I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 155 Flame, flame (first update)


The more it burns, the higher it gets.

Three fire trucks rushed into a warehouse in the innermost suburb of the cross street in Yanjing Fujing.


However, it was blocked by several illegal vehicles occupying the fire exit.

I called to move the car, but no one answered the call for a long time. In desperation, after knocking over several illegal cars, the fire truck rushed in.


The best opportunity has been missed.

In the flames, someone was screaming...

The rescued people looked at the fire snake and cried loudly.

Some people wanted to rush in and take out the things inside the flames.

But being pinned down by someone, he finally broke down and could only yell.

The firelight illuminates the faces...

More and more people gathered around, pointing at the flames.

The reporter's interview car arrived and interviewed people who came to the scene one by one.

People at the scene had different opinions about the fire. Some said it started in the warehouse of the clothing store over there, some said it was a cigarette butt fire, and some said it was a gas explosion. After all, they heard an explosion...

This fire...

The fever lasted for nearly more than an hour.

The warehouses that were once there were all turned into charred ruins. Although the few people who were rescued in the end were only slightly injured, their faces were dark and they were too scared to say anything.


"Woo~" "Woo~!" "Woo~"

Fire truck sirens were blaring.

Meng Shurong sat under the warehouse, looking blankly at the charred warehouse and the newly purchased machine...

His pupils lost all color, and he just looked at everything blankly.

The flames gradually dwindled.

The wife who owns the clothing store next door has disheveled hair and is constantly being pulled.

While struggling, she shouted hysterically: "One million, one million clothes, one million clothes..."

"No more, no more, all gone!"

After the yelling, there was the crying.

After all, she did not rush into the charred fire scene. She could only look at the clothes and many clothing materials that turned into dust.

More than an hour...

No more, nothing left.

All the years of hard work were burned to the ground.

Meng Shurong sat on the stone bench next to him.

Keep your head down.

The noise and discussion nearby did not seem to affect him...

He just kept his head down.

Smoking cigarettes one by one.

His wife ran over from a short distance away in shock and said countless things to him.

He looked up and saw his wife opening and closing her mouth with a ferocious face, but he had no idea what she was talking about.

Temporarily deafened.

He shook his head...

Still can't hear anything.

His wife Li Aifeng became more and more anxious. When she saw his appearance, she slapped him hard.

Only then did he feel that he heard something.

Just, constant ringing in the ears.

Covering his face, he glanced blankly at the warehouse again.

"three million……"

"Three million machines..."

"Heater...exhaust fan..."

he muttered.

A few days ago, after returning from Jincheng, he was ambitious and took out a large loan to buy a batch of machines...

He plans to expand the scale and use all these machines for the production of new products and the preparation of Yan Petrochemical orders.

Last night, the couple planned to move the store away from the intersection to a more lively area after the Chinese New Year...

At the same time, the factory also follows international management standards, and employees are trained and on-the-job. Meng Shurong even plans to go to the United States to see if the integrated ceiling standards of the United States can be used.


A fire.

Burning away all their ambitions and visions for the future.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

The remaining fire was also put out.

Meng Shurong and his wife walked into the warehouse...

There is devastation everywhere.

The integrated ceiling material was burned and deformed. Although it is a flame-retardant material and can prevent fire to a certain extent, the fire was so fierce that no matter how hard it was stopped, it could not stop the high-temperature deformation...

Integrated ceiling-related exhaust fans, heaters, air conditioners...

Everything was burned to the ground in this flame.

The newly renovated processing plant next to it was also completely burned. Fortunately, no workers were injured or injured, but the property damage was immeasurable...


The sun sets.

When Zhang Sheng came here and saw the blackened areas everywhere, he felt as if he had been hit hard.

He saw many familiar people.

Their faces were pale, and when they saw Zhang Sheng coming over, they forced a smile.

Basically all the warehouses of merchants in Yanjing Fujing are here.

In the early days of starting a business, everyone didn’t have much money…

Although the warehouse is a wooden building with great fire hazards, the advantage is that the rent is cheap. In a place like Yanjing where land is at a premium, such rent is hard to find.

"Brother Wang..."

Wang Guofu had a big belly and smoked a cigarette.

When he saw Zhang Sheng coming over, he reluctantly showed a smile.

"You are late, otherwise, if you had come earlier, you would have seen the fireworks in my air-conditioned room... When they exploded just now, they were just like the Chinese New Year, crackling..."

"This is going to burn, tsk tsk..."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to see it in this life."

Wang Guofu still had time to joke with Zhang Sheng, but he was still smiling, and then he suddenly let out a long sigh and smoked a cigarette.

The warehouse of [Haili Central Air Conditioning] is also here, next to Meng Shurong's warehouse.

