I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 141 Advertising Effect (Part 2) (Second update!)

do business.

What matters is integrity.

If one's integrity is established, there will be trust.

In ancient times, there were wooden gates.

This is a very typical example.

Yesterday, when Zhang Sheng just stepped onto Huayang Street in Jincheng.

There are discussions all around...

Some people think Zhang Sheng is stupid.

After listening to Zhang Sheng's "story", there were more voices that thought Zhang Sheng was "silly".

Obviously you don't need to take responsibility.

Obviously as long as we follow the formal procedures, some things can be completely exempted. Even opening a new decoration company will be better than this [Hongyuan Decoration].

[Hongyuan Decoration] Inside...

It's all full of shit!

When most people see this decoration company, they will just hold their noses and stay away, for fear of getting a little dirty.


Gradually, when Zhang Sheng came with reporters and smashed the [Hongyuan Decoration] sign in public, he expressed his attitude.

Some savvy businessmen began to realize something in an instant!

Zhang Sheng is doing things like "building trees at the city gate".

Although in the early stage, you may spend a lot of money or even suffer a big loss, but as long as you can survive the first few months, you can find a financial balance between customers and workers, and do the finishing work beautifully. If it’s bright!


There will be a steady stream of new customers arriving upon hearing the news.

Other merchants are still waiting and watching the excitement to see if Zhang Sheng can do it, and then consider whether to come to cooperate with Zhang Sheng...

But Xu Jianglong, the boss of [Yongtong Hydropower], took action!

Spend thirty thousand yuan!

Go on TV, advertise, and show your attitude!

It doesn’t matter even if you lose!

Anyway, since "Brother Yang" ran away, Xu Jianglong had no hope of ever getting that money back.

In fact...

By nine o'clock in the morning, Xu Jianglong realized that he might have made the right bet!

nine in the morning.

[Yongtong Water and Electricity] In the parking lot more than 20 meters in front, cars drove over one after another.

Xu Jianglong saw brand cars such as [Oubang Integrated Ceiling], [Hisense Kitchen and Bathroom], [Xiaoliang Lighting], [Knox Ceramics] and other brands lined up and parked around the parking lot.

One by one, the bosses in suits got out of the car and walked towards [Hongyuan Decoration]...

Xu Jianglong followed them subconsciously...

"Mr. Zhang...we are here!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, is this the store?"

"Mr. Zhang, tell me what we should do..."

"Xiao Zhang, you place an order. If you need any materials, I'll send them over right away. Is there a place to rent next to this place? We'll set up a warehouse and help you with the platform!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, you didn't sleep last night, so I'll help you check if there are any gaps in the order. If you need anything, I'll fill it in for you..."


Xu Jianglong was shocked.

He originally thought that he was the first to invest in Zhang Sheng and the first to try something new.

But he never dreamed that not only was he not qualified, he would even be ranked seven or eight behind.

These merchants from Yanjing seemed to be very familiar with Zhang Sheng. Some were joking with Zhang Sheng, some were smoking cigarettes and looking at the entire [Hongyuan Decoration], and some were constantly talking to Zhang Sheng about their plans.

But without exception...

When these people saw Zhang Sheng, their eyes only showed trust.

Even Xu Jianglong saw that these bosses actually took the initiative to chat with Zhang Sheng about [Hongyuan Decoration] debts, hoping that he could follow them to pay off the debts!


What shocked Xu Jianglong even more was that Zhang Sheng actually refused.

Moreover, judging from the reactions of the bosses, Zhang Sheng has rejected it more than once!

Xu Jianglong stared at Zhang Sheng, his eyes full of doubts!

This Zhang Sheng!

Who is he?

Later, he subconsciously felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. This sense of crisis made him more and more nervous, for fear that he would not be able to find his own place.

Thirty thousand materials fee!

It seems that he doesn't have enough chips. Zhang Sheng doesn't lack his 30,000 yuan at all?

He immediately went over and carefully observed these brands, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is no "Yongtong Water and Electricity" brand next to it!


There are also so many competitors inexplicably!

Just when Xu Jianglong was thinking about how he could go in and take advantage of this wave of heat to do something, another car came on the road not far away.

This time, it’s the furniture brand of [Qi’s Home Furnishing].

[Qi's Home Furnishing]'s car is bigger than other people's cars, and there are also a lot of people getting out of the car, including designers, carpenters, and lumber workers...

Wearing uniforms, these people walked into the [Hongyuan Decoration] store in a mighty manner. The originally spacious [Hongyuan Decoration] was instantly overcrowded again.

Xu Jianglong wanted to talk to Zhang Sheng several times, saying that he wanted to pay off some debts...

But there was no chance at all.

Zhang Sheng has been pestered by these business owners to talk to him, and he has not even been idle for a moment.

Each of these business owners looked very excited.

