I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 336 Cannes is his home ground (Part 2)

Three major international film festivals in Europe.

Venice has the longest history, but it is stingy.

The red carpet was lackluster, and the film market was extremely small and even closed for a time.

Berlin is much more grand than Venice, but most of them are monopolized by European cinema giants. In the past few years, there was no market for old American and Asian movies at all.


It is the place with the strongest commercial atmosphere among the three major film markets, and the place where "art" and "commerce" are best combined.

Nearly a thousand companies are registered every year, and the turnover can reach hundreds of millions of dollars. At one time, countless filmmakers flocked to it and rushed in like crazy.

There are more companies, and naturally there are more bosses.

Naturally, many businesses received invitations to the award ceremony dinner!

There are famous...

There are also unknown ones.


Who can have trouble with money?

Bustling venue.

Zhang Sheng stood in the corner, chatting about movies with some directors in the small group.

at first……

It was his first time attending Cannes. His face was excited but also a bit nervous and uneasy. He struck up a conversation with the British female director Valerie...

Valerie's movie "The Bottom" is a movie with an investment of US$700,000. She is the producer, director, and heroine...

I originally signed up for Cannes with the intention of giving it a try, but who knew I was shortlisted...

a month ago!

When she heard that her film "The Bottom" had been shortlisted for Cannes, she almost went crazy.

But filming the movie "The Bottom" also made her a little embarrassed. On the eve of arriving in Cannes, she found that she had not even bought a dress that suited her.

Of course she was a little frustrated.

Of course, when she walked into Cannes, she felt much less depressed.

She was frightened by the excitement of Cannes and the countless crazy reporters and media. It seemed like a world-class movie carnival...

When "The Bottom" was screened in Cannes, it was not very popular. It was a niche literary film. Although they worked hard to sell the film, the film rights were very limited. It has only been sold in three countries so far. Copyright, and it's some messy small film producers...

In Cannes, or anywhere in the world, newcomers are not taken seriously.

When she walked in from the red carpet, she was among the last ones...

She is not tall, on the contrary, she is only 1.5 meters tall.

She was not beautiful either. Even though she was carefully dressed up, she still couldn't hide the freckles and concavities on her face, which made her feel somewhat inferior.

When she walked into the awards show with a group of teams, she didn't even know what she should do or what she should say, and then she just sat there stupidly...

She thought she would sit until the award ceremony started, but no one expected that a young man from China came over to chat with her.

At first, Valerie couldn't figure out the origin of this young Chinese man who spoke fluent English and had both a Western gentlemanly demeanor and an Eastern elegant and restrained style.

It seems that he is a "film producer" from China who has abundant funds and is eager to buy their copyrights. This is how he introduced himself at the beginning. He seems to be a producer. "Seven Days to Die" is the first movie in Cannes history. A shortlisted "horror film" seems to be his work.

At first glance, Valerie shrank warily, then stood up politely and shook hands with Zhang Sheng.

He said he liked her work very much...

Then, we talked about "civilian" art in movies.

Her first reaction was that this Chinese person must have seen her movie.

In the following chat, she was convinced that she had not only watched her movies, but also really enjoyed her movies...

Later, she found that when chatting with this Chinese man, she felt very comfortable, like a spring breeze blowing from a far away place, blowing on her cheeks, and making people immersed in the gentle voice.

It’s easy to let go of some of the vigilance in your heart…

Then, unconsciously, she started to talk more.

People who are good at listening are naturally easy to like.

But soon, Valerie discovered one thing, that is, I don’t know when, there seemed to be more and more directors and producers around...

It started with new directors like Valerie…

The Chinese director in front of me can easily call out their names and their directors accurately...

During the chat, Valerie discovered that he was not only a "film dealer" and a "producer", but it seemed that last year, he was also the organizer of the [Southern California International Film Awards] in Brazil...

This award is somewhat unfamiliar.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that Valerie has heard of this name internationally?

In short, Valerie became more and more excited the more she listened...

Then, I don’t know if it was a bandwagon effect or something else, but more directors gathered around this Chinese young man...


Marshal Zheng sat back on his chair.

Looking at Zhang Sheng not far away, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.


His mood will not be affected by a "little person". He just feels that Zhang Sheng is like a "clown" trying to please others.

Zhang Sheng is desperately trying to integrate into this group and into the West to make him look more present, but most of the directors around him are "little directors" who have just come to Cannes.

Shaoshuai Zheng realized that he did not mean to look down on young directors, but what was the point of knowing those young directors who couldn't even sell the film rights and were just here to make soy sauce and accompany them?

When he first walked into Cannes, Marshal Zheng was as enthusiastic as Zhang Sheng. He thought that if these directors won awards and soared into the sky, he would be able to accumulate more connections in Europe and the United States in the future.

