I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 217 Teach you how to chase girls (Third update! Make up for yesterday’s post!)

Outside the cinema.

A cold wind is blowing.

In the cinema.

Zhang Sheng became the protagonist of this movie premiere.

Almost everyone from the creative team of "That Summer" came over to chat with Zhang Sheng.

We talked about movies, our next arrangements, our promotion plans...

The students in Class 2 of Grade 3 stood not far away and looked at Zhang Sheng.

But no one came forward to say hello to Zhang Sheng.

In the past, Zhang Sheng was a piece of dust that no one cared about, and no one cared about him.

Now Zhang Sheng seems to be separated from them by a deep diaphragm. This diaphragm makes him and them become people in two different worlds.

After Zhang Sheng finished chatting with the staff, he seemed to notice these students. Instead, Zhang Sheng smiled, took the initiative to greet these students one by one, and asked them what they thought.

His voice is like spring breeze, without any pretense, and it is easy for people to like him.

Several classmates subconsciously greeted Zhang Sheng, but they were still very uncomfortable.

It is difficult for them to connect the current Zhang Sheng with the Zhang Sheng in their memory.

The feeling of separation is very strong.

They are almost completely different.

Several girls eagerly asked Zhang Sheng whether the previous news in Cangdong County was actually him.

Zhang Sheng did not deny it, but he was very humble. He only said that he met some noble people, and then these noble people helped him get out of the abyss.

Lin Xia stood aside and looked at Zhang Sheng...

I didn't ask like these girls deliberately, and I didn't stay very far away.

Just looking at her like this.

That timid, humble and shy classmate, at this moment, has stepped on the thorns everywhere, step by step from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and has begun to be known to many people.

He received flowers and applause...

This is what he deserves.

From the humble beginning of selling [Senran Integrated Stove], I was rejected and laughed at again and again, and finally I was recognized...

She knew that he had suffered unimaginable hardships along the way, and the content captured in this movie was just the tip of the iceberg...

But I witnessed the rise of Zhang Sheng!

The feeling of impact from deep inside her heart was so strong that even at this moment, she felt that Zhang Sheng was like a "legend" that was about to begin.

She felt honored.

Quite proud too.

She had helped him when he needed it most, and they were considered comrades-in-arms.

Of course, the kind of emotion you say between men and women does not exist, at least not now.

She looked at Zhang Sheng.

She just found Zhang Sheng's calm and smiling appearance reassuring.

It seems that no difficulty in this world can defeat her...

That's all.

However, the time to watch Zhang Sheng quietly did not last long, as some reporters and fans swarmed around her.


"Congratulations, Teacher Lin!"

"Congratulations to Teacher Lin, the adaptation was very successful..."

"Teacher Lin, the movie is so beautiful!"


They were all congratulating her.

She turned her head, smiled at these people, and said something modestly.

After dealing with these people, the classmates in the class left one after another, and she briefly got a chance to be alone with Zhang Sheng.

She walked towards Zhang Sheng.

I feel like I should say something to Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng, thank you. This movie was very successful! I'm very satisfied..."

"You have to thank Director Ke. I just helped pull the strings and didn't do anything. Director Ke is very attentive to this movie and every detail is almost perfect!"

Zhang Sheng turned his head and looked at her with a smile on his face and a very enthusiastic expression.


At this moment, Lin Xia suddenly felt that Zhang Sheng did not regard her as a friend, but as if she was not a classmate.

She felt that the way Zhang Sheng looked at her was like looking at a junior!

Especially when he introduced Ke Zhanyi and talked about his new book with her, the feeling of being treated as a junior became stronger and stronger.

These two shouldn't be like this!

She felt depressed and uncomfortable, but being in Zhang Sheng's field, she seemed unable to say anything else.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a diaphragm between the two.

"Thank you, classmate Zhang!"

But she still smiled and expressed her gratitude to Zhang Sheng again.

Then he held Zhang Panpan's hand next to him and walked out of the cinema extraordinarily calmly as usual.

It was very lively outside the cinema. Many movie fans asked the audience whether the movie was good or not...

She looked up and saw a banner that read [World Premiere in France, the United States, Brazil and other countries]

These characters are very large and eye-catching.

Many viewers want to see what kind of movie this is.

After watching for a while, she was surrounded by people again.

Many reporters came over to interview her. After all, she was the author of the original work and had some reputation on the Internet. Naturally, the reporters invited by "That Summer" couldn't let her go.

Lin Xia answered reporters' questions seriously.

Inevitably, I asked about the prototype of the character "Zhang Li".


Lin Xia smiled sweetly, and then pointed at Zhang Sheng, who was not far away and was about to leave alone.

"Mr. Zhang has a lot of stories. My new book just wants to write about Mr. Zhang's story!"

Her words made the reporters excited instantly. They all rushed towards Zhang Sheng with "long guns and short cannons" and surrounded Zhang Sheng.

