I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 382 Congratulations on being nominated for the [Southern California International Film Award

year 2010.

This is definitely the craziest year in the Chinese film industry.

In June this year, the Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar" completely shocked the world with a staggering global US$2.6 billion and Chinese RMB 1.7 billion.

In October this year, another Hollywood blockbuster "Dreamland" suddenly hit. With its intricate narrative, highly creative visual impact that seems real and fake, and multiple levels of dream thinking, it once again set off a craze for watching science fiction movies.

In this movie, countless movie fans have come to the sci-fi movie to bring amazing "dreams within dreams". They can see high-rise buildings suddenly rising from the ground, and they can also see layers of mysterious mountains and endless changing directions. At the moment when the movie started, countless people even fell into the layers of dreams woven by the movie for a long time and were unable to extricate themselves. Even the China Movie Network specially opened a column for "Dreamland", commenting on this movie as "This is a great and... Extremely exciting movie! 】.

The Douban movie’s online rating reached an astonishing 9.4 points!

At a glance, you can see the unanimous praise and shock below...

Countless people have written about how amazed they were when they saw this movie. Despite the impact of "Avatar", many people will not be like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden when watching this movie, but the vivid intersection of science fiction and reality , a sense of suspense that combines unparalleled special effects with real scenes, and a more complex and huge plot setting. Some people even say that compared to "Avatar" and "Dreamland", this movie is another peak in Hollywood science fiction movies. …

The amazing reputation of the movie has brought crazy movie box office.

Although it was released for three days, due to the strong suppression of the main theme movie "1949", the box office of this movie just exceeded 100 million, but in the next three days, the performance of this movie was appalling.

Almost every day, it wildly bombards the Chinese movie box office with an astonishing box office of 40 million yuan. Even the main theme movie "1949" cannot resist its edge...

And what about the Chinese science fiction movies of the same year?

"Future Police" was nailed to the pillar of shame. Although the box office exceeded 100 million, its rating was as low as 3.2.

Earlier, the so-called science fiction movie "The Adventures of Zhang Feng" had a box office of 30 million and a rating of 3.5...



[Groupon] When we first entered China, we were like a group of wild wolves!

Backed by [Tengji Technology], it is tearing into market segments, and its huge impact once made [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying] unable to withstand it!

This is an era of huge traffic!

After about three months of fighting, both [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying] have made a brand new category of products, and they have abandoned the messy online shopping products.

No matter what they do, they can't take away the astonishing share of [Taozhu.com] in terms of online shopping. If they want to build a new online shopping website under the rule of [Taozhu.com], you will only be crushed.


They set their sights on two major blocks.

The first largest segment of group buying is catering services, and the second largest segment is movie ticketing.

In the field of catering, every company has their brains beaten into pieces. There are countless things like making fights offline, sneaking into stores in the middle of the night and tearing off each other's promotional posters...

In a sense, it is already close to saturation!

But the ticketing aspect is still a brand new track, and everyone is surging crazily in this track!

Today's movie tickets are roughly divided into three major blocks.

Self-built theater chains: Mainly selling tickets and opening memberships in offline shopping malls, led by Wangda Cinema and Maoku Cinema...

Traditional vertical ticketing websites: [Maimai Ticketing Network] and [Xiantiao.com] were newly launched. They were great when they were launched, but after mid-September, the traffic became less and less...

The third type is the group buying ticketing website that is the main culprit in killing traditional ticketing websites!

The sudden popularity of "Dreamland" reminded countless people of the "Avatar" a few months ago.

When the movie "Avatar" was first released, the online ticket purchasing system was not that popular, and there were not that many 3DIMAX theaters in China. Many people even queued up in long lines at the cinema, and took cars and planes to surrounding cities to wait in line. We waited in a long queue of nearly one or two kilometers just to watch this epic "Avatar" movie...

The amazing box office performance of "Avatar" and the amazing enthusiasm of China...

It made many people aware of the terrifying market in the Chinese film industry!


Let those countless [group buying websites] realize that this is a huge and well-reputed track.

So, they swarmed into major theaters...


When they rushed in, they found that [Groupon] had taken over half of the movie ticket sales!

October 3rd.

Tengi Technology, the company behind [Groupon], has officially cooperated with [Wanda Cinemas] to launch the 9.9 viewing epic masterpiece "Dreamland". Those with high membership levels can even watch "Dreamland" for 1 cent.

They are all plain and simple routines without any new ideas.


This track is becoming more and more crowded. Countless small websites are busy holding capital, but they are unable to cooperate with [Wanda Cinema Line]...

In the end, relying on the huge capital chain, the only ones who can really eat this piece of cake are [Baotuan.com], which cooperates with Tengji, [Group Buying] invested by Hongtian Capital, and Hongsen Capital + Tengji Technology [Mi Nuo Group Buying] and other ten companies.