But later, he gradually realized that at the Cannes International Film Festival, there were very few low-cost films that suddenly "counterattacked", and his thoughts faded away.

Cannes is not Berlin or Venice. It pays more attention to the perfect combination of business and art.

No matter which one of them becomes a shortcoming, it is impossible to win the prize...

Over the years, there have been too many new directors coming and going at the [Cannes International Film Festival]. Some new directors have only been shortlisted for the first time in their lives, and their international standing is not even as good as his, Shaoshuai Zheng.

He sat calmly and looked at the big screen in front of him.

As a burst of beautiful music sounded.

This year’s [Cannes International Film Festival] awards ceremony has finally begun.

He subconsciously glanced at Zhang Sheng.

Then, his expression turned a little cold.

Although Zhang Sheng was separated from these directors, Zhang Sheng kept walking among the various crews, seeming to be chatting about something.

He looked so busy and busy, like a maggot, which made Marshal Zheng disgusted and at the same time felt extremely ugly.

Especially when he said something while sitting next to the new British director Valerie, Valerie screamed excitedly...


When Shaoshuai Zheng saw the staff coming to Zhang Sheng's side, he reminded Zhang Sheng to sit back in his seat and not to disturb other people...

Shaoshuai Zheng suddenly felt very disgusted, and even felt that he couldn't bear it inexplicably.

[China, it is the presence of such unqualified people that brings shame to us]

【This is bad nature! 】


He thought of this in his mind, and then the expression on his face became even colder.

on the stage……

After the performance, the two hosts came over and talked a lot.

Off stage.

Zhang Sheng didn't seem to stop because of the staff's reminder. Instead, he pulled the staff member to a corner and seemed to be chatting about something.

Marshal Zheng actually didn't want to look at Zhang Sheng, because he felt that Zhang Sheng's appearance really made him feel sick.


He finally took a look.

Marshal Zheng didn't know what Zhang Sheng was talking about with the staff member. It seemed that after the conversation, when Zhang Sheng went to talk to some directors about things, the staff member stopped caring.


Zhang Sheng's figure was more secretive and did not affect other people.

[What is he signing? 】

Marshal Zheng really doesn’t want to look at Zhang Sheng anymore!

However, when Zhang Sheng's figure with his head lowered appeared next to him, he couldn't avoid it.

He saw Zhang Sheng holding a contract and handing it to a director not far away...

on the stage.

The show was loud.

Off stage.

Zhang Sheng followed the director named Mikhalkov, who seemed to be from Russia, to sign something.

Marshal Zheng suddenly became irritable!

I want to scold my mother!


Must be calm!

He eventually calmed down again, then became a little nervous again.

The awards ceremony has begun!

When the first award appeared, the entire scene erupted with excitement and noise.

The first award is the Golden Camera Award for Best Film.

He saw his movie "Mountain City" hanging in the position of "Seven Days to Kill" and "The Bottom"...

Golden Camera Award!

At least it is incomparable to awards such as the Palme d'Or and the Best Director Award...

It can be regarded as the consolation prize in the entire competition unit!


Even if it is a consolation prize, it is an award within the main competition unit.

Moreover, how many awards does the [Cannes International Film Festival] have in total?

He stared closely in front of him, staring at his "Mountain City".


"Sorry, give way!"

He saw a figure suddenly raise its head, blocking his sight.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Zhang Sheng passing by him with a silly smile and holding another agreement.

"Hey, Director Zheng, so you are here, and our two crews are still standing aside?"

Marshal Zheng's face was cold.

Ignore Zhang Sheng's familiarity...

But Zhang Sheng seemed to have taken root, blocking his view.

"Please, give way!"

His voice was extremely cold.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you had a cold when I saw how pale your face was. I just wanted to help you take a look..."

Zhang Sheng got out of the way.


He heard bursts of applause.

far away……

The lights are on!

He stared.

He saw that his "Mountain City" was not selected...


The British female director named Valerie won the award!

Valerie stood up excitedly, hugged one of the girls on her team tightly, and then rushed onto the stage.

"Hey, what a pity, "Seven Days to Die" was not selected..."

"It's okay, Mr. Zhang. Look, Marshal Zheng, Director Zheng's movie seems to have been rejected... Look at his face, it's as white as a zombie!"

"Shh, Director Bi, what do I teach you on a daily basis? I told you not to speak ill of people behind their backs..."

"I didn't back it up either. I said it in front of Director Zheng, and it wasn't a bad word. I was stating a fact..."

Marshal Zheng stared ahead with a gloomy face. Bi Feiyu suddenly turned his head and looked mean!

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