I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 258 Recording of the documentary

"Xiao Zhang, when he first came here to get food, his face was sallow, the color of malnutrition..."

"But he is very attentive to what he does. Everything we tell him is done beautifully. Sometimes when water needs to be delivered in the canteen and there is a need for help, he will take the initiative to run over and help..."

"He is a simple child, he must have had a hard life, but we have never heard him complain. We only found out that he owed so much debt when the creditors came to the school to cause trouble."

"However, these debts belong to his parents, so what do they have to do with him?"


The canteen is particularly lively today.

Crowds of people.

The noise was deafening.

Because she received the news in advance, the person in charge of the canteen, Li Guifen, cooked a lot of meals in advance.

Wearing a chef's hat, she cooked meals for each student while chatting about Zhang Sheng's story.


The camera was positioned next to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was sitting in the cafeteria, eating as usual.

But several young men in the dormitory were very excited and excited, especially the presentation, their hands holding the chopsticks were shaking.

Looks like they're going to be on TV!


It’s a big stage like [CCTV]!

They are actually going to be on [CCTV]!

To them, this is like smoke coming out of ancestral graves.

"Be normal, this is a candid camera, don't be too fake."

Zhang Sheng lowered his head and reminded softly while eating.

Although several people understood this truth, the excitement on their faces was still difficult to conceal.

Zhang Sheng was initially a little surprised by the sudden craze, but gradually became calmer.

One staff member suggested that he bring a book with him when eating and read while eating, showing his diligence against time.

Zhang Sheng did not do this.

Since you want to shoot, just shoot the real side. Deliberately artificial, it will be embarrassing.

He ate the meal thoroughly without any leftover. After finishing the meal, he smiled and chatted with Li Guifen, the aunt in the cafeteria, as usual.

Because of the interview, Li Guifen was a little restrained and didn't dare to speak ill of the college leaders to Zhang Sheng. She just chatted about some family matters.

After chatting for a while...

Zhang Sheng went to the toilet.

Naturally, it was impossible for the camera crew to follow Zhang Sheng into the bathroom.

After entering the toilet, Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes, thought for a moment, and then called Xu Bowen.

"Lao Xu, have you finished assembling the new mobile phone sample?"

"It's assembled!"

"Okay, send me the photo first."


After Zhang Sheng saw the photos of the new mobile phone, he pushed up his glasses: "Lao Xu, please send the mobile phone over..."

"Ah! Send it here?"

"Yes, at five o'clock in the afternoon, you pack the mobile phones and send them over. If possible, you can pack a few more mobile phones... I can use them."

"I may not be able to buy a ticket. I'm in Yangcheng. It takes me two hours to fly here..."

"You can find a way, or you can ask [Yaohua]'s booking department for help. There is always a way."

"Ah, this..."

"Okay, I'm going out..."


Shen Bingbing held the microphone and interviewed everyone related to Zhang Sheng.

The [Struggle] program will show a documentary of about one minute when each guest appears.

This year.

She had just been transferred to CCTV from Jiangcheng TV Station.

This interview is her first project.

Other veteran reporters were assigned to well-known entrepreneurs such as "Li Zongyao" and "Ma Yunhua".

And she was assigned to [Zhang Sheng].

Before that...

She didn't know who Zhang Sheng was.

Even when she walked into Yanshihua, she was still looking at Zhang Sheng's information.

Zhang Sheng's information was very detailed and difficult. After reading it, she realized why CCTV's "Struggle" interviewed Zhang Sheng.

After the financial crisis, there is still a lingering trace of society, whether it is Zhang Sheng's responsible debt repayment behavior or Zhang Sheng's entrepreneurial deeds of not giving up and forging ahead in the face of adversity, all have positive significance for this society.


A college student with nothing could actually counterattack and pay off so many debts in just about half a year. This in itself is an "entrepreneurial myth!"

"Classmate Zhang, what do you usually do after lunch?"

"I usually take a short break of ten minutes."

"ten minutes?"

"Yes, I will lean back in the chair and meditate."


"Sister Bingbing, do you want to try meditating with me?"

"How to do it?"

"Come on, close your eyes and take a deep breath with me."

I don't know if it was related to the information or some other reason, but Shen Bingbing's first impression when she saw Zhang Sheng was really good.

And the amazing thing is that when you see him for the first time, you don't feel any strangeness at all, especially his smile.

His smile is gentle and approachable, his voice is like a spring breeze, and with just a few words, he makes people feel close to him.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an illusion that Zhang Sheng was like the big brother next door.

This was Shen Bingbing's first impression of Zhang Sheng.

This feeling made her feel strange even to herself. She was obviously a few years older than Zhang Sheng!

