I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 267 I have a hunch that you will join the game!

Host Zhang Lan listened intently to Zhang Sheng's every word.

Zhang Sheng tells the story of the early days of entrepreneurship.

In that story...

There was wind and rain, there were people who treated me coldly, and there were also figures who were chewing steamed buns and mineral water, standing in the sunshine outside the buildings to sell products.

Zhang Lan's heart palpitated when he heard this, and his eyes were filled with tears.

She felt the great simplicity, sincerity, unyielding, unwillingness, and stubbornness in this young man...


This young man actually started talking about success, which seemed vaguely like learning about success.

Zhang Lan was once infected by emotions!


"Switch question!"

"It's too late!"

"Hurry, hurry up!"

"Hurry up and get to the next stage!"

At this moment, such a sentence appeared in her ears.

She turned her head and looked at the man in the distance who gestured towards her.

The script of "Struggle" is actually arranged like this...

Let Ma Yunhua and Li Yaozong talk first, and in the last free time, they gave it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng represents the entrepreneurial hope of the younger generation and also symbolizes the dawn. It is the last ending of the entire program. An inspiring young entrepreneur represents thousands of strivers.

A perfect interpretation of the show!


The rhythm is messed up!

Zhang Sheng talked about his own story and the difficulties of starting a business...

More than a minute and a half!

More than two minutes!

More than three minutes!

Even more than five minutes!

Completely out of line!

Moreover, Zhang Lan could hardly find the node to interrupt!

His speech is very smooth, his thoughts are clear, and his story has ups and downs...

Zhang Lan couldn't find any interruption points at all!


Zhang Lan, who was used to big scenes, felt a desire to listen deep in her heart.

She glanced at the auditorium not far away from the corner of her eye.

Zhang Sheng seems to be a natural speaker, and he has great ability to control the scene and incite emotions.

Below, many viewers were stunned!

Some viewers had tears in their eyes...

"Hurry up, it's been five minutes, cut it off and find a time to change the topic!"


"Put the camera on Mr. Ma Yunhua!"

"Interrupt him!"

Next to the headset.

The director's voice became increasingly urgent.

Zhang Lan sighed slightly in her heart, and finally looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile.

Just when she was about to interrupt Zhang Sheng to bring up the topic, she suddenly heard Ma Yunhua not far away staring at Zhang Sheng: "Your struggle is very exciting and inspiring, but if I stand on my side, From a personal standpoint, you have done at least five things wrong, and these five things will allow you to pay off a debt of up to two million yuan in five months instead of earning twenty million!"

The sudden sound was very abrupt, even a bit sharp.

The atmosphere created by Zhang Sheng was instantly broken.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Ma Yunhua's gaze.

Ma Yunhua's expression was serious.

Surrounded by auras such as "Internet Giant", "China's Top Ten Richest People" and "Business Leaders of the 2009 China Economic Decade", he is like a "god" bathed in golden light.

Every word and deed is regarded as the Bible and spiritual leader by countless entrepreneurial young people today...

When he saw that everyone was looking at him, he looked at Zhang Sheng as if he were an elder.

"The first step you took was the wrong one. I often tell others that choice is very important, and choice is always greater than hard work!"

"Here, let me tell you why you are wrong..."

"You were thinking about running a business, but you never thought about the most convenient e-commerce!"

"As long as you pay attention to the Internet and the business circle, you will know that we [Taozhu.com] provide a platform specifically for you entrepreneurs who have no capital in the early stage. You come to us [Taozhu.com] to open a store! You You don’t need to go to the apartments one by one, and you don’t need to advance money. You only need a computer, and you can even do it in an Internet cafe. I remember that you lived in an Internet cafe for a while?”

"If you don't understand, our [Taozhu.com] customer service can teach you how to open a store step by step, and even recommend you. What are the recent preferences of our [Taozhu.com] 230 million users? You can learn from the preferences , get the direction you want..."

"Second, starting a business is indeed difficult, but the real hardship never comes from society, but from your personal perception. Mr. Zhang Sheng, you are more mature than your peers, which is a good thing!"

"But, in my opinion, your understanding of success is still not enough. If you have a broad understanding and know China's future economic trends, you should know that the most terrifying thing in this world is not the lack of money or debt, but It’s a cognitive flaw!”

"What is a cognitive defect? ​​It means that you clearly did something, but you were limited to your own cognition and could not expand the matter. For example, you held a [School Beauty] contest, which is a violation of Yes, but the second mistake is that you did not use this competition to open up higher-level relationships, and you did not use this competition to get more things outside the pattern..."

"Third, regarding your [Bosch Battery], recently, I saw rumors about [Bosch Battery]. [Bosch Battery] took a loan of two million to start research and development. I'm sorry... With all due respect, this is your third mistake. , and it is the most fatal mistake. Two million dollars in R\u0026D is just a drop in the bucket in the R\u0026D industry, and may not even be able to figure out anything substantial. But for you, especially in the early stages of starting a business, it is fatal. I can predict that you will pay a huge, even fatal and painful price for these two million!"

"Fourth, you still don't have your own core competitiveness. What you do is still the most basic, lowest-level resource integration and resource exchange. Anyone can do these things..."


Ma Yunhua's voice is exquisite every word.

Like a sword.

He stabbed Zhang Sheng fiercely.

The aloof figure deprived Zhang Sheng of all his "inspirational" experiences.

Then, he focused all the light on himself.

In the audience seats.

Thunderous applause!

Zhang Sheng listened quietly.

Ma Yunhua stood too high.

