I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 186 Differentiation!

Jiang Yong watched Chen Guorong leave.

Jiang Yong is not in a hurry.

He controls the lifeblood of a village.

Outside, countless people were shouting, and almost half of the village's young and old people came.

this matter……

There has to be a proper solution.

What a big fuss!

The bigger the better!

In the conference room.

He drank his tea with great interest.

The leader's tea is really good. Every sip of the tea is sweet, and the fragrance is overflowing after drinking it.

He looked at the journals placed next to the conference room.

He stood up with several village party secretaries and flipped through the journals.

The journals basically cover what achievements Cangdong County has made and how the county magistrate is doing.

After watching it for a while, he scoffed, and even felt a little amused in his heart, thinking that these were all superficial work.

What is Cangdong County like?

Could he not be clear?

Gradually, a few of them began to chat quietly, talking about the changes brought to them by the battlefield, and the road they built...

They even deliberately talked to the secretary, saying that if the embankment was really dangerous, they could work with the village to repair the embankment. It was indeed their fault, and they would be responsible to the end.

A series of words…

He spoke openly and even seemed extremely responsible.

Next to them, the secretary was still standing, accompanying them. Occasionally, he would help pour tea when he saw that they had run out of tea.

But she didn't say anything from beginning to end. Even when they took the initiative to strike up a conversation, she kept a calm attitude and smiled.

Half an hour later...

It's getting late.

After Chen Guorong left, he did not come back.

Jiang Yong suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness.

He subconsciously looked towards the window, and after seeing the dark crowd still surrounding him below, he felt a little relieved.

More than ten minutes passed.


He found that the noisy sounds below the window gradually became less frequent.

He was stunned!

Then he frowned...

He saw Chen Guorong from the Bureau of Land and Resources walking over, followed by a bald middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man held a trumpet.


Jiang Yong heard a sound of trumpets.

"Quiet everyone, quiet everyone, I will solve your employment problem. I am the person in charge of [Bosch] Battery. My name is Tang Wu. Our [Bosch] Battery has just signed an investment agreement with Cangdong County... We will... By building a factory here, we can provide employment for 300, 400, or even 500 people..."

"Our initial address is Qinghe Village. Our plan is to use [Bosch] batteries as a unit to establish a new energy entrepreneurship base in Cangdong County..."

"We have strategic cooperation agreements with many domestic electric vehicle brands. After discussions and research with strategic brands, we have tentatively decided on several projects in this base, including battery vehicle casings and battery vehicle parts production lines..."


Jiang Yong and several village leaders saw the noisy crowd and instantly calmed down with a few words.

Jiang Yong's expression changed slightly. Although he had never heard of [Bosch] batteries, when Gu Shen Gu Bureau stood next to him, he realized that this company was not simple.

He subconsciously glanced at the village leader!

He was about to walk out.

But who knew that as soon as he walked out of the conference room, he was stopped by several security personnel.

"Hello, you can't go out now!"

"Ah? Why can't you go out!"

"The leader has warned..."

"What are you doing? I want to go out now!"

"Feel sorry……"

"You are breaking the law, do you know?"


Jiang Yong's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly started shouting.

But several security personnel stopped him and refused to allow him to step out of the conference room door!

Several village leaders stared...

They also realized that something was wrong. Wasn't this putting them under house arrest?

At this time, he saw the leader Chen Guorong coming from outside, and then looked at them with a smile on his face.

"Sorry for the wait……"

"Director Chen, these people won't let us out, no, how can you do this..."

"Don't worry, sit down first. You guys sit down first. I have been considering your demands just now. In fact, I also need to ask for permission from the superiors regarding your approval procedures. The superiors have become more and more strict in this regard..."

"Bureau Chen, that's not what you meant..."

"Don't worry, I am definitely on the side of the masses. As the masses say, if you are an official and do not make decisions for the people, why not go home and plant sweet potatoes, right?"


With a smile on his face, Chen Guorong motioned to his secretary to continue making tea while following Jiang Yong and saying some heartfelt words.

After hearing these words, Jiang Yong was briefly comforted.

Looking at Chen Guorong's appearance, he seemed to see the hope of success on the battlefield.

But then...

He felt something wasn't right again.

The other party seemed to be rambling with him. Although they were talking about battlefield approval, they never got to the point. Instead, it was more like they were having a meeting to elaborate on some ideas.

"Bureau Chen, we understand, it's getting late, we're ready to leave first!"

