Close hand?

Zhang Sheng did not respond to Li Yanhong's words, but looked into the distance silently.

Once Pandora's box is opened, it can never be closed again.

Want to stop...

Easier said than done?

This is no longer something he can do.

After Li Yanhong felt this suffocating silence, the expectation in her eyes gradually fell behind, and then she showed a self-deprecating smile: "I understand..."

A gust of wind blew into the hall and blew against her body. She felt very cold and wanted to shiver.

She lowered her head and glanced again in the direction of the box in the distance.

A glimmer of hope briefly emerged, and she thought about countless thoughts.

For example, walk in and chat with Marshal Zheng...

For example, walking in and chatting with Wu Guanli...

But in the end, she turned around and left [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant].


June 15th.

Countless practitioners in the Chinese entertainment industry feel a cold chill that is sweeping through [Shengshi Entertainment].

The once arrogant [Shengshi Entertainment], which controlled half of China's entertainment industry, is declining at an incredible speed!


[Shengshi Entertainment]’s stock price fell to the limit early.

Once the commanding heights, close to 92!

In just five days, it dropped to an astonishing below 50...

Countless negative news about [Shengshi Entertainment] hit the headlines of major media, and [Shengshi Entertainment]'s public relations were already exhausted.


That's not the worst thing.

The worst thing is that nearly 30 small and medium-sized entertainment companies in China held a press conference to report [Shengshi Entertainment] in public with real names. In the past three years, there have been various bad things, including monopoly and suppression. , some means were used behind the scenes, and there was even a series of evidence of persecuting "artists"...

No one could have imagined that [Shengshi Entertainment], a leading company in the Chinese entertainment industry that was so glamorous overnight, would be so miserable inside.

When netizens saw this scene, they were stunned!

People who eat melon eat it like crazy...

"Damn it, I just said, why can't I see Zhang Sheng's remarks? It turns out... Zhang Sheng has been banned!"

"Yeah, I'm just wondering. Such a big event as Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu winning the [Cannes International Film Festival] has been hyped abroad. If you don't actively search in China, you can't find the news. This is so abnormal!"

"Damn it! [Beijing News] just broke the news that Li Yanhong of [Shengshi Entertainment] actually paid 200,000 to ban Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu, so that [Beijing News] would remove the news about Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu!"

"Many bloggers on Weibo also broke the news. They received money from Li Yanhong... Also, many bloggers were suppressed. The bloggers [Cao Lv Chong] and [Nangong Nan] even broke the news. Li Yanhong launched Because of my relationship, their accounts were banned for three took a lot of effort to get them unbanned!"

"Damn it, how can Li Yanhong, an agent, be so energetic?"

"Of course Li Yanhong, an agent, doesn't have this kind of energy. He must be authorized by the company..."

"Why? Why does [Shengshi Entertainment] target Zhang Sheng?"

"This starts from the movie "That Summer". At that time, when Lin Xia was discussing copyright with Li Yanhong of [Shengshi Entertainment], Zhang Sheng got involved, causing the copyright to be sold to [Starlight Future]... …”



A blogger named [Yangyangyang] broke the news about the personal grudge between [Shengshi Entertainment] Li Yanhong and Zhang Sheng...

The content was written in such detail that it was as if the blogger was standing next to the two of them watching the "meeting"...

After reading it, netizens were filled with indignation and were so angry!

When [Yangyangyang] broke the news, another paparazzi named Zhuo Sipeng started a special live broadcast on [Jitu Video Website] in order to gain traffic.

Live broadcast...

Zhuo Sipeng wore a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses and adjusted the camera with a smile on his face.

Later, after seeing more and more netizens rushing into the live broadcast room, he pushed up his glasses, and then he was in full view of everyone.

He took out a C-level Shengshi Star contract from [Shengshi Entertainment]!

He cleared his throat!

"Today, with a feeling of trepidation, I reveal to you the current situation of newcomers in the Chinese entertainment industry!"

"This is [Shengshi Entertainment], a very ordinary newcomer contract!"

"The name of this contract is very nice, it's called [Prosperous Star], but we must not be fooled by the name of this contract..."

"I asked a lawyer to take a look at this contract yesterday. It's only 10,000 words, but close to 8,000 words. It's all a trap. Moreover, the liquidated damages in it are frighteningly high, with a minimum of two million..."

"The recipients of this contract are those countless girls and boys who are chasing their dreams and eager to become famous overnight..."


"Here, in our live broadcast room, we have invited an artist friend who has suffered deeply from the [Shengshi Entertainment] contract. Her name is Zhang Panpan, a freshman at Yan Film Academy..."



Li Yanhong stayed up all night.

When I return to the company...

She saw that everyone in the company had a strange attitude towards her, and they all avoided her, for fear of being contaminated by something dirty.

The girl at the front desk who used to be so attentive and called "Sister Hong" "Sister Hong" subconsciously picked up her phone to play games when she saw her coming...

Her face was stiff.

Finally I didn't call the girl at the front desk.

