I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 360 I didn’t let you sit on my lap

"Graduation Years".

The novel was released in early June.

As the second work of the beautiful writer Lin Xia, it is also the work of the same name of the famous documentary "Graduation Years". Once the novel was released, it caused a huge response in the market.

On sale for five days!

"Graduation Years" sold an astonishing 10,000 copies, twice as many as "That Summer" at the same time!

After one month of sales, the popularity of "Graduation Years" has not diminished. On the contrary, due to the good reputation in the market and Lin Xia's amazing popularity accumulated on the Internet, it actually sold 50,000 copies!

Fifty thousand copies, doubled again!

In this dwindling physical book market, 50,000 copies in the first month is already a shocking figure. You must know that this is not a reference book or a novel, but a documentary-themed book... …



In a bustling cinema.

Lin Xia, wearing a mask and hat, stood at the door of the cinema and waited silently.

Although she disguised herself very well, many boys still couldn't help but look towards her.

The exposed skin and cheeks, as well as the proud and concave figure, especially in the summer, when you stand there wearing a short skirt and exposing your slender legs, you look like a model, which makes people unable to help but I want to see more...

Countless eyes fell on Lin Xia. After feeling some blazing light, Lin Xia's cheeks turned slightly red and her legs shrank slightly.

It didn't bother her at all.

She has always been like this since she was a child. Wherever she goes, she is the center of attention. The only thing that makes her uncomfortable is that the short skirt she is wearing today is really too short...

Even though everyone was wearing this, she was still a little uncomfortable with it.

However, she didn't think about it for long before she turned her head and looked to the other side. At this moment, she was looking at the entrance of the mall, waiting for Zhang Sheng's arrival.

She hasn't seen Zhang Sheng for more than a month.

It’s not that I miss you particularly, or that feeling like “one day is like three autumns after not seeing each other”.

However, her new book "Graduation Years" became a hit. After it became popular, she always felt a little grateful to Zhang Sheng, and felt that she wanted to treat Zhang Sheng to dinner, watch movies, chat, and discuss the path she should take in the future. , and also asked Zhang Sheng to help him analyze the new book and what should be appropriate to write...

All right!

These reasons are far-fetched.

Lin Xia thought about it carefully and felt that deep down she wanted to meet Zhang Sheng.

About ten o'clock.

She saw Zhang Sheng coming.

She subconsciously walked in the direction of Zhang Sheng. After walking a few steps, she saw a short-haired girl in a suit beside Zhang Sheng.

She hesitated briefly, and then slowly watched them get on the elevator from the cinema door.

The short-haired girl kept chatting with Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng also bent down and listened carefully, nodding from time to time. His attention was completely on her, so that when the two of them passed Lin Xia, they didn't even notice. react to.

"Ahem, Zhang Sheng..."

I don't know if it's because the weather has been too hot recently, or if the air conditioner in front of the cinema is turned on too high, but Lin Xia just feels a little tight in her chest.

She finally followed Zhang Sheng and pulled Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was stunned and turned around subconsciously: "Ah, Lin Xia, why are you standing outside..."

"Seeing that you and this sister are having a good chat, I didn't bother you. Zhang Sheng, why don't you introduce me..."

"Mr. Shen, this is my classmate and my angel investor at the beginning of my business, Ms. Lin Xia. Ms. Lin Xia is also a great writer... Lin Xia, this is the actual manager of our [NC Entertainment] Mr. Shen, during the time when I was studying in seclusion, thanks to Mr. Shen for keeping [NC Entertainment] in good order..."

Zhang Sheng smiled and briefly introduced each other.

"Hello, Teacher Lin..."

Shen Xiaoxi looked at Lin Xia and stretched out her hand to shake Lin Xia's hand.

An instinctive complex emotion arose in her heart, but she still smiled calmly.

Lin Xia is too young.

Not only is she young, she is also very beautiful. Shen Xiaoxi has actually seen Lin Xia’s innocent photos online. Even girls who are also girls can’t help but admire her. Moreover, offline Lin Xia seems to have a better figure than online. ,more beautiful.

It is incredible that Mr. Zhang has such a female classmate.

"Hello, Mr. Shen!"

Lin Xia also shook hands with Shen Xiaoxi, but Zhang Sheng's words "keep [NC Entertainment] in good order" came to mind.

The word "organized" is a good word in itself, and she often uses it when writing. But somehow, after Zhang Sheng said this word, it seemed to have a different flavor.

Her eyes were surrounding Shen Xiaoxi unconsciously...

This sister is very beautiful at first glance, and this kind of beauty is of the kind that becomes more and more interesting the more you look at it, especially the decent words and deeds, and the temperament of a capable and strong woman exuding from her body. Lin Xia instinctively felt that there was an inexplicable gap between herself and her.

After shaking hands, both parties were silent for a while.

But Zhang Sheng glanced at the two of them briefly and laughed.

"You haven't bought a ticket yet?"

"not yet……"

"Then let me buy it."

Zhang Sheng nodded.

Just as I was about to go to the ticket office to buy tickets, I heard a familiar voice in the hall.

"Everyone! Everyone! We have reached a cooperation with [Dexin Cinema]. If you want to buy tickets, please join [Minuo Group Buying]. We [Minuo Group Buying] buy movie tickets in a group. Three people can buy movie tickets in a group. It’s a dime cheaper, the average ticket is 50 cents for a group of five people, and it’s two yuan cheaper for a group of ten people!”

