I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 229 Are you not my son-in-law? (Third update!)

The conference room is as bright as day.

The spacious space is filled with smoke at this moment.

The situation was worse than Zhang Sheng predicted.

The sudden actions of India and the EU were obviously premeditated.

Although the research and development of [Yaohua] 3G failed, it still aroused alarm...

Especially in 2009, [Yaohua]’s direction of overseas acquisitions and 4G deployment was noticed by many invisible capitals.

They realized that [Yaohua] is different from other companies in China!

It is not willing to be a contractor or processing industry!

It wants to be original and make technology in a real sense...

Although, some of China's self-developed technology industries are still not enough in the eyes of developed countries and are still in their infancy.


Trampling seedlings to death, nipping challenges in the cradle, and eliminating all risks are what many capital tycoons like to do.

Zhang Sheng stood in the corner.

Listening to the senior executives of [Yaohua] intensely discussing the future of [Yaohua].

He saw a fat middle-aged man slamming the table.

"I've told you a long time ago that we have to defend our business and don't want disorderly expansion. Why should we engage in these thankless scientific research ourselves? Why should we conduct independent research and development? After so many years of research and development, what now? The core technologies are all We were robbed of five billion! Five billion US dollars. How much revenue did we have last year? Mr. Lin, when I started a business with you, you said we would engage in independent research and development, and that was no problem. But over the years, you have invested more and more money, which has begun to shake the foundation of our [Yaohua]! What else is coming now?"

"3G, we failed. How can we compete with Europe and the United States? They are already in the leading position and are better than us in everything!"

"4G, how much money did we invest in 4G last year? Are we involved in formulating 4G rules now? No, we haven't received an invitation yet..."

"Mr. Lin, my Mr. Lin, I have said it a long time ago. At this stage, we cannot be the makers of the rules. We can only follow the rules first. While considering our ambitions, we must also consider our own conditions!"


A fat middle-aged man named Liu Guobin.

He is the head of the strategic investment department of [Yaohua] and one of the people who started his business with Lin Guodong. He is considered a veteran of [Yaohua].

"Old Liu, tell me, what are the next arrangements?"

Lin Guodong was slapped on the table.

But he was not angry, but looked at Liu Guobin.

"Mr. Lin, go to Europe and the United States to meet those capitals. Tell them and promise them that we will not do anything that "steps on the line"! We will be like other technology companies in China..."

"What if the other party asks us to sign an agreement?"


"Are we not doing research and development?" Lin Guodong still looked at Liu Guobin calmly.

"Mr. Lin! Do you still know that Japan's semiconductor industry was at its peak more than 20 years ago? Top executives of Toei Company such as Kurumada Masaru and Yamagata are still locked up!"


“The EU is investigating our dumping, and I have received news that not only are they considering closing our European and American factories, they are even imposing a 100% tariff on all Toshiba products sold to Europe and the United States... We [Yaohua] are now standing on the edge of history. , if we go further, there is only a dead end, and we will recreate the Dongyi of the past... Dongyi, such a big global company, has been crippled, what about us [Yaohua]? We don’t have as much capital as Dongyi !”


Liu Guobin spoke sonorously and forcefully.

His words seemed to carry some kind of power, casting a haze over the entire conference room.

The history of the past...

Come to everyone's mind.

They seemed to be standing on the edge of a cliff, and if they took one step forward, they would reach an abyss unknown to anyone.

After a while, some more people stood up and talked about their opinions.

Although the words spoken by Liu Guobin are different, there is no difference in the core content.

This time, while the other party is still investigating, go over and be submissive and make a promise that you will not give up the overseas market no matter what.

Lin Guodong's eyes flickered, thinking.

Just at this time……

"Then we [Yaohua] are no different from other puppet companies controlled by Europe and the United States?" A young man in his thirties stood up.


After he finished saying this, he was instantly overwhelmed by countless words.

"Difference? What difference? We can make money, this is the way to go!"

"Yeah, the company is gone, so why talk about R\u0026D? Are you crazy? I've said this road a long time ago. It won't work. You don't believe it! This is completely thankless. Don't say we can't develop it. It’s a truly useful technology. Even if we can develop it, what’s the use? Europe and the United States don’t buy it!”

"What's wrong with other companies? They've gone public and raised money. Like Kechuang, it was listed in New York a few years ago. That's New York. In other words, we [Yaohua] should also go public and raise money, and first be completely stable. Let’s talk about the Fortune 500 companies. I didn’t say we don’t do research and development. We do research and development according to the rules set by Europe and the United States! What are we doing now? What we are doing now is to challenge the European and American rules and become a member of the rule makers. Is there any company like us that does this?”


The crowds were huge.

The young man was pushed to a corner, his eyes were ugly, and he finally sat silently.

The conference room fell silent briefly.


There was the sound of the door opening.

