I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 298 The incident at the premiere

The second wave of "Future SWAT" releases has ended.

Ke Zhanyi walked out of the screening room.

During the premiere, countless reporters, film critics, and industry insiders attended the premiere.

Countless people praised how much effort everyone on the crew put in, praised Xie Tianwang's acting skills, Lu Zihan's handsomeness, praised the rise of Chinese science fiction films, and "Future Police" is a pioneer...

At the premiere, the country was peaceful and the people were peaceful, and the auspicious lins and auspicious phoenixes...

All Ke Zhanyi heard were praises and all kinds of bells and whistles boasting about "Future SWAT"...

I was inevitably immersed in these praises, and felt a little carried away. I once thought that I really started the first year of Chinese science fiction films with "Future Police"!

[Is King Xie Tian crazy? Falling in love while fighting, falling in love while saving the world, falling in love even if the earth is destroyed? 】

[This is the first time in my life that the plot is so bad! 】

【You must be sick! I walked into the cinema with high expectations, hoping to see some good movies, but to my surprise, they showed me shit? 】

[Xie Tianwang is another money-making work. How many fans can you still consume? 】

[As expected, it is a youth-themed movie, and science fiction movies can be made into romance movies! 】


However, after the premiere, a series of film reviews on Douban pulled Ke Zhanyi from the sky to the ground.

The midday sun was a bit dazzling.

Ke Zhanyi blocked it with his eyes.

The second screening, without the praise from film critics, entertainment media, and countless celebrities, really made Ke Zhanyi realize that he had really made a bad movie!

Ten minutes into the movie, a few people were secretly cursing. After half an hour, more people were scolding. After an hour, the scolding was much less...


It’s not because the movie has a surprising twist, but because there were about ten empty seats in the originally packed front row, and the audience who couldn’t bear to curse and curse all left...

The rest are all die-hard fans of Xie Tianwang and Lu Zihan. No matter how rubbish the movie is, they will continue to watch it.

"Cannes has been returned. It is normal to be returned. In the past two years, Cannes has become more and more strict. It not only considers the art of film, but also considers the commercial nature of the film..."

"But don't be discouraged. We have sold a lot of copyrights overseas, and with the placement of advertisements, there will be no problem in making a small profit from "Future SWAT"..."

The phone rang.

The call was from Xu Shengnan.

After Ke Zhanyi briefly chatted with Xu Shengnan, his mood fell to the extreme.

He originally thought that with his talent, he could make a good film out of a bad script.


Unexpectedly, after adding my own concept of "love under apocalyptic crisis", the movie will become worse and worse!

Ke Zhanyi walked on the street, looking confusedly at the bustling city...

Make a small profit?

His original intention was never to make a small fortune!


This year’s [Cannes International Film Festival] is slightly later than usual.

It officially opened in June this year and closed on June 12 with awards.

As a famous French critic and internationally renowned filmmaker Avery Tashi, it is natural that he will continue to serve as one of the judges of the [Cannes International Film Festival] this year.


This is the busiest day for Avery Tashi.

Since the beginning of the month, Avery Tashi has been reviewing films, holding meetings, discussing registered films, preparing for the [Cannes Film Festival], screening public votes, and confirming nominees almost every day...

He was so busy that he couldn't even take a moment to catch his breath or smoke a cigar.

This year’s [Cannes International Film Festival] is undergoing reform. As one of the three major film festivals in Europe, this year’s Cannes Organizing Committee wants to make Cannes a spectacular event. Not only must they maximize the artistry of the film, they are also ambitious and want to choose Make a movie that affects the world.

The organizing committee is determined that quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes!

In the past, 50 films were registered for Cannes, but this year the threshold was opened to 100.

The surge in workload has hurt Avery Tashi and other judges.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I only give you ten minutes..."

Theoretically speaking, during the preparations for the [Cannes International Film Festival], the judges are not allowed to communicate with the director.


Bi Feiyu couldn't stand it anymore. For half a month, he squatted at the door of his hotel to guard him every day.

It's going to kill you!

In the cafe.

In the SIA cafe, he met Zhang Sheng.

There was no formality, no handshake, just a simple nod.

Zhang Sheng arrived on time. He made an appointment at 10:30 and just arrived at the last second.

He put his watch on the table. After he finished speaking, he stared at Zhang Sheng seriously, waiting for Zhang Sheng to speak.

Ten minutes...

It was because he admired the talent of Bi Feiyu, a Chinese director, that he was willing to give his new film a chance, and also wanted to hear what reasons Zhang Sheng could use to get a horror film shortlisted for the [Cannes International Film Festival].

Horror film shortlisted for [Cannes International Film Festival]!

Isn't this a joke?

Something that has never happened before in the world.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, "Seven Days to Die" is a literary film that can influence the world!"

"Literary film? Sorry, I briefly read the introduction of "Seven Days to Die". It is a horror film..."

""Seven Days to Die" is indeed a literary film. At the same time, it is a film that covers vision, hearing, touch, and smell. It is full of Chinese causal culture and religious culture..."

"There are eight minutes left..." Avery Tashi nodded, but there was no expression on his face. He just looked at the time.

