I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 166 Troublemaker (Part 1)

[Paramecium] Cao Li, registered on Weibo a few months ago, not long after Weibo was launched into public beta.

When I signed up for Weibo, I didn’t take it to heart.

The studio asked her to register, so she did.

In a sense, Weibo is similar to the former school network.

Cao Li has also registered on the school network. A few years ago, she also read some college students' gossip and some students' complaints on the school network...

Later, after watching more, I gradually felt that the gameplay was single and I logged in less...

After registration...

Cao Li habitually opened some pages.


I found Weibo to be quite interesting.

Compared with Xiaonei.net, its content is simply not as comprehensive as it is popular.

There are social hot topics, celebrity gossip, feuding, and film review sections...

Vaguely, the entire Weibo is like a battlefield, and in this battlefield, everyone can put on a vest and there is no need to cover up this or that like in reality...

You can scold whoever you want to scold, and you can question whoever you want to question...

Then, through interactions with netizens, I actually gained some like-minded fans.

Cao Li, who had a tendency to cause trouble, instantly fell in love with this thing.

In a few months, I followed several rhythms.


The number of fans has increased to 3,000!

When Weibo was first established, the fans were quite real. There were 3,000 fans, and they would post casually and get a lot of likes.

a few days ago.

Cao Li has a particularly bluffing identity.

Student Union President Chen Mengting helped her apply for a "Southern California International Chinese Regional Film Critic".

A yellow V is added to the end of this identity, which looks so authoritative!


After Cao Li discovered that she had this additional identity, she followed netizens online to discuss hot events or posted some posts.

The number of fans keeps rising.

In just two days, the number of fans exceeded 5,000!

"From now on, you will be a public figure!"

"At the same time, he is also a member of our [NC Studio] public relations..."

Cao Li nodded.

I don’t know since when, she seems to have fallen in love with the feeling of wandering on Weibo.

Sometimes I feel like a chivalrous and righteous heroine with a unique identity, who uses words to fight against injustice in some incidents.

Sometimes, she feels that she is a trend-setter. She often raises a simple topic, and many people leave comments below...

The growing number of fans, more and more admirers...

It stimulated her excited nerves all the time.

She loves it here!


Zhang Sheng came to her independent office.

Zhang Sheng...

This junior college student who just entered school this year is now considered a man of the hour in the entire Yanshihua.

Although the apparent boss of [NC Studio] is Chen Mengting, everyone knows that Zhang Sheng is the actual controller.

Cao Li stood up subconsciously and greeted Zhang Sheng.

She saw Zhang Sheng and laughed.


Zhang Sheng looked at her and showed a strange smile.

"Want to gain fans faster?"

After seeing this smile, Cao Li nodded subconsciously.


Zhang Sheng told her a new way to increase followers on Weibo.


[Weineng Battery] and [Liwei Battery] are becoming more and more popular.


This kind of fire is a kind of fire.

[Weineng Battery] The person in charge of the public relations department is named Zhen Dandan.

seven years ago…

As soon as the battery started to rise, he followed the boss of [Power] to fight in all directions.

She went through business and suffered a lot. The company also fell into a trough and failed to recover. In the end, the cohesion of their team was relatively strong and they had enough money.

So, they spent money on various activities and finally broke out of the market.

On the market...

Now [Liwei] can compete with their [Power], and other batteries are not worth mentioning.

But in the competition with [Liwei], they suffered a lot.

[Liwei] This product started two years later than them, but when it started, they were not short of money, so they started a price war with them from the beginning.

When they were unaware, they took groups of people to dealers all over the country, offering benefits, various standards, and even placing various advertisements on TV...

They seize market opportunities in various ways.

[Weineng] is naturally not to be outdone. If you place an advertisement on this TV station, I will be on that TV station. If you get the agency contract for this brand of battery car, I will get another one...

these years……

Tacit market competition is considered healthy.

The two of them are constantly growing in competition!

Many small batteries were killed...

Either there is no technology, there is no capital, or the productivity cannot keep up...

Mergers and acquisitions, acquisitions...

But no one would have thought of it!

these years……

[Liwei] Electric vehicles seem to be dissatisfied with the competition model of two companies equally sharing the market.

They are stabbing each other overtly and covertly!

[Liwei]’s salesmen have even started to activate low-level battery car dealers, encouraging them to give up [Weineng] and give up a [Weineng] battery. How much money will they subsidize?

Keep hitting the prices!

This wave is coming down...

Just a few months!

[Weineng Battery] sales dropped sharply in an instant...

When the superiors saw this scene, they were immediately furious!

There were several scolding battles between the respective salesmen at the dealer...

As the big cake of [Home Appliances to the Countryside] becomes more and more popular, it will become more and more popular.

This overt and covert struggle has reached a fever pitch!


Zhen Dandan is at the critical moment of [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas].

