I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 287 Their Roar (Part 2)

This life.

Perhaps this is the only chance to be on stage.

If you miss this opportunity, or leave regrets, then there will be no future.

When Deng Rong sang "Broken", his voice was not hoarse and slightly smoky like Ah K's.

This middle-aged man from the Northeast has a high-pitched voice. He is in his forties, but his dark cheeks already have layers of frowns like ravines.

He is a farmer, the simplest and most authentic farmer. Twenty years ago, he suddenly heard the song "Penniless" by Cui Yonghao on the tape. After hearing it, he suddenly became obsessed with rock and roll. Became crazy about music.

He has been a street singer longer than Ah K, and the difficult days are also more painful than Ah K. A few years ago, he drank too much in a bar and suffered a stomach perforation, and then he was hospitalized for a long time.

Dreams, sometimes this thing is really strange. It is obviously an illusory thing. Everyone wants you to accept the reality and live a down-to-earth life, but the emotion in your heart... But I couldn't suppress it no matter how hard I tried.

The era of rock and roll is finally over. He is like an old remnant of the era, singing old songs from the past that are incompatible with current pop music.

Persistence, sometimes it’s really ridiculous, but I’m not willing to just farm like this for the rest of my life…

Then, he just persisted!

I persisted until Ah K suddenly became popular, persisted until under the overpass, people everywhere were telling various stories about Ah K and Mozi, persisted until the wandering singers fought over the place where Ah K once stood, persisted until each and every one of them stood up Unable to bear the hardship of life, he left. He persisted until Deng Rong could no longer hold on. He prepared to sing the last song, and then resolutely smashed his guitar wife under the overpass and never held a guitar again.

Forty-three years old!

He finally got a chance to take the stage!

Amid waves of ridicule and jokes on the Internet, he walked onto the stage with his guitar on his back.

Zhang Sheng patted him on the shoulder and said those words that made his heart suddenly shake. He nodded uncontrollably and walked to the stage, as if he was a farmer and suddenly lost control and his brain went crazy. Like picking up a guitar.

At this moment, he was singing, enjoying the short-term joy on the stage, and feeling his eyes!

The audience of more than 2,000 people are all his audience!

The emotions of more than 20 years are all in this song "Broken". He showed all his strength. Even he himself didn't know that he could sing so well!


There seems to be a breakthrough!

He sang louder and louder, and sang more excitedly, as if a sword hidden in a scabbard, filled with cold light, was finally completely unsheathed at this moment!

He finally finished singing!

After singing, he took a long breath!

Then, he heard applause, a wave of applause that kept pounding in his ears. He couldn't help but burst into tears and bowed to everyone.

This is the first time since he became a wandering singer that he has appeared on stage in front of such a large audience!

This is the first time in this life, and perhaps the last time in this life. It is probably a perfect moment in my career to use this stage to draw the curtain!

After bowing...

He heard Zhang Sheng's voice rang again!


[Modu Century Superstar Concert] is soaring.

As Mozi came on stage and sang "Ecstasy", the song's popularity soared crazily...

After being suppressed by "Run" for nearly an hour, it once again overtook the opponent and gained some distance.

Xu Shengnan watched these two concerts while looking at the data performance of "Ecstasy" and "Running"...

Although "Ecstasy" rushed forward, she was not satisfied with the data that came up. It was much worse than the data in her heart!

She took to Weibo again.

I found that Weibo is very lively.

[Zhang Sheng should have been hacked! 】

[Yeah, being the host of Ah K’s concert myself, how could I squeeze Ah K?]

[Yes, I think someone posted part of Ah K’s contract on the Internet. This contract looks like Chen Geng, the owner of [Fat Xiao An] restaurant. Boss Chen posted the contract. In fact, Ah K also gets a share of the endorsement. It’s equivalent to Ah K being a small shareholder...]

[I seem to have seen other agreements too! 】

[[Paramecium] seems to have received a letter from a lawyer, and now seems to have apologized...]

[Is it possible that Zhang Sheng forced him to apologize? 】


A self-directed and self-acted farce has confused many people on the Internet.

This traffic feast made netizens very excited, and they were all discussing the word "Zhang Sheng" in their respective camps.

The word "Zhang Sheng" is on the hot search...

