"On November 8, our payment system [Zhilibao] will conduct the final round of negotiation and cooperation with Hua Xia Bank. If nothing unexpected happens, we will launch the credit card fast payment service for the first time in Hua Xia, allowing users to pay online System, more convenient..."

“In the past half month, we have acquired part of the shares of big-name electric vehicles such as [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] to promote the true [Huaxia New Energy] alliance and collaborate with [Taozhu] Network] regional points, sinking into cities, counties, and townships to carry out agricultural assistance, network re-employment activities..."

"Cooperating with [Zhilibao] is our [Beibei Financial] system. At the beginning of next year,..."

"We have begun to lay out the culture and entertainment area. At present, China's three major entertainment companies [Shengshi Entertainment], [Brothers Entertainment], and [Starlight Future]...we have all taken shares and invested in their film industries. In addition, we have Major theater chains around the world, such as [Wanda], [Wanda], [Times Cinema], and [New Era] have always maintained close cooperation, laying a good strategic foundation for us to enter the film industry next year..."



Hangzhou gradually becomes cooler in November.

Ma Yunhua wore a jacket and quietly listened to her subordinates reporting on various tasks.

So far, Ma Yunhua's [Taozhu.com] has been alone in seeking defeat and overlooking the heroes of the world, but his ambition has never been limited to [Taozhu.com].

What he wants to do is to build a comprehensive strategic system in finance, logistics, entertainment and film industry, health, cloud computing big data services (artificial intelligence), etc., to build [Jiahu Technology] behind [Taozhu.com] into China, Even to the unshakable financial empire on a global scale!

"Mr. Ma, Zhang Xing of [Group Buying] has approached Zhang Sheng to cooperate. This incident made Mr. Li Zongyao of [Hongtian Capital] very angry... Mr. Li just called me and wanted to talk to you in person. ... Our [Taozhu] system and [Tengji Technology] have been fighting to the death. No matter what industry we are in these years, we have won and lost each other, but history has proven that neither of us can take advantage, and there are even extreme cases. A new group of competitors may emerge from the feud..."

"Zhang Xing has started his own business many times and failed many times. He is not a person who is willing to be a chess piece. He wants to get on the card table and play games with us!"


Secretary Chen Yuanyuan diligently reported the current situation to Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua didn't say a word, just looked out the window.

In current China, many emerging industry resources are temporarily owned by [Jiahu Technology] behind [Taozhu.com], [Tengji Technology] behind [Qgou], and [Soudu Technology] behind [Soudu.com]. Take control.

The three companies stand at the top of China's technological circle, overlooking all living beings below like gods, and control about 30% of China's technological lifeline.

"If you don't accept the peace talks, keep fighting!"

Sunlight filtered through the window and shone on Ma Yunhua's alien-like face with squinted eyes.

"Mr. Ma, let's take out this track..."

"You may not think they are in full swing in this field of takeaway, but in fact, they will eventually serve our financial industry..."

"Mr. Ma, what do you mean, we want to develop [Zhilibao] from a payment tool for e-commerce transactions to a payment platform for various industries?"

"Well, after so many years of preparation, it's time!"

outside the window.

Ma Yunhua squinted her eyes.

In this [Group Buying War], he knew that he was burning money, but it was impossible for him to accept any peace talks.

The biggest difference between him and [Tengji Technology] is that Zheng Huateng of [Tengji Technology] is still defrauding children of their money, but he has already set his sights on the larger payment market.

The [Group Buying War] seems to be a battle between winners and losers, but in fact, it is a new round of "payment" petri dish.

"Then Zhang Sheng, who has been in the limelight recently..."

"Zhang Sheng is a talent. I will never underestimate this talent, so we must pay attention to it."

"How to say?"

"Hit me hard!"


November 8th.

Xu Guangbiao walked into Zhang Sheng's office tiredly.

As soon as I walked into the office, I sat on the sofa and "Ge You lay down"...

Zhang Sheng looked at him with a smile.

But he didn't speak or say anything. He just kept asking Shen Xiaoxi to pour water for him, acting like an uncle.

Shen Xiaoxi frowned, but did not say a word. Instead, she bent down and poured him a cup of hot water from the water dispenser and handed it to him. After he took a sip, he lay on the sofa for a long time, finally took a breath, and then sat down. He straightened his body: "Mr. Zhang..."

"you say……"

“Currently, our [Shengteng Technology] subsidiary has cooperated with 58 food delivery platforms to maintain their systems. At the same time, we have sold nearly 100 food delivery apps and earned 10 million... We [Honeycomb Jishui] Over a period of time, there have been nearly a thousand takeaway riders, and 1,300 merchants have settled in Yanjing and Yangcheng. From the beginning of [Honeycomb Ji Delivery], it has been truly profitable. Last week, we made a profit Five million yuan, five million yuan, more than the past month..."


Xu Guangbiao followed Zhang Sheng to report on the current situation of [Honeycomb] Jisong and [Shengteng Technology]. When he spoke, he was full of momentum.

