I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 295 Director Bi’s Talent

Everyone says "The Dog Over the Mountain" is an extremely boring movie.

When Zhang Sheng watched "The Dog Over the Mountain" for the first time, he also thought the movie was boring.

The entire story is told from the perspective of a dog, showing the changes of an era. The development of the plot is also quite gentle, without any waves...

Even among literary films, this kind of movie is quite annoying.

The box office of "The Dog Over the Mountain" was very poor. After it was re-released as an award-winning film at the [Berlin International Film Festival], the box office was only 3 million...


When Zhang Sheng saw "The Dog Over the Mountain" for the second time, some changes occurred in his mood.

This movie is still very peaceful, but the narrative is very gentle. When you really watch it patiently, you will find that Bi Feiyu's portrayal of the movie's landscape and the human fireworks are very clever...

Then, inadvertently, it touches the softest part of your heart. The farther away you are from your hometown, the more you can feel the sense of "pure land" and "belonging" that this movie brings to you.

Probably because of this, "The Dog Over the Mountain" won the award at the [Berlin International Film Festival]!

In the office.

The curtains were drawn.

In the gloomy atmosphere, Zhang Sheng inserted the USB flash drive into the computer under Bi Feiyu's gaze.

Then, I clicked on "Seven Days to Kill"!

Bi Feiyu's narrative style is really bland...

The general plot of this movie was taken by Zhang Sheng from "The Ring".

Zhang Sheng once checked the horror movies in this world and found that the "female ghost" horror movies in this world all use the image of ghosts with festering faces and blood-stained bodies to increase the visual tension of the film. Even the classic humanoid monsters are mostly They are wearing heavy makeup, or they are missing arms or legs.

Of course, what is different from "Midnight Ring" is that the phone has become a mobile phone, and the Japanese elements have also become some Chinese elements.

At the beginning of "Seven Days to Kill", the rural scenery that comes into view is still so remote and peaceful.

Since "The Dog Over the Mountain", Bi Feiyu's shooting methods seem to have improved again.

His shots began to use tranquility and metaphor for something, and the mood of the shots gradually progressed, from a fallen leaf, to rows of houses, to gradually reaching a dry well...

The color tone of the entire picture also changes from bright sunshine to gradually darkness, as if through the hint of light, it seems to pull out the panic deep in people's hearts little by little!

People have an instinctive fear of the dark...

Especially when his eyes saw the light gradually turning dark, and the increasing darkness, Zhang Sheng felt a little bit uneasy.

Of course, in addition to the metaphor of lens lighting, there is also sound!

Apart from the ambient sounds that the entire world should have, there is no dubbing throughout the whole process...

Then, the ambient sounds began to gradually become lighter from the hustle and bustle, and finally reached deathly silence.

The dry well suddenly froze in the picture, and then gradually faded into darkness.

Then, just when people's psychological uneasiness and unknown fear reach a certain limit...

A very strange sound of wind chimes appeared on the screen. Listening to the sound of wind chimes, Zhang Sheng felt goosebumps inexplicably.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and turned to look at Bi Feiyu.

this moment……

He realized that he seemed to have found a treasure!

At this moment, Bi Feiyu's phone rang.

After answering the phone and coming back, Bi Feiyu looked a little excited.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, there are several crew members on the crew, and PC was arrested..."



The battle between Ah K and Mozi.

It was Mozi who lost.

As time goes by, the popularity of "Run" not only does not decrease, but becomes even more popular.

Audio halls and mobile phone stores on the streets and alleys are all playing the inspiring moments of "Run"...

But Mozi's "Ecstasy" became less and less popular, so low that Mozi's ranking on Qgou Music went from second to fourth, and then, by April 5th, it dropped to fourth. seven.

The feeling of falling from a high place is hard to accept. Many of the proudest people in heaven have been unable to recover after falling from a high place...

Obviously, Mozi Zhangmo will soon become one of those people who are unable to recover.

during this time.

His temper gradually became violent in the company, and he often scolded his assistant for trivial matters.

The young assistant always came out of the office with red eyes. She was so scared that she wanted to stay away from Zhang Mo, but her job forced her to walk into the office again.

But at night, Zhang Mo's irritable mood seemed to become depressed again.

The evening of April 5th.

Xu Shengnan knocked on Zhang Mo's door.

Seeing Zhang Mo sitting on the sofa with disheveled hair, smoking continuously, the ground was filled with cigarette butts, the whole living room was like a cloud, and the air was so choking that people wanted to cough.

He had a creative team, and his creative team carefully wrote "Ecstasy" for him.

He has a marketing team, and the marketing team has prepared a release date for him. Of course, they have also reminded him that the song "Running" seems to have the potential to become a hit, so it is best to avoid it...

He is the darling of capital, he has his own fans, and his fans were once as close as those of first-line singers, just like a sign of a little king...