Xu Shengnan looked at these hot searches and knew that these hot searches were not bought. Many big Vs on Weibo like [Nangong Nan] actually like to get traffic, and then, unknowingly, they become traffic maker.

After Xu Shengnan finished watching, he looked at [Jitu Video] again, only to find that [Jitu Video] was very laggy. He could watch the concert intermittently, and eventually crashed due to the influx of too much traffic.

Xu Shengnan spent a long time brushing it, and finally it came out.

When it came out, the camera just gave a close-up of Zhang Sheng. After Deng Rong finished singing, Zhang Sheng appeared again as a host.

His ability to control the field is really amazing. With more than 2,000 spectators at the scene, there was inevitably noise and whispering, but when Zhang Sheng started to speak, the scene seemed to become very quiet.

His tone of voice changes a lot...

Sometimes he was excited, sometimes he was depressed, especially when Zhang Sheng told stories about Deng Rong, a wandering singer, even Xu Shengnan felt that Deng Rong was like a "fiery" tragic hero!

Xu Shengnan had never looked down on Zhang Sheng, but at this moment, she realized that she still looked down on Zhang Sheng!

This should be a natural speaker!


The video freezes again.

Not long after, the entire [Jitu Video] website instantly received a 404 error. This time, it took a long time to recover, and it took nearly three minutes to refresh, but nothing was displayed.

She looked at Weibo.

The number of hot searches for the word "Zhang Sheng" is increasing.

She stared at "Ecstasy"...

"Ecstasy" is still in the lead, but "Running" is not to be outdone and continues to catch up.

"Ecstasy" can no longer beat "Run", and any further investment in this song will be wasted!

Xu Shengnan looked at all the data and finally admitted the fact of his failure in his heart.

Of course, there are too many ups and downs in this circle. Even after the failure, Ah K will definitely step on the trouble and his popularity will reach a higher level, but there is nothing he can do!

About ten minutes later.

[Jitu Video] was finally refreshed and played.

This time, a thin singer took the stage and sang a pop song...

Xu Shengnan somehow calmed down gradually. This thin singer's singing skills were average, and his songs were also average. His stage effect was not very good, and he even broke his note when singing nervously.

This is normal. If every wandering singer could bring explosive effects, then the world would be crazy.


[Jitu Video] collapsed again!


night sky.

Pitch black.

One by one, wandering singers stepped onto the stage.

Although their singing was good and bad, Zhang Sheng clearly remembered everyone's name and the song they were about to sing.

Time passes little by little...

The audience did not leave because of the uneven quality of the wandering singers.

Instead, they sat on chairs and stared at the stage, which was not that big.

The appearance of Zhang Sheng can always make up for the flaws in the singing of those singers...

Zhang Sheng's introduction to the singers' experiences became more and more like a speech. The emotions in his speech perfectly matched the joy, anger, sorrow and fear of the audience!

The dark night sky seems to have become a foil, and the not-so-bright light has vaguely become the most sensitive sense of longing deep in people's hearts!

Hot and crazy!

They seemed to see little people taking the stage for their dreams, trying their best to fight for the glimmer of stars in the darkness!


The stars shimmer!

The concert inevitably came to an end.

They saw Zhang Sheng walking out again.

This time, he did not tell a story, but silently looked up at the sky, focusing on it.

He seemed to be born with a certain leadership aura. When he raised his head, many people looked at the sky in unison.

The sky is completely dark...


The stage lights went out in an instant!

The earth turns dark and the audience feels an inexplicable silence.

Hard to believe…

The venue of two thousand people seemed to have been cast by some magic by Zhang Sheng, and it fell silent briefly.

"This night sky is too dark!"

"There are no stars. I haven't seen stars like this for a long time..."

"Our singers, in the darkness, work hard to shine their light, trying hard to let us see..."

"I believe that all the friends here are ordinary people, a group of ordinary people who are eager to shine in the darkness..."

"We all have dreams. We don't know how many ups and downs we have encountered in pursuing our dreams, and we don't know why it happened..."

"But, at this moment..."

"I hope that everyone can raise their hands and let this dark night sky and dark world have a little more light!"

On a dark stage.

A light comes on.

As faint as a firefly.

The audience was stunned.

"Turn on the flashlight of your [Huaxing] mobile phone. Even though the light of fireflies is weak, it is still a scenery in the night sky!"


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