Often when Zhang Sheng says one sentence, they can talk about a dozen sentences...


That's what I mean!

They are all here, so we can't just let them take nothing and just pay the gas money and make some noise, right?

They don’t need to take the money either…

You have to let them help with the work, right?

While Xu Jianglong listened, he felt his head buzzing.

He has never encountered such nonsense in his life!

Around half past ten...

Some more reporters came. Xu Jianglong knew these reporters and they were reporters from the local channel in Jincheng.

After [Hongyuan Decoration] caused a big incident, these reporters reported and followed [Hongyuan Decoration] almost every day...

When the reporters came, Zhang Sheng was finally able to escape from the "siege" of the brand owners. After taking a breath, he came to the cameras of these reporters.

He said something very seriously.

These words did not sound very nutritious to Xu Jianglong. They were just some inspiring remarks, but Xu Jianglong finally heard the last sentence clearly.

"I will accept the supervision of everyone in the local area. Dear journalist friends, I am very happy that you are willing to do a feature for me!"

"I don't know if this is positive energy, but I will move forward step by step with my heart!"

Xu Jianglong heard the applause.


Xu Jianglong saw that after the reporter finished interviewing Zhang Sheng, several brand owners who were very close to Zhang Sheng gathered in front of the reporter.

The leader seems to be [Obon Integrated Ceiling].

Xu Jianglong looked at the LOGO on the [Obon Integrated Ceiling] brand. He seemed to have heard of this brand...

It seems like I heard it a month ago...

This brand vaguely seems to be an international brand, with a very high profile, and the spokesperson seems to be a powerful "big shot"?

After Xu Jianglong recalled it carefully, he finally knew why he had heard of this brand...

A relative of mine renovated in Yanjing. When the [integrated ceiling] was just installed, the relative was very satisfied. He kept praising his mother-in-law on the phone about the quality and grade of their integrated ceiling. I can hear the sense of superiority coming from my relatives!

Xu Jianglong watched Meng Shurong, the boss of Obon Integrated Ceiling, talking in front of the camera.

Xu Jianglong's sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger!

He felt a gust of wind, which seemed to be blowing. He wanted to follow this gust of wind and run forward with it!

He has seen a gold mine right in front of him!

He finally couldn't help but push through the crowd and approached Zhang Sheng desperately: "Xiao Zhang, I...Mr. Zhang, I want to have a chat with you, it's really difficult..."

"Brother Xu, I have been busy just now and didn't pay attention to you. Brother Xu, are you free this afternoon?"

"I'm free, I'm free today. Whatever arrangements you have, I can do it..."

"In the afternoon, after we sort out the debt, I will hold a meeting with some business friends. As you know, these businesses are well-known brands in Yanjing..."

"Yes! Mr. Zhang, how are you going to arrange it?"

"I don't think I have any plans. Everyone's enthusiasm is so high now that it won't dissipate for a while. I'm thinking of letting these brands hang out in our city..."

"Do you need a rental?"


"I own a house. The storefront next to [Hongyuan Decoration] is mine, and the three floors are mine..."

"I have also considered that place, but someone has rented it there. It is an integrated ceiling brand..."

"It's okay, I'll just let the tenant go!"

"Ah, this..."

"Anyway, the tenant owes me three months' rent...I'll come forward with these things. Mr. Zhang, you don't need to bother, just leave it to me and I'll take care of it, okay?"

"Well, that's not good."

"What's wrong? The house belongs to me and I can rent it to whomever I want!"

"Oh well!"

When Zhang Sheng was about to say something more, another merchant suddenly came over to talk to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng had no choice but to give Xu Jianglong a wry smile: "Brother Xu, I'm busy over there first. If you are free in the afternoon, you can come over for a meeting. I have made many arrangements at the meeting..."


Xu Jianglong nodded.

Looking at the increasingly lively [Hongyuan Decoration] surroundings, Xu Jianglong stared at the half-dead [Sensen Integrated Ceiling] not far away, and instantly frowned.

The smile disappeared completely!

Then I took out my phone immediately...

Called the number over there.

"Boss, do you want to pay the rent here?"

"Three months!"

"If you continue to default on your arrears, it will be difficult for me to behave as a human being!"

"Forget it, boss, don't rent it, and don't give me the rent. Just pack your things now and move out immediately..."

"I know you've introduced me to many clients...but, boss, I've also paid you three months' rent, what else do you want? I'm an honest person, so don't think I'm easy to bully!"

"Hurry up and pack your things and leave! Attitude, you owe me money, what attitude do you want me to have?"

"Hurry up, don't delay me! Hurry!"

"Move out this morning!"

"Can't move it? It's okay. If you can't move it, I'll help you move it!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Jianglong immediately ran to the door of his store, found a few young men, and then aggressively attacked [Sensen Integrated Ceiling]...

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