"It abandons the bloodiness of traditional movies. You can't even see any bloodiness in the whole movie, but it can make your hair stand on end..."

"Seven minutes..."


Bi Feiyu was listening.

He watched Zhang Sheng boasting about "Seven Days to Die" and making the whole movie go crazy.

But Avery Tashi just looked at the time, but his face never showed any interest.

Time passes little by little...

In a blink of an eye, it was the last minute.

It was the first time that Bi Feiyu saw Zhang Sheng deflated on a human body. In the past, Zhang Sheng could even call the dead alive. At this moment, his mouth escape seemed to have completely failed.

The ten minutes are up quickly.

Avery Tashi looked out the window, then picked up his watch and looked at the time: "Ten minutes are up."

He stood up.

When Zhang Sheng saw him standing up, he also stood up.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang Sheng, you still can't convince me. I still can't accept what you call a horror literary film..."

"That's a pity..."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Sheng, I have to get on with my work."


Bi Feiyu watched helplessly as Avery Tashi stood up and left the coffee shop.

"Mr. Zhang, I said it won't work for horror films to be nominated for Cannes..."

He turned his head to look at Zhang Sheng, but saw that there was no disappointment on Zhang Sheng's face. Instead, he stared blankly at the back of Avery Tashi as he left.

After a long time...

He pushed up his glasses and said without much frustration on his face: ""Seven Days to Die" premieres tonight..."

"At night?" Bi Feiyu was stunned.

"Yes, Avery Tashi will come over..."

"How did you know he was coming?"

"Avery Tashi just can't accept what I said. It doesn't mean that he won't come to watch "Seven Days to Die". Moreover, he won't come alone. He may bring others with him..."

"Mr. Zhang, why are you so sure?"

"My guess!"

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Li Bin, are you ready for that special screening room? Well, what did the psychiatrists say? There's nothing wrong with the decorations? OK! No problem...?"


Avery Tashi was busy until ten o'clock in the evening.

The review of the film made him feel dizzy.

It even numbed his sense of smell and he didn't know which movies were good or bad.

At ten o'clock in the evening, there was constant noise downstairs.

He was a little irritated by these sounds.

Then he saw a group of reporters carrying cameras, rushing eastward.

He frowned.

I briefly asked the doorman.

The guard told him that someone seemed to have had a heart attack after watching "Seven Days to Die".

Avery Tashi is not superstitious.

When he heard this, he smiled, thinking that Zhang Sheng might be trying to attract his attention through hype again, and asked him to watch the so-called "Seven Days to Die".


Finally, he glanced in the east direction.

After being silent for a long time, he finally decided to give Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu a chance.


Is it possible that this young Chinese director can really give him some amazing movies?

He took out his cell phone and made a few calls.

More than ten minutes later...

Several judges walked down tiredly.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, we really don't want to watch any movies, we just want to have a good sleep!"

When they saw Avery Tashi, they had a wry smile on their faces.


Even so, after Avery Tashi said something, the judges finally nodded.

They got in the car and drove towards [Sailu Cinema].

When a group of them arrived at the entrance of the cinema, they saw reporters gathered around the entrance.

A few people glanced at it curiously, but they couldn't squeeze through the crowd. Moreover, "Seven Days to Die" seemed to be very popular, with almost countless people watching it in the middle of the night!

Avery Tashi made a phone call with Zhang Sheng.

After a while...

He saw Zhang Sheng walking out with a smile on his face.

Warmly inviting them in...

They followed Zhang Sheng into a slightly cold screening room.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, please sit here..."

"Hello, Mr. Chogoris, sit here..."


Although it was a midnight show, the cinema was packed with people.

Avery Tashi sat down.

He didn't know why, but he felt an inexplicable sense of depression...

He didn't know where this depression came from.

He looked around. The decoration in the cinema seemed a bit abnormal. The placement of some items seemed a bit messy?

He shook his head!

Then the lights went out...

The movie begins!

Just when the movie was officially playing, he saw Zhang Sheng next to him answering a phone call.

Then, he suddenly saw Zhang Sheng's expression changed drastically and turned very ugly: "What! What happened to Mr. Leo John?"

Zhang Sheng's expression...

It doesn't seem to be an act.

When the movie was showing for one minute, Zhang Sheng suddenly came to the side of Avery Tashi, and then took a deep breath with an apology on his face: "Sorry, Mr. Avery Tashi... let's find another one." Let’s go to the screening room…”

"Mr. Zhang Sheng..."

"This screening room is closed! Elaine! The movie has stopped and this screening room is temporarily closed! Sorry, everyone, follow me to another screening room!"


Avery Tashi watched Zhang Sheng stand up suddenly, then ran to the middle of the screening room and shouted at the top of his lungs.

The movie that was just shown was cut off by the staff immediately!

Avery Tashi looked at some busy staff and confused spectators not far away...

He suddenly became nervous.

all of these!

Doesn’t seem like hype!

What's going on in this movie theater? Is something wrong?

(I felt really guilty. Then, I broke my promise and updated it again... 7,000 words today!)

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