I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 153 What’s the point?

The night breeze is slightly cool.

Zhang Sheng left Wanda Mall.

Lin Xia and Zhang Panpan followed.

Zhang Panpan lowered his head.

The world is strange sometimes.

She had always felt that Zhang Sheng was a shameless person, and she felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

And now...

She finally became a shameless person.

She has been waiting for Zhang Sheng at the entrance of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant].

Watching the tidal wave of noise lingering throughout the restaurant, and watching Ah K gradually leaving with his guitar on his back, escorted by a group of security guards, the noise gradually subsided.

She should have left too.

She understands that she is not only a supporting role, but also an unpopular supporting role.

But she didn't.

After waiting for the lights in the mall to be turned off one by one, Zhang Sheng and others walked out of the restaurant.

She followed immediately.

In fact...

Lin Xia was also surprised why she didn't leave.

I wanted to ask her a few questions, but so many words came to my lips that I couldn't say anything in the end.

She understood that Zhang Panpan had encountered many difficult things.

But these things were all caused by herself.

There are many right forks in life, and there are also many right choices...

But, she took a wrong step.

Although it was not completely catastrophic, it was hit by reality like never before.

After leaving the mall and arriving at Zhongyuan Plaza, Lin Xia took a taxi. After giving her mother the license plate number and taxi address, she looked up at Zhang Panpan and said, "Panpan, are you... leaving? Otherwise, we Go together?"

Zhang Panpan was silent.

No words were spoken.

I just looked at the streets with people coming and going in confusion, thinking about my future.

There isn't much time left.

Everyone is leaving.

She wanted something for herself.


Confused, getting more and more confused, the intersections and cars in the distance seemed to have become her thoughts...

I don’t know where it’s going, and I don’t know where to stop.


If she just left like this, why did she wait so long?

Go for it!


I don’t know how to fight for it.

Vaguely, I felt like I would say the wrong thing again if my brain got hot and I spoke.

The car is here.

The driver waved to the two of them.

Lin Xia, who was about to leave, finally hesitated and didn't get in the car after looking at Zhang Panpan's devastated look.

Looking at the direction the driver was leaving, Lin Xia glanced at Zhang Sheng again.

Zhang Sheng is waiting for the evening bus.

At this moment, he is still a restricted high-consumption group.

There are restrictions on taking a taxi, and it's not easy for Lin Xia to take a taxi for him. After all, the roads are different, and...

The current situation seems inconvenient.

The evening wind is getting colder and colder.

The feeling of waiting makes people feel inexplicably panicked and nervous, making them breathless.

In the distance, the light of the bus flashes.

"My car is here...Classmate Lin, Classmate Zhang, do you want to take the bus with me, or..."

The bus is getting closer.

Then, to the side, the bus door opened.

Lin Xia didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Panpan.

"Zhang Sheng..."

Zhang Panpan finally spoke.


"Do I...have the capital to trade with you?"

Zhang Panpan thought of Ah K and Fat Xiaoan’s boss Chen Geng...

She thought of the scenes she saw today and the conversation she had with Zhang Sheng in the box a long time ago.

She thought back to the time when she was so angry that she even gritted her teeth: "Among the people I knew before, you were ranked in the top five hundred"!

Recalling Zhang Sheng's expression that day when he said these words, and Zhang Sheng's current appearance.

She suddenly felt ridiculously, maybe what he said was true?

When Zhang Sheng, who was walking towards the bus, heard these words, he paused for a moment and then turned his head.

His smile is sincere and contagious at the same time.

Zhang Panpan had rarely seen such a smile.

Under the light.

His smile was really comforting, like a gust of wind blowing on her cheeks, making her already uneasy and confused heart instantly feel better.



Zhang Sheng shook his head with a smile and continued to turn around and get on the bus.

"What should I do!" Zhang Panpan bit her lip.

The bus door gradually closed, Zhang Panpan's heart trembled, but he still looked at Zhang Sheng.

She asked this sentence out loud.


Zhang Sheng did not respond to her.

She stood alone.

Watch the bus go away.

"what should I do……"

She became distraught.

Even despair.

"If you don't have capital...accumulate capital, it just takes time to accumulate..."


She turned her head suddenly and watched Lin Xia hit another car.

Lin Xia sighed and looked at her seriously: "When you met Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng didn't have any capital and was even in a worse situation. But why does he have it now?"

Lin Xia's words were thoughtful.

Zhang Panpan was stunned.

Then he lowered his head and said, "What should I do?"

"Panpan, the fact that Zhang Sheng can see you today means that he has been giving you opportunities... But how you go and how you seize the opportunity depends on you. I don't know much about the entertainment industry, but I know that this world It is difficult to achieve many things in one go. Ah K has struggled for so many years and finally waited for Zhang Sheng among thousands of people..." Lin Xia took a taxi and then got on the bus: "Do you want to get in?"

Zhang Panpan shook his head.

"Then I'll leave first. Please pay attention to your safety. When you get a taxi, send me your location and license plate number..."


Standing alone at the entrance of the square.

Lin Xia no longer waited, but turned around and got in the car to leave.

Through the rearview mirror.

She found Zhang Panpan still standing blankly on the roadside.


