I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 239 Find someone who is not smart to work for me!

Outside the office.

Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng.

The young man in front of him had a calm expression.

Hang up the phone and wait for her reply.

Li Yanhong was not willing to compromise.

It is impossible to give the French premiere rights of a blockbuster like "Wing Chun" to Zhang Sheng.


She checked the information.

It was indeed brilliant, and even the premiere of the film in Cannes was held at the [Seroux] Cinema.

However, at this moment, it is only dilapidated and outdated, with only some old photos explaining its former glory.

How could she put a blockbuster movie like "Wing Chun" into Zhang Sheng's hands? Making wedding clothes for others?

Zhang Sheng is playing the trick of borrowing a chicken to lay an egg.

This move...

I have been playing with it since the beginning of my business, and it has always worked.

Vaguely, like a weak little ant, jumping left and right in front of him, threatening to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

"Come in!"

Li Yanhong was disgusted, but finally gave in.

In the intricate network of relationships, he hit the person she least wanted to see.

Zhang Sheng seems to know very well that in the seemingly harmonious [Shengshi Entertainment], there is hidden disintegration. He is even more aware of what each faction desires in the factional struggle!

Li Yanhong didn't know from what channel Zhang Sheng got this information.

This information is very secret, some contradictions have never appeared in public, and even on the surface, they are still polite...

Today you help me stand up, and tomorrow I will help you stand up, just like brothers.

The office door finally closed.

Zhang Sheng walked into the office.

"It's a pity that we have a society governed by law now. Otherwise, you would be beaten to death!"

Li Yanhong watched Zhang Sheng sit down.

She looked at Zhang Sheng and said this expressionlessly.

The box office of "Paging 1988" is not very good today. The ratio between the film schedule and the box office has fallen into an extremely ugly situation!

The reputation is not very good, only 6.0 points, and many of the good reviews are attributed to trolls.

But it's still showing.

The schedule of films has decreased, but it has always been maintained within a specific time period.

It disgusts the upper limit of "Wing Chun" and even disgusts the entire industry!


Gao Yuan has channels, connections, and capital, and even the top executives of [Starlight Future] have to give him face.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a bad movie like "Paging 1988" to be shortlisted for Taiwan, let alone appear on the nomination page of the Golden Horse Awards.

Li Yanhong's resources are not bad, and emerging director Cui Hao is also favored by many investors, but...

Gao Yuan is a veteran director, and his "Thunder" was a landmark movie last year. He looks like a representative of the fifth generation of directors...

She can't compare!

"If I were not in a society ruled by law, I might live better... Because it is a society ruled by law, I can only do things within the rules."

Zhang Sheng sat down.

I poured myself a glass of boiled water without thinking.

It has become mainly guest-oriented.

Li Yanhong took a deep breath in her heart.

I no longer have to worry about whether Zhang Sheng's words are true or false.

At this moment, she suppressed her emotions and became calm: "How can you cooperate?"

"I want the exclusive French premiere rights of "Wing Chun"!"

"You know this is impossible." Li Yanhong shook her head.

"Exclusive for a week?"

"One day, at most!"

“Can you sell the French rights?”

"What's the meaning?"

"You can't sell the premiere rights in France. What's the difference between giving "Wing Chun" exclusively to me and not exclusively? Only my theater chain can show it to you!"

"This is the bottom line! Our "Wing Chun" is already profitable. Even if it doesn't go overseas, it doesn't matter to us!" Li Yanhong said coldly.

"Three days!"

"This is not a bargain, this is a concession from me!" Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Sheng, and after finishing speaking, she had no intention of talking about it anymore.

"Okay, one day of exclusive is one day of exclusive! But I want to sign with you that any of your works in the future will be exclusively screened one day in advance!"


"Then the next work!"

"'Wing Chun' is a movie we invested in ourselves, so the copyright is in our hands. But for the next movie, the copyright should be in the hands of [Shengshi Entertainment]. I can't make the decision. We are just workers..." Li Yanhong shook her head.

"The next one is a movie with the copyright in my hands!"


Li Yanhong nodded.

I made a phone call and had a lawyer draw up a contract.

While drafting the contract, Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Sheng: "Did Zhang Panpan tell you something about our company? Or even confidential?"



"Can someone like Zhang Panpan, who has just signed a contract and has not made any achievements, have access to secrets of your level?"

"Smart people can analyze the general situation of the entire company through a few words and phrases..."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to read news on Weibo? There is a lot of information exposed there..."

"After signing the contract, will you still cooperate with Gao Hui?"