Several people turned around and saw the young man brought over by Lin Guodong leaving the conference room without saying a word.


Five o'clock in the morning.

Cold and dark.

[Yaohua] There is a chair on the edge of the rooftop of the building, and Zhang Sheng is sitting silently.

There is a moon in the sky.

The moon is crystal clear.

[Yaohua] is now stuck in a very difficult decision, and is vaguely helpless.

Stay alive.

It sounds exaggerated, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration.

After Zhang Sheng stayed for half an hour, someone came to the rooftop.

Lin Guodong followed.

"Mr. Lin, are you out?"

"Well, let them make noise..."

Lin Guodong lit a cigarette and sat next to Zhang Sheng.

Just a few minutes ago.

He received another news that [Yaohua] had received a lawsuit from an overseas technology company named [Kewo].

Accused [Yaohua] of plagiarizing its source code, and also accused [Yaohua] of "not health products".

A lot of troubles gave Lin Guodong a feeling that "the building will collapse and it will be difficult to support it alone."

He didn't say anything to Zhang Sheng, but just handed Zhang Sheng a cigarette.

Zhang Sheng did not answer the cigarette.

After seeing that Zhang Sheng didn't smoke, he didn't force it, and he just sat and smoked one stroke at a time.

Soon, the ground was covered with cigarette butts.

In the distance, the dark night sky lit up a little fish belly white, and the cold dark night seemed a little gentler.

Although I didn’t see the rising sun, it still made me energetic.

"Mr. Lin... persistence is a very difficult thing, right?" Zhang Sheng looked at Lin Guodong with a smile.

"There are conflicts inside and outside the company, opinions are not unified, and it is somewhat powerless..." Lin Guodong nodded.

"Mr. Lin, it's not that you are powerless, you have the answer, but you are still waiting..." Zhang Sheng looked at Lin Guodong with a serious expression.

Lin Guodong can start from scratch and build such a large industry. He cannot be as elegant and easy-going as he seems on the surface.

Lin Guodong said nothing.

He looked at the sky in the distance, waiting for the sun to rise gradually. After feeling some warmth, he finally spoke: "The era of smart phones is coming soon. With the open source code of Android, you can do anything." Mobile phones, the competitive pressure in our field is not small..."

"You have a relationship with the operator, you are a communication equipment solution provider..."

"But the contract signed is for a customized contract machine. This is the future of the [Huaxing] brand. It can only protect capital and cannot enter the real market."

"So you have to take two paths. The first one is to continue to cooperate with operators to sell customized and contract machines. The second one is to develop independent sales channels, separate from contract machines and customized machines, and be surrounded by wolves. , seize part of the market first, and survive first.”

"You have a plan?"

"Mr. Lin, I came here today to ask you for help."

"Who do you want?"

"The core backbone of the future mobile phone business."

"Those are [Huaxing]'s resources and cannot be given to you..."

"How can you give it to me?"

"I just saw the mobile phone you cobbled together. This kind of mobile phone is only available in the low-end market and has no quality guarantee..."

"So I need your resources. I said, I don't need any financial help, I only need technical support..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

"The agreement didn't say anything so harsh..." Lin Guodong shook his head.

"If you want a horse to run fast, you have to let it eat grass, right? How can we cooperate when we are hungry?" Zhang Sheng looked at Lin Guodong with a smile.

"I gave it to you, what should I do with [Huaxing]?"

"I need core technical backbones, just one or two. I don't want to poach all the technical backbones to join me. [Huaxing] has such a complete team, and if they can't do anything good, I might as well let them all quit..." Zhang Sheng sighed. In one breath: "Mr. Lin, I am helping you. Although I don't have much capital now, you will be pleasantly surprised by your wise decision in the future!"

Lin Guodong said nothing.

He took out his cigarette again.

Unfortunately, the cigarette is gone.

He stood up: "What skills do you need?"

He saw Zhang Sheng take out a list.

After seeing this list...

Lin Guodong was silent for a while, and then sighed.

This is so fucking terrible.

They poached all the important people in the [Huaxing] mobile phone team.

When did Zhang Sheng know these people?

"Mr. Lin, do you believe me?"

"You are not my son-in-law, how can I trust you?" Lin Guodong looked at Zhang Sheng and laughed.

Zhang Sheng's calm face twitched slightly, and finally squinted his eyes: "Mr. Lin, this joke is not funny at all."

"Okay, I'll give you all these people!"

"You pay the salary... I can't afford the monthly salary of hundreds of thousands!" Zhang Sheng continued to stare at Lin Guodong.

"Okay, I'll take care of it. You look like you're trying to lay eggs by borrowing money from me. Sometimes I want to slap you!"

"I'm helping you!"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a month. I want to see the results. If I don't see the results, you can figure out the second month's salary on your own..."


(The third update is delivered!)

(The number of follow-up orders has increased a lot...but why the tickets have dropped...)

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