I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 169: Driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf!


The sun sets.

The wind blew through the Fujing intersection with a bit of chill.

[Liwei] More and more people are coming from the battery investigation team.

They spent energy and material resources constantly checking from house to house.

at the same time……

They brought some filming equipment, either openly or undercover...

It's like the Jin Yiwei in the movie, they have an attitude of never giving up until they turn this area upside down!

In addition to merchants, some people also secretly contact some customers.

Rumor has it...

As long as anyone can provide useful information about the fire and prove that [Liwei] Battery is innocent, then they will reward you with a reward ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 yuan!

at the same time……

They focused on investigating the contradiction between [Oubang integrated ceiling] and other integrated ceilings!

This society is a society governed by the rule of law.

However, unpretentious business competition exists in many places, and there are many abusers.

That fire...

The burning was so weird!

After the fire, those customers who were suddenly instigated by other ceiling brands came at the right time...

It's like knowing something in advance.

"Mr. Meng, you also want to know who the murderer is behind the scenes, right?"

[Liwei Battery] The person in charge of the investigation team is also named Meng.

His name is Meng Chong. If we go back a hundred years, he and Meng Shurong are the same family.

This morning, he came to this street. After carefully investigating the entire incident, he came to [Obon Group].

He planned to have a good chat with Meng Shurong.

He investigated Meng Shurong's losses in the fire in detail.

Meng Shurong lost nearly 2 million yuan.

Two million yuan is Meng Shurong's savings for most of his life.

That kind of people……

There are bound to be all kinds of negative emotions in your heart.

In a sense, they [Liwei Battery] were helping him by coming to investigate this matter.

They are on the same line.

"I also want to know who is behind the scenes!"

Meng Shurong looked at Meng Chong.

Meng Chong smoked a cigarette with a sincere voice, especially those eyes that were staring at you from beginning to end, showing sincerity, sympathy, and admiration...

When Meng Chong walked in, he chatted with him about the fire.

They talked about how badly Meng Shurong suffered in the fire, and then Meng Chong talked about his [Liwei] battery brand.

[Liwei] battery brand was also pushed to the forefront in this fire, becoming a pain point and reporting point for battery attacks from [Weineng] next door...

This fire is like a thorn. Driven by some people with ulterior motives, various online opinions, news, and media have pierced the heart of [Liwei]...

And the timing was chosen particularly well!

Although just now, the test report for the [Liwei] battery came out.

There is nothing wrong with the inspection report and it is still qualified.


The national pilot support notice for [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] has indeed not been released yet.

The incident on the Internet about the spontaneous combustion of [Liwei] battery has not stopped, even though [Liwei] and [Weineng] are attacking each other...


This fire is real.

Moreover, [Weineng] once again put the news of this fire on Weibo and major media hot searches!

This wave!

Extremely cruel!

It was just before the launch of the national project of [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas]!

This move!

It’s so cruel!

Meng Chong described the crisis in his company and the pressure he faced.

Meng Shurong felt the same when he heard it.

If a person encounters pain in the same thing, then it is just a painful memory.

But both sides suffered pain in this incident, and even to put it ugly, they encountered a battle on the edge of life and death, so...

Both sides are people on the same front...

It’s easy to bring people closer together.

Meng Shurong had long felt something strange about the fire.

However, the police officers came to investigate and found nothing...

Can he, a weak person, be more powerful than a police officer?

Meng Chong asked about the conflict between Meng Shurong and the surrounding integrated ceilings.

"To tell you the truth, actually..."

Under the sunset.

Meng Shurong nodded and took a deep breath. The negative emotions that had been suppressed deep in his heart suddenly surged up.

He immediately wanted to say something to Meng Chong in front of him.

But when he saw the camera next to him from the corner of his eye, he stopped mid-sentence.

"Actually what? Mr. Meng, you can say whatever you want. There is no need to be taboo. This time our [Liwei] Battery will stand up for you!" Meng Chong looked at Meng Shurong's stiff expression, as if he had swallowed something, and suddenly felt so sad in his heart A little eager.

"We get along quite harmoniously. There are no conflicts, but no real conflicts..."

"???" Meng Chong was stunned.

He never dreamed that Meng Shurong would answer these words.

He was very convinced that that was definitely not Meng Shurong's inner thoughts!

"Mr. Meng... I don't know what you are afraid of. Mr. Meng, we have visited the surrounding merchants, and the surrounding merchants all replied that there is a conflict between you. Several other integrated ceiling brands have even personally said that they are going to kill you." ...They were the ones who started this fire!" Meng Chong looked at Meng Shurong.