Like a sword.

After Zhang Sheng heard the data, he smiled and nodded. He understood very well that Xu Guangbiao was using the data to pave the way for something.

"Mr. Zhang, am I considered a meritorious official in our system?"

"Yes, the credit is quite big."

"Mr. Zhang, I have no other requirements, I just want to take a big vacation..."

"Are you sure you want to take a vacation while starting a business?"

"Yes, I have been very tired during this period. Look at me, my forehead is bald and there is no grass growing on it. I am only 25 years old and I don't even have a girlfriend..."

"Although staying up late is a catalyst for baldness, it is not the main reason. The main reason for baldness is genetics..." Zhang Sheng said with a smile.

"This is the truth, but people have to take a breath, right? They can't keep grinding like animals!"

"Have you seen the gambling agreement I signed?"

"Yes, I saw it, but it's definitely not because of the gambling agreement. It's because I've been too tired these days and really want to take a break..." Xu Guangbiao dodged his eyes.

"Well, that makes sense. How long do you want to rest?"

"One week……"

"Okay, let's rest..."

"You agreed?"

"Agreed... By the way, now that you have some rest, do you want to go on a beach vacation? Watch girls in bikinis?"


"Oh, okay, the company will provide you with food, clothing, housing and transportation, and help you travel abroad."

"Ah, so good?"


"Then, when?"

"Now you can."

"Okay, then I'll go get ready?"


"Wait a minute, will I be given a guaranteed salary when I travel?"

"Here! You won't be short of bonuses or anything else..."

"Okay! Then, the work of [Shengteng Technology]..."

"Just hand over the work."


Zhang Sheng rushed out happily when he saw Xu Guangbiao.

When the office door closed again, Zhang Sheng pulled out a stack of [Brazilian Travel Vouchers] from the drawer and narrowed his eyes.

Just when Zhang Sheng was about to pick up the travel voucher and examine it for a while, thinking about letting some executives go to Brazil to have fun after this busy period, there was another knock on the door in the office.

"Come in……"

Zhang Sheng saw Li Dongqiang walking in from the door.

"Mr. Li..."

"boss Zhang!"

Compared with before, Li Dongqiang's skin is much darker and stronger.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] During this period of time, Li Dongqiang has been doing business in second- and third-tier cities. Li Dongqiang traveled around and must have suffered a lot.

Li Dongqiang sat opposite Zhang Sheng. There was no smile on his face, but he was worried: "[Qiangsheng Online Mall] currently has regional points in forty regions across the country... At first, we divided the average daily visit traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] into We reached 500,000, and when the daily transaction volume exceeded the peak, it exceeded an astonishing 10,000 orders. The profit was never high, but relying on the support and merchants’ service points and advertising system, we were able to make a partial profit under the premise of balancing the income and expenditure. Profitable, but I realized a very serious problem..."

"what is the problem?"

"Since the beginning of November, our traffic has been declining crazily, from 500,000 daily visits to 300,000. Just yesterday, the traffic once again entered a new low, 280,000, and then again If this continues, we will be knocked back to our original shape..."

"what is the reason?"

"[Taozhu.com] has come to an end. In the field of helping farmers, [Taozhu.com] swallowed up our traffic and offered more favorable prices than us... Moreover, [Taozhu.com]'s regional director Li Yuxing We have opened up the relationship between various units in our area. As long as we have media interviews, the other party will be next to us. Brothers in our area have had several offline fights with [Taozhu.com] local promoters..."

When Li Dongqiang said this series of words very angrily, Zhang Sheng saw a bruise on the right side of Li Dongqiang's face.

"How many times did you fight them?"


"Did you win the fight?"

"Then we definitely can't lose, damn, these grandsons..."

"It's good if you win."

"Mr. Zhang, this is not a matter of winning or not, but I realize that there is an extremely serious problem in our entire system!"

"what is the problem?"

"Drainage problem, Mr. Zhang, although you are involved in many industries, none of them is a pillar industry that can withstand the risk of capital. If capital wants to deal with us, it is very simple. All it takes is investment capital to crush us, and we will be unbearable. one strike……"


"Mr. Zhang, [Tengji] Technology has QGou Chat, with hundreds of millions of users! They have hundreds of millions of Internet users, making them invincible in attracting traffic in any area. [Taozhu.com] itself has a huge Capital chain, a huge capital chain can provide them with a long-term battle, and after these years of operation, they have formed specific user habits. When people think of online shopping, they will think of [Taozhu.com], not other miscellaneous websites. …”


"[Group buying] and [Minuo group buying] have lasted for so long and put in so many advertisements. What do they want to do? In fact, they are doing what [Taozhu.com] and [Tengji Technology] once did. They We are diverting traffic, providing various benefits, and trying our best to help customers form a kind of muscle memory and habitual memory..."


“Although our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has been spending money to attract traffic before, in terms of investment, we cannot match the continuous flow of traffic from capital sources. We cannot afford to fight for capital. At the same time, we lack our own pillar industries... …”

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