I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 181 It’s time to pay off the debt! (superior)


A strong sense of chilling lingered in the entire case room.

After everyone sat down, there was still silence in the office.

Zhang Gui and his wife looked at the director who was reading the information uneasily...

Zhang Gui wanted to say something to suppress the depressing atmosphere...


He wanted to take out the cigarettes in his pocket and share them with everyone to lighten the atmosphere.

But when he put his hand in his pocket, he found that the cigarette was long gone.

And on this occasion...

It doesn't seem suitable for sharing cigarettes.

This depressing and chilling feeling didn't seem to affect Zhang Sheng.

He seems to be adapting well.

At the same time, his expression was calm.

He looked at Zhang Gui, his wife, and the lawyer.

A memory came to mind.

His calm mood briefly stirred up waves, and he even began to feel vaguely angry!

That year...

The desperate predecessor could only focus on his uncle.

Although uncle Zhang Gui is a collateral line, he has the same blood relationship.

After the accident, the uncle's family suddenly became very enthusiastic towards the original owner. Not only did they help solve many problems, they also made suggestions to the original owner.

[The house must be mortgaged! If it is really taken away by the bank, then you have nothing! 】

[In this way, you inherit the house first. After the inheritance, your house will be transferred to my name first. I will help you protect the property first. You can come here anytime you want to live in the future.]


Article 1159 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China stipulates that when dividing the inheritance, the taxes and debts that the deceased should pay according to law shall be paid off; however, necessary inheritance shall be reserved for heirs who lack the ability to work and have no source of livelihood.

Article 1,161

The heir shall pay off the taxes and debts that the deceased should pay according to law to the extent of the actual value of the estate received. This does not apply to the amount that exceeds the actual value of the estate and is voluntarily repaid by the heirs...

If you understand the law and are even willing to spend money to hire a lawyer...

Well, it wasn't that bad originally.

Many things can be easily solved.


An eighteen-year-old young man is at the age of ignorance.

What law does he know?

How can a child who has experienced a sudden change understand the dangers of the human heart?

He doesn't even understand what it means to inherit a property, which means inheriting a debt, and he doesn't understand how to obtain a portion of the debt ceiling for himself through legal means...

He only knows that his uncle Zhang Gui is his only relative in this world...

He only knew that his uncle, who was related by blood, would not lie to him...

Although his uncle has not been very kind to him since he was a child, and sometimes he even refuses to be polite, but he has encountered such changes, human nature can't be so evil, right?


After all, it has reached this level of evil.

That day...

He saw Zhang Gui's family and their lawyers signing the agreement with him with smiles on their faces. Then, Zhang Gui gave him eight hundred yuan.

Zhang Gui said it very simply. In the future, when it becomes less troublesome for him, as long as he gets 800 yuan, he will transfer the house to him.

That day...

Zhang Sheng was very touched and felt the warmth that he had not seen for a long time after his parents passed away.


After signing the agreement and waiting until the lawyer left, the smiles on Zhang Gui and his wife's faces disappeared instantly.

They started to become a little cold.

They dismissed themselves to bed.

the next day……

They packed their luggage, then woke up their sleeping predecessor and stuffed him with three hundred dollars!

They said that the debt collector was coming soon, and they asked him to take the arranged tractor and escape to the county town first, and then take a bus to the county town and run as far as he could...

Then, looking towards the window, he saw Li Hua and others running over in groups, with great momentum!


He heard a lot of noise and trouble.

The predecessor didn't even dare to go down the stairs, jumped off the second floor in a panic, and ran away in the blink of an eye.

That Li Hua!

The shadow it casts on its predecessor is too great.

Whether it's kicking in the door, cursing at his predecessor's father, or making a move...

This makes a teenager feel a great sense of fear in his heart, and then he is under a lot of pressure!

Now that I think about it...

It turns out that Li Hua has known his uncle Zhang Gui for a long time.

The so-called debt collection...

The so-called door-smashing!

turn out to be……

It's all just a play.

Zhang Sheng was used to seeing the ugliness of human nature. He should have been used to it. Even seeing this situation, he shouldn't have had any trouble.

These are vulgar little tricks!

But at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of anger, and the more he recalled some things in the past, the stronger the anger became.

Maybe it's the emotion from the original body, or maybe it's looking at Zhang Gui's ugly expression?

Who knows?

After coming out of the memory, Zhang Sheng's expression suddenly became colder.

It was a chill that came from the bones.


If he hadn't appeared, this young man would probably be like those Sanhe masters at the bottom of society, hanging out in Internet cafes and waiting to die...

Or one night, a debt collector found him and broke his leg...


