I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 423 Sensation (Part 1)

It's a dark and airtight environment.

Corruption, blood, dryness, claustrophobia, darkness...

All imaginable adjectives are reflected in this area.

The background soundtrack is a very regular simulated heartbeat...


The heartbeat was gentle at first, and it seemed vaguely that a person was walking calmly in the darkness...

But as the camera lights switched slightly, and a knife loomed in the endless darkness, the heartbeat of the background soundtrack suddenly accelerated!

"Dong, dong, dong..."

Under the lens, there is still a thick, suffocating darkness, but the darkness seems to be magical, with ripples like water.

Immediately afterwards, the ripples turned into an outline. In the outline, a vague figure was reflected, and the voice was running away like crazy...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heartbeat in the background began to sound like a drum, as if the heart was contracting, expanding, contracting, and expanding violently, as if it would burst at any time!


As the sound of a knife cutting meat rang out, blood stained the lens red, scattering drops of color.


There was a silent darkness on the screen, and then, it suddenly lit up!

Under the lens...

A pair of hands stabbed into the heart, and then took out the beating, bloody heart.

The lens gives a close-up of the heart.

Blood vessels are densely packed and criss-crossed like a network...

It looks like a peach, roughly similar to a fist, and is approximately an inverted cone that is slightly flattened front and back. The four pulmonary veins are connected to the left atrium. The superior and inferior vena cava open to the upper and lower parts of the right atrium respectively. They are dyed red and are gushing out a stream of blood. There are pools of blood, and you can feel the strong smell of blood across the screen...

The shot is silent from beginning to end.

There was also silence in the screening room.

After a while...

There were bursts of retching sounds!


In the screening room.

Ryan stared at the screen dumbfounded.

Human instinct made him feel his stomach churning.

The crowded screening room was packed with people, but an unprecedented chill came from all directions in the west, making him shiver.

In the ear...

No sound could be heard.

"7 Days to Die" is Ryan's favorite horror movie.

His performance method can be regarded as a representative work of "delicacy" in East Asian horror films.

Through a series of techniques such as music, scenery, and lenses, the audience is given extremely strong psychological hints, and the deep-seated fears of human nature are extracted bit by bit and expanded infinitely.

The astonishing global box office of more than 100 million US dollars was not earned for nothing. Ryan can even confidently say that "7 Days to Die" is the pinnacle of global horror films...

This kind of peak is not only in the plot of the movie, but also in the shooting art and "horror art"!


Following the style of his previous work "Seven Days to Die", Ryan traveled thousands of miles from Laos and the United States to see Bi Feiyu's new work, hoping that Bi Feiyu could bring him another sensory experience!

He loved Bi Feiyu's harsh and delicate senses to the core!


He never dreamed that Bi Feiyu's "Prisoners" would have completely different expression styles from "Seven Days to Kill".

There is very little blood in "Seven Days to Die". It is always a sensory suggestion and a psychological layer upon layer, which makes people shiver down the spine!


"Prisoners" completely abandoned the style that Bi Feiyu had accumulated in "Seven Days to Kill" and began to open up and open up. From the very beginning, it showed the bloody "heart-breaking" in front of all the audiences!

"Heart-breaking" does not make people feel mature to the limit...

On the big screen, the camera gradually moved up again, to a row of sallow teeth, and then...

The scene presented makes people more and more nauseated. They actually put their hearts into their mouths and chewed them over and over again...

Ryan's pupils shrank sharply!

Finally, his stomach couldn't bear it anymore and he retched viciously.

Immediately afterwards...

He saw the screen in front of him flickering, and finally a line of text appeared.

[How much blood are you willing to shed in order to survive? 】

After this line of writing, the English letters in "Prisoners" were slowly pulled out in the darkness!

In the screening room.

In the first few minutes of the film, several people could not bear the astonishing sense of blood and left the screening room. Several girls even covered their hearts and cried in fear.

"How could he make a movie like this!"

"I...wuwuwu, I can't understand..."

The girls were very quiet in the screening room, but after walking out of the screening room, they suddenly burst into tears.

Someone left...

But some people took advantage of the gap and walked in and took up a position.

Those who came in saw a dirty, small, and smelly secret room. In the secret room, there were several people chained up...


In the corner, Zhang Sheng looked at the big screen.

Zhang Sheng has watched the original version of "Saw".

The script of "Prisoners" was written by Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu together.

