I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 377 Another layout!

In the simple hall.

Everyone sat down one after another.

The stools are plastic stools that cost 8 yuan a set, and the buttocks are hard to sit on.

The office building was just rented, and there was no time to decorate it. Even the chairs in the office next door were broken wooden chairs that were unwanted by the previous business owner.


The place was quiet.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the man in the corner, Zhang Sheng, who was wearing a suit, wearing glasses, and his hair was neatly combed, looking as elegant as a gentleman.

Zhang Sheng straightened his tie and looked at the temporarily built high platform in front of him.

It's been a long time since I've worn such formal clothes, and I'm still a little used to it.

But wearing this outfit has an inexplicable benefit, that is, when Zhang Sheng comes on stage, countless inspiring words will instantly appear in his mind, and he can even be uncontrollably passionate, as if the pores of his body are filled with a layer of The power called "excitement"!

That was his professional habit.

Although I was very restrained when I came to this world, I couldn't help but feel excited as I walked up to the high platform step by step.

The original world!

He has also participated in a large takeout station!

I still struggled with my old rivals [Meituan] and [Are You Hungry] for a while.

Then, although it can't be said to be a defeat, it is definitely not the final winner.

He came in too late.

When [Meituan] was spread all over the second and third tier cities across the country, and [Are You Hungry] was about to take over the office buildings in big cities across the country, he brought his stuff to the scene.

that time……

Market share is already very small.

The eyes of capital have been fixed on the two food delivery giants [Meituan] and [Are You Hungry]? Although the two have moved from online to offline, and there were even news of live group fights between knights, in fact, in the end, [Meituan] and [Are you hungry] both survived...

The battle between [Meituan] and [Are You Hungry] is actually a battle between China’s two major capital companies, the big and small. The cruelty and madness of the battle have left countless other food delivery companies littered with corpses.

And Zhang Sheng is one of the few surviving families...


In the domestic environment at that time, it became increasingly difficult for Zhang Sheng to compete for market share between Meituan and Are You Hungry? He was still profitable at first, but later on, in order to survive and retain customers, he could only passively Follow the capital war.


Subsidize riders!

Subsidize merchants!

Merchant registration is free!

All kinds of money-splitting schemes finally made Zhang Sheng realize that his company had reached its limit. With his own strength, it was no longer possible to capture much of the market.

There are only two roads in front of him...

Either get acquired, cash out and leave, and continue to invest in new outlets and new tracks.

Either keep fighting until you run out of ammunition and food, fight to the last breath, and have no regrets.

Of course, there is also a third option. The third option is to let capital inject capital, be the spokesperson of capital, and work completely according to the capital's "analysis team"!

Naturally, Zhang Sheng cannot be the spokesperson.

He is rational and realizes that if he continues to play with [Meituan] and [Are You Hungry] with his small capital, he will only die!

In the end, Zhang Sheng's food delivery website was acquired by capital, and Zhang Sheng's shares, which were cashed out with a sum of money, were gradually diluted by capital. After several rounds of financing, and after achieving impressive performance, Zhang Sheng chose to go out completely and look for a new brand. outlet!

The food delivery website that lost its management by Zhang Sheng experienced a period of recovery through capital injection. But after a few months, after the first round of capital war, its market value continued to shrink, and finally became a victim of capital in the battle between Meituan and Are You Hungry?

in this world.

Being first is really important.

There is a saying that latecomers will catch up.

However, the road for those who take advantage of it is not crowded, and there is no fighting in the market. Everything is the resources before the wasteland was opened up. You can roam freely in the wilderness without worrying about anything!

Later Challengers, all you saw was a cutthroat market and crowded roads.

You have no resources, and the cost of opening up wasteland is greater than that of anyone else. You have to spend more financial and material resources than those who took the initiative, and you have to work step by step without making a mistake. If you make a mistake, you will lose everything, or even There is no chance of turning around.

Because Zhang Shengzheng knew this, he chose to get out in time.


"I remember, many summers ago, I was working in a hotel during my summer vacation..."

"I remember, that day was in June, and the earth outside was as hot as a furnace. Even if you were wearing shoes and stepped on it, you would still feel a heat wave that would turn the soles of your feet red..."

"Our boss answered a call and asked me to do food delivery..."

"Of course, you didn't let me go for free, but you gave me a dollar and asked me to buy a bottle of ice mineral water or popsicles after I finished the delivery..."

"That summer was the most exhausting one for me. I braved the heat wave every day and rode a bicycle to deliver food. The skin on my shoulders was peeled off by the sun. When I returned home, everyone thought I came from Africa..."