“Everyone, our [Mi Nuo Group Buying] not only offers discounts on movie tickets, but also offers discounts on pizza. Join our [Mi Nuo Group Buying] to buy a group and get a 15% discount on the [Persian Pizza] next door! The more you buy in a group, the lower the discount will be. , you can enjoy up to 50% off! 50% off!”


Zhang Sheng saw a middle-aged woman with a warm smile, holding a signboard for "Mi Nuo Group Buying" and holding a mobile phone, walking through the crowd.

She was very attentive in introducing [Mi Nuo Group Buying] to everyone, inviting every customer to join the Q Dog Group, and holding movie tickets, she distributed them one by one.

Zhang Sheng was fascinated by her.

"Sir, please join our [Mi Nuo Group Buying] Q Dog Group. We have now opened a discount system for many brands. The more group buying, the more discounts we will get..."

"Sister Hong..."

"First...Mr. Zhang?"

Among the bustling crowd.

When Li Yanhong heard a familiar voice, her smile froze slightly, and then she looked up at Zhang Sheng, who was wearing a mask.

After a while, she retracted her phone.

"Sister Hong, are you doing group buying now?"


After Li Yanhong heard Zhang Sheng's voice, she didn't respond for a while. Instead, she looked at the group of nearly 300 Q dogs on her phone. After a while, she raised her head and said, "Yes."

One year ago today…

She stood silently on a high place, overlooking Zhang Sheng, a fledgling young man.

At that time, just one word from her could make Zhang Sheng unable to stand up completely.

Today, one year later, her identity has been completely changed. She is standing at the lowest point, doing the most ordinary customer accumulation, and can only look up at Zhang Sheng reluctantly.

"Can we talk?"

Zhang Sheng could tell the number of users on her phone at a glance.

He had no other expression and simply asked.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll finish my work first. When I'm done, I'll talk to you again..."

"Well, okay, I'll also buy three tickets to join the group."


The exchange of identities made Li Yanhong couldn't help but turn you into you.

She tried hard to adjust her mentality, let herself smile again, and then handed Zhang Sheng three movie tickets.

She watched Zhang Sheng take out his mobile phone, enter the Q dog group and join the group, becoming the 301st group buying user in the [Minuo Group Buying] group...

Then, she turned around, continued to smile, and started chatting with the next user about the [Minuo Group Buying] introduced to them.

"Sister Hong..."

"Oh, Teacher Lin, I almost didn't recognize it...Mr. Shen, add me to this group..."

Lin Xia saw Li Yanhong.

Unconsciously, scenes from when I sold the copyright of "That Summer" appeared in my mind.

That year...

Sister Hong's expression was so arrogant, and her eyes revealed a dimension-reducing blow from the superior to the inferior.

And now...

She showed a warm smile and patiently guided her on how to join the group. She introduced the business with all her heart, and her humble appearance made people look strange.

Seeing such a powerful agent fall into this state with my own eyes, I naturally have deep feelings in my heart.

After Li Yanhong invited her and Shen Xiaoxi to join the group, she walked towards the crowded place on the other side and continued to promote her [Mi Nuo Group Purchase].


The three of them entered the cinema one after another.

Lin Xia didn't know why, but she felt a little sour.

Shen Xiaoxi has been chatting softly with Zhang Sheng...

Chatting about the movie, introducing the producer of "Superman: Wings of Steel" and the cast of the movie.

Lin Xia listened carefully, but couldn't get a word in.

She didn't quite understand a lot of professional terminology.

It seemed as if a professional field was deeply suppressing her as a novice.

She vaguely realized that she and Zhang Sheng seemed to be in two different fields.

This made her very uncomfortable.

But she is not a very competitive person by nature, and it seems that Zhang Sheng and Shen Xiaoxi didn't talk about anything other than work.

These are quite normal.


My chest felt tighter and tighter.

In the end, she could only wait dullly for the start of "Superman: Wings of Steel".

The movie "Superman: Wings of Steel" actually has no plot...

It is roughly the story of Superman growing up on Earth, and then working as a reporter while saving the Earth...

But the special effects were done very meticulously, especially when the plane hit the screen, the whole theater suddenly screamed.

Many people find this scene very enjoyable...

She subconsciously looked at Zhang Sheng...

Shen Xiaoxi next to her turned pale with fright.

But Zhang Sheng was calm from beginning to end, and instead looked at the time...

"Lin Xia..."


"You can sit here with me."


Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng pointing at the location, and suddenly her face turned red from suppressing her emotions. She was startled and stammered: "This, how can this be..."

"What are you thinking? I told you to sit in my seat, but I didn't let you sit on my lap..."

"Ah..." Lin Xia blushed and lowered her head quickly.

She didn't even know how she said these weird words.

"It might take me a while to go to the bathroom. I have a good view from this position..."

Afterwards, Zhang Sheng turned around and warned Shen Xiaoxi again.

Shen Xiaoxi was stunned for a while, then looked at Lin Xia, and nodded again in the blink of an eye.


Zhang Sheng stood up with his head lowered and left the screening room.

"Teacher Lin, sit here..."

Lin Xia always felt that Shen Xiaoxi looked at her in a strange way.


Make her hairy.

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