Finally she was out of sight.


Ten p.m.

Xu Bowen stayed at the gate of Yanshihua's school, staring at everyone coming and going, while holding a notebook and jotting down something.

I didn’t dare to ask at first…

Xu Bowen felt embarrassed, especially the abnormal and even wary looks in everyone's eyes.

But if a person who has nothing even refuses to let go of his shame, he will achieve nothing in the end.


He held his scalp and asked again and again.

The more you ask, the more you get used to it.

It is difficult to achieve anything in this world overnight.

Xu Bowen recorded the students passing by, the mobile phones used by passers-by, the clothes they wore, and some professional hobbies...

After asking, I went back to the office alone and held it in for half an hour, writing out more than a hundred words of experience.


Seeing that nonsense, he felt ashamed on his face.

What are these things for?


Zhang Sheng is back.

He handed these things to Zhang Sheng.

After Zhang Sheng took a brief look, he smiled and said, "Is there any more?"

"there is none left!"

"Oh, I'll continue reading and writing tomorrow."

"Mr. Zhang, what's the use of this?"

“When you know what’s useful, you don’t have to write anymore.”


Xu Bowen took a deep breath.

The unspeakable depression in my heart.

But he didn't say anything. Instead, he nodded in the end, put down his notebook, and lay down on the small bed in the conference room next to him.

The conference room was empty at night.

He can sleep here temporarily.

I lay down but couldn't fall asleep.

Suddenly I felt that this job was much more tiring than being a security guard.

What are these for?

Vaguely, I had the idea that I seemed to have been tricked by Zhang Sheng...

Did he scold Zhang Sheng back then, and then Zhang Sheng used him exclusively for entertainment?

The brief anger subsided again.

He has nothing now. If he leaves Yanjing and runs home, his spine will definitely be broken by his relatives and friends.

At least there was a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Sometimes, having no choice is the best choice.

He closed his eyes.

When he woke up the next day, after breakfast, he still held his notebook and left the studio. He continued to run around observing the passers-by walking on the street, holding back his energy to record those things that were beyond doubt. Passersby information, and scratching the hair to write the incomprehensible experience.

Oh shit!

I write blindly every day.

What thoughts can you write down?


time flies.

In the blink of an eye.

It's early December.

The weather is getting colder and colder. Sometimes I can't help shivering while walking on the street wearing single clothes.

[Hongyuan Decoration] Debt repayment news continues.

However, the traffic at [Hongyuan Decoration] store gradually began to decrease.

There is always a threshold for people's freshness. After the bustling hustle and bustle, the next step is to stick to normal business.

Li Bin is very tired.

After leaving [Senran Integrated Stove], he found that it was so difficult to run a store.

Business is good...

The store is extremely busy.

The work requires coordination. After coordination, you still have to face all kinds of confusing decoration problems.

During this time...

It seems to be a very common thing to receive a complaint call from a customer while sleeping in the middle of the night.

Even if you have a professional designer from Yanjing to face it together, it will be extremely painful.

"Build word of mouth".

It's very simple to say, just three words.

But every word is full of difficulty, as if it is boiling and holding on in the flames.

As time goes by, the difficulties will not decrease, but will increase and accumulate layer by layer.

Most people can't hold it.

Then collapsed.

It's ruined.

Li Bin also felt that he was gradually reaching his limit and was about to be unable to hold on any longer.

His ability seemed to be not enough. Not only was it not enough, he even began to doubt himself.

He regrets it!

The ambition of more than ten days ago has turned into a torment.

Facing customer complaints at night, I have to greet customers with a smile during the day and talk about every order seriously...

The accumulated pressure will only increase.

He is not the teacher Zhang Sheng...

He is just an ordinary person.

"You only get this little commission in this company? How many shares do they give you?"

"Mr. Li, don't be like this, we all know it."

"Nervous, they slapped their butts and left...don't you have to do all this work?"

"What's the need?"

"These so-called merchant alliances will leave sooner or later. Although they are noisy and lively now, they all come here and leave..."

“This company [Hongyuan Decoration] is now in debt!”


He gradually became familiar with the surrounding brands.

Because he is the source, many brands have to use his customer information.

Then, naturally, many bosses came to visit and have tea.


Li Bin gradually heard some negative things.


An invisible contradiction seems to have begun to gradually become antagonistic.


Some of the things that the businessmen who come to Yanjing do seem to be turning into reality in a sense.

Meng Shurong took another large order of nearly 200,000 yuan.

Two hundred thousand!

Half the profit!

Close to one hundred thousand!

This month, he received a lot of orders like this, and the performance of his [Obon Integrated Ceiling] suddenly increased explosively during this month.

The rest of the merchants…

It seemed that everyone got what they needed during this feast.

Li Bin is still guarding.

It seemed unfair to him.


He received a call from Liu Kaili.

On the phone.

Liu Kaili said some incomprehensible words.

Liu Kaili, who was supposed to be at a trough, seemed very relaxed and said something to get him back. They also have their own business brand...

They invited Li Bin to come over and be the head of the Merchant Brand Alliance!

Li Bin naturally did not agree and blocked Liu Kaili.


He always felt that something was not quite right.

However, he could not tell what was wrong.

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