After Meng Shurong's warehouse caught fire, his air-conditioned warehouse also caught fire. Although several machines were rescued during the rescue operation, it was difficult to lift all the heavy mainframes out at once.


Then it exploded.

Zhang Sheng closed his eyes, exhaled a breath, and walked around the blackened area.

In this fire, more than ten warehouses were burned, which contained various brands. Among them, the clothing store was burned the most cleanly. The sound of the proprietress crying is still going on to this day.

He saw Liu Kaili watching the excitement.

Although the warehouse of Liu Kaili's Senran Integrated Stove was also here, it was not burned. He was more like a bystander, watching everywhere with his hands behind his back.

Although he didn't show any other expressions, he seemed to be watching the excitement and was in a good mood.

He stared at Liu Kaili for a while...

His eyes turned to other places.

Zhang Shengzai carefully observed the burned brands. Three or four of them were related to him...

The conspiracy theory forced him to think of some "plain and simple" business wars.

But using this kind of "unpretentious" business war at the feet of an emperor like Yanjing is probably too full to last.

"Zhang Sheng..."

Zhang Sheng heard a voice calling him.

Then he turned his head subconsciously.

He saw a beautiful female police officer with short hair walking over. When the female police officer saw her, she had a serious expression on her face: "Why are you here?"

"Well, hello, I'll come over and take a look..." Zhang Sheng looked at this beautiful female police officer.

At first glance, she felt familiar. Then she thought that this female police officer seemed to work in the same office as Gu Jiangyan. She seemed to have just become a full-time officer and called Gu Jiangyan "Master".

"This fire is very serious... The property damage is not small. You will not be here..." The short-haired female police officer came to Zhang Sheng and chatted with Zhang Sheng about the fire.

"No..." Zhang Sheng shook his head and looked at the scorched blackness: "Tell me, will someone set the fire?"

"The investigation is not clear yet, but the probability of arson is not high. We still need to investigate the source to find out..."


"busy lately?"


"How's the decoration going?"


Zhang Sheng nodded.

The female police officer chatted with Zhang Sheng for a while, initially about things related to the fire, but then she asked Zhang Sheng some personal matters.

She seems to be very interested in Zhang Sheng.

After chatting for a while, after realizing that it was working time, he immediately became serious again. After asking Zhang Sheng something, he immediately turned around and ran towards the source of the fire in the distance.

Zhang Sheng saw her graceful back when she left.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

She seems interested in me.

This idea appeared in Zhang Sheng's mind.


Zhang Sheng saw Meng Shurong and his wife walking from the ruins in the distance holding a few gusset boards.

Their faces were filled with despair.

After seeing Zhang Sheng, Meng Shurong smiled bitterly: "The millions... are all gone. I originally planned to give you some endorsement fees yesterday, but now..."

"Let's talk about it in the store first."



7 p.m.

There's just a fire here...

It's on the news over there.

The preliminary investigation came out quickly.

The news reported the fire. The cause of the fire was that the electric vehicle was charging in the warehouse, and then the battery leaked and caught fire.

When the open fire first started, the worker didn't notice it. By the time he realized something was wrong and wanted to put out the fire, it was already too late...

The clothing store next door was the first to suffer...

There are too many combustible materials in a clothing store.

The fire snake shot up extremely high in an instant, and with the help of a wave of northwest wind, it spread to the side...

Zhang Sheng and Meng Shurong watched the news...

Zhang Sheng could still have dinner, but Meng Shurong and his wife remained silent.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.


Not long after, Zhang Sheng heard the noise outside the house.

After Meng Shurong and his wife heard the noise, they walked out immediately.

I found that many customers came.

[Obon Integrated Ceiling] The door was crowded with people.

Meng Shurong went over immediately, and then...

"Boss, isn't your integrated ceiling said to be fireproof?"

"Yes, didn't you swear that your integrated suspended ceiling is as fire-proof as other integrated suspended ceilings? Why did it burn like this when the fire came?"

"Boss, this is false advertising, we want to cancel the order!"



Meng Shurong saw many peers with integrated ceilings coming with a group of customers.

They talk about the quality of the product...

There is also false propaganda...

They even found special aluminum-plastic panels that were scorched to the point of deformation and said all kinds of weird things.

Some customers even brought their exhaust fans over, saying that the exhaust fans had safety hazards and that the heaters were off-brand without any safety signs or even quality certification...

These colleagues no longer pretend to be anything.

They are instigating customers!



Meng Shurong felt that the blood all over his body had turned cold.

He gritted his teeth!

However, he still explained very patiently: "Our fire protection level is Level 2, but this fire is already a Level 3 fire. Our gussets are only deformed and will not support combustion..."


His explanation seemed useless...

A flurry of voices interrupted his explanation.

He just felt a buzzing sound in his head...

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