"Why haven't you released a single yet?"

"It's not yet time..."

"Sister Shengnan, why is it that it's not time yet, how can I become so popular? I can..."

"Mozi! You would rather wait a little longer than lose. Ah K has made it clear that he wants to snipe you!"

"I can't wait. Why should I be afraid of a newly debuted singer? I really don't understand. When did we start to be so cautious when releasing a single?"

"Not only do you have to be careful, you even have to wait for Ah K to sing first, and then, after he's overheated, you can then..."

"Sister Shengnan, what's the difference between me and a coward? We have a lot of resources, and how long has the team behind us been working hard on this song... We can't compare to a K?"



Mozi was very excited.

The original plan was to release the single a week ago!


This plan has been postponed. He can understand that Xu Shengnan is planning to make a big deal after he signs [Yaohua] endorsement!

However, now that the endorsement has been taken away, he still has to endure it!

How long are you going to endure this? Is it possible to endure until Ah K soars into the sky, to endure the public opinion on the Internet, to endure the fans' expectations to a freezing point, and to endure all the resources to be wasted?

"Sister Sheng Nan, the arrow is on the string, we have to do it! If you look at the entertainment section of Weibo now, we have accounted for four hot searches. The fans' expectations are unprecedentedly high! How long do we have to wait? Wait? If the enthusiasm of the fans goes down, we will have nothing! Nothing!"

Facing Mozi's voice.

Xu Shengnan looked outside silently.

Weibo’s entertainment section is indeed dominated by Mozi’s news.

He has had countless fans over the years, and Xu Shengnan also believes that once the song "Ecstasy" is released, it will inevitably arouse a strong market response.


Weibo’s entertainment hot spots only occupy part of the traffic.

Weibo’s social hot spots are the real traffic.

On that page, Mozi couldn't make the headlines at all, and he couldn't even be searched. At this moment, everything was wrapped up in [Yaohua]'s unprecedented victory!

After all, that was the first time that the Chinese technology circle filed a lawsuit with other companies overseas and won on someone else’s territory!

The significance of this is no less than an exciting and meaningful "milestone" in China's science and technology circle.

In just one night, the number of discussions in the entire social sector exceeded one million, and this number is still climbing crazily...

Moreover, [Yaohua] spent 100 million to ask Zhang Sheng to endorse it!

On the cusp of this storm, this wave of popularity once again reached its peak, and Zhang Sheng was ranked among the top three on Weibo's trending search list!

There is a big difference between the popularity among the people and the popularity bought by the entertainment industry.

Amidst this popularity, Zhang Sheng took out the mobile phone that was about to be released by [Yaohua], and that phone was equipped with the song "Running" by Ah K...

Xu Shengnan had heard the short melody of the song "Running". From the melody alone, she felt a sense of emotional excitement, especially the roaring feeling of Ah K. She had reason to believe that this was another song that was not inferior to The hit music of "In the Rain"!


Looking at the way Zhang Sheng introduced the mobile phone, Xu Shengnan had more reason to believe that Zhang Sheng would set "Running" as the installed music of [Huaxing] and [Hua x1] under [Yaohua]...

Zhang Sheng's hand was really too ruthless. The progressive operations seemed to be strangling his throat and suffocating him.

It was so cruel that after watching the video, she felt horrified. She couldn't help but realize that Zhang Sheng's "victory" chips were overwhelming, and Mozi's so-called capital...

I can’t withstand this rolling torrent!

"People must be smart, and they must also know how to make concessions. Sometimes, giving in is also a strategy. Avoid the sharp edges and take your time to figure it out!"

"Are we just watching him?"


"I'm not willing to give in. Now that I'm facing such a challenger, I've actually become like this... Sister Shengnan, I don't believe it. I really don't want this!"

"If you want to step towards the king of heaven, you must endure what others cannot endure..."

"He has great potential, but the popularity will eventually subside. In the end, real songs still have to be quality! As a team, we carefully prepared for nearly two hundred days. I recorded the song repeatedly, I kept changing it, and kept sculpting it. If you think about it carefully, I have so many fans. My influence this time is no less than that of a little king releasing an album. I don’t believe it. I can’t compare to him alone, even better than my male sister. This time, I can’t bear it. I breathed I can’t bear it!”

"You want to send it?"

"Send it! Why don't you send it!"

In the office.

Mozi's face turned red and he clenched his fists angrily.

He saw the popularity on the Internet and also saw the so-called "general trend"!

The sense of pride in him always made him unwilling to "avoid the edge" this time.

Xu Shengnan looked at Mozi's appearance.

She was silent for a long time.

Finally, he sighed quietly: "Then let's go!"


[Qiangsheng Mall].

More and more people are coming!

Almost the entire mall was surrounded by water!

