I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 437 The Beginning of the Ticket War


Still going on.

But, when a person is completely shameless...

Then, all eyes on the stage are meaningless.

Not to mention the uproar, curses, shock and disbelief below.


Constantly shining in the vacant seats of those international directors.

When Zhang Sheng stood in the center of the stage, he continued to announce awards to those blockbusters in a very shameless manner.

Every time an award is announced, the camera will shine on the names in the empty seats: McCaskey, Christopher Norey, Pierres...

Each director's name shines brightly under the lens!

Zhang Sheng kept mumbling the names of one movie after another!

"Avatar", "Dreamland", "Superman: Wings of Steel", "Monster Slime"...

All the internationally renowned epic blockbusters in 2010 were awarded awards!

Those famous directors turned into foils, while the staff stood up excitedly and rushed to the stage.

A stage not recognized by the International Film Association...

But they suddenly lost control of their emotions.

He spoke excitedly in his acceptance speech.

On the big screen behind. It does not show the most exciting parts of the movie like the Oscars or other movie awards.

Instead, the clips and details that these staff members have participated in are shown in close-up detail.

In order for everyone to clearly see the sweat and sweat put in by every staff member on stage for these blockbusters, the figures of these staff members working in these movies even appeared on the screen...

When the emotional excitement reaches the critical point, it seems that only tears can express the gratitude in their hearts.

for example.

Prop master Scott.

At the end of "Avatar", a prop dagger was pierced into the big screen from far to near. His name was imprinted in that dagger...

In fact...

In every movie that Scott has participated in, there will be a fleeting prop imprinted with his name.

That was his last bit of stubbornness, at least it didn't leave anything behind.

But, of course...

The movie "Avatar" is like other movies. People were only shocked by the countless stunning special effects and visual impact, and never paid attention to the fleeting dagger at the end of the movie.

No matter how exquisite and full of details the dagger is, it is still a foil dagger.


Under the aura of a large film.

The little people behind the scenes of Hollywood movies are like screws, working hard to support one epic blockbuster after another.

But the countless flowers and applause will never belong to them.

They are unknown and no one cares about them. When introducing them, they will always say that they are a team under so-and-so.

Envy, fantasy, excitement, unwillingness...

After countless tossing and turning emotions, today I finally got a gift!

They stood in the center of the stage and enjoyed everything the stage brought to them.

Cry freely, be excited and laugh freely!

Tonight, they are the protagonists!


Gao Hui looked at the stage silently.

An unprecedented emotion stirred crazily deep in his heart.

When blockbusters such as "Superman: Wings of Steel" and "Avatar" award awards, among the competitors, there is always a Chinese film that is out of place.

And his "Spy" is tied with "Superman: Wings of Steel".

This failure not only did not make him feel any loss, but instead, his chest burned like a flame.

He was keenly aware that this was a signal.

A Chinese film will be placed on the same stage as Hollywood films, and it will take advantage of the popularity of Hollywood films!

When this thought occurs...

Simply unstoppable!

Taking advantage of the break in the awards show on stage...

He immediately picked up his cell phone and called the public relations department of [Shengshi Entertainment]!

After a while, a Weibo news link appeared on his iPhone. He clicked on the link and saw articles one after another.

[The Chinese film "My Sassy Girl Sadako" lost to the Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar", and newcomer director Xin Xiaoqi burst into tears on the spot! 】

[Epic-level defeat, [Southern California International Film Awards] Hollywood movies are still fierce, "Spy" unfortunately failed, director Gao Hui showed unwillingness... just one vote away! 】

【Shock! Hollywood movies suffered an epic collapse. Not a single Hollywood blockbuster won any important awards. Could the Chinese movie "Spy" be the big winner at the [Southern California International Film Awards]? 】



When Gao Hui saw this article, Gao Hui was stunned.

These articles are like short novels, which without exception portray Hollywood movies as a ferocious villain, while Chinese movies are the protagonists in those novels.

Article styles vary...

Some are ups and downs, some are tragic, some are inspirational, and some use the director as the starting point. How difficult it is to make a movie!

But, without exception, each article is extremely sensational, as if it has been specially crafted through a series of processes...

