I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 421 The so-called gorgeous co-production is actually

Chapter 421 The so-called gorgeous co-production is actually...

eight years ago.

A film called "Xiang Chu" reached the highest point of the [Cannes International Film Festival] and became the first Chinese film to win the Palme d'Or.

And Wu Guanli, with this film, left a mark on Chinese cinema in the international film world.

In eight years...

Cannes, Berlin, Venice, the three major European film festivals, [Oscar International], [San Sebastian International Film Festival]... countless Chinese directors can be seen in almost every world-renowned film award. …

Some of them are old, some are young, they are excited, or some are high-spirited and come to these film holy places with masterpieces of Chinese films, eager to stay in the "international film world" and become "international directors".

They worked hard to meet various judges, and in the unknown darkness, some directors smiled humbly and knelt down humbly...

One after another, films that expose the ugliness, poverty, decline, corruption, and powerlessness of China's bottom class have been shortlisted for various awards.

One director after another, with these films, he won some fringe awards at international film festivals, and he was almost crazy with excitement...

After returning to China, they have become even more popular. Many directors have even transformed into the best among the fifth or sixth generation directors, with a full range of styles...


Kneeling and groveling never earns respect.

No other movie can win a true "grand prize" like "Xiang Chu".


Zhang Sheng smiled under the flames. When it was announced that the second [Southern California International Film Awards] had officially begun, waves of deafening cheers erupted not far away.

One by one, young filmmakers from China raised their hands excitedly.

[Southern California International Film Awards], although this is still an international Category A film festival not recognized by the International Film Producers Association, even though it is still inferior to the three major European film festivals and compared to the Oscars, it is still Many people are saying that this is a second-rate film award...


This is the time when Chinese filmmakers truly have their own stage in the history of international film.

This is a spacious stage.

Combining the exotic customs of Brazil with the ancient Chinese carvings, the bright lights shine on the stage, exuding an exciting and shining light.

The blazing flame was burning, swaying when the wind blew, but never extinguished.

Zhang Sheng did not deliver any exciting speech on the stage, nor did he stay long. After lighting the flame and making the announcement, he walked off the stage.

He came backstage.

Avery Tashi wore a handsome tuxedo, but there was no smile on his face.

He was sitting on a chair at this moment, staring at the screening schedule of the [Southern California International Film Awards], watching silently.

He was tired.

It was like being locked up in a dark prison, constantly suffering mental torture again and again, and finally on the verge of collapse, but was not allowed to collapse.

During this time...

There are a total of 150 participating films from China. He stays in the screening room almost every day, reviewing and reviewing films with the team...

Zhang Sheng gave him almost all the rights.

There is no threat of capital, no human relationships, only art purely based on movies, only looking at the essence of movies, and only pursuing deep-level art...

I have to say, the feeling of having the power of life and death is very good.

But later, when he watched one heinous bad movie after another, he only had an endless feeling of nausea deep in his heart.

About half of the one hundred and fifty Chinese movies are unsightly bad movies.

Among the remaining more than 70 movies...

I reluctantly selected more than 50 movies and were shortlisted for the [Southern California International Film Awards].

It's a pity that although the quality of these movies is not bad, they are not as eye-catching as the masterpiece "The Dog Over the Mountain".

During this period……

Avery Tashi was also ridiculed by many old friends.

Laugh at him for being crazy, laugh at him for being so self-destructive, and succumbing to this so-called second-rate film award.

Hearing these jeers, Avery Tashi didn't feel angry, and he didn't even have any waves in his heart.

The predecessor of any film festival starts from humble beginnings and moves forward step by step.

What makes film awards sacred and wonderful may be fueled by capital, but he always firmly believes that true art can resonate with many people.

last year……

The stage was as simple as a bullpen, and all the movies on display were bad Chinese movies. Even when you walked off the stage, you could feel the stench.

And this year...

The stage draws lessons from Oscars and Cannes...

All the lighting equipment is purchased according to the specifications of the three major film festivals, and the seven screening halls have been carefully renovated, and there is even a state-of-the-art IMAX theater.

The films participating in the exhibition are not only Chinese films, but also films that have participated in Cannes and Berlin and won awards. There are also some French and German films participating...

Everything is developing in a good direction.

"After the seven-day screening, a formal awards ceremony will be held on November 18th..."

After Avery Tashi saw Zhang Sheng, he pointed to the seat in front, and then motioned for Zhang Sheng to sit down.

When Zhang Sheng sat down, Avery Tashi began to chat with Zhang Sheng about the process of the Film Awards.

Zhang Sheng listened to the process silently and had no opinions on these processes. After listening, he did not speak and just stared at Avery Tashi's face.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, the way you look at me makes me feel uneasy..." Avery Tashi was extremely uncomfortable being stared at by Zhang Sheng, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

"I want to tell a story." Zhang Sheng did not respond to Avery Tashi, but suddenly said this.

"what story?"

