I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 232 New movie project? (Additional update for the alliance leader, every plant and tree touc

The seventh day of the first lunar month.

Late winter.

The weather is gradually getting warmer. The warm sun shines on this land, and you can actually see a few new greens in the corners.

Gu Jiangyan was still lying on the bed.

My legs are still numb.

She has confirmed that her feet are indeed not optimistic.

When I think about what my future will be like, it may become a burden, and it is inevitable that I will feel a little disappointed.

But there is no anger or despair, and the calmness of the past is still maintained.

Many colleagues come to see her every day in the ward, which is very lively.

Several leaders also came over, and one of them told her seriously that they were negotiating with the police in northern Myanmar and that they also had intentions in this regard.

After feeling the attention and sincerity from above, Gu Jiangyan felt sincerely relieved, as if she had persisted for so long and finally saw results.

"How's the company doing?"

"When overseas businesses are cut off, new businesses must be expanded."

"There are many people who oppose it, right?"

"Yes, many tasks are difficult to implement..."

"How is Zhang Sheng?"

"His ambition is very similar to mine when I was young, but more ruthless than when I was young..."


Under the warm sun.

Gu Jiangyan turned sideways.

Lying in the hospital bed is not all bad. Her husband Lin Guodong, whom she rarely sees a few times a year, comes to help her peel apples again.

Since the two got married, they have been busy with their own affairs, and they have always been together more than apart. Every time they get together, they can't talk much.

It was rare that the two of them sat and chatted like this.

Gu Jiangyan moved her stiff body and looked out the window.

"I will stand up again, and it won't be you or Lin Xia's burden!"

After Lin Guodong finished peeling the apple, he quietly looked at Gu Jiangyan's profile.

Gu Jiangyan was still so calm, but her voice was full of determination.

It seemed that he was talking to Lin Guodong, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

Lin Guodong nodded.

She walked to Gu Jiangyan and handed over a peeled apple.

Time seems to have returned to the beginning of spring more than twenty years ago...

That year, he was not willing to be an ordinary person waiting to die within the system. He wanted to start a business and realize his ambition.

He told her nervously that he wanted to resign.

She didn't make a fuss or do anything else, she just told him calmly that she would take care of the house and would not be a burden to him.

Tone, expression!

Everything is as before, as if time has not left many traces on this stubborn woman.


Evening in Yanjing.

It's still so fascinating.

The orange-red sunset dyed half of the sky red, reflecting a river under the overpass.

Zhang Sheng was personally escorted out of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China by the bank manager.

He kept shouting "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang", and before leaving, he stuffed a business card in his hand and repeatedly told Zhang Sheng that he must consider ICBC for future loans.

Zhang Sheng also paid off all the loans from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

The movie "That Summer" became popular, and Ah K followed suit, and Ah K followed suit, including its battery car industry, endorsed batteries, [Ouban Integrated Ceiling], and even the bankrupt decoration company named [Hongyuan Decoration] The company began to come back to life and gave him its first profit payment...

Pay off the debt!

It's really just a matter of time.

Zhang Sheng declined the bank manager's offer of a private car to pick him up. Instead, he walked onto the bridge alone, looking at the sunset and the river in the distance.

The net he weaved has become denser and denser. At this moment, as long as he lies down, he can make money.

Inevitably he starts thinking about the future...

This world is so similar to the original world, but there are some differences between this world and the original world.

[Yaohua] and [Huawei] seem to be similar companies.

But at this stage, [Huawei] has reaped the dividends of the 3G era and mastered related technologies. It is already preparing to enter the 5G stage of research and development, and is preparing to overtake in the corner.

[Yaohua] also enjoyed a wave of dividends in the 3G era, but the research and development of technology was ultimately late. In the true sense, input and output are not directly proportional. Under the rules of Europe and the United States, it is still crawling forward.

There are some aspects of Lin Guodong that are very admirable.

He has great feelings and is like a game-breaker who breaks the monopoly. In him, Zhang Sheng can see the good qualities of almost all successful people.

The traveler's foresight and foresight, with another world as a reference, let Zhang Sheng know that Lin Guodong's chance of winning in this all-or-nothing gamble was not small...

A gust of wind blew.

Zhang Sheng suddenly shook his head and laughed suddenly.

I had contact with Lin Guodong some time ago and listened to what he said about European and American monopoly, European and American rules, and we must have our own core technology. It even brainwashed Zhang Sheng.


This is the so-called big pattern of entrepreneurs.


Living in this world, what should I do?

Zhang Sheng then laughed again.

Suddenly I felt that it was quite funny. I actually started to think about the "big picture" things at the country-to-country level like Lin Guodong.

After crossing the bridge and walking for a while, he walked into the shopping mall and into the second branch of [Fat Xiao An] restaurant.

The second branch was overcrowded.

Its business has been very good, and demand exceeds supply basically every day.

Zhang Sheng walked in.

Go to the big box in the corner...

In the big box.

Ke Zhanyi stood up subconsciously.

"boss Zhang!"


Ke Zhanyi was in good spirits and his face was glowing red.

