the decoration company and them started not to answer their phone calls very often. When he occasionally answered the phone to talk about design, the person on the other end of the phone couldn't express what he meant.

At first they also suspected that they had been cheated, and several customers also visited the decoration company to check it out.

Everything in the decoration company is business as usual, designers are designing, workers are commuting to and from get off work, and salesmen are discussing business. When they asked, "Brother Yang" was only on a business trip to other places. Business has been so good recently, and Brother Yang is expanding other businesses... …

Customers believe these things!

But at the end of the year...

A piece of debt collection news about "migrant workers threatening to jump off buildings" made local news headlines.

After seeing the news, customers realized something was wrong and hurried to the entrance of [Hongyuan Decoration] store.


They found that the door of the store was surrounded by countless workers...

Not only the workers, but also some designers and salesmen working in the company were gathered here. They were scolded by the decoration workers and called "Brother Yang" at the same time.

After asking, I found out that "Brother Yang", the person in charge of this decoration company, actually took away 1.5 million in project funds and ran away!


The workers exploded instantly!

The workers worked in vain for more than half a year without getting a penny. Every time they took money, they were always given back in various pretexts, and in the end they were told that they had been cheated!

Can it not explode?

When the customers heard this scene, they also exploded!

They had just signed a contract with this decoration company and had just paid the "down payment for decoration". The house was not decorated yet, so the boss just ran away?

First half of 2009...

Decorators and clients are collecting debts, and the trouble is getting bigger and bigger.

This company not only robbed customers and workers of their money, but also robbed some surrounding merchants of their money!

TV, refrigerator, washing machine...

These things were treated as gifts to customers. [Hongyuan Decoration] "borrowed" them from some merchants under various names, and then only paid a few hundred yuan as a deposit for each unit...

In the end, that "Brother Yang" was also put on file and wanted, and the amount of compensation was clarified...

But it didn't work.

"Brother Yang" has run away a long time ago!

Even the legal person ID card registered by "Brother Yang" when he opened the decoration company was not his at all!


They found the legal person of this [Hongyuan Decoration].

The legal person's name is Zhang Sheng.

He was a "puppet" who had his identity card stolen and sold. The police also contacted him, but Zhang Sheng had no money.

Although I have to bear some legal responsibility,...

That "Zhang Sheng" was already heavily in debt, had no mobile phone number, no bank account, and had no idea. This person had long been judged as a dishonest person and was subject to execution.

this matter……

Make everyone very angry!

However, there is no way!

In the first half of the year...

Migrant workers and some defrauded customers often go to [Hongyuan Decoration] to have a look.

In the second half of the year, fewer and fewer people went.

[Hongyuan Decoration] The hottest time for news was in October this year, when "Brother Yang" was arrested. After being arrested, "Brother Yang" confessed to the case, but he didn't get a penny of money.

People come back from gambling in Macau and lose everything!

With nothing left, what else could one expect except to look forward to jail time?


The bus drives to Jincheng JH District Station.

Zhang Sheng and his party walked out of the station.

Station entrance.

When a group of reporters saw Zhang Sheng, their eyes lit up instantly and they all rushed towards Zhang Sheng.

They received news this morning that [Hongyuan Decoration] was taken over by someone, and the person taking over was also a victim...

This is unprecedented news!

The reporters all gathered around like crazy.

Along the way, reporters asked Zhang Sheng many questions...

Wearing a mask and sunglasses, Zhang Sheng selectively answered some reporters' questions, but did not disclose any core information or information about himself.

He got in the car and walked towards the tax department as his first stop.

"I have to sort out some things in the company. Although I can take some responsibility, I cannot take responsibility for other things..."

in the car.

Li Zhonghe, the president of photography, carried a camera and filmed Zhang Sheng's expression. His eyes were full of admiration!

"Graduation Years" will end with Zhang Sheng's "repayment of debts".

Since last month…

He hears Zhang Sheng’s stories every day!

Every story is different, but every story is a prelude to a grassroots counterattack...

Gradually, he went from being unfamiliar with Zhang Sheng to admiring, respecting, and now worshiping him.

Shouldn't we admire a man who can try every means to come back in the face of adversity and carry everything on his shoulders?

He is a participant!

But at the same time, he is also a witness!

He followed Zhang Sheng to the tax bureau...

He watched Zhang Sheng register the information and explained the situation to [Hongyuan Decoration].

The Yanjing police have already explained the general situation to the tax department. All they need is Zhang Sheng to come and sign...

When the staff saw Zhang Sheng, their eyes were full of admiration. When they left, they specifically told Zhang Sheng that if he needed help, he could contact them.

After the tax matters are settled...

Li Zhonghe got into the car with his team and some reporters and walked towards [Hongyuan Decoration].

[Hongyuan Decoration]’s store rent has not expired...

In the early days of starting his business, that "Brother Yang" paid two years' rent at once in order to show that he was rich.

Therefore, the [Hongyuan Decoration] store is still there, and according to the agreement, the landlord cannot rent it to others!

But there are a lot of things in the store...

They were all taken away by some angry workers and guests.

Except for some contracts and promotional materials, there is nothing!

When Zhang Sheng walked in with someone...

Many decoration workers came, they were excited and curious.

Some customers also came, and those who were half-decorated or not yet stood there.

Zhang Sheng took the speaker and found a good position.

Then look at the people below.

"Everyone! I believe you also know..."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Sheng. I am the legal person of [Hongyuan Decoration] and also the victim of this case!"

"I'm here this time to solve the problem with everyone!"

"I know that the masters are working very hard, and I also know that the past year has been the most desperate and darkest year for everyone. I fully understand this..."

"But things need to be resolved after all..."

"Here, I hope the leaders of Jincheng Public Security and Jincheng Taxation can help bear witness. What happened to [Hongyuan Decoration] in the past has nothing to do with me. I have never operated or traded, but in the future [Hongyuan Decoration] I will be responsible, well, from now on, [Hongyuan Decoration] will change its name and reopen..."

"At the same time, I hope that the masters can continue to help finish some unfinished decorations. After all, everyone is a victim. Just because we are all victims, we must unite and stay together. Here, I will temporarily advance part of it. The money will be used to solve subsequent problems. I also hope that customers will have confidence in us. Please believe in us. We can start the decoration industry again!"



(Three updates today, 10,000! Additional updates in advance for 1,000 monthly tickets! Please give me monthly tickets,)

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