The idea was born out of "Saw" and borrowed part of the plot, characters, and shots from "Saw"...


When he saw "Prisoners", he realized that the shots of human organs in "Prisoners" were so detailed that they were horrifyingly "in-bone", almost perverted.

He had seen the filming of "Prisoners", but he had not seen the reshoots of some scenes.

When the camera began to slowly move towards the secret room, Zhang Sheng instinctively felt that he was in a slaughterhouse, with gloomy bones, dripping hearts, twisted and wrinkled brains...

He used his unique lens language to fully present a cruel world of slaughter before people's eyes, and then explored the limits of "human nature"...

Before Zhang Sheng watched the movie, he thought about the possibility of releasing "Prisoners" in China. But after seeing the first scene, he understood that "Prisoners" was more exaggerated than "Saw" and even comparable to the original world. The scenes and plots that are comparable to those of the globally banned film cannot be released in China, and the authorities are not even allowed to promote it on official occasions!


But the strange thing is that it is clearly showing a scene of purgatory on earth, but the lens language is extremely artistic.

The tension between death is like a curse, slowly spreading on and off the screen...

He thought of another movie, The Human Centipede.

"Ms. Alpha, in the past month, you have said many times to 300 people on social media something like [Since you want to die, why do you want to live?], [People like you would rather die than live. ], [If I were you, I would die long ago], [How do you still have the courage to live], [Jump, jump quickly, don’t waste my time, if you have the guts, just jump], [Don’t jump. not human】……"

"Sorry, please allow me to say sorry for you. I invited you to our place in such a very dishonorable way..."

"I'm just curious, and at the same time, very eager to know how indifferent you can be to life..."


on the screen.

There was a background sound in English.

The voice was polite and full of magnetism. If the light in the secret room were not dark and filled with filth and stinking, everyone thought it should be the voice of a sunny, peaceful and noble Western gentleman.

However, when this kind of sound appears in this situation, it is extremely out of place, and it has a sense of strangeness.

The voice finally gave off a hint of smile, and the smile gradually became lighter.

It was as if a devil was constantly whispering in his ears.

Under the lens...

The main tone is still dark.

The weak lens light illuminated a woman.

It was a woman who was bound, squirming and struggling like an insect.

In front of the woman is extremely dirty excrement water, showing disgusting things, and in front of the woman is a complex machine, and a body with broken legs lying in a pool of blood...

There is a hole in the machine that is about the size of a person lying down. There is a faint light emitting from the hole. In the dark chamber, the faint light seems to be a different kind of hope.

The woman squirmed in that direction like crazy, crawled into the hole, and then saw that the bottom of the hole was covered with layers of blades...

As if seeing hope, the woman turned her head desperately and cut the rope with a blade...

But, after cutting the rope...

She heard the familiar voice coming from the dark world again.

"Dear Ms. Alpha..."

"You still have five minutes. In five minutes, the wall over there will press over and compress the entire space to only a gap..."

"If you want to live, you can probably only go through the small hole in the blade..."

"If you don't want to live, you can wait quietly for the squeeze..."


“Have you ever had meatloaf?”

"You will probably be crushed into a meat pie..."



Outside the screening room of "Prisoners".

It was crowded with people.

Full of noise...

The movie fans who came out were screaming, and many men were retching desperately, their faces were frighteningly white, and they didn't recover for a long time...

They panted heavily, as if breathing fresh air.

After calming down for a few minutes, they finally stood up.

Standing up, he was scolding!

Scolding "Prisoners" and Bi Feiyu...

Scolding this movie, it is simply a "demon" movie that should be sealed...

But after scolding for a while...

Several men couldn't hold back their curiosity and walked into the screening room again.

This movie makes people feel physically uncomfortable, but it also evokes a certain desire for curiosity deep in people's hearts.

Ke Zhanyi happened to be watching this scene...

I checked the time and saw that the premiere of "Afterlife" was still some time away, so I followed it in...

As a participating director, Ke Zhanyi naturally has a work permit...

The moment he walked in!

He just happened to see a woman squirming step by step towards the narrow intersection full of blades...

White flesh flowers...

The ghastly bones that cut through the flesh...

And the screaming blood...


He saw the wall of the room on the other side tightening, as if it were being pressed by some kind of juicer, squeezing out a pool of blood!


"I want to call the police!"

"I have to call the police!"


One person stood up in horror and pointed at the screen!

Then, like a madman, he ran out of the screening room excitedly.

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