I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 260 Young inspirational entrepreneur!

Xu Bowen followed Zhang Sheng into the office.

When he walked into the office, the excited expression on Zhang Sheng's face disappeared instantly and turned serious.

He put his phone aside, turned on his computer, and searched for American IPO companies.

This world is similar to the original world in many ways.

For example, an American IPO company is equivalent to Apple in the original world, but its trademarks are different.

One is a complete apple, and the other is an apple with a corner missing.

In computer news.

There is a lot of news about US IPO technology companies...

At this moment, the iPad tablet computer they launched has officially started pre-sale.

iPad can be said to have ushered in a new era in China and even in the global technology field.

Zhang Sheng remembers that not long after Apple launched the iPad tablet computer, it would launch the iPhone 4 mobile phone!

If the iPad ushered in a new era, then the iPhone 4 almost set off a revolution in the mobile phone industry.

In this revolution…

The open source Android system has begun to rise, competing with Apple systems.

Nokia, which was at its peak, suffered heavy losses in an instant. The building finally collapsed and finally failed to recover!

Many young people's waists began to ache in this torrent, and tragedies caused by "vanity" were gradually staged.

Zhang Sheng experienced that era...

He was also the indirect creator of a certain tragedy.

Of course, he is not the Ga Yaozi group, but the group of people who have collected a large number of iPhone 4 mobile phones and made a lot of money!

“When will [Hua X1] be available on the market?”

Standing at the forefront of the times, Zhang Sheng vaguely felt that a storm was coming.

He is still very small and cannot participate in this era and become the helmsman. Now he can only become a small group of people in the trend.

"[Hua X1], the cost is too high, and many of them can only be made in laboratories. We have no way to mass-produce it. We don't have that much capital, and [Yaohua] can't do it either. We don't have our own factory..." "

Xu Bowen looked at Zhang Sheng.

There was a wry smile on his face.

When he first came into contact with the mobile phone industry, he felt that as long as he could make it, he could mass produce it.

But later, he gradually began to realize that his own power was too small.

It's so small that it doesn't have any capital at all, and it's so small that it took nearly more than a month to exhaust the capabilities of [Yaohua]'s R\u0026D department and research day and night to build these few [Hua X1] mobile phones.

The various costs are astonishing, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive. The average production cost of each mobile phone is close to 5,000 yuan!


Don’t think that you can assemble it here and there and sell it to the public. The more new products cannot be mass-produced, the higher the cost will be.

Moreover, the cost is close to five thousand!

Can you sell this for not more than 10,000?

In this era, it sells for 10,000 yuan, and Apple 4 is about to arrive, and its configurations are slightly inferior to Apple 4 in all aspects...

This is really incomparable!

“Can’t it be launched before Apple 4?”

"Mr. Lin is in a meeting, but Mr. Zhang, you also know that there is a lot of resistance from Mr. Lin. This time he is almost desperate, but at the limit, he can only approve a slightly better mobile phone assembly factory. The mobile phone assembly factory is naturally the production If you can’t buy the [Huaxing] mobile phone, his factory belongs to them [Huaxing]..."

"What about us?"

"We are actually pretty much the same, we can only make some ordinary assembled mobile phones..."


Zhang Sheng was silent for a long time after listening to Xu Bowen's words.

Sometimes, it is a pity that we are in the torrent of this era and are about to see a huge change, but we are unable to do anything about it.


It is normal to be unable to compete with Apple 4.

Don’t say it’s Zhang Sheng!

Even if the entire [Yaohua Group] focuses on mobile phones, they still cannot resist the offensive of Apple 4!

"Mr. Zhang, everything we do these days is all useless..." Xu Bowen looked at Zhang Sheng.

"There is never any wasted effort in this world. How are diamonds defined?"


"It is just a stone, and its stock is not much, but its quantity has been controlled. After controlling it, its value has been defined by some real controllers as love, eternity, and more. It became a luxury product... As a result, its value began to rise, and a concept of desire was implanted in the psychology of many consumers..." Zhang Sheng said in a faint voice.

"Then our mobile phones..."

"In this world, most of the time we are not selling products, we are selling concepts and telling stories...and then, through some means, redefining and giving new value to the products..."


"Apple 4 is a revolution in mobile phones. It has five million pixels and 300,000 front-facing pixels. It has an independent operating system and independent running space. Its ultra-thin body is at the forefront of the technological era. At the forefront, it has become a "luxury product" for many young people. At the same time, it also satisfies the vanity desire deep in the hearts of many people..."