"I remember sometimes it rained and sometimes it thundered. Looking at the cloudy sky, I felt suffocated and depressed. Sometimes I fell down and broke my lunch box in a hurry, but I gritted my teeth and continued carrying the takeaway. Run far away..."

"That summer, I met a lot of people, many delivery people like me..."

"Some of them are summer workers like me, and the other part are a group of middle-aged people. They have no education and no companies want them, but in order to survive, they have to do this kind of manual work..."

"That summer, I encountered pairs of cold looks and ridicules. I once saw a mother at the door of a house asking her children to study hard. Otherwise, they would become a lowly delivery person like me..."

"I believe that most of you have experienced what I have experienced..."


"I still remember the oath made at that time!"

"If one day I become prosperous, I will lead a delivery team!"

"As long as they work hard enough, everyone in my food delivery team can earn over 10,000 yuan a month, giving them a stable income!"

"Everyone in my food delivery team will have an accident insurance every year, so that they can have peace of mind in their future life!"

"Each member of my food delivery team can be equipped with an electric vehicle, a uniform, a dedicated mobile phone, and an exclusive APP of their own..."

"There will be great freedom in my delivery team. Anyone who wants to make some money can work part-time. As long as they want to make some extra money, they can join it..."

"In my food delivery team, as long as the sales volume is reached, everyone will receive a bonus..."

"You can rest at any time when you are tired! If you want to work hard and make more money, you can definitely challenge your upper limit. The monthly order volume reaches 500 orders. The excess amount will be charged 5 yuan. The monthly order volume exceeds 1,000 orders. The price for all orders is 6 yuan, and the price for orders over 2,000 yuan is 7 yuan!"

"If you want to stop and rest, supplement your studies, and improve yourself, OK, as long as your knight level reaches gold, you can take the level screenshot and identity information of the [Honeycomb Ultimate] APP, and you can sign up for Yanshihua, which is about to open For night schools, as long as you meet the requirements, our teachers will recommend you to take the corresponding certificate, so that you can be more competitive in this society!"




Silence fell.

Everyone stared at Zhang Sheng closely.

Especially the takeaway knights, they were very excited.

Some of them are delivery boys at [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant]...

[Pang Xiaoan Restaurant] is so popular that people inevitably call to place orders. Over time, a group of teams are formed who are particularly familiar with this area of ​​Yanjing.

Some are delivery people in other related stores. At the same time, there are also a group of ordinary people at the bottom who have lost their jobs due to the [financial crisis]. They are constantly trying desperately to find a job to make a living in the job market, but places like Yanjing only Looking at academic qualifications, people without academic qualifications can only look at the ocean and sigh...

Zhang Sheng’s teacher, Shen Yi from the [College Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Center], receives all kinds of employment news every day. This time, he gathered them all.

Next to Shen Yi, his wife Xu Linlin, who was wearing a mask, looked at Zhang Sheng on the stage.

Some days ago.

Zhang Sheng came to her office.

I talked with her about employment for a long time.

[Financial Crisis] China survived, but the subsequent Euro crisis ushered in a new wave of unemployment...

Although the national economic department has formulated plans and strategies, employment-related departments are under tremendous pressure.

Naturally, the Ministry of Commerce is also under pressure...

Xu Linlin had just been promoted, and the various tasks and pressures once made her sigh, especially the employment of the people at the bottom and the promotion channels for the people at the bottom...

Zhang Sheng's appearance this time not only brought a mouth, but also brought two plans.

[Encourage vocational education and retraining], [Adult Education Promotion Letter]


Zhang Sheng helped prepare the proposal, including the slides.

After reading the proposal...

Xu Linlin immediately submitted the plan to the leaders of the relevant departments.

The leaders greatly appreciated the plan.

Xu Linlin was even assigned to find [a pilot project for adult vocational education].


The pilot program came naturally to Yanshihua University.


After Zhang Sheng finished his speech...

The applause sounded like thunder, and everyone was very excited!

When he stepped off the stage, Xu Guangbiao, who was holding his cell phone, took a deep breath.

Then he took the stage...

Introducing the APP of [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery].

After Zhang Sheng came down, he did not return to his position. Instead, he went to a secluded place and made a phone call to Lin Guodong.

"Uncle Lin."

"you say……"

"Can the [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] APP be built in for me? It will become the first takeaway APP for Android phones we sell and cooperate with..."


(Only one chapter today.)


(I have a fever and I really can’t write...)

(I’ll add more when it’s ready!)

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