He waved his hand and saw that his income was tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Naturally, he couldn't see Zhang Sheng that year. He couldn't even pay two yuan for the Internet fee. He never thought about Zhang Sheng, who was shunned by everyone like the god of plague. Zhang Sheng, it is impossible for anyone to help him, let alone lend him money.

[Taozhu.com] Maybe it is a way.

However, a penny can stump a heroic man!

That path still requires money.

In 2009, [Taozhu.com] required a deposit of 1,000 yuan!

If he could have spent a thousand yuan that year, he wouldn't have been unable to pay the rent.

Except Lin Xia...

At that time, who would lend Zhang Sheng money?

"You've learned a lesson, Teacher Ma!"

Under the lens.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Sheng to directly tell the original entrepreneurial dilemma on the show.

He smiled excitedly, as if he had been taught something, and listened carefully to Ma Yunhua's words.

At this moment...

Ma Yunhua is in the spotlight.

All eyes are on him. He is still an entrepreneurial "myth" and a revolutionary in the new era of the Internet.

Wherever he goes, he is the protagonist, surrounded by the protagonist!

Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua looked at each other briefly.

A person who is condescending, with an expression overlooking all living beings, enjoying Zhang Sheng's humility and admiration, and the expression of "a word that wakes up the dreamer" and sudden realization.

He couldn't help but once again told Zhang Sheng a lot of "follow the instructions".

It's like a senior is supporting the younger generation.

"If you had chosen our [Taozhu.com], I'm sure you would have earned at least 20 million by now!"


He listened attentively like a "student", nodding from time to time, suddenly enlightened, and then annoyed.

Then, he will ask some questions about "the future" and about the world.

It seems that his knowledge is indeed limited, and he desperately longs for a light to lead him forward.

Zhang Lan next to me felt something was wrong!

Vaguely, it seemed that his role had been changed to Zhang Sheng.

As a controller, she has become a very embarrassing marginal person...

She also tried to regain control and say something.

But found...

I can't get it in my mouth!

Ma Yunhua continued to talk.

The young man in front of him seemed to easily hit the most vain part of his body.

The questions he asked were always things he wanted to show in front of the public.

For example, [Taozhu.com] has always insisted on something...

For example, his entrepreneurial spirit...

For example, he wants to convey the values ​​​​to the world, and even wants to be the person who changes the world!

The show is still going on.

Somehow, Li Yaozong from [Hongtian Capital] also joined the conversation.

He and Zhang Sheng suddenly worked together very well.

Zhang Sheng was asking questions, and Ma Yunhua kept answering them. In between Ma Yunhua's answers, he also inserted some of his own understanding of the future, and vaguely began to praise Ma Yunhua's spirit of wanting to change the world!

This show!

It finally became Ma Yunhua's one-man show.

Time passes little by little!

The show finally came to an end.

Next to the round table.

Zhang Lan smiled.

Still so elegant and calm in everything she does.

Except for saying a few words to control the situation at critical moments, she has completely become an audience.

"Sister Zhang Lan! Teacher Ma, Teacher Li, there is still some time before the show ends, right?"


"Can I take a picture with you?"

"Huh? Take a photo on the show?"

"Sister Zhang Lan, this is my first time on this stage. I really want to enjoy this moment and record this moment..."

"Well, after it's over, let the photographer..."

"I have a mobile phone. I can take photos with my mobile phone. The pixels are very clear. I don't have to wait for the photographer..."



The show is finally over.

Ma Yunhua was once again surrounded by everyone and walked out of the recording scene.

Zhang Sheng got a photo with Zhang Lan, Li Zongyao and Ma Yunhua.

Shen Bingbing came over.

Her expression was complicated.

"Mr. Zhang, I asked you to hold back, you... you asked all of Sister Zhang Lan's questions, you..."

"Round table interviews, aren't they about freedom?"

"But this is completely different from the script!"


She was speechless when she saw Zhang Sheng say this.

Zhang Sheng smiled and did not answer, but walked straight out of the recording scene.

Just when he was about to leave the CCTV hall...

He saw that Li Zongyao did not leave, but seemed to be waiting.

When he saw him, Li Zongyao came over.

"Mr. Li!"

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Li, haven't you left yet?"

"I’m waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Zhang Sheng looked at Li Zongyao strangely.

"Yes, I have a hunch... Ma Yunhua will encounter a very difficult opponent in the future!" Li Zongyao suddenly stared at Zhang Sheng.

His eyes were extremely sharp, as if he had guessed something.

"Mr. Li, what did you say? I don't understand..." Zhang Sheng shook his head blankly. .

"Mr. Zhang, I have your detailed information on my desk. I have a very powerful analysis team. They even analyze what you will do next..." Li Zongyao smiled.


Somehow, Zhang Sheng felt that his eyes were like a vulture, which would come down at any time and sting people: "Mr. Li, I still don't understand what you mean..."

"In some areas of China's economy, it is impossible for some people to monopolize it. This is the underlying rule. But now, the entire China [Taozhu.com] is the only one, and other e-commerce companies are not affected at all. This is Shengji. But at the same time, it is also extremely dangerous..." Li Zongyao's voice was slightly lowered.

"Mr. Li, please continue..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

"In recent years, Ma Yunhua has been too popular. She needs someone to check and balance her. This is my business card, which contains my personal phone number. If you need investment, you can contact me..."

"You think I'm the one who checks and balances?"

"Of course not now, you are too weak, but I am willing to put an egg in your basket, and..."

"And what?"

"And I said, I have a hunch that you will get involved sooner or later... My hunch has always been accurate!"


(There will be an update before 3 o'clock!)

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