Xu Bowen stood next to Zhang Sheng.

He looked at Zhang Sheng dumbfounded.

His ears were ringing.

In just a few words, he seemed to see a door being opened, and then he came to another world that he had never set foot in before!

That is a new understanding that refreshes the three views, and it is also the truth of the world!

"Then let's..." Xu Bowen's voice was slightly trembling.

"How many [Hua X1] are there?"

"About five!"





A group of people, led by [NC Entertainment] Shen Xiaoxi, went to have a meal.

Zhang Sheng did not follow them.

After dinner, Shen Bingbing returned to [NC Entertainment].

Zhang Sheng is still playing with his mobile phone in the office...


The material has almost been recorded.

The staff should leave too.

However, Shen Bingbing did not leave.

She became very interested in the [Hua X1] mobile phone in Zhang Sheng's hand.

She searched the Internet and found no news about [Hua X1]. There was even very little news about [Yaohua] entering the mobile phone industry!

[A Chinese mobile phone with better quality and more revolutionary feel than Apple 3! 】

This is what Zhang Sheng muttered excitedly when he walked into the office.

The time is until seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Sheng finally walked out of the office. When he walked out, he was playing mobile games...

"Classmate Zhang..."

"Sister Bingbing, I'm sorry, I was addicted to mobile games for a while..."Monopoly" here is really fun..."

"It's okay. By the way, student Zhang, how did you get the qualification for the internal test?"


Shen Bingbing chatted with Zhang Sheng.

The two began to chat about some things about [Yaohua] and the recording of the CCTV program the day after tomorrow.

In fact, this time CCTV also invited Lin Guodong from [Yaohua] to participate in the program.

However, [Yaohua] was involved in lawsuits and the topic itself was quite sensitive, so the higher-ups finally decided against it.

The current general environment is that the global financial crisis has not yet dissipated. While China's commercial sector is trying its best to stimulate domestic demand, it is also constantly expanding new overseas market areas.

[Yaohua] Being blocked overseas cannot really be a typical propaganda example.

The two chatted for half an hour. When Shen Bingbing was about to leave, she saw Zhang Sheng stood up and gave her a beautiful handbag.

"Sister Bingbing..."

"This is……"

"This is China's limited edition [Hua X1] mobile phone. It is a revolution in our Chinese technology circle and is very representative..."

"Ah, this, this gift is too expensive!"

"Swords are given to heroes, pink powder is given to beauties. No matter how precious the thing is, it needs to go into the hands of the right person..."


Zhang Sheng looked at Shen Bingbing.

His eyes were very gentle, and he stared at her without hesitation.

Shen Bingbing's face turned slightly red.

But she finally started to nod and answered Zhang Sheng's cell phone.


Lin Guodong is in a meeting.

At the meeting, he took out his [Hua X1] mobile phone and spoke impassionedly to the elders.

He said that he would invest one billion to build a factory. Before the Apple 4 came out, he just took the [Hua X1] mobile phone and killed everyone!


The meeting gradually turned into a "cost" discussion and turned into a rejection. Waves of "discussions" from the elders finally made Lin Guodong give in and could only build an ordinary mobile phone processing factory.

Lin Guodong walked out of the conference room.

I didn't feel depressed, just a little sad and heavy.

They [Yaohua] simply do not have the ability to mass-produce [Hua X1]. Now their parameters are ahead, but when Apple 4 comes out, they will probably fall behind again.

Things that are mass-produced by others...

Even though he tried his best, he couldn't catch up!

After returning to the office, he made a phone call to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng told him something.

He nodded!

"Concept first?"

"Yes, let's do the concept first!"

"Where's the product?"

“First, let’s promote the concept of [Hua X1] and let everyone know that we are capable of producing high-end models…”

"What next?"

"Then, we will launch the regular models first. Of course, if anyone wants our high-end models, we will accept reservations..."

“The cost is too high!”

"We can reduce the cost, from the cost of 5,000 to 3,000, and the memory can be 16G..."

"How much does it cost?"


"Domestic mobile phones are so expensive? Will anyone buy them?" Lin Guodong frowned.

"Before Apple 4, we were number one in the mobile phone industry in terms of configuration. We only made fine products, and we accepted bookings from all over the world. Even the young inspirational entrepreneur Zhang Sheng fell in love with this phone so much that he played games. Even the CCTV interview has been delayed, isn't it enough?" Zhang Sheng said these words quietly on the phone.

"You..." Lin Guodong was shocked, and then his expression was particularly wonderful.

"Try, listen to me, uncle, I won't harm you!"


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