"I don't know how they feel about me, but I think I get along well with them. A few days ago, I also reached a cooperation with [Meijia Integrated Ceiling]..."

"Not long after they set the fire, they found customers to cancel their orders with you! It was clear that they wanted to give you a fatal blow. Fortunately, you were lucky and survived..."

"That's because I didn't do my job well..."

In the office.

Meng Chong's body was almost in front of Meng Shurong.


Meng Shurong still shook his head.

There is no acknowledgment of any conflict between them.

Meng Chong asked a few final questions. After seeing that Meng Shurong still didn't take the bait, Meng Chong and others finally left [Oubang International].

Meng Shurong sent Meng Chong away with a smile.

But after Meng Chong left, Meng Shurong's whole body was trembling.

It was a long-suppressed anger.

Meng Chong handed the results of his investigation today to Meng Shurong.

They were the ones who set the fire that almost sealed the deal!

Even if they didn't release it, they were still among the insiders!

Meng Shurong was so angry that he wanted to tear all these people into pieces.


He had to endure it.

At this point, he must endure it!

If he dares to face the camera and say a series of words that are inconsistent with other integrated ceilings...


It's really cool, and it can also give other integrated ceilings a hard blow...


It’s hard to believe that they started the fire!

Legally, they still have nothing.

No evidence……

Still no evidence!

It will even trigger a group attack again!

His [Obang International] has now suffered heavy losses. Although it has seen the light of day, it is still dying. At this critical moment, it cannot be provoked into other conflicts, let alone become a victim of this "driving the tiger to swallow the wolf incident" !

Driving the tiger to devour the wolf means driving the tiger to destroy the wolf, which means to make one attack the other and make them kill each other so that the third party can reap the benefits of the fishermen. The extension is to use another powerful force to eliminate another or multiple weaker forces, while retaining one's own strength.

Night falls.

Meng Shurong felt that the temperature was getting colder and colder.

[Liwei] The battery investigation team has finally dispersed!

Meng Shurong closed his eyes.

[Liwei Battery] is a tiger.

The rest of the integrated ceiling is wolf...

As for himself, he is just a bystander reaping the benefits. As for when he will benefit...

Then, he can only wait!

This is a game of chess!

Zhang Sheng is a chess player. Unknowingly, he moved a particle.

He smiled innocently.


Many people have become pawns in his hands without knowing it!


Perhaps, Zhang Sheng is the one who really benefits!


"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Mr. Tangwu and I have seen your sincerity..."

"We are very touched. Really. When Mr. Tangwu called me just now, he kept saying that he was very eager to cooperate with you!"

"You will all be my [Bosch] battery's best strategic partners and partners in the future..."

[Training Base] In the large conference room.

Shen Yi took the college leaders to their seats one by one.

After taking his seat, he carefully introduced this brand of household electric bicycles to the leaders.

The college leaders looked at them and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Then, the leaders looked at the conference room again.

They nodded, their expressions unchanged, but they each had other thoughts in their minds.

Many battery car brands are well-known second-tier battery car brands with good reputations in the market.

These brands attach great importance to the cooperation meeting of [Bosch] Batteries and sent some middle-level managers to discuss cooperation.

In addition to the brands, some dealers are also here!

They filled the entire conference room.

this moment……

It’s like a true “enterprise” strategic cooperation meeting!

Zhang Sheng, on behalf of Tang Wu's sales staff, walked to the high platform step by step.

After greeting the leaders of the college and bowing to everyone, they began to introduce their [Bosch] batteries.

Shen Yi looked at Zhang Sheng on the stage.

Even though I know Zhang Sheng, I also know that Zhang Sheng is a very powerful guy.

But when Zhang Sheng opened the PPT, he didn't read it at all and gave an almost unscripted speech, which still shocked him.

Zhang Sheng's voice was sincere.

He just introduced the parameters and data of the battery, as well as the past collision tests conducted in the academy...


The simple words seemed to have a magical power in Zhang Sheng's mouth, and Shen Yi could not help but be attracted by the content of Zhang Sheng's words.

Shen Yi knew it very well.

It’s a rhythm…

It's unhurried, but has a rhythm that touches people's hearts.

Shen Yi subconsciously glanced at the leader next to him.

Although the faces of several leaders were calm, the interest in their eyes became more and more intense, and the sense of anticipation became stronger and stronger!

As for those battery brands in the distance...

After looking at their expressions, Shen Yi's eyes flashed with surprise!

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