Obviously the article didn't say anything about how overwhelming the victory of "Avatar" was.

When Gao Hui finished watching "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and lost to "Avatar", he actually felt a sense of regret and unwillingness. He even had this award, which should have been awarded to "My Sassy Girl". Girlfriend Sadako" delusion!

He saw the report [Hollywood Epic Rout] again!

This report was written with great passion. One second he was still immersed in the unwillingness, but the next second, he actually felt that the fire in his chest was burning, as if it was about to explode.

It seems that this article weaves a dream for these filmmakers.

In the dream, the once arrogant Hollywood movies that bombarded the world have become prisoners of Chinese movies at this moment.

Gao Hui shook his head violently.

He can't watch anymore!

Damn it!

It's like reading a cool novel. You know clearly that the plot in the novel is just nonsense, but the more you read it, the more you become obsessed with it and lose your mind.

He finally stopped squatting in the toilet to read the reports.

He returned to the scene.

On site...

The Best Director Award is being awarded!

This is the biggest award in the entire Film Awards!

Bi Feiyu won the Best Director Award at the second [Southern California International Film Awards] for his two films, "Seven Days to Die" and "Prisoners"!


Inside the spacious and bright office.

[Cromecium] Cao Li and [Nangong Nan] Zhou Qiang are sitting on chairs, reviewing manuscripts one by one.

Below them, squatting were a group of Internet writers.

In front of each computer.

There are accounts on Weibo, [Tengji Portal], [Soudu Tieba] and other accounts.

Some of these accounts have hundreds of thousands of fans, some have thousands of fans...

a year ago……

The two of them were still newbies writing about hot topics on the Internet, and they ran [Cao Lv Chong] and [Nangong Nan] to earn Zhang Sheng's bonus and traffic advertising fees in the market.

half year ago.

Encouraged by Zhang Sheng, the two established a studio called [Orange Media] and gave them a part of the [Bird's Nest Office Building] as a development site for the company.

at the same time……

The two of them have gradually changed from a state of writing manuscripts by themselves and exhausting brain cells to find hot spots, to a team battle!

The two signed up a staff.

At the beginning, these staff were only asked to help with some assistant work such as managing accounts and posting on Weibo.

After seeing the potential of individual people, they will give these people lessons...

And help these people register accounts on major websites, and teach them step by step how to operate their accounts, how to create virtual characters, and even start teaching them how to write articles, so as to make the audience's eyes brighten!

Currently, these accounts are mainly for entertainment!

However, Cao Li and Zhou Qiang carefully divided the entertainment industry into several major sectors.

There are [Celebrity News], [Entertainment Events], [Chinese Movies] and [Chinese Music], etc.

During this period……

Naturally, a number of accounts and account operators were eliminated.


There are also many accounts left behind. These accounts have stepped on countless hot news and used some eye-catching remarks to attract many fans.

These accounts are the cornerstone of their future!

not far away……

Two people on the wall.

There is a large calendar.

On the big calendar, the release time of every movie and every song in the circle is written.

The calendar turned a page and it turned to November 29th!

"My Sassy Girl Sadako" will be released in China on November 29th.

When the movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" first started filming, the script was reviewed by the relevant departments.

As soon as the movie was finished shooting, the samples were sent to the relevant departments for review. As soon as the review passed, the schedule was set...

The two did not think deeply about why other movies were reviewed for at least a month, or even half a year, but why "My Sassy Girl Sadako" was reviewed so quickly.

At this moment, they are only staring at the data on the screen!

"The post we wrote "My Sassy Girl Sadako" has reached the top three topics!"



"The topic [Southern California International Film Awards] has reached the top of Weibo's hot search list. There is a group of trolls coming over. It should be [Shengshi Entertainment] buying trolls!"

“The first batch of pre-sales have started!”



This way.

The topic of the [Southern California International Film Awards] is getting more and more hyped.

On the other side, the Chinese group buying war has reached a fever pitch!

Zhang Xing’s [Group Buying] and Li Yanhong’s [Minuo Group Buying] almost immediately focused on [Online Movie Ticket Group Buying]!

They're staring at the heat!

And keep an eye on all the movies in the [Southern California International Film Awards] that can be released in China!

Their eyes gradually became intense!

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