Seeing that Zhang Sheng was surrounded by people, his eyes turned to his side.

Lin Xia showed her a sweeter smile, stretched out her hand and made a "come on" gesture to Zhang Sheng.


She turned around and followed Zhang Panpan towards the car.

She suddenly felt very happy!

Looking at Zhang Sheng's stinky fart, it felt really good to feel deflated.

But at this moment...

"Congratulations, Classmate Lin Xia, the movie is a big success. It can be predicted that your book will sell even better. Classmate Lin Xia, you will definitely become one of the most famous writers in China!"

Lin Xia heard a familiar voice.

When she turned around, she saw Gao Fei arriving in front of her at some point.

His eyes were complicated. Although it was congratulations, he seemed to have mustered up his courage.


She smiled, a very polite smile.

But I felt a little disgusted in my heart.

She didn't dislike this person before, but after that confession, she no longer liked him.

She remembered that she had said seriously that she didn't like him, but he didn't seem to understand?

"Classmate Lin Xia, I want to apologize to you...I was a little reckless before. I hope you don't mind my recklessness. If it causes you trouble, I hope..."

"It's okay, I don't take it to heart..."

"Classmate Lin Xia, can I treat you to a meal? I want to..."

"Sorry, classmate Gao, I have to go to school..."

"Then...Classmate Lin Xia, can you follow me for a few minutes? Just one minute, one minute, I actually want to say..."


Lin Xia looked at Gao Fei in a daze.

The memory suddenly reminded me that one day in August last year, Zhang Sheng suddenly walked over and said similar words.

But, by the same token, in August, she felt sympathy. Although she felt unreliable, she was still willing to lend money to Zhang Sheng.

And now...

She only felt uncomfortable: "Sorry, let's talk on the phone, I have to go!"

"But, you blocked me..."


Lin Xia smiled.

Keep smiling.

But there was no response.

I didn't seem to hear his last words.

She followed Zhang Panpan into the car.

Gao Fei watched Lin Xia leave helplessly. He stared blankly for a long time, unwilling to give in, and was in a trance for a while.

He didn't understand what he had done wrong!

He just wanted to apologize, that's all, but she didn't give him any chance.

The noise gradually dissipated.

After standing there for an unknown amount of time, he lowered his head with a wry smile.

Just when he was about to leave.

"That's not how you chase girls."

He heard a voice.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw Zhang Shengzheng, who had just finished the interview, standing next to him and patting him on the shoulder.

The expression on Zhang Sheng's face was helpless, as if he was looking at an unlucky guy with a bit of sympathy, but also as if he really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Zhang Sheng, you...congratulations..."

Goofy felt bitter.

I don’t know if it’s because of the movie, or because Zhang Sheng is already at a height that he can’t understand. He is obviously higher than Zhang Sheng...

But when Zhang Sheng patted him on the shoulder, he didn't feel any sense of violation.

"I have nothing to congratulate... Gao Fei, Lin Xia doesn't like your reckless character. If you pester her like this, it will only be counterproductive... In other words, you are not suitable for Lin Xia, and Lin Xia is not suitable for you now. You We have to change our goals..."

"Zhang Sheng, are you laughing at me? Why are you laughing at me? Yes, you are so awesome now. You know so many famous people. It's amazing, it's really amazing..."

Gao Fei held his breath.


But he didn't know if it was because he was suppressed by Zhang Sheng's momentum. He found that even if he wanted to make a few sarcastic remarks, his sarcastic voice would not sound louder.

"Thank you. Well, do you want to know why I am so successful?"


Hearing Zhang Sheng's shameless and villainous words, he suddenly raised his head.

He felt more and more irritated and wanted to punch him.

But in the end he remained silent.

damn it!

Did you really give him face?

"A novice in love always feels that if he is sincere, he can impress others. But as everyone knows, the more sincere you are, the more annoying people will find you..."

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Forget it, calm down. It's really not the time to talk about love with you now. Come to me anytime you figure it out. I'll teach you how to chase girls. This is my number. You can write it down. Well, everyone except me Except for people who admire me very much, I rarely give my number to others. You will know what I mean when I tell you this in the future..."


"Women are really not the ones to chase..."


Gao Fei watched Zhang Sheng leave.

He clenched his fists tightly.

His face was flushed, this was the greatest humiliation he had ever experienced in his life.



Goofy drank some wine.

Finally I couldn't help but call Lin Xia again.

Call up……

Still on the call.

Still blocked.

Then, depressed, somehow, someone accidentally dialed Zhang Sheng's phone number.

He heard Zhang Sheng's voice.


He heard Lin Xia's voice on the phone.

His eyes widened!


Being alone?

(Third update, making up for yesterday’s update!)

(Asking for votes!)

(Ah ah ah, please vote! Thank you so much, I beg you on your knees!)

(The status will be fine tomorrow, I will continue to update three times! Quality and quantity guaranteed!)

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