"I have seen the history of film festivals such as [Berlin International Film Festival] and [Cannes International Film Festival]. Behind each film festival, there are precious stories... These stories were very thin at first, but as time goes by, They have gradually turned into traces of history, and we also want to convey a trace and spirit of history at the [Southern California International Film Awards]... For example, the Lumière Film Palace in Cannes once commemorated the historical first A movie "The Train Arrives" has established the historical significance of the movie. For example, Berlin was in ruins after World War II. The pain caused by the war needs a kind of entertainment to soothe it, and it also needs a positive spirit. Then, The [Berlin International Film Festival] came into being, and so far, you can see all kinds of stories in this film festival, such as Venice..."

Zhang Sheng told the story calmly.

Avery Tashi frowned but said nothing.

Zhang Sheng did not stop: "Our [Southern California International Film Awards] does not have such a strong historical color, so we really need a spirit to package [our Southern California International Film Awards], and the spirit, Often it comes from stories..."

"What story do you want to tell?" Avery Tashi finally asked when he heard this.

"A story about Mr. Avery Tashi, who insisted on his own ideas for the true art of film and fell out with capital..."



Ke Zhanyi flew to Brazil.

This time, he brought his new movie "Afterlife" to the screening of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

"Afterlife" has been shortlisted for the [Southern California International Film Awards].


Have an own exhibition hall.

This time I was shortlisted...

It surprised him.

Originally, he thought that he had left Zhang Sheng's family. He could not contact Zhang Sheng no matter what, so there was no chance of using the [Southern California International Film Awards] gimmick to promote.

But unexpectedly, half a month ago, he was suddenly informed that he was shortlisted and invited to participate in the exhibition.

I was both surprised and moved, and then I thought about what happened when I left Zhang Sheng.

Since "Future Police" and "Family Happiness 2010", Ke Zhanyi has made a small fortune. At the same time, he has become the most infamous among the six generations of Chinese directors.

Although he can still receive some movies in [Shengshi Entertainment], they are still some "traffic blockbusters"...

He knows very well that although [Shengshi Entertainment] can make him money, it will consume his popularity and become a designated tool.

Ke Zhanyi did not reject those "traffic blockbusters". At the same time, he also applied for the rights to his own new movie from the company...


He made this romantic fantasy film "Afterlife".

He invested, wrote, and produced this movie.

If this movie makes money, the company will give him a new strategic definition. If this movie fails...

never mind!

Ke Zhanyi shook his head and stopped thinking about those messy things.

When he came to Rociniya again, the mud, filth, and chaos were completely gone.

He saw wide roads...

There is a car parked on the spacious road.

All kinds of Chinese tourists were walking on the road taking pictures. Occasionally, there would be bursts of piercing screams from the tourists. Many celebrities from China came to join in the fun...

He saw various brands of mobile phones in Huaxia, and also saw the phone numbers of [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying]...

When he walked to the entrance, he could see battery cars with Chinese signs at a glance.

Tourists can ride electric bicycles on the road next to the beach and enjoy the beautiful scenery of this Brazilian city...

Just when he was about to move forward...

He heard a voice.

"Hello, netizens of [Jitu Video], I am Tian Zhonghong, a delivery person from [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]... Today is the first day of my seven-day free overseas trip. On the first day, I chose to go to [Southern California International Movies] Academy Awards]..."

He turned around and saw a beaming middle-aged man, recording a video on his mobile phone and excitedly showing off his journey.

The battery car passed him by.

He stared at the middle-aged man's back for a moment, slightly distracted.


He took his small film team and walked silently towards the other side.

Just when he was about to enter the screening area of ​​the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

He heard a burst of excitement!

"Here it comes, here it comes, the team from the movie "Avatar" is here!"

"Fuck, is this really true?"

"Yeah, the team from the movie "Superman" is here too, wow..."

"Wait, that's not right, why don't I know these people? Who are they..."


A piercing scream.

Ling Ke Zhangyi turned his head blankly.


He saw several young people he had never seen before getting off the promotional trucks for "Avatar", "Superman" and "Dreamland".

Under the spotlight, these young foreigners seemed a little nervous...

Not McCaskey, the director of the global epic science fiction blockbuster "Avatar", nor Christopher Norey, the director of the global science fiction masterpiece "Dreamland"...

Nor is it any of the familiar actors in these epic movies...

Not even a supporting character!

Some Chinese reporters and media who were originally excited were instantly confused when they saw this scene...

And Ke Zhanyi also had dull eyes!

At this moment, he seemed to have seen a scam that was not a scam...

Zhang Sheng relied on the gimmick of [Hollywood blockbusters "Avatar", "Superman", "Dreamland" and other movies to announce their participation in the [Southern California International Film Awards]] to attract a huge wave of traffic...


Wait, what about the so-called "Prisoners" so-called [gorgeous co-production, epic blockbuster]...

Damn it!

Ke Zhanyi took a deep breath!

I couldn't help but also uttered a curse word!

Wouldn't it be a case of dragging out these staff members to participate in the filming? It would be considered a gorgeous co-production, right?

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