After walking up to a certain attic, I could no longer bear any pressure and jumped down alone in the darkness.

Who knows?

"Peace of mind."

Just when Zhang Sheng was recalling things.

Zhang Sheng suddenly heard a very small sound, like a mosquito, as if it was an illusion.

But it's extremely reassuring.

He turned his head subconsciously.

I saw a beautiful girl with short hair, looking down at the information...

This girl's name is Song Yao.

The apprentice led by Lin Xia's mother, Gu Jiangyan, just transferred to internship this year...

Since the first meeting in the Yanjing Bureau, she left her number, and they met several times later. Due to some matters, Zhang Sheng also took the initiative to call her several times to consult on some matters.

She had been very enthusiastic and helped Zhang Sheng contact the local police station. She was not even worried about Zhang Sheng coming alone, so she took advantage of her vacation and came all the way from Yanjing to help Zhang Sheng handle these matters.

Zhang Sheng realized that this girl was too enthusiastic about him, so he inevitably began to think about some things in his mind, and began to wonder what her purpose was.

But when he looked at the girl's eyes, he found that the girl's eyes seemed to be very pure, without any impurities.

Zhang Sheng always felt that this was purely pretense, and it should have some other purpose, but with a veteran like him, he couldn't see any trace of pretense.

He didn't believe that he had any bastard spirit, and then the tiger's body shook, and everyone fell to their knees.

In this world, many non-relationships are based on the level of interests...


What's the benefit of being in trouble yourself?

Finally, after pondering for a long time, Zhang Sheng felt that this was an investment in him.


"Li Hua, do you know? You have also seen that this man is ruthless and has killed people before! You must not offend him..."


"Deputy Director Wang Binqiang, let me tell you... we had a drink together before... we have a very good relationship!"


"Zhang Sheng, this matter is almost done, let's go over there... We have nothing to do. At most we are going to catch up on old times and see old friends, but you..."


"You are my nephew, I will not harm you, and I don't want to harm you...but there are many things, so don't go too far!"


In the investigation room.

Zhang Gui saw Zhang Sheng take out the recording pen and the hidden camera.

There are several cameras...

While taking photos of Zhang Gui's appearance, he also recorded every voice of Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui turned pale, gritted his teeth, and stared at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, what on earth did you take! Are you messing with me?"

Threats made in private were openly brought to the table.

He stood up angrily and slammed the table.


Then he was gently pressed down by director Yang Gang.

Wang Binqiang, the deputy director next to him, had a gloomy face and hurriedly explained to the director that he did not know Zhang Gui.

"Then you know Jiang Yong, right? Were you involved in Jiang Yong's battlefield? You were in charge of Li Hua's provocations, right?"


Deputy director Wang Binqiang lowered his head and looked at the director uncertainly.

Finally, he shook his head.

"I don't!"

After Wang Binqiang finished his answer, the entire conference room fell into silence briefly.


The short-haired girl finally read the contract and then looked up at Lawyer Niu: "Mr. Lawyer, everyone has studied law. You know that at the legal level, there are regulations that violate land management regulations and illegally transfer and resell land use rights for the purpose of making profits. , if the circumstances are serious, he will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention... Do you know this clause? "

Lawyer Niu looked a little ugly and wanted to say something else, but then he saw Song Yao looking at him coldly.

“Article 538: If the debtor disposes of property rights and interests without compensation by giving up its creditor’s rights, giving up creditor’s rights guarantee, transferring property for free, etc., or maliciously extends the time limit for the performance of its due creditor’s rights, thereby affecting the realization of the creditor’s creditor’s rights, the creditor may request the people The court annuls the debtor’s actions!”

"Article 539: The debtor transfers property at a clearly unreasonable low price, transfers other people's property at a clearly unreasonable high price, or provides guarantee for other people's debts, which affects the realization of the creditor's rights, and the debtor's counterparty knows or should If the creditor is aware of this situation, the creditor can request the People’s Court to revoke the debtor’s behavior!”


"Eight hundred yuan for a house, how much lower than the market price is it? You have already violated the law, do you understand?"

Song Yao is extremely familiar with the law.

She stared at Lawyer Niu and mentioned many laws in one breath.

Zhang Gui felt his scalp numb when he heard this.

He had no idea that Zhang Sheng could actually invite such a powerful master.

He looked at Lawyer Niu subconsciously, and then, after seeing Lawyer Niu's expression changed drastically, he realized that everything these short-haired girls said was true.

He suddenly became angry!

He stood up suddenly.

"This apartment was originally meant for me. It was his father. Yes, it was his father. Zhang Weimin robbed my house! The inheritance distribution is inherently unfair!"

"I just took back what belongs to me, what's wrong with me!"

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