I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 414 Download One Billion Gimmicks!

this world.

Whether it is the 2G traffic download era of [Treasure Box], or the smart phone [app store] after [Treasure Box], except for the general tools that are free, other software can be downloaded for a minimum of US$0.29.

[Treasure Box] In this era, games and marginal software are paid behemoths that make a lot of money for operators...

The old era has come to an end and a new era has emerged. The former [Treasure Box] has long been renovated, optimized, and gradually faded out of the public eye. Even young people no longer remember the existence of this thing.


No matter how times change, the essence never changes.

In the second half of 2010, paid mobile games were one of the most profitable items in the App Store, accounting for an astonishing 52% of download revenue!

Among them, "Fruit Ninja" alone has generated hundreds of millions of revenue for the "app store" in less than half a year since its launch.


November 9, morning.

As soon as Zheng Huateng arrived at the company, he immediately confirmed with the "mobile game" department that the game would be launched.

Social networking is the foundation of [Tengji Technology], and games are the core of [Tengji Technology]. [Tengji] almost all of its investments and revenue in all walks of life rely on various games.

Zheng Huateng naturally attaches great importance to the mobile game industry.

A year ago, when it was confirmed that it would officially enter mobile games and regard mobile games as a new era strategy of [Tengji Games], [Tengji Technology] had already reached a cooperation agreement with [IPO China] and domestic mobile phone manufacturers and operators. , the time has entered November, and a series of "original mobile games" and web-ported casual games, headed by "Fruit Cutting for All" and "Maze Adventure", have been launched on the "app store" and major platforms in the form of paid downloads. Expand channels and expand quantity. On the other hand, it launches the [Tengji App Store] download platform, launches the use of Q coins to purchase game usage rights at a discount, and opens a Q dog account login interface. At the same time, users only need to use Q on their mobile phones for the first time. If you log in to [App Store], you can get free download permissions for some games.

Sunlight shines through the windows.

The head of the mobile game department, Qian Binrong, wiped his sweat.


I made a call to the person in charge of each major community platform of [Tengji Technology]. About twenty minutes later, an advertisement for [Tengji] related products appeared almost at the same time!

[Tengji version of [Fruit Cutting for All], [Maze Exploration] and other games have been officially launched and can be downloaded for both iPhone and Android phones! 】

[Download [App Store] to get free Q coins, 150 million Q coins, first come first served! 】


After doing this, Qian Binrong also contacted the [Tengji Weibo] department and ordered [Tengji Weibo] to put a series of advertisements on hot searches!

Looking at the crazily rising browsing data, Qian Binrong leaned back on the sofa slightly.

Enjoy a sense of control like "God"!

He has almost finished all the work he can do. Next, it is the matter of the [Tengji Planning] department.

"Mr. Zheng!"

At this time, he saw Zheng Huateng.

He subconsciously stirred and stood up.

"How about it?"

"In twenty minutes, the number of paid pre-heat downloads on all major platforms has exceeded 10,000. Currently, this number is increasing exponentially..." Qian Binrong said the data seriously.

The data performance is amazing!

But he wasn't excited.

He just felt a little more at ease, feeling that the first step into mobile games had been taken and the performance was good. All he had to do next was to implement the plan step by step.

[Tengji Technology] itself has a huge social traffic pool, although countless people are scolding [Tengji shameless] [Tengji plagiarism], and many players even scold Zheng Huateng while playing games...

However, we have to admit that [Tengji] has relied on traffic pools countless times in its history to defeat "original" with "reference" and "optimization" and has become its own trump card industry.

This trick works every time.


After Zheng Huateng briefly looked at the data, he nodded and walked towards his office.

Half an hour later.

In the office, there was a brief knock on the door.

The secretary told him that Li Zongyao from [Hongtian Capital] was here.

When Zheng Huateng heard the words Li Zongyao, his eyes flashed briefly, and then he nodded.

"come in."

A few minutes later, he saw Li Zongyao walking over with a young man about thirty years old.


Li Dongqiang always remembers the "insignificant", "excited", "shocked" and "ashamed" emotions he felt when he first met Lin Guodong.


After selling all his belongings, he was able to collect less than one million yuan. He was a low-level person.

When you see such a "big guy", you are mentally strong if you don't faint on the spot!

But now, he is rich, and at the same time, he has a group of subordinates from [Qiangsheng Online Mall] with tens of millions of wealth, who are sharpening their knives and preparing to start their second business with him.

I feel a little more confident in my heart.


When he saw Zheng Huateng again, he realized that Zheng Huateng didn't take him seriously at all.