The movie "That Summer" gave him a very beautiful comeback!

Its box office trend seems to be even higher than that of "Youth", almost going uphill all the way!

Moreover, its share is countless times higher than that of "Youth". Ke Zhanyi received nearly 2 million yuan from the movie's box office in ten days.

After Ke Zhanyi saw Zhang Sheng sitting down, he also sat down.

He reported to Zhang Sheng the series of income and influence of "That Summer", and his voice was indescribably excited.

"Mr. Zhang, this celebration banquet is too sparse! How many people can sit at just one table? You must come to the celebration banquet of "That Summer" tomorrow, and I must give it to you in front of everyone. Here’s to a toast!”

Ke Zhanyi looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng smiled: "This is not a celebration banquet, but I invite everyone to come over for a meal and talk about the future..."

"Oh, speaking of the future, Mr. Zhang, I have a new movie project!"

"What project?"

"Do you still remember the idea you told me about before? A horror movie. That night, I had a dream, and I woke up from the dream. Then, I hurriedly wrote a script..."

Ke Zhanyi took out a script from his bag and handed it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took over the script.

I saw the script was called "Seven Days to Kill".

"A weird video tape full of resentful spirits. Anyone who watches this video tape will die suddenly within seven days!"

After Ke Zhanyi saw Zhang Sheng holding the script, he explained the core selling point of the movie in one sentence.

Zhang Sheng was a little surprised when he heard this.

He remembered that he told Ke Zhanyi about the material of a movie called "Midnight Bell", and only gave an outline of it. Unexpectedly, Ke Zhanyi actually restored the entire script.

"This is the first film of our NC company. We can take this film to participate in the Tokyo Film Festival in May this year! It will create a reputation for our company!"

"Horror movies require less investment than youth movies, but the returns are not huge..."


Ke Zhanyi chattered.

Zhang Sheng listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

After talking for about seven or eight minutes, there was a knock on the door in the box.

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Nie..."

Nie Xiaoping came in. When he came in, he kept holding Zhang Sheng's hand.

When Zhang Sheng invited him to sit down, he said hello to Director Ke, shook hands tightly, said a lot of thanks, and then couldn't wait to take out the [Hongwei] electric car that he had bought in the past few months. The sales list, and the next schedule of [Hongwei] electric vehicles, before I could say a few words to Zhang Sheng, there was another knock on the door in the box.

Ah K and Chen Mengting walked in together, followed by Ah K's former manager, Shen Xiaoxi, who will be responsible for the trivial matters of [NC Entertainment]...

Shen Xiaoxi looked at these people anxiously, bowed politely to everyone, suppressed the blush on her face, and finally sat down nervously.

"Let me introduce, Chen Mengting, Miss Chen, was originally in charge of [NC Studio]. Now she is temporarily transferred to be responsible for part of [Bosch] battery business..."

"Shen Xiaoxi, Miss Shen, the former person in charge of Mr. Ah K, now has some job changes and is now the project executive officer of our [NC Entertainment]..."

"Ah K, Du Hui, the music director of our [NC Entertainment] music department..."

Zhang Sheng re-introduced several people seriously.

There was another knock at the door.

Meng Shurong, who had just returned from Brazil and was tired of travel, walked in.

"Mr. Zhang, I came over as soon as I heard you had a project. Haha, it seems I'm late... Sorry, sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road. By the way, Mr. Zhang, this is where our [Obon Group] is currently working. Mr. Zhang, I have been thinking about the situation in Brazil for a long time. I have a plan next. What do you think of this plan..."

Meng Shurong sat down and just said a few words when he heard another knock on the door.

Zhang Sheng's apprentice, Li Bin, arrived late carrying several bottles of Maotai...

The first words he said were very exciting: "Teacher, [Hongyuan Decoration] can change its name! Just yesterday, we cleared all the debts and the company officially started to make profits!"

Before Li Bin finished speaking, he heard another knock on the door...

Half an hour later, one after another, the core members who had worked with Zhang Sheng arrived one by one.

The box was just full.

Everyone looked at Zhang Sheng. Everyone had work reports and plans for this year...

This is what Zhang Sheng agreed with them when he signed the agreement with them.

Other than that, they are all waiting for the "new project" Zhang Sheng mentioned.

Just when Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and was about to speak...

His phone vibrated several times.

Then he took out his cell phone.

It was Xu Shengnan from [Starlight Future] calling.

"Zhang Sheng, I'm sorry, I can't come today. I have a very important meeting today..."

"It's okay, Sister Shengnan..."

"Zhang Sheng..."


"The boss wants to sign an agreement with you. Do you want to take a look?"

"What agreement?"

"The superiors want to cooperate in depth with you [NC Studio]..."


"Aren't we [NC Studio] theoretically affiliated with [Starlight Future] and have been cooperating?"

"This time, it is an in-depth cooperation and investment..."

"Oh?" Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes.

(Thank you to the leader who moved your heartstrings and rewarded me greatly!)

(Today’s chapter and tomorrow’s third chapter will be titled and updated for you!)

(Thank you so much!)

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