After Zhang Sheng accepted several interviews, Shen Bingbing increasingly confirmed this feeling in her heart.

He is very talkative.

Whether on camera or off camera, no matter what topic you bring up, he can talk about it and have something to say.

He seemed to have a very good memory. The CCTV staff just introduced himself briefly and he remembered everyone.

He seems to know some weird things.


During her free time during recording, she followed Zhang Sheng to the lawn next to the college. Zhang Sheng looked her over, then invited her to sit down, and then taught her meditation.

"Relax, take a deep breath..."

"Traditional meditation is combined with language and music, but the meditation I figured out is to combine with nature, then imagine and integrate into nature..."

"Imagine that you are a grass, a simple one, growing in the soil, bathing in the gentle sunshine, growing slowly..."

at first.

Shen Bingbing just followed Zhang Sheng curiously and closed her eyes.

But as Zhang Sheng's voice gradually sounded in her ears, Shen Bingbing found that the noise around her seemed to be getting lighter and lighter.


This is the first word that Shen Bingbing has thought of.

But without delving into the word, she felt her eyelids getting increasingly tired, and then, she really felt like a grass, standing in the soil.

She gradually couldn't hear Zhang Sheng's voice, but she could vaguely smell the fragrance of earth.

She seemed to be growing, little by little.

all is well.

The sun was shining brightly after the rain, the air was sweet and fresh, and the gentle wind brought the breath of spring, caressing her cheeks.


The tiredness I felt when I closed my eyes just now gradually dissipated...

She is immersed in a strange and wonderful world.

She didn't know how long it had passed before she heard a snap of fingers.

She opened her eyes.

"Wow, so amazing!"

She looked at Zhang Sheng in shock.

"Okay, Sister Bingbing, the interview has begun..."

"Okay! Wait, let me look at the interview transcript carefully. I forgot what the interview was about."

"Haha, don't worry, I'll take you to see my company..."


Shen Bingbing nodded and stood up.

At this moment, she seemed to be particularly energetic, her thinking became more and more agile, and her eyes felt that everything she saw in the world was full of clarity.

She looked at Zhang Sheng's back.

Suddenly something doesn't feel right.

She was obviously the one who led the team to interview Zhang Sheng, but it seems that they didn't know when they followed Zhang Sheng and followed Zhang Sheng's footsteps to interview?

She got into the car.

I followed Zhang Sheng out of the academy and came to Zhang Sheng's [NC Entertainment].

[NC Entertainment] is small, but has a good sense of atmosphere. She met Bi Feiyu, the director of "The Dog Over the Mountain".

Bi Feiyu obviously didn't expect that anyone would come to interview him, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

But after Zhang Sheng said a few words, Bi Feiyu nodded and appeared in front of the camera.

Then we started talking about dreams.

Especially when he talked about his movie experience, he was so excited that he wanted to slam his mouth into the camera.

"Our new movie "Seven Days to Die" is a very positive suspense movie..."

After talking about his experience in filming "The Dog Over the Mountain", he began to talk about a lot of things about his new movie.

Shen Bingbing stopped him in time.

After the interview ended, she discovered that Zhang Sheng came out of the office with another documentary crew of "Zhang Sheng's Day".

"Hey, this phone is jammed again!"

“I don’t know what’s going on with today’s mobile phones, but the system is getting slower and slower!”

"Why hasn't the new phone arrived yet..."


Shen Bingbing watched Zhang Sheng in the documentary lens, took out her mobile phone and made a few calls, and then started to complain.

"Sister Bingbing, what phone are you using?"

"Ah? I use iPhone 3, what's wrong?"

"Is the iPhone 3 easy to use?"

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

"Can you show it to me? I don't want to see your privacy, I just touch the outer shell and feel it..."


Shen Bingbing was a little surprised, but she still handed the phone to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took the phone and felt it for a while, then handed it back to Shen Bingbing: "I wonder how my new phone will compare to the Apple 3..."


"Well, some time ago, I went to visit [Yaohua] company. I was honored to meet Mr. Lin and became the first batch of internal beta users of [Yaohua]'s first batch of [Hua X1] smartphones. ...It seems that the goods will arrive over there around five o'clock today..." Zhang Sheng suddenly started chatting on his mobile phone.

When chatting about mobile phones, his eyes were very excited, as if he was looking forward to his new mobile phone.

this moment……

Shen Bingbing felt some "young people" feeling from Zhang Sheng.

But she felt it was strange.

Especially when the director of the documentary "One Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng" focused the camera on Zhang Sheng, it seemed that Zhang Sheng was still chatting with her on his mobile phone.

She was a little confused.

Always felt……

Something is wrong!

One chapter has been reviewed and is being revised. Today I can only continue with two updates.

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