He handed over a [mall operation] planning document, but Zheng Huateng didn't even look at it. He even prepared a lot of words, but he seemed unable to put them into practice.

The only thing he said in Zheng Huateng's office was "Hello, Mr. Zheng."


He never had a chance to speak.

Immediately afterwards...

He stood aside obediently and watched Li Zongyao and Zheng Huateng start chatting about group buying.

When Zheng Huateng started his business, Li Zongyao invested in Q Dog. Although he did not participate in the voting and execution rights, in a sense, he was one of the capital behind Q Dog.

Li Zongyao took [Group Buying] and talked with Zheng Huateng about the future of [Group Buying War]. Li Zongyao's core content was still that the two sides temporarily stopped fighting and took a break to clean up the messy things in the track.

[Group buying] investment is quite complicated. On the surface, there are only a few shareholders, but behind the scenes, it is actually extremely complicated.

Li Zongyao and Ma Yunhua hold about 49% of the shares, while Zheng Huateng and Ma Yunhua have been fighting in the market over the years, but in each other's fields, neither can do anything to the other.

Afterwards, the two parties chatted and talked about the payment system...

Li Dongqiang listened from beginning to end.

The more I listen...

The more he felt insignificant.

This feeling is completely different around Zhang Sheng...

When he was around Zhang Sheng, except for formal negotiations, he could not feel any momentum.

Zhang Sheng always smiles and is as kind as a big boy next door. However, with Li Zongyao and Zheng Huateng, he can clearly feel the swords and swords of business wars. At the same time, he also feels that he is taking things lightly, and the content of the other party's chats is getting more and more high-end. , and the level of leapfrog is crazy. Often the last topic is group buying, the next topic is games, followed by "ecology", "environmental protection", "new energy technology", countless high-end contents, with his knowledge reserve, he has completely Can't understand.

He could only remember all these things deeply in his mind and continue to digest them when he went back.

The chat lasted until noon, and he followed Li Zongyao and had a light meal in the canteen of [Tengji Technology].

On the way, Li Zongyao and Zheng Huateng finally talked about [e-commerce]. Li Dongqiang had countless plans and plans surging in his mind, but unfortunately, Li Dongqiang still had no right to speak and could only follow along like a follower.


The two sides are still chatting.

But Li Dongqiang could only sit on the sofa outside the office and wait.

He is bored...

So, I took out my phone and looked at various data.

After looking at it, I habitually opened the public data network of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Seeing this, he was a little surprised.

I originally thought that after leaving him and his team, [Qiangsheng Online Mall]’s daily visit data would drop to 300,000, or even drop further.

But no one expected that this data would actually increase!


This is normal data fluctuation and is normal.

Time passed like this minute by minute. In the evening, when his phone was about to run out of battery, he saw the traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] again...

The data has gone up again!

The day hasn’t even ended yet, and it’s close to yesterday’s full-day data!

Li Dongqiang began to be surprised.

Then, I thought of Zhang Sheng’s [Temple Escape] game...

When I was about to click in and take a look, I found that my phone was completely turned off.

Six o'clock in the evening.

The office door opened.

Li Dongqiang stood up subconsciously.

Li Zongyao walked out.

"Mr. Li..."

He was about to ask Li Zongyao about the situation, but saw that Li Zongyao just answered a phone call.

After answering the phone, Li Zongyao looked at Li Dongqiang strangely.

"Zhang Sheng is playing a game, you know that, right?"


"What game is he playing?"

"Ah? It seems to be a mobile game, what's wrong?"


Li Zongyao's face was still weird, but he didn't say anything and left [Tengji Technology] silently.

Li Dongqiang followed Li Zongyao, always feeling that Li Zongyao had something to say but did not say it to him.

When the two parties got on the bus, Li Zongyao glanced at him: "You do the shopping first, and I will invest 100 million first..."

"Ah, the cooperation with [Tengji Company]..."

"Tengji doesn't look down upon your small amount at all. You first make the mall have the same traffic as your previous [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and then go to Mr. Zheng... Even if Mr. Zheng wants to make a payment system, You need to see the results first, and rely on PPT or plan documents to talk about cooperation. I told you early on that it is unrealistic..."


Li Dongqiang nodded.

When he returned to the hotel, Li Dongqiang charged up his computer and turned on his computer. While browsing messages, he was thinking about the next project plan...

He saw a piece of news.

[Chinese mobile game [Temple Run] has been downloaded over one billion times worldwide! 】

He was stunned when he saw this title.

My eyes are so wide open!

A billion times!

Damn it!

What's going on?

He subconsciously clicked in.

Then, I saw an interview video of Zhang Sheng.

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