The elevator was slowly rising, and the door of [Shengshi Entertainment] was surrounded by countless reporters.

Looking at these reporters, she seemed to see "human-loving" beasts.

When the elevator reached the public relations department, she saw that everyone in the public relations department was busy, but they were still too busy.

[Shengshi Entertainment] Vice President Jin Shijie stood at the door of the office and looked at her coldly.

She walked over silently...

"Mr. Jin!"

"Come in……"

The imaginary thunderous rage did not appear.

When Jin Shijie walked into the office, he silently walked to the window, overlooking the countless people in the darkness below.

"How long have you been in [Shengshi]?"

"four years ago!"

"Oh, four years, it's really long enough..."

Jin Shijie's voice was so gentle that Li Yanhong, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, could not understand what the words meant.

The office fell into silence again. After a long time, Jin Shijie turned his head and looked at her: "The company will not mistreat any old employee who has made outstanding contributions to the company."

After hearing this, she nodded silently but did not say a word.

"We will send your salary, including bonuses, for the next two years to you, and we will also void your non-compete agreement..."


"If you are willing, you can still hold shares in our [Shengshi Entertainment]. If you are not willing, we will acquire some of your shares at a high price!"


"Director Cui Hao, don't worry, our company will focus on training him..."


Jin Shijie said a series of words one by one.

Li Yanhong listened, but felt her spine getting colder and colder, and her whole body wanted to shiver.

But at this juncture, there is no point in making loud noises and angry accusations. They can only consume the last bit of dignity.

"Can I stay at [Shengshi Entertainment] and start over?"

She suddenly asked such a question to Jin Shijie's back.

Jin Shijie turned his head, smiled gently, and his expression gradually became serious: "I do not deny the possibility that in the future, after the storm has passed, you can come over and continue to create value for our company. I, myself, welcome you from beginning to end... …”


When Li Yanhong heard this, she was silent for a moment, and finally nodded with a smile: "What do I need to do?"

"Whatever you have done, just say it. There is no need to add fuel to the fire or cover up anything..." Jin Shijie looked at Li Yanhong, still smiling.


Li Yanhong nodded.

Walked out of the office.

When she walked out, she saw a large number of noisy artists, lawyers and reporters gathered in the company lobby.

She saw a familiar figure!

She saw Zhang Panpan coming!

Zhang Panpan held the contract and stood in front of the hall with a cold face, accusing [Shengshi Entertainment] of the contract at the top of his lungs!

At that moment, Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Panpan as if she were a stranger.

For Zhang Panpan, Li Yanhong actually always had the intention of cultivating him.

However, when signing the contract, she was too hot-tempered and self-righteous.

She wanted to polish her up until she was almost ready. When she could really adapt to the rhythm of this circle, she would push her up.

Therefore, she made her suffer some hardships and let her know that nothing in this world can be achieved overnight. If she wants to climb better, she must restrain herself more!


After experiencing repeated blows, Zhang Panpan became more obedient and sensible.

After observing for several months, she felt that she had indeed seen a change in Zhang Panpan, so she handed Zhang Panpan a role in "Those Flowers".

She still has Zhang Panpan's grateful expression in her mind...


She never dreamed of it!

Zhang Panpan's previous obedience, obedience, peace of mind, and steadiness...

It's all pretend!

Zhang Panpan's eyes lit up and he soon saw her...

Then he rushed towards her!

"This is the contract she forced me to sign!"

Countless media rushed toward Li Yanhong like a tidal wave. Zhang Panpan took the contract and denounced her hoarsely.

She saw a lot of evidence...

Including recordings, some photos, and some agreements. It turned out that she had been collecting evidence and had been waiting for some opportunities.


Well done!

At this moment, Li Yanhong shuddered suddenly, and in a daze, she felt that a big net had enveloped her a long, long time ago.

She suddenly thought of Zhang Sheng's innocent but sincere smile.


Ice cold!

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Then, she was completely drowned in a whirlwind of voices.



She felt a voice.

It's the sound of an avalanche.


"The penalty has been issued! [Shengshi Entertainment] was fined by the relevant departments, with a fine of 1.3 billion!"

"Their movies have been censored, and some of them, such as "Wing Chun" and "The Three Kingdoms", have been banned from overseas release..."


[Starlight Future].

What a joy!

The staff members seemed to be watching the video of Li Yanhong coming out to apologize, admitting that she had done a lot of things, and then being infuriated by countless denunciations.

They also saw the punishment news issued by the relevant departments. They saw that [Shengshi Entertainment] was fined 1.3 billion!


in the office.

The singer Mozi ran in in a hurry, his expression solemn, even slightly frightened and panicked.

"Sister Sheng Nan, I... I have offended Zhang Sheng before. I even scolded him. Will I be punished as well?"

"Li Yanhong was played to death by him, I..."

"Actually, I also brushed the data and secretly suppressed Zhang Sheng..."


He said this series of words breathlessly.

It's like the end of the world.

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