Suddenly I saw a little news.

The headline on the news was: [The fire burned most of his life’s hard work, but he still stood]!

The battery car equipped with [Liwei Battery] caught fire in Yanjing!

Then, it affected a large number of merchants in Yanjing, causing many merchants to lose all their money!

Zhen Dandan discovered something keenly...


After chatting with the boss, the boss’ meaning was very simple!

Now is the critical moment for [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas], give [Li Wei] a fatal blow and make it withdraw from the competition!

Grab the market!


Grab the market!


Fires are actually quite normal.

After all, it is an electronic product, to put it bluntly, it is a battery...

It is not uncommon for this thing to catch fire when exposed to high temperatures, heat, or collision.

It is a tacit phenomenon in the industry.

But at this critical moment, there happens to be hot news again, and then reporting [Liwei] will cause [Liwei] to suffer a big loss even if it doesn't hurt the bones!


In the office.

"Has [Liwei] detected it over there?"

"It has been detected and there is no problem with the other party's battery. Now the other party is attacking us and reporting on the safety and quality of our battery!"

"Haha, create momentum online and on TV stations to get those pornographic pictures out!"


"By the way, have I asked you to contact the leaders on Weibo?"

"got engaged!"

"How much does the other party offer?"

"Ten thousand dollars!"

"Okay, ten thousand yuan is ten thousand yuan, but we must make this matter smooth. Now is the time for [Home Appliances to the Countryside] to adjust the list. By the way, we must clarify that the other party is spreading rumors about us with photos, do you understand? !”

"Yes! Understood, we have specially found technical personnel to analyze these P-pictures and upload them to Weibo!"

"Find a suitable Weibo blogger! Someone with authority..."

"Okay! Mr. Zhen, a blogger named Cao Meicong contacted us. She seems to have been a film critic before. She added V on Weibo and has almost over 10,000 followers. I just scrolled through it. During this time, she has been Speak for us..."

“Show me Weibo!”


Weibo is a new place.

As a public relations person, although Zhen Dandan is not a professional, she is also keeping pace with the times and thinking about multi-channel "brand" promotion.

The assistant gave Zhen Dandan a screenshot of a Weibo account.

Zhen Dandan opened this Weibo account.

The content in this Weibo account used to be all movie reviews, specifically reviewing various movies. After reading a few articles, it seemed quite professional.

Then, she turned to the recent content.

In the recent content, she saw a familiar Weibo reprinted by the account [The fire burned most of his life's hard work, but he still stood].


Zhen Dandan was stunned when she looked at this familiar title and the hundreds of messages below.

No wonder I feel deja vu. When I saw this Weibo post two days ago, it seemed that it originated from the account Paramecium?

Then, she continued to look down!

"[Liwei Battery] has serious quality problems!"

"I seriously suspect that the [Liwei Battery] fire incident in Yanjing is not an isolated case. It's just that this fire was relatively big, and then he was caught!"

"When [Liwei] started out, he did a lot of shady things. My uncle was a battery car dealer. Later, he was tricked by [Liwei]. The promised money was not given..."

"The battery car I used before was a [Weineng] battery. The actual battery life of the Weineng battery is pretty good, even better than the advertised..."

"This is the battery bike I usually ride..."


Zhen Dandan saw the comments one after another.

After seeing the comments...

She felt warm unconsciously.

This blogger…

He seems to be a die-hard supporter of [Power] batteries?

Regardless of the various comments...

Or all kinds of private chats!

Everyone seems to be on their side...

Moreover, although the number of fans of this blogger is not large, it is not large. At the same time, he has been officially certified by Weibo as a public figure.

If this time...

Zhen Dandan thought for a moment.


Using his own Weibo account, he sent a private message to Paramecium.

I said a few bad things about [Weineng] electric cars like [Weineng] can also catch fire!

After a while...

Paramecium responded, but the tone of the response was quite angry.

"Crazy, don't you know what [Liwei] electric cars are?"

"They are attacking [Power]!"

"Look, these things, these pictures, are all fake! Unprofessional people won't understand, but professionals will know they are fake at a glance!"


Zhen Dandan saw the other party sending several photos of the [Weineng] electric car catching fire.

Then, he analyzed the vulnerabilities of the burning P picture very carefully...

After sending it out...

I felt upset again, and then I was so angry that I updated these pictures on Weibo to help [Weineng] clarify...

Seeing this scene...

Zhen Dandan fell into deep thought for a short time.


She immediately sent a message to Paramecium.

"Sorry, I was joking with you just now... Actually, I am an official member of [Weineng Battery]. Thank you for your support of [Weineng]..."

"If possible, we hope to work with you..."

"I see that you have worked very hard to post. We will not let the bloggers who support us work alone. We hope to give you a certain amount of remuneration. Of course, we have no intention of buying you. It should be said that we will give you some advertising hard work..."

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