I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 326 The Spring of Counterfeit Phones (Part 2)

Jos personally flew to China.

China is one of the key regions for future [IPO] companies.

There is a market with a population of 1.3 billion, and the economy has been developing like a rocket in recent years. If this market is managed well, it will be absolutely terrifying.

This time he came to China in a very low-key manner. Apart from notifying some old friends, he only brought his assistant Weiss.

When he got off the plane, he felt good.

Huaxia has a special channel for foreign friends. You don’t have to queue up or see anything. You can even get a taxi right after you go out.

The car is driving on the road.

The driver was a young guy. Because foreigners often came to Yanjing, and José wore a hat, the young man didn't think José and Weiss were very new.

However, quite talkative.

Jos had to admire the rapid improvement in China's per capita education quality, and a taxi driver actually knew English.

Along the way...

The driver introduced the tourist attractions in Yanjing to them in somewhat broken English.

Jos listened attentively.


There was an advertisement on the radio in the taxi, which made him feel particularly harsh for some reason. He vaguely seemed to hear an iPhone 4, or something.

He asked the driver curiously.

"Oh, this is a domestic brand that was just released a few days ago, called [Nimei Smartphone]."

"[Ni Mei Smartphone]?"

"Yes, the meaning of the advertisement is that they have better signals than the iPhone 4. At the same time, they support dual-SIM dual standby, free Internet access for twenty years, are fully touch-screen, and are waterproof and anti-fall..."

"Oh, sir, is the phone you are using an iPhone 4?"

"Haha, yes, I use an iPhone 4!"

"Why do I feel that your iPhone 4 is different from the iPhone 4 on the market?"

"What's the difference? It's the same!"

Joes was keenly aware that the iPhone 4 in the driver's hand had a strange streamlined design, and was slightly larger than the iPhone 4.

He asked the driver if he could show him his cell phone. The driver was generous and handed it to him immediately.

When he got the phone, he immediately realized that something was wrong. Not only was the appearance design much rougher than the traditional iPhone 4, but the weight was also different and seemed to be lighter.

This is a pirated copy!

When he stared at the unbitten apple behind the iPhone 4, his expression changed drastically!

Wait, are China’s piracy so exaggerated now?

He opened the interface inside.

Then, I found that the first display interface of the phone was exactly the same as iPhone4, but after swiping it lightly, ok! It can't be opened even with a light stroke...

Then, he realized that the screen was not a capacitive screen, but the cheapest resistive screen on the market!

"Hello, Mr. Driver, your phone is a pirated iPhone 4!"

"What kind of pirated iPhone 4? We are iPhone 4 phones... Everyone is using Apple 4, is there any difference?"

"There is a difference. iPhone4 has its own patent. Your phone uses the worst-quality resistive screen on the market. It is easily broken and has slow response time..."

"Sir, Zhenzong's iPhone 4 is so expensive. If you don't increase the price now, you can't buy it at all. How much does my phone cost?"

"How many?"

"Sold directly from the factory store, it’s only 699! For 699, you can buy the iPhone 4 with the same functions as the iPhone 4. It can take photos, shoot videos, access wireless Internet, even connect to QDog, and make voice calls...what do you want? Where’s your bike?”


The bus arrived at the station soon.

Joss got out of the car with a complicated expression.

He deliberately squeezed the Yanjing City subway with Wei Si.

The subway was so crowded that he was a little out of breath. Weis took a deep breath, and finally the two of them found a seat to sit down using their status as "foreign friends."


He saw many young men using iPhone 4 phones in the subway.

What he saw this time was not a pirated copy, but a genuine one...

However, he saw a young man who seemed to be holding a mobile phone and cursing something.


A young man next to him handed him a mobile phone case. After putting on the mobile phone case, the young man stopped scolding.

"Weiss, what are they talking about?"

"They said that when they bought the mobile phone at the Apple 4 store, they were given a signal case. Wearing this signal case, they can have a signal..."

"What?" Joss was stunned, and then thought of what McCann said when he was in the company!

Their [IPO] company has never launched such a mobile phone case at all. How come China has such a mobile phone case so quickly?

Then, his face began to look ugly.

Along the way, he found that many people had put a mobile phone case on the iPhone 4 that he was proud of...

The phone case is beautiful.

There are some celebrity patterns, some cartoon patterns, and some weird patterns that seem to be young and trendy.

“Where are these phone cases?”

"It seems to be from Yangcheng!"

"Yangcheng? [Yaohua Technology]?"


