I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 405 Zhang Xing came to vote

October 31st.


A ray of sunshine shone on the land.

Look at this ray of sunshine...

Zhang Xing felt it was a bit dazzling and subconsciously blocked it with his hand.

After a while, after he got used to the sunlight, he got out of bed. However, resting did not refresh him, but made him even more tired!

I don’t know when it started…

Zhang Xing, like most people, has extremely poor sleep quality.

Ever since the [Group Buying War] started and he started to enter this track, he faced countless cold data every day.

For example, the number of visits to [Group Buying], the number of clicks on [Group Buying], the number of product transactions, the comparison of advertising revenue, how the competitor websites are...

He even once felt that he was a puppet controlled by various "data"!

Once upon a time, Zhang Sheng’s [tens of billions] subsidy started the first battle in China’s group buying circle. Like countless capitals, he rushed into this battlefield vigorously and fought to the death.

It hasn’t stopped yet...

The [Takeaway War] over there is already here!

early morning.

Zhang Xing drowsily got up from the bed and walked to the breakfast stall next to the [Group Buying] headquarters to have breakfast.

The usually bustling breakfast stall now looks even busier.

"Hello, sir, our [DianDian Takeaway] just opened today. Follow our APP, we have launched the [Free Breakfast for One Week] event!"


Ordered a bun and soy milk.

After just two bites, Zhang Xing saw several enthusiastic college students walking out with cellphones in their hands and smiles on their faces.

Zhang Xing subconsciously took the flyer.

I saw [Dian Dian Takeaway] in the flyer.

Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment, and then started chatting with several young people.

The young man introduced himself as Xu Xuhao, a student at Yanjing Technology and Business University. He got up early on weekdays and was able to work part-time, so he joined forces within the dormitory to create a "Dian Dian Takeaway".

The goal of [DianDian Takeaway] is very clear. The first customer is the college students in the area around the dormitory, and the second customer is the office building companies within the university, not too far away...

The takeaway delivery is also relatively simple, only breakfast is delivered for the time being!

Zhang Xing took out his mobile phone and searched for [Dian Dian takeaway] in the APP.

Only to find that this software does not exist at all!

"Boss, do you use iPhone 4?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Ah, the download system of our [DianDian Takeout] has not been enabled on iPhone 4 yet, but boss, don't worry, this is our phone number, you can call us to order food..."

"Oh well!"

Zhang Xing watched several young people wearing [Dian Dian Takeaway] uniforms and helmets with the same logo walking around the breakfast shop, and then walked out of the room.


Not long after, another group of young people came in from outside with flyers. The first thing they announced when they came in was another takeaway brand APP, which just opened today...

Zhang Xing looked at these young people...

They all held domestic mobile phones and taught the boss how to log in to the [App Store] and how to download their food delivery software...

Zhang Xing stayed at the breakfast shop for about half an hour.

In more than half an hour, he received three flyers and saw the breakfast shop owner fiddling with her mobile phone, downloading several takeout apps in succession while smiling from ear to ear.

When these takeaway guys come to discuss business with the proprietress, they will basically give them some benefits...

Promise to help expand the market and increase income is a must, and more importantly, they will give it away for free with every order!

In this half hour...

He also saw several "takeaway" battery carts of different brands passing by the stall and starting to take orders.

Zhang Xing was fascinated...

He never imagined that this wave of competition in the food delivery industry would come so quickly.

It's so fast that it seems like you don't even know the Basic Law.

He left the breakfast stall.

After leaving the breakfast stall, I was not in a hurry to go back to the company, but took a walk around the area.

When he visited the battery car store, he found that in front of the battery car stalls, there were activities to [rent a battery car with a deposit].

He called some "market researchers" from his company and confirmed one thing!

About dozens of battery vehicle brands have joined together to form the [China Battery Vehicle Alliance].

These alliances are divided into store-to-store areas and have established parking points and charging and supply points.

There are probably dozens of small battery cars parked at the parking spot. There is a person in charge of collecting deposits. As long as you pay part of the deposit, you can ride the battery cars away, but the riding range is the [Chinese Battery Car Alliance] area. scope……

Of course, as long as it is a battery car in the battery car alliance, no matter where it is parked, you can take the deposit slip and go to the store to refund the deposit. If the deposit is not refunded, it is no problem. The next time you use it, the money will be deducted.

Of course, these battery vehicles are not for ordinary people. Because they are a new business format and are in the preliminary exploration stage, the batteries in the [China Battery Vehicle Alliance] are only authorized to [delivery boys] from partners in the region. Unlock...

Three hours later.

When he returned to the company and was thinking about his future path, he heard a piece of news.

Zhang Sheng’s [Honeycomb Jisong] rejected the acquisition and shareholding of Huaxia Capital, but it was open to cooperation...



Zhang Xing met Zhang Sheng again.

After the two parties shook hands and exchanged brief greetings, they saw Zhang Sheng sitting in front of a chair and making tea.

Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Sheng...

There is not a book in Zhang Sheng's office.

Tea tables are not made of precious wood. There are usually one or two thousand tea tables on the market.

The tea set is celadon, but the glaze carved in the celadon is not a high-end thing. According to Zhang Xing's eyes, a set of about four hundred yuan is enough.


The cheap tea table and tea utensils could not hide Zhang Sheng's elegance. Against the backdrop of a simple and gentle pipa song playing on the speakers, he seemed vaguely out of place.

Under the afternoon sun, Zhang Sheng smiled modestly.

