I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 222 The Road to Rise (5)

January 24th.

The day before New Year's Eve.

"Paging 1988" hits the big screen again.

The screening room for the second premiere was filled with audiences.

The premiere is free, and Gao Hui and Chen Bin have invited many well-known directors in the industry such as Gao Yuan, Chen Qiaoliang, and Lu Jiansheng to help out, as well as popular celebrities such as Zhen Jinfu, Chen Huating, Liu Yuexi, and singer Lin Zhibai to help with the platform. Yelling, the entire screening room was naturally overcrowded.

The audience looked at the rankings and the excitement. They were lucky enough to be able to get together with these stars, and it would be a good chance to take a photo together.

The premiere was actually not bad at all!

This movie is no longer the "stream of consciousness" look it was when it was first released with messy editing.

Although the actors' acting skills are still criticized, the plot is very complete and the narrative context of the story is very comfortable.

He actually barely passed the test!


Li Yanhong also went to the scene.

She finished watching "Paging 1988".

In her mind, this movie is still terrible. She can barely say that this movie is good because her plot is still watchable.


[Shengshi Entertainment] On Weibo, many artists are touting this movie.

Gao Yuan vaguely seemed to be proving something to the senior management, and seemed to be expressing his determination to the senior management.

Li Yanhong didn't know what the senior management thought of Gao Yuan, but...

In this tug-of-war, the balance of victory still tilts towards "Paging 1988"...

Li Yanhong watched the New Year's Eve screenings of "Paging 1988".

"Paging 1988" was released for the second time. With the support of various resources, it actually achieved a box office of nearly 7 million.

With a box office of 7 million, it is destined that major theater chains will not be able to release "Paging 1988" on New Year's Eve.

It will continue to show!

Will continue to grab resources!

"Why do some people's movies come out as soon as they are announced, but some people have to wait so long for an opportunity?"

In the office.

Choi Ho, the director of "Wing Chun" smokes cigarettes one by one.

He understood the darkness of this world, but he still said these words.

It was a very depressing feeling.

"This world is inherently unfair, but it doesn't matter. Our pre-sale tickets for "Wing Chun" are still more than those for "Racing", and we are still number one!"

"Your apprenticeship banquet..."

"My influence is not as high as others..."

"Will Gao Hui become a disciple?"

"That's not possible."

"Don't think too much. It's the darkness before dawn. The company and I will always stand by your side. Gao Yuan has spent so many resources to pave the way for Gao Hui... It seems brilliant, but in fact it is an overdraft. , no matter how thick his blood is, it is impossible for him to be overdrawn forever..."

"I see!"

"Get ready for tomorrow's premiere. We have to compete with "Racing" tomorrow. Although we have a chance to win, we can't take it lightly!"


Cui Hao left the office.

Li Yanhong made a phone call to the leader.

The leader didn't say anything very straightforward, but from his tone, she could tell that his mood was not quite right.

A person at the top will not allow people below him to step on some red lines.

Gao Yuan stepped on it.

However, there is nothing the leader can do now.

Just wait.

Whether it's Cui Hao, Li Yanhong, or others in the same camp...

They are still too weak!

She sat in the office until early morning and watched a lot of news.

At two o'clock in the morning.

A piece of social news became a hot search topic.

This hot search comes from the Ministry of Education and is a new policy.

[The Ministry of Education [2010] issued the "Regulations on Strictly Prohibiting Primary and Secondary Schools and In-Service Primary and Secondary School Teachers from Paying Makeup Lessons" on the 24th [2010]]

News from the Ministry of Education…

Li Yanhong didn't pay too much attention.

However, when she saw the ratings of "That Summer" on Douban, Li Yanhong was stunned at first.

Then his face became serious, and he finally stared at the comments under "That Summer".

She felt cold all over!


The morning of February 25th.

Lunar New Year's eve!

The box office of "That Summer" on the fourth day was 5 million!

It's still going up, it's still going up.

The total box office is firmly heading towards 20 million.


The daily box office of five million does not seem to be the end, nor is the total box office of 20 million.

The top management of [Shengshi Entertainment] was caught off guard, and [Starlight Future] was also caught off guard.

Even the leaders of some theater chains were caught off guard...

Everyone thought this was an insignificant movie, but it actually entered the battlefield...

[The premiere of the movie "That Summer", the reform of the Ministry of Education! 】

[From the movie "That Summer", we analyze the current dilemma of education and the capitalization of education. Those who study well in the class are basically in good conditions. 】

[The teachers don’t teach the content in class, they teach it in extra-curricular cram schools! 】

[Everyone is taking cram schools, even if you don’t want to, but not everyone has money! 】

["That Summer" was filmed very realistically... An ordinary person like Zhang Li was obviously a key seed player, but due to the sudden change in his family environment and the gap between rich and poor, he was unable to attend cram schools, which indirectly caused him to fail the college entrance examination...]