After coming out of the subway, Joss followed Weis towards the [IPO flagship store].

Yanjing’s [IPO flagship store] was very lively, with long queues all the way.

Jos was not surprised. After all, Weis had told him when he was in the United States that China was currently rushing to buy iPhone 4.

When he walked to the flagship store, he suddenly saw a young man holding a box of mobile phone cases and shouting something through a loudspeaker.

Then, some people who grab the mobile phone will walk over immediately, ask about the price, and usually buy one!

His eardrums were a little painful from the loudspeaker...

Then he glanced at Weiss next to him.

After Weisi heard what the young man selling mobile phone cases was saying, her face changed drastically and she became extremely angry!

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Joes, I...I feel very, very angry right now!"

"What is he saying that makes you so angry?"

“He said that Mr. James, founder of Apple 4 and CEO of [Apple Inc.], authorized a special iPhone 4 phone case…”

"What?" Joss's eyes widened when he heard a series of unfamiliar names.

What is this and what?

Immediately afterwards...

He came closer.

He found an American standing next to some mobile phone cases, holding a pipe and wearing glasses...

That American, at first glance, looks a lot like him!

Damn it!

China not only pirated his mobile phone, but also pirated his people?

He stared at the person in the picture carefully...

He even felt that the person in the picture was a photo of him at work, and was slightly Photoshopped to make his face whiter, his body fatter, and he added some blond hair...

Isn't this an infringement?

Weiss angrily wanted to go forward to argue, but was stopped by Joss!

"Take photos and collect evidence!"


Weisi suppressed her anger and left the [IPO flagship store] after taking the photos.

They came to another mobile phone dealer's store. The mobile phone dealer's store was very busy. When they stood at the door, they heard a noise.

Someone bought a fake Apple in that "Awei Mobile Store" and was arguing with the store owner...

When Joss took a closer look, his eyes widened!

It couldn't be said that it was similar, it was exactly the same as his Apple. Even the LOGO he saw was exactly the same, and it even said iPhone 4 on the back!

Is piracy actually so bad?

"This person just spent 4,999 to buy an iPhone 4. When he opened it, the system was all Android, and what's even more annoying... was actually made of a [Huaxing] mobile phone case! He didn't find out until three days after he bought it. His iPhone 4 was different from other people’s. He came up to argue with his phone, but the store owner refused to admit it and said he bought a fake phone to blackmail..."

"Are there so many counterfeit iPhone4s in China now?"

When Jos heard this, his whole outlook was shattered!


The final result was good.

After looking at the door for a while, Jos saw the police coming. The police came to check the mobile phone dealer.

Then, I discovered that the iPhone 4 phones sold by this dealer were either parallel-imported phones or Android phones with a case.


After seeing the police shut down the dealer suspected of "fraud", Joes did not have a smile on his face, but became even more speechless!

He glanced here and there.

"No 4999, no 3999, only 699, only 699, direct sales from factory stores! [Nimei] mobile phones, direct sales from factory stores!"

He heard the sound of the horn, and then he saw the [Niamei] mobile phone factory store not far away...

The mobile phones sold there are all pirated iPhone 4s. They just changed the icons and then started selling them openly!


They're all crazy!

When he saw that the factory store was crowded with many middle-aged and elderly people, and even some young people came to watch the fun, his facial muscles twitched slightly.

The blood all over the body is trembling!

Anger filled his whole body...

He originally thought that Chinese piracy was very powerful, but when he actually came to China, he realized the horror of Chinese piracy!

"Go to Yangcheng!"

"Mr. Jos, are we really going to Yangcheng?"


"Mr. Joes, when you go there, you must be mentally prepared. Ever since the Android system was opened and the guy named Zhang Sheng opened up some [appearance patents], some mobile phone manufacturers in China have gone crazy... I I just got news that there are not that many people queuing up at some [IPO flagship stores] in Yangcheng, and some iPhone 4 phones and even some pirated phones are not selling as well!"

"Don't worry, I have made all the mental preparations for coming from China this time. By the way, everything you saw in China will be made into evidence and information, and fed back to our Ministry of Commerce, so that the Ministry of Commerce can Come forward!”


Joss was calm enough to finish explaining these things to Weiss.


He looked into the distance.

He narrowed his eyes!

Immediately afterwards, he followed Weiss into a car and walked towards the airport.

"By the way, check to see if that phone case was made by that person named Zhang Sheng!"

"Okay! Got it!"


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