In this information age where the Internet is booming, this desperate counterattack by [Yaohua Technology] has inspired the emotions of countless netizens. Under the impact of this emotion, the voices that once spoke ill of [Yaohua Technology]'s entry into the mobile phone industry , disappeared immediately!

Zhang Sheng's billboard was erected at the entrance of [Qiangsheng Mall].

Under the billboard, Li Qiang kept introducing the mobile phone, which made him salivate!


He got a message!

In just over an hour, all [Huaxing] mobile phones were snapped up by customers, and even high-end models like [Huaxing X1] were sold out!

The enthusiasm of customers did not dissipate because their mobile phones were sold out, but instead grew stronger!

Li Qiang took a deep breath!

Looking at the empty counter, I started writing "reservation" orders excitedly.

The girl I just hired next to me was trying to collect a deposit for a mobile phone, and her hands were so weak that she even broke several banknote detectors!

Several people were busy until noon...

The craze has just subsided a little. Li Qiang sat on a chair, drinking water and panting.

He seemed to be living in a dream!

Zhang Sheng's video was still playing on the TV.

"[Huaxing] mobile phone, 2 million pixels, 200,000 pixels on the rear, ultra-thin body, waterproof, anti-fall!"

"It supports software installation, game downloading, listening to music, watching videos, and supports car Bluetooth..."


"[Hua X1] is a mobile phone with four million pixels on the front and three hundred thousand on the rear. It adopts world-class technology and is far ahead in the industry!"


In the video.

Zhang Sheng's voice is full of passion!

Even people like Li Qiang feel excited after listening to it several times and want to buy a [Hua X1] mobile phone for no reason.



[Hua X1] mobile phone production is limited. Each mobile phone dealer is only allowed to sell two [Hua X1] mobile phones. And if you want to buy a [Hua X1] mobile phone, you have to queue up...

As for how long it will take to wait...

Li Qiang only knows that the order for the [Hua X1] mobile phone has been scheduled until next month!


Zhang Sheng, who had rested upstairs for a while, walked down after finishing his meal.

"Mr. Zhang!" Li Qiang stood up quickly.

"Well, keep sitting."

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do next?"

"Mr. Li, you create a Q Dog Group and add my account into it. You will be the leader of the Q Dog Group. Every customer who comes to buy a mobile phone or sign an order will be included in the group..." …”

"Eh? Join the group, and then we tell them some arrival information from our store?"

"Yes! Apart from that..."

Before Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he saw someone walking in.

After seeing this person, Zhang Sheng smiled: "Let me introduce, this is our [NC Network Technology] Vice President Qiu Hui, Mr. Qiu..."

"Mr. Qiu, hello!" When Li Qiang saw a young man wearing thick glasses walking in, he was subconsciously shocked. He vaguely felt that this so-called "Mr. Qiu" seemed to be someone who had just graduated or not even graduated. College Students.

But Li Qiang did not dare to neglect, but shook hands tightly.

"Mr. Qiu is very young, but Mr. Qiu has many successful cases..."

"Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Ah, Mr. Qiu, nice to meet you!"

Qiu Hui is very shy.

It seemed that he had rarely seen this kind of scene. Even when he heard the word "Mr. Qiu" for the first time, he raised his head in disbelief and seemed very uncomfortable.

When shaking hands with Li Qiang, he seemed even more awkward. After shaking hands, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Mr. Li and Mr. Qiu will be responsible for the framework construction of our [Qiangsheng Mall] online business in the past two days..."

“What is an online business?”

"Similar to [Taozhu.com], we will definitely accumulate customer resources in the early stage, but it will not affect the construction of the online sales business... My initial idea for [Qiangsheng Mall] is the official website. Offline customers can log in online. In the early stage, you can provide opinions and needs, but Mr. Li, we should put our position on a platform that meets customer needs..."

"But, [Taozhu.com] is so powerful now, and we are so early, will it be possible..." Li Qiang nodded, and then he was shocked by Zhang Sheng's speed, and finally expressed the worry in his heart.

Zhang Sheng, however, smiled and shook his head: "Mr. Li, remember, before we want to do something, we must start laying out its framework one year, or even five years in advance. Only when the base is stable can the tall buildings rise from the ground. Higher, admittedly, once the frame is stable we can fill it with whatever we want..."

"Then... let me contact some merchants first?"

"You can accumulate some original merchants, or you don't need to accumulate anything. Just follow what I say and do it down-to-earth. Mr. Li, you are a smart person. I believe you have seen a corner of my ecological model. You should I know that as long as I don’t get hurt, thanks to the good reputation of the merchants who cooperate with me, there will only be more and more merchants making money with me in the future, and more and more merchants will settle in our [Qiangsheng Mall] …What I am responsible for is arranging these merchants into their corresponding positions one by one…”


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