Accompanied by Document No. 24 from the Ministry of Education.

Along with the CCTV news, a clip from the movie "That Summer" on education document reform was inserted.

The movie clip is actually a still with various "cram-school classes" posted on it.

Although the movie doesn't say anything explicitly...

But the college entrance examination scores of every student in the movie, coupled with the experiences of every character in the movie, all hint at the gap between the rich and the poor in "education."

After the news is broadcast.

There was a social craze on the Internet instantly.

Countless students, parents, and netizens began to speak out on the Internet.

Some support reform and say that if education is unfair, it will be difficult for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to get ahead.

Some people also say that tutoring is actually not expensive. Many children are smart and can listen immediately and do not need tutoring at all. However, more children are stupid and if they do not take tutoring, they are destined to be unable to change their destiny through learning, and they will not be able to change their destiny through winter and summer vacations. If they don’t make up lessons, the children will go online to play games, seriously neglecting their studies.

on Weibo.

The word "make-up lessons" has become a hot topic in social news.

Many experts have come forward and started a series of discussions on the topic of "making up lessons" or "not making up lessons".

Under this wave of enthusiasm...

The movie "That Summer" became a big hit on Douban.

Screenshots from the movie in the news were spread everywhere...

Someone in the film review section rumored that a certain leader of the education department watched the movie "That Summer" out of boredom, then realized the problem, and held a meeting all night.

It was said so convincingly that it was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Lunar New Year's eve.

Premiere of "Wing Chun" and "Racing"!

They are still fighting.


It doesn't seem as cruel and intense as imagined.

Even the countless hype about the two movies failed to achieve the desired effect.

"That Midsummer" suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Major theater chains saw the news and the popularity, and at the same time realized that this movie seemed to be on the "right" side.

It was a silent encouragement.

They understood the encouragement.

Then, they looked at the stickiness of the film and saw the promise of the film, and they began to increase the schedule for the film.

It is still less scheduled than the two movies "Racing" and "Wing Chun".


More opportunities for counterattack!


Thirty years old.

Although, fireworks and firecrackers were banned in 2006.

But the sound of firecrackers is still ringing in the city.

It started ringing during the day.

The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu.

Except for a few native Yanjing people who stayed on duty, the employees of [NC Studio] left one after another.

[Bosch Batteries] was extremely lively, and the employees received a good bonus.

There was joy everywhere.

Yan Shihua went on vacation more than ten days ago.

The whole school is empty.

Zhang Sheng walked out of the bank.

He paid off all the debt of 360,000 yuan from the "Construction Bank".

Next, only Agricultural Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China are left...

The money is relatively small.

Zhang Sheng looked at the people coming and going in Yanjing...

I was briefly at a loss.


He walked towards the school's [Master Zhao Noodle Shop].

There are not many people in Master Zhao’s noodle shop.

Now everyone basically goes home to eat, and no one eats here.

When Zhang Sheng walked in, Zhao Zhiming had a smile on his face, but this smile was a bit bitter.

Zhao Zhiming's mother-in-law did not help in the kitchen as usual, but kept making phone calls.

Zhang Sheng turned his head.

I saw a new picture posted in a prominent place in the store.

The picture is not a promotional poster, but a photo of a five or six-year-old child...

They still haven't found the son they lost more than a decade ago.

After the phone call...

Zhao Zhiming's mother-in-law complained about Zhao Zhiming in front of Zhang Sheng.

"You shouldn't learn the art of annihilating your descendants!"

"What good sign is this? Now, my son is gone, and I don't know whether he is alive or dead!"


Zhang Sheng heard a commotion in the store.

It seems that every time the family gets together, they always quarrel about their son.

Zhang Sheng stood up...

Left the noodle shop.

In the noodle shop, the quarrels became louder and louder, accompanied by bursts of crying.

At this moment...

Zhang Sheng no longer had any intention of eating noodles.

Just at this time……

His phone rang with text messages.

Here are some text messages wishing you a happy New Year’s Eve.

It was sent from some roommates in the dormitory...


Zhang Sheng found that there were many blessing messages.

Some people from the school, from Shen Yi, from Chen Mengting, from Xu Shengnan, from Meng Shurong...

He felt the joy of these people and responded to them one by one.

But on what should have been a festive day, Zhang Sheng seemed unable to celebrate.

He finally returned to school.

The phone rang.

"free tonight?"

"What's wrong?"

"Want to come to my house for a meal? My mother is cooking today and invited some people over..."


The call was from Lin Xia.

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