After Jiang Yong heard the noise below the window getting lighter and lighter, he began to feel more and more anxious.

He stood up.


When he stood up, Chen Guorong talked to him about project approval again, and even made a phone call with the director in front of him.

On the phone, he told Jiang Yong's demands and Jiang Yong's sincerity in helping to strengthen the dam.

When he heard this, Jiang Yong took a deep breath!


Sat down again.

Just after sitting down, there was suddenly a louder noise outside the window.

He immediately walked to the window again...

When he saw the villagers questioning the so-called "entrepreneurial base" and the so-called "employment"...

He breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Zhang Sheng came out wearing glasses...

After Zhang Sheng said something, the noisy villagers instantly became quiet.


"I'm millions in debt!"

"I couldn't have turned over!"

"Yes, even I thought I might die like this in my life!"

"But, I met Mr. Yuwu, who taught me a lot, and then, I made money! I have always felt that credibility and integrity are the most important things to me!"

"As the saying goes, teach others what you learn, and give others what you earn!"

"So, after I made money, I immediately thought of our hometown and our village..."

"The blood of Qinghe Village flows in my body. My ancestors have lived here for generations. No matter where I am in the future, my roots will always be here!"

"Yesterday, I returned all the money to my uncles, uncles, aunts, uncles and aunts..."

"You have watched me grow up, you have always been so kind to me, you have always helped me when I was in the most difficult times, and you are willing to lend us...I am very grateful!"

"I dream of giving back to my grandfathers, uncles, aunts and uncles..."

"The [Bosch] battery factory was originally going to be moved to Ningcheng next door, but I have been telling my instructor that I hope he will come to my hometown and my village to inspect..."

"By the way, Mr. Tang is not only the boss of [Bosch] Batteries, he is also my mentor, university tutor..."

“[Bosch] batteries are also our school’s own brand!”

"Brothers and sisters, if you have computers, you can go online and check our Yanshihua University..."

"Well, back to the topic, with my pleading and sincerity, Mr. Tang finally came to our place for inspection..."

"Actually, it took us nearly a month from the inspection to the implementation... and we finally determined the results. The confirmed results made me relieved. Teacher Tang feels that our village still has an advantage..."

"So, we came over as soon as possible to talk to relevant units about attracting investment!"

"Our procedures are complete, our technology is far ahead, and we were specially approved by the Yanjing Ministry of Commerce... So, we got the approval!"


Under the light.

The reporters' cameras were all focused on Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng spoke with a loudspeaker while gently lifting up the old people lying on the ground.

The villagers listened to Zhang Sheng's every word, and every word was very sincere.

They already had a good impression of Zhang Sheng, especially after Zhang Sheng paid off his debts one by one yesterday, they were still saying that Zhang Sheng was a promising kid when they went back.

The voice from the heart made the initial doubts disappear completely...

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he looked at everyone. When he felt that he was completely in control of the field, he raised the horn again.

"Actually, before Mr. Tang came, he had already bought several cartons of eggs and some milk..."

"He prepared to distribute it to us at the entrance of the village..."

"After all, when building the factory, we will definitely need help from the uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters in our village..."

"Of course, this is also Mr. Tang's sincerity. You can also take the opportunity to get familiar with us."

"But, he didn't expect us to be here today..."

"Uncles, aunts, aunts and uncles... Well, the eggs have been transported to the entrance of the village now. It's too crowded here and cars can't get in. How about I take you to pick them up first?"


In the crowd!

There was an uproar...

When the old people heard that they were getting free eggs, they immediately stopped lying on the ground!

Some sick and depressed old people suddenly became energetic.

They all stared at Zhang Sheng.


They watched Zhang Sheng chat with Tang Wu for a few words, then took out a list of names and rode an electric bike.

While riding the electric bike, Zhang Sheng continued to hold the horn.

"By the way! This is our [Hongwei] electric car. The [Hongwei] electric car store opened a few days ago, just in the east of our county... Well, not only [Hongwei] sells our electric cars there. [Bosch] Batteries, other established electric vehicles also sell our batteries, but now our productivity cannot keep up... If you still don’t believe me, you can go to major stores and ask, how do you sell [Bosch] batteries? , see if they have any goods..."

"Okay, everyone, come back to the village with me... We didn't bring many eggs this time. I guess those grandparents and aunts who didn't come here might have snatched up all the eggs..."

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