"I don't want to lie to you, I will even use the signed contract to talk to Gao Yuan again!"

"You didn't even sign the contract, how dare you say these words?" Li Yanhong took a deep breath and her face darkened.

"I'm here to sign movies on behalf of French cinemas. The more movies there are, the more. I need not only good movies, but also bad ones. Otherwise, the cinemas will suffer even more if they don't have to show them..."

"Will you sign a movie for [Starlight Future]?"

"Probably not."

"I can give you a slightly better movie copyright! I can help you apply for old Chinese films that have never been exported overseas..."

"What's the price?"

"Don't cooperate with Gao Yuan!"



After the beginning of spring.

The earth began to become gradually warmer.

News about the [Berlin International Film Festival] has gradually begun to increase.

This year is the year with the most Chinese films nominated for Berlin.

"Thunder", "The Dog Beyond the Mountain" and "Tuya", three films were shortlisted for Berlin.

The film industry is generally very excited.

Countless filmmakers believe that this year's [Berlin International Film Festival] is the most promising year to win the Golden Bear Award, and they are even predicting which film will win the award this year.

The flight from Yanjing to Berlin covers a total distance of 7,400 kilometers and the estimated time is about 10 hours.

But the votes are hard to decide.

There are more Chinese films shortlisted than in previous years, so there are more filmmakers, media, and tourists looking to witness history in Berlin than in previous years.

Elaine stayed in China for two days.

After confirming the renovated style of the [Seroux] cinema, I did not return to France.

"Let's go to Berlin together."

"Over there in France..."

"If you trust me, you will follow me to Berlin!"

"What to do?"

"Get to know more directors, and at the same time, find an opportunity to express my gratitude to Avery Tashi..."

"But, Avery Tashi is a famous film critic, and I..."

"In the relationship between people, you are in the position of the weak, so you must first remain grateful. Without his introduction, we would not have known each other, and "That Summer" would not have been in your cinema. Playing…it’s a way of giving back.”

"I can't give him anything, he's very rich, and I..."

"Gifts are never high or low. In other words, it doesn't matter even if they turn around and throw them into the trash can. The key is that this is your heart, a grateful heart... We are in a weak position, so we need to be sincere... …”


“What else do I need to do besides say thank you?”

"Remember, after you go to Berlin, your identity will be a film producer!"

"The film company that bought the movie rights?"

"Yes! [Serlu]'s film schedule must be diversified and cannot be supported by just some bad films..."

"But I, I have no money. I will borrow the rent from you for the next few months..."

"We are used to treating money as a transaction, but in addition to money, we also need to explore the psychology of producers and directors. What do they need and what can we give? We can reach an agreement in the middle!"

"I do not understand……"

"It doesn't matter! Remember, your identity is just a film producer!"


Early morning flight.

It's the cheapest flight.

But it is precisely because it is cheap that indebted "ladies" like Zhang Sheng are allowed to obtain work visas and board planes under local surveillance.

The plane took off.

Elaine looked out the window into the dark depths of the clouds.

Confused and worried.

[Berlin International Film Festival] That is a new field.

She had never been there before, and she didn't dare to go, let alone "trade" movies in the name of a "film dealer."


After looking at Zhang Sheng's determined and peaceful expression next to her with his eyes closed, she inevitably felt a little calmer in her heart.

She felt like she had opened a door, and saw that there were many things in that door that she had never been exposed to but had only heard of.

Along the way.

Zhang Sheng told her some stories about interactions between people.


You have to be sincere and let your strengths shine and be seen by others.

If you are a superior!

Then we must be humble to those in lower positions, and we must be discerning, able to see the advantages of each person, and use these advantages to make the team shine even more.

Zhang Sheng also told her some of the traps of human nature.

In this world where interests and interests are intertwined, people can try it, but don’t risk all your wealth and capital to play!

You never have enough chips!

He even analyzed the core reasons why [Sailu] Cinema went from glory to collapse!

Countless people once told her that it was because [Sailu] Cinema had failed to keep up with the times...


Zhang Sheng told her.

These are all part of the reasons, but like a catalyst!

But the real reason is the human heart!

The previous managers of Sailu were immersed in the glory of the past and forgot what people's lowest "desires" were.

You don’t know your customers’ desires…


You just have to rely on luck!

"Zhang Sheng, what did you do in Berlin?"

In the plane.

Elaine finally couldn't help but look at Zhang Sheng.

"Do you want to know the truth?"


"Let's see if I can be lucky enough to find some unsmart people to work for me..."


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