After meticulously brewing the tea cup, he handed it to Zhang Xing's hand with a sincere smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, have some tea..."

"Mr. Zhang, you have stoked the fire too much..." Zhang Xing is a relatively reserved person. After observing Zhang Sheng for a while, he took the teacup with some emotion on his face.

"Haha, I just want to do something in this era, but I have no other ideas..."

Zhang Sheng's smile is always so innocent, as if he is a college student studying in school.

All right!

Zhang Xing suddenly remembered that Zhang Sheng was just in his sophomore year...

There was a slight confusion in his mind, but fortunately in these years of entrepreneurial experience, he has also seen countless proud people. Although Zhang Sheng is outstanding, he is not a monster: "Mr. Zhang, do you understand your situation now? ?”

"What's the situation?" Zhang Sheng saw Zhang Xing's squinting expression, and a flash of surprise seemed to flash across his face: "What's the situation?"

"You are in a very dangerous situation now. It seems that you are making great progress, but in fact you are standing on the edge of a cliff. You will fall at any time and be shattered to pieces." Zhang Xing suddenly said this sentence without surprising anyone. After finishing this sentence Finally, he stared at Zhang Sheng closely.

"Mr. Zhang, you said..." Zhang Sheng continued to be surprised.

"The essence of capital is to redefine the rules and buy money after monopoly. The same is true for the [group buying war], and the same is true for the future food delivery war... You are the most calculating person I have ever seen, and you also have a very keen sense of smell. , you take a step ahead of the capital and customize the initial operating rules, and then, step by step, attract the capital to compete. In the battle, you reap the benefits... This move is indeed very exciting, but you don't Forgot, your entire net worth is only a few hundred million yuan..."

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I just want to do a small business and have no other ambitions..." Zhang Sheng seemed to look at Zhang Xing blankly.

"You have the Ministry of Commerce on your back, but you are not irreplaceable..."

Zhang Xing was not in a hurry, but took out a document from the bag that had not yet been made public by the Ministry of Commerce.

Zhang Sheng received a document and saw that [Taozhu.com] had also entered the support system of the Ministry of Commerce and began to vigorously develop "agricultural assistance", "poverty alleviation" and "Internet re-employment".

The document was also written in great detail. Almost all the outlets covered by [Qiangsheng Online Mall] included [Taozhu.com]. Although it didn't say anything on the surface, it secretly contained murderous intentions.

They are preparing to destroy the base area of ​​[Qiangsheng Online Mall] and completely cut off the vitality of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

Zhang Sheng was not shocked. Why did Zhang Xing get this information? He knew very well that with Zhang Xing's status, the Ministry of Commerce must have its own people.

"This is a fierce battle for you, but for a big company like [Taozhu.com], it's a simple wave of your hand... commonly known as, capital crushing!" Zhang Xing saw Zhang Sheng's silence. , a smile appeared on his face again: "Look at this information again..."

Zhang Sheng took another piece of information.

This information is actually a cooperation agreement.

On the agreement...

It is a draft agreement between [Group Buying] and some [major battery car manufacturers].

“You have united countless battery car manufacturers and established the so-called [Chinese Battery Car] Alliance, but don’t forget that the real sales kings of Chinese battery cars are [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], [New Era], etc. Big names…”

After reading this agreement, I saw at the back of it a preliminary draft that the Ministry of Commerce had just finalized today.

Zhang Sheng saw the contents of the agreement and saw that [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] were among the second batch of home appliances sent to the countryside...

Although [Hongwei] was included, the other no-name battery vehicles that Zhang Sheng helped nominate were all rejected.

Zhang Sheng has not even received the official document of this news.

"The first person to eat crabs can certainly have a bite of rice, but it is easy to be swallowed up by the latecomers. If your methods can be used, your capital can be used better... In the context of economic recovery, the country's top priority The mission is to rise, as long as it is within the scope of reasonable compliance, no matter it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat!”

"Zhang Sheng, you have accumulated primary capital, but I hope you can understand that now you are not a real chess player, but more like a lice sucking blood in the capital... Although you are very prosperous now, That’s because capital temporarily feels that your size is not worthy of their actual taking action. When they really take action, you will find that your foundation is actually very weak..."

"The cruelest way to die is for them to use your method and your routine to hit you hard!"


Zhang Sheng listened to Zhang Xing say a lot of things.

His expression was calm from beginning to end, and he no longer pretended to be stupid, nor was he frightened by what Zhang Xing said. Instead, he looked at Zhang Xing with a smile: "Mr. Zhang... I can't lose!"

"Why can't you lose?" Zhang Sheng's reaction was beyond Zhang Xing's expectation. He was briefly surprised and then stared at Zhang Sheng.

But I saw that Zhang Sheng's eyes were very bright, especially under the sunlight. Those eyes were like a knife, piercing the air fiercely, and then piercing his own face: "Mr. Zhang, you have come all the way. , you showed me so much confidential information, I guess you want to join forces, you want to be the spokesperson of capital in this era, you are not willing to be the spokesperson of capital!"

Zhang Xing's pupils shrank. When Zhang Sheng said those words, for a moment, he realized that he seemed to have lost the initiative in the negotiation. But after all, he had been in the battlefield for a long time, and his expression remained normal. Instead, he laughed: " For me, it doesn’t matter whether I become capital or not. I am capital..."

"Then Mr. Zhang, let's go..."


"If you don't cooperate with me, why are you talking to me so much? Everyone is busy, don't waste time..."


Zhang Sheng’s sudden painting style...

Zhang Xing almost choked on his tea.

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