He is also the darling of resources. Many big names in the industry have posted on Weibo to support and look forward to his new song. Before releasing the song, he only had ambition in his eyes, vigorous ambition...


He actually lost!

Lost to [NC Entertainment], a company with few resources, and lost to Ah K, a little-known figure.

Education, appearance, capital... In what way is Ah K comparable to him?

But unfortunately...

"Are you going to just sit there and be helpless?"

Xu Shengnan frowned and stared at Mozi.

Although "Ecstasy" failed, it did not lose money. Although a lot of resources were spent, the ringtone company still made some money.


Sometimes it's a good thing, it allows Mozi to truly realize his shortcomings, calm down, and finally make up for his shortcomings.

Therefore, during this period of time, Xu Shengnan never took the initiative to talk to Mozi, nor did he talk about "Ecstasy".


People can be disappointed and desperate, but they cannot remain immersed in these negative emotions.

"Sister Shengnan, what else can I do? We all lose like this... Now, many people outside are laughing at me, right? They think my embroidered pillow is just a piece of shit..." Zhang Mo lowered his head.

During this time, he has become more and more sensitive. If someone else makes a wrong look, he will think too much, and then he can't control his emotions and yell.

He didn't even dare to go online. When he went online, what he was most afraid of was that netizens would ridicule him and ridicule him for taking up so many resources, and then...

"No one laughs at you..."

Xu Shengnan turned on the light, and the bright light made Zhang Mo unable to open his eyes. He subconsciously blocked it with his hand.

"Didn't Ah K mock me on the Internet? He is so aggressive and so popular. He doesn't want to step on my shoulders and climb up?" Zhang Mo smiled sarcastically and smoked another cigarette.

Xu Shengnan sighed quietly after seeing this scene: "Apart from congratulating himself for breaking the record of "Running", he didn't mock anyone, and he didn't have any other news..."

"Then what is he doing? Has our capital suppressed him again?" Zhang Mo looked at Xu Shengnan.

"It makes no sense to have capital to suppress anyone at this time. "Running" can no longer be suppressed. However, I just got the news that not only has there been no news about him these days, he even declined some invitations from "Music Variety Show" and some interviews. , and no longer continue to hold concerts to make money..."

"Then what is he doing? Holding it in?" When Zhang Mo heard this, he was a little unbelievable.

"He's learning to sing."


"I heard that he officially learned singing from Zhong Yuemin, a teacher at the Huaxia Conservatory of Music!"

"Learn to sing? He, learn to sing?"

"Some of the ridicule in Qgou's music reviews did not defeat him, but made him calm down and make up for his shortcomings. Do you know what this means?"


"He wants to climb higher. Maybe, in his eyes, you are just a small hillside. After climbing up the small hillside, after a short rest, he started to climb higher."

After Xu Shengnan finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Mo.

He saw Zhang Mo in disbelief, then sneered and disdained, and finally his expression gradually twisted: "He wants to hype up his hard-working character again! We used up all this hype a few years ago..."

"This is not hype. This information is internal information. Except for some staff members of [NC Entertainment], others do not know it. Moreover, [NC Entertainment] does not seem to have the intention to hype this topic..."

"Is he really studying?"

"Before, I always found it incredible that he could produce such phenomenal works, but now, I seem to understand that he really has a love for music..."

"..." Zhang Mo finally stopped talking after listening.

Sometimes he couldn't understand Ah K.

"By the way, I heard that Zhang Sheng is also learning..."

"Zhang Sheng? What is he studying? Does he also want to write songs?" Zhang Mo was stunned, then shook his head, not caring.

"Okay, do you want to continue to be depressed, or do you want to cheer up and work hard on the next new album?"

"new album?"

"The failure of "Ecstasy" reminded me that although we have a creative team, everyone in the creative team is not top-notch. They only analyze the market and guess what kind of music the market will like, and then Making that music…”

"so what?"

"That [Little People Concert] not only made "Running" more popular, but also made the song "Broken" become popular again. Recently, I heard news from some friends in Taiwan that Cui Yonghao and Teacher Cui are preparing to make a comeback... …”

"Isn't Cui Yonghao's voice broken?"

"But these years of silence have allowed him to write many songs. Mozi, a song of the level of "Ecstasy" is already difficult for you to reach the top. You need a masterpiece... We [Starlight Future], these I have been keeping in touch with Teacher Cui Yonghao for many years..."


"Come to Taiwan with me, come visit me and ask for songs!"


When Zhang Mo heard this, he was immediately shocked!

He nodded quickly.

At this moment, Xu Shengnan's cell phone rang.

Xu Shengnan answered a phone call...

Then, his originally calm expression turned into shock.

"What's wrong? Sister Katsuo?"

"Zhang Sheng watched a movie, and then he seemed to have a mental problem... and was looking for a psychiatrist everywhere."


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