"Mr. Zhang...I finally saw what capital monopoly is. What should we do next?"

"Hold on!"

"How long will it last?"

“Just wait until the capital tide recedes!”

"how much longer?"

"have no idea……"

At that time, Qiangsheng Online Mall was still struggling in second- and third-tier cities.

Li Dongqiang appears on various "local" TV news every day, and then introduces various preferential policies of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

I also listened to Zhang Sheng’s words and opened the ticketing system of [Qiang Sheng Online Mall], but barely managed to get cooperation from some second- and third-tier theaters...

These second- and third-tier theater chains don’t even have 3DIMAX theaters.

A B for embarrassment.


It is beneficial to publish news and publicity in one place like this.

The number of daily visits to [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has once again exceeded 100,000, and the number of merchants entering the mall every day is also constantly increasing.

Quite a bargain!

Will be profitable soon!


The Internet this year.

It makes countless people feel magical.

Shen Xiaoxi looked at everyone spending hundreds of millions on hundreds of millions, benefiting businesses and users, and unconsciously felt a bit dumbfounded.

Spend this money on yourself, even if you squander it extravagantly, you will never be able to spend it all in your lifetime!

If all this money was spent on movies...

Tsk tsk!

"Why are you drooling..."

"No, no."

There was a knock on the door in the office.

Shen Xiaoxi subconsciously responded. When Zhang Sheng opened the door and saw Shen Xiaoxi's face, he pushed up his glasses and showed a curious smile.

Shen Xiaoxi quickly wiped it with her mouth, and then found that her mouth was very clean. Only then did she realize that Zhang Sheng was kidding her.

"I just thought of some happy things..."

"Falling in love"

"Eh? No, no..."

"Ha, ha, it's okay after we talk."

Shen Xiaoxi was stunned, blushed subconsciously, and stuttered a bit in her answer.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind. She coughed lightly and was about to explain, but she saw Zhang Sheng sitting down with a smile: "It's October. In October last year, we were preparing for the [Southern California International Film Awards]. I didn’t expect that time flew by so quickly..."


Zhang Sheng's voice sounded a bit sad, and Shen Xiaoxi nodded in agreement, unable to help but think of October last year.

that time……

He is a little transparent, and he follows Chen Mengting, the president of the student union, running in and out of this circle in a daze, doing various things for Ah K.

At that time, looking at the astonishing housing prices in the big city of Yanjing, confusion and lack of hope were her main themes.

one year later……

He jumped up and became the boss of a small entertainment company.

I also made a lot of money!

Although I still cannot afford to buy a house, the distance seems to be getting closer.

She is thinking about taking out a loan to buy an apartment after she finishes her work in the second half of this year.

Thinking about it...

Shen Xiaoxi couldn't help but start thinking about it again.

"This year, the second [Southern California International Film Awards] will be held on November 11th! It will be this time every year from now on..."

"Well, okay, Mr. Zhang!"

"At the same time, you can hold a press conference for me. I want to say something at the press conference..."

"Huh? About what?"

"Just tell me, we [NC Entertainment] have something big to announce!"



[Group Buying] Headquarters.

Zhang Xing, who is half-bald and wearing glasses, is not polite, but rather sleazy, and he held another meeting with his team!

Facing the crazy attack of [Groupon], Zhang Xing inevitably felt a headache.

In fact, in the group buying market, [Tengji Technology] has always had the upper hand during this period.

Whether it is [Minuo Group Buying] or the ferocious [Groupon], they are both terrifyingly cruel!

This market is like raising voodoos. If you live, they will die. If they live, you will die.

Don't talk about moving forward together and making progress together.

Capital has invested so much money, and everyone is obsessed with it. They just want to monopolize the market and bite off a piece of meat. Who will come to see you keep pace?

Putting aside overseas capital to analyze the Chinese market...


In the Chinese market, there are always three opponents competing.

[Tengji Technology] headed by Zheng Huateng, Ma Yunhua headed by [Taozhu.com], and [Soudu] headed by Li Bing...

After three days of negotiations, Zhang Xing finally reached a strategic agreement with [Taozhu.com] and received another sum of money.


How to use this money!

This is the issue they will discuss in this meeting.

Burn money!

You have to be able to burn, and you have to burn to produce results!

Just after the meeting, Zhang Xing returned to the office...

He saw a piece of news about Zhang Sheng.

[[Southern California International Film Awards] Chinese Ambassador Zhang Sheng: Congratulations to Christopher Norey, the director of the film "Dreamland", and congratulations to McCaskey, the director of "Avatar" for being shortlisted for